Parents Research Conforme.docx.pdf

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 684
  • Pages: 1
Republ i coft hePhi l i ppi nes Depar t mentofSci enceandTechnol ogy

PHI LI PPI NESCI ENCEHI GHSCHOOL–WESTERNVI SAYAS Br gy .Bi t oon, Jar o, I l oi l oCi t y5000 Tel .no.3292011; Faxno.3295644


School Year20172019

PARENT’ SCONFORME On behal fof_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,a st udentoft he Speci al i zat i on Year Pr ogr am

( SYP) of t he Phi l i ppi ne Sci ence Hi gh School West er n Vi say as Campus, I ,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ofl egalage, aspar ent / guar di an, her ebygi v eper mi ssi on t omyson/ daught er / war dt oconducthi s/ herr esear chwor kst ar t i ngJanuar y2018unt i lOct ober2018i nand out si det hePSHSWVcampus. Iunder st andt hatResear chi sacour sei nt hei rGr ade11andGr ade12, t hust heact ualdat agat her i ng st ar t sont hei rf i r sty earofSYPandcont i nuesupt ot hef i r stquar t eroft hesecondy earofSYP.Iam al so awar et hatdat agat her i ngmi ghtbedonedur i ngt heschool br eaki nJunet oJul y2018. Iknowt hatpr oposedbudgetf ort hepr oj ectandam wi l l i ngt oshoul dert heexpensesneededi nt he conductofhi s/ herst udy . Iam awar eoft hedet ai l sofmyson’ s/daught er ’ s/war d’ sr esear chpr oposalandIunder st andt he r i skshe/ shemi ghtt akei nt heconductoft hest udy .Iunder st andt hatmyson/daught er/war dmi ghtwor ki n f aci l i t i esout si det hecampus,conductf i el dst udi esi naquat i cort er r est r i alenv i r onment ,orseekhel pf r om ot heragenci esandi t sr epr esent at i v es.Ial soknowt hatmychi l dmi ghthandl epat hogeni cor gani smsand/ or chemi cal subst ancesi nt hecour seofhi s/ herwor ki nt hi sst udydependi ngonhi s/ herr esear chpr oposal . Iam al soawar et hatt her ewi l l bet i mest hatt her esear cht eachercannotaccompanymychi l d/ war di n hi s/ herr esear chact i v i t yandi nsuchoccasi oni ti smyr esponsi bi l i t yt opr ov i deacompani oni fIdeem i t necessar y . I ,t her ef or e,absol v et heschool ,i t sof f i ci al sandr epr esent at i v es,aswel lasanyot heri nst i t ut i onst hat wi l lext endhel p, i t sof f i ci al sandr epr esent at i v es, ofanyl i abi l i t yi ncaseanyunt owar di nci dentmayhappent o myson/ daught er / war dbey ondcont r oloft heseof f i ci al sandr epr esent at i v esi nt hecour seoft heconductof t hest udy .

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