The Parliament

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 820
  • Pages: 9
The Parliament (Majlis-i-Shoora) Loss of membership: They are entitled to resign to the presiding officers of the house. If they are absent for 40 days in the secession without informing the presiding officer. The election for such a seat to whom the presiding officer has declared vacant would help within sixty day. Privileges: Freedom of expression No case can be registered against a member for his utterance in the chamber. No case against any of his statement which he give in the house report. Oath of Office: The oath statement is being mentioned in the 3rd schedule of the constitution. No person can participate in the proceedings of the house unless he take the oath.

Qualifications of voters:  Citizen of Pakistan  18 years of age  Name of the votter writtenin electoral Rolls  The voter should not have been declared of unsound mind by any court Duration:  Five years from the date of commenecement of its first sesssion. Dissolution:  Original 1973 constitution, PM enjoyed the privilege to give the advice to the president for the dissolution of N.A, and then the assembly would stand dissolved within 48 hours.  8th Amendment, the president shall exercise this power to dissolve the assembly, when a vote of no-confidence has been passed against PM.  13th Amendment 1997, the president’s power to dissolve the assembly was repealed.  LFO 2002, restored the powers of the president to dissolve the N.A.  The PM, against whom the vote of no-confidence motion has been served, he cannot give such advice.  In case of Presidents dissolution of assembly, the new elections shall be held within ninety days from the date of dissolution.

Summoning and Prorogation:  At least 3 sessions in a year  The total duration of these session would be less then 130 days.  The session would be summon on the request of ¼ of its members within 40 days.  The speaker would summon or prorogue the session summoned by him.  The new assembly would hold its first session within 39 days after the election.

Speaker and Deputy Speaker    

 

In first session of the assembly elect its speaker and Dupty speaker among its members. Before assuming the duties, both shall take the oath of their offices. Deputy Speaker will preside over al the session in the absence of speaker. Speaker or Dupty speaker will not preside the session in which the motion of their removal is under discussion. The speaker can resign from this office by tendering resignation to the president. The deputy speaker tendering resignation to the speaker.

Removal:  If he has resigned  If e has lost his membership of the N.A  N.A has removed him by passing a resolution to this effect.  The notice should be given 2 days before the initiation of resolution for removal.  Such resolution should be passed by

Functions:  Preside over the meetings of assembly  Maintenance of law and order  He can issue warning to any member who defies the established rules  Effectively controls the deliberations  Can reject any question  Announce the result of any voting on some issue.  Obstruct any member from using objectionable language in his speech.  Can accept or reject any bill  Can declare any bill a money bill

The Senate 14 on the basis Proportional Representation By Provincial Assemblies

8 elected by Direct vote from federally administered areas

100 members

4 seats reserved for technocrats and ulems in every province

2 elected from federal capital on general seats.

4 seats for women reserved in every province

Powers of the Parliament Powers Of N.A Legislate n the matters come under Federal & concurrent list Not entitled to legislate over the matters which are the integral part of any province

The control of legislature over the executive is by Questions, criticism and resolutions. N.A enjoy special powers in matters of financial legislation

Parliament enjoy Quasi-judicial he validity of the legislation being done in powers through impeaching Presiden , gency would before for the six month period. by prescribing the nimber of supreme. cou All the members of cabinet are the part of parliament Vote of no confidence, cut motions and adjournment motion are the special powers of parliament

Both houses share equal powers in amending the constitution

Powers of Senate According to the 8th amendment both houses share equal powers in legislation. Money bills originate in N.A, senate is deprived of direct role to this effect.

¼ of the ministers are to be taken from the Senate

Senate can pressurize political executive by passing resolutions, Can legislate on all matters criticizing policies, and by moving related to the organization of judiciary adjournment motions . It also take part in impeachment motio However, Senate can not initiate the no confidence move.

Share equal powers with N.A in amendment

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