Parliament House Of The Northern Territory

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SisterEllenKettle(displaycase) SisterKettlehad an extensivenursingand healthpromotions careerin the Northern Territory and is well-regarded for her workin remoteand ruralNorthernTerritorycommunities instigatinghealthand hygieneprogramsandworkingwithDr John Hargrave andleprosypatients. Shediedin 1999. GroupCaptainWilfredStanleyArthur DSO,DFC(Rtd) The portraitof GroupCaptainWilfredStanleyArthurwasdedicatedafterhis deathin 2000.GroupCaptainArthurwasa dispilotduringWWll andlivedin the NorthernTerritory tinguished afterthewar. GroupCaptainCharles'Moth' Eaton(displaycase) GroupCaptainCharles'Moth'Eatonwas the firstCommanding Officerof RAAFDarwinandservedas an Australian diplomat in Asia,in particular strengthening Australia's tieswiththe DutchEastIndies,nowknownas Indonesia. Station 4 - The Northern Territory Library The NT LibrarymanagesPictureNTa databasecontaining historicandcontemporary imagesof the NT.The libraryis openon Mondayto Fridayfrom 10amuntil6pmand on Saturdaysand Sundaysfrom 1pm untilSpm.This library alsohousesthe Parliamentary LibraryService. Commemorative Quilt Featuredin the Libraryis a quiltmadeby JennyArmourwhich commemorates servicepersonneland civilianswho were in Darwinon 19 February1942.Thereare approximately 1600 patchessignedby, or on behalfof, those who were in the NorthernTerritoryat alsodepictslocalbuildings at thetimeof thebombing. Station 5 - Speaker's Green The Speaker's Greenis a publicspaceandprovidesandideal viewingdeckfor the spectacular DarwinHarbour. MemorialFountain The water featureon the Speaker'sGreen has a granitecraftedDesertRoseemblemas its centralfeature.The fountain is dedicatedin memoryof PeterMalmstedtand Andrew Snowwhowerekilledwhena cranecollapsed duringthe early phaseof the buildingin March1991. construction Speaker'sCornerCaf6-has seatingoverlooking the harbour anda wideselection of hotandcoldmeals,sandwiches, drinks and sweets. Station 6 - Goncourse (Level 3) Portrait Gallery-Asyou walkaroundthe mezzaninelevelyou willviewportraitsof formerChiefMinisters and Speakers of the Northern Territory, alongwithotherhistorical information.

Station 7 -


Colour (singlehouse) TheNorthern Territoryhasa unicameral parliament, whichis deemedto be equivalent to the lowerhouse in a bicameralparliament. Greenis the colourthat denotesmost lowerhousesin the Westminster system,hencethe greenof the Chamber andthroughout thebuilding. A eucalyptus motifis a featureof the Chamberwalls. Galleries The Chamberfeaturesthreepublicgalleries,one enclosed.The gallerylocatedoverthe Speaker's Chairis the MediaGallery.

ParliamentHouse of the NorthernTerritory Self-GuidedTour

DispatchBoxes Thesewerea giftfromthe Commonwealth Parliament to the Northern Territoryin 1977lo commemorate self-government. The boxesare replicasof thosein the Houseof Representatives, Canberra, whichare modelledon the dispatchboxesof the House of Commons. Theyare madeof oak,ebonyandsilver. Historically, the Dispatchboxeswereintroduced intothe Houseof Commonsin the 17thCenturyandwereusedto transport documents and personalpossessions of Parliamentarians and to conveydocuments to the Monarch.Laterit becamecustomary for Membersto speakfrom the dispatchboxes,but in this Chamber this traditionis now only observedfor occasionssuch as the Treasurer's deliveryof the annualbudgetspeechand the Leader of the Oppositions' reply. Mace The Macewas presentedto the Legislative Assemblyin 1979by the Commonwealth Padiament to acknowledge the Northern Territorygainingself-government. Garrards,RoyalJewellersto Her MajestyQueenElizabethll, werecommissioned to craftthe Mace,whichleaturesgoldandsilvergiltandweighs approximately fourkilograms.

PublicTours Freeguidedpublictoursof Parliament Houseareconducted everySaturday commencing at 9.00amand11.00am. FromMayto September toursarealsoconducted every Wednesday at 10.30am. Bookingsarenotessential. pleasephone89461434or 89461509 Forfurtherinformation



Departmentof the LegislativeAssembly

Station 1- Foyer Foyer Constructionof ParliamentHouse began in 1990 and the buildingwas officiallyopened by the Governor-General, The HonourableBill HaydenAC QC, on 18 August1994.The cost precinctestimatedto be g'l70m. of the Parliamentary

station 2 - Main Hall Main Hat This is used as a formalfunctionvenueand can accommodateup to 1000guests.The pendantlightfittingsfeaturea eucalyptusleaf motif on the glass and draw the eye upward to accentuatethe grandeurof the building.

Australian materials feature throughoutthe building. The browngranitewas quarriedat Mt Bundy,southof Darwin,and the blackgranitein SouthAustralia.TasmanianSassafrasand Brushboxtimbersfeaturethroughoutthe publicareas.

Remonstrance The 1962 Remonstrancewas presentedto the Senateby the LegislativeCouncil of the NorthernTerritory,and reportedto the Senateon 29 August 1962. lt was returnedby the Senateon permanentloan, to the Speakerof the NorthernTerritory LegislativeAssemblyby Hon M. Reid, Presidentof the Senate on 18 August 1998 in commemoration of the 50'nanniversaryof the first NorthernTerritoryLegislativeCouncil. A second Remonstrancewas presented to the Senate and the House of Representativesfrom the NorthernTerritoryLegislative Assemblyin 1997. The documentoutlinedgrievancesthat pertainedto the Commonwealth Parliament'sintentionto overridethe Rightsof the Terminallylll act passed by the Northern Territory Parliamentin 1996. The documentoutlinedgrievancesthat pertainedto the Commonwealth Parliament'sintentionto overridethe Rights of the Terminally lll act passedby the NorthernTerritoryParliamentin 1996.

ParliamentHouse was designedto harmonisewith the Top End's tropicalclimate.The parasol roof and facade effectively diffuse80 per cent of direct sunlightfrom the inner building and serve as protectionin the event of a cyclone. The buildingis intendedto serve the NorthernTerritoryfor at least 100 years and has been designedto accommodate changesarisingfrom increaseduse. At present,the building accommodates Ministerialoffices,the Legislative Assemblyof the NorthernTerritory,officesfor electedMembers,the NorthernTerritoryLibraryand Parliamentary Counsel. Sturt's Desert Rose Mosaic The foyer has an embeddedstylisedmosaicof the Sturt Desert Rose,the NT floral emblem,designedby local artist GeoffTodd.This feature,madeof stoneand metal, symbolisesthe land, law and people.Six of the seven petals representthe statesof Australia,with the seventh representing the NorthernTerritory.The Parliamentis symbolisedby the radiatingarm betweenthe petalsand the circleof stainlesssteel.The peopleof the NT are represented by the curvedlinesof bronzeencircledby the stainlesssteel. The Craft Council Shop exhibitsand sellscraft itemsmade locallyand is staffedby volunteers. Harry Chan Bust Dr Harry Chan was the first fully-electedPresidentof the NorthernTerritory'sLegislative Council.The Legislative Council existedbetween 1948 and 'l974 which was initially made up of a combinationof Membersappointedby the Commonwealth Governmentand electedMembers. The Northern Territory Flag was designedby Dr Robert IngpenAM and was first raisedon July 1, 1978 to mark the grantingof Self Governmentto the NorthernTerritory.The flag incorporates the NorthernTerritory'sthree officialcoloursand the officialNorthernTerritoryfloralemblem.The Northern TerritoryFlagcontainedin the Foyerwas presentedto Dr RobertIngpenon the morningof Self-Government, which was later gifted to His Honourthe AdministratorTed Egan by Dr Ingpen


Tattered Flag found at the intersection of Smith and Bennett Streets,Darwinon the afternoonof the 19thFebruary1942. Donatedby Cpl. Hill R.W.J.,'R'Coy - 43rd Battalion- 523049 Bombing of Darwin Plaque Near the entry to the Officeof the Speakeris a small,ovalshaped plaque embeddedin the floor. lt commemoratesthe approximatelandingsite of a bomb that fell during the firsl attackon Darwinon 19 February1942and killed't0 Post Officeworkerswho had soughtcoverin a slit trench. The pillarsnear the plaquefeatureinterpretivepanelsin relation to the Bombingof Darwin.

The Northern Territory's Story-Centenary of Federation The pillarsnearthe entryto the NorthernTerritoryLibrary featurepanelsdetailingthe NT'sparliamentary and constitutional developmentfrom white settlementin the 1800s until Self-Government in 1978.These panelswill be addedto when the NofthernTerritorvachievesstatehood. Bark Painting NarritjinMaymuru from Yirrkala was an Artist, community leader,and proponentof the historic1963YirrkalaBark Petition.This artworkwas generouslydonatedto the peopleof the NorthernTerritoryby John and KathrynFlynnand family.


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Station 3 -

Historic Lobby

Post Office Wall The originalDarwinPostOfficestoodon this site priorto its destructionin the bombingraidsof 'lg February1942. Constructedof coal stone,this commemorative wall was made from salvageable or undamagedremnantsof the postoffice. Shrapnel Nextto the commemorative wall is a remnantof shrapnelfrom a bomb that fell on the Darwin Post Office. The shrapnelwas donatedby Mr Joe Fisher,a formerMemberof the Legislative Councilof the NT. The Time Capsule was installedin 1992and will be openedin 2048, which will mark the 100thanniversaryof the first sitting of the Leoislative Council.

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