Parent Volunteer Book _2_(2)

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 8
Jubilee Volunteer Info “Whatever you do, work with it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23 Volunteer Commitment: Jubilee is a parent supported school, meaning that it takes a tremendous amount of volunteer hours to ensure the quality of education provided to our children. Parents that enroll their children understand and agree to participate in their child’s education by volunteering their time and energies for at least four (4) hours per month either in school, on field trips or at home. Please track your hours monthly. In the strategic running of the school, the Board of Trustees chair various subcommittees, parents are encouraged to sit on a subcommittee that fit their talent and interest. Subcommittees generally meet once a month. The following are the board responsibilities and the representative:

Finance: Nancy Phifer Development: Erin Rimmel Strategic Planning: Erin Rimmel Technology: John Cook Parent Association:Amy Smith/Colleen McKerley Marketing/Volunteer Coordinator: Colleen McKerley Personnel: Katie Rogers Curriculum: Scott Phillip/Amy Smith Extra Curricular: Katie Rogers Facilities: Matt Foreman/Doug Taylor Operations: Ginger Weaver Please contact the board member to assist on a subcommittee. All board members are elected to the board for a 3 year term in the spring.

Classroom Help: Classroom Parent: Each class has a classroom parent that assists with parent involvement, prayer and classroom parties/events (Open House, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc.) and helps the teacher. Assist hospitality people when necessary. This can be an at home job. Parent is the representative to the Parent Association and attends 6 leaders meetings a year. Field Experience Coordinator: Each class has a parent that secures drivers/chaperones for field trips. This is usually done through email and is an at home job. Scholastic Orders: Process orders for the teacher and return tally sheet, this is an at home job.

*All teachers occasionally need help in their classroom this is communicated through weekly emails and may include reading in the classroom, help with a special project, etc. please help your teacher in any way you are able. Staff Hospitality: Staff Meals: Assist in coordinating breakfasts and/or lunches for teachers during staff orientation days, conference days, and Christmas lunch. Staff Gifts: Assist in coordinating gifts for teachers for orientation, Christmas and special events. Maintain a list of teacher’s favorites. Shop for items.

New Family Hospitality: Mentoring Coordinator: Recruit current families to mentor new families prior to the start of the school year and follow up during the school year prior to major events to ensure communication is taking place. This can be an at home job. Report to Parent Association board member. Mentor Family: Willing to assist new families, be available to answer questions and provide information. Must attend new family orientation meeting prior to the beginning of school and communicate with new families throughout the year prior to major events.

Library: Director: Responsible for all library work (training volunteers, purchasing supplies, etc.) in coordination with Ginger Weaver. Maintenance: Assist director in maintaining the library– evaluate, repair and label books. Must be done at school. Classroom Help: Assist during library time by helping students in 1-3 grades pick out appropriate level books and reading/listening to them. Assist with collecting books, checking and shelving. Thursdays at school. Computer Entry: Update our library system with new/donated books. Tie into Accelerated Reader system. Must be done at school. Book Fair Coordinator: Work with all aspects of the Scholastic Book Fair in late October. Book Fair Set up/Tear down: Assist with setting up and tearing down the book fair. Set up Monday morning from 9am-noon. Tear down Tuesday from 1pm-3pm. Book Fair Assist: Assist during Open House evening hours to man tables during the sale on 10/28 From either 6:30-7:30pm or 7:30-8:30pm. Assist during school hours on Tuesday afternoon 10/27 or Wednesday morning 10/28.

Optional Ongoing Fundraising: *These fundraiser profits go to the Parent Association to offset costs for special events. Sarris Candy: Fundraising for Easter delivery. Distribute and collect order forms, communicate with families and distribute candy orders. Takes place in late March/early April. Both at home and school job. Box Tops: Collect box tops from office, compile and send to manufacturer for reimbursement. At home job. Giant Eagle: Communicate to families about the Apples for Students program, send reminders, check website for points, attend one meeting at Giant Eagle, go to local stores to ensure Jubilee is on their posters. Most work done from home or weekends. Shop n Save: Communicate to parents about the program, collect and tally receipts from the office, tabulate results. An at home job. These are redeemed for special assembly programs through the Carnegie Science Center.

Ink Jet/Phone Collection: Collect from office, package and send to company for reimbursement. An at home job. Retail Program: Communicate for parent participation in any/all retail program: Office Max, Family Christian Bookstores, Carnegie Museums, Holcombs,, etc. Research any additional opportunities. Ensure renew of programs and website links.

*Race for Education (October 23), Year End letter (Late November) and Auction (Spring) fundraisers raise funds for our operating budget each family is asked to participate in these school wide events to help offset tuition costs.

Scripture Memory Program: Director: Set up and distribute packets to each class for the required monthly scripture memory work. Communicate with and train weekly listeners. Ensure displays of recognition are posted in each class. Purchase supplies (paper, stickers, cut outs) and coordinate packets. Listener: Listen to 5th and 6th grade students recite memory verses once per week on either Tuesday or Thursday mornings from 8:35am-9am. Packets: Copy and cut memory packet material and distribute to classes prior to new month of memory work.

Special Events Coordinator:

Each event has a coordinator that is responsible for set up/clean up, decorations and food for the event. Open House: October 27th Fall Fellowship: End of September (bowling) Winter Fellowship: End of January (ice skating) All School Unit: March 24 Kennywood: June 14 Graduation/Move Up: June 2 Picnic: June 9th

Ongoing Support: AM Kindergarten Dismissal: Arrive before 11:30am and assist Kindergarten teacher with dismissal and pick up of students, everyday by an AM Kindergarten parent. PM Kindergarten Greeter: Arrive at 12:20 to greet and escort PM class to the classroom, everyday by a pm Kindergarten parent. Gym Assistant: Assist gym teacher either with the morning or afternoon gym classes on Tuesdays. Assist with field day activities. Hot Lunch Coordinator: Send out forms to parents monthly. Collect forms, tally and place orders, get/make payment with scrip, organize pick up and/or other preparation. Can be an at home job. Hot Lunch Assist: Label plates and data entry. Hot Lunch Pick Up: Pick up lunches on hot lunch day from vendor, usually from 11:20 and deliver to school, assist with serving 1st lunch. Recess Duty Coordinator: Ensure coverage of recess duty by volunteers, communicate any procedures/issues/etc. to volunteers. Work with Ginger to ensure consistency. Recess Duty: Assist with recess/silent reading time duty once a week to assist students during those times. Ensure students are following direction and safety procedures. 11:45am-1:00pm. Morning Greeter: Greet students during morning drop off (busses and drivers), check off arrivals. 8:20am-9am. Morning Duty: Supervise students that arrive prior to 8:30am in the Sharing Room. 8:10am-8:335am. Office Assistance: Assist secretary in answering phone and general office tasks during busy times or during secretary’s absence. Prayer List Coordinator: Maintain weekly prayer list for distribution. An at home job.

Script Assistant: Assists with the processing of orders on Monday morning and/or Wednesday morning. Thursday Take Home Folder: Assist secretary with the collating and organizing of the take home folders. Thursday morning 8:45am-11:00am. T Shirt Orders: Process, place, track and distribute field trip t shirts. An at home job. Clothes Closet Coordinator: Organize, promote and maintain our uniform clothes exchange program throughout the year. Office Bulletin Board: Change the bulletin board outside the office on a quarterly/event basis. Carnegie Loan Program: Drive to Carnegie Museum (in Oakland) and pick up materials for teachers and return at the end of a monthly unit. Yearbook: Assist in the layout and production of yearbook, work with Publisher a must, work with printer and possibly as a spring discovery station with 5th/6th grade. Photography: Willing to take pictures during special events, copy photos from teachers and parents from field trips. Collate photos for inclusion in yearbook. General Labor: Willing to help construct, paint or assist with facilities and operations project, some take place during summer or on weekends. Summer help Coordinator: Ensure all physical facilities are in order for the teachers and students to return in August. Coordinate any painting, general repairs, etc. over the summer in conjunction with Judi and Ginger.

Opportunity to serve at your child’s school: 1. When is the best time, day to volunteer...when are you available? 2. Where are you interested in helping? 3. Do you want to help in the classroom? Office? Special Events? Students? 4. Do you have special talents, gifts? Are you willing to serve on a subcommittee? See inside cover. 5. Not sure talk to the volunteer coordinator to find a place inside or outside the school. 6. Remember four hours a month per family is the minimum. In 2007 we recorded over 7,000 hours a year by our families. We are all part of the family at Jubilee, no one needs to do it all, each part of the body of Christ is called to what they can. We encourage you to enjoy the experience and remember you are working for God, not men. 7. Lastly, if there is a problem/issue please speak with the volunteer coordinator or teacher not other parents. If you still have an issue talk to Ginger Weaver.

Family Name____________________________________ Phone Number__________________________________ Email_______________________________@_________ Grade Levels of Students________________ Please check the box of the task where you want to serve and cut page to return to the volunteer coordinator. If the job is already filled you will be notified, please circle the task in this booklet that you sign up for your record. The final list of volunteers will be published in September. Serve on a subcommittee: □ _____________committee (inside cover) Classroom: Classroom Parent □ Field Experience Coorindinator □ Scholastic Orders □ At home projects □ Staff Hospitality: Staff Meals □ Staff Gifts □ New Family Hospitality: Mentor Coordinator □ Mentor Family □ Library: Director □ Maintenance □ Classroom Help □ Computer Entry □ Book Fair Coordinator □ Book Fair Set up □ Book Fair Tear Down □ Book Fair Assist □ Fundraisers: Sarris Candy □ Box Tops □ Giant Eagle □ Shop n Save □ Ink Jet □ Retail Program □ Scripture Memory Program: Director □ Listener (5/6) □ Packets □ Special Events Coordinator: Open House □ Fall Fellowship □ Christmas □ Winter Fellowship □ All school Unit □ Kennywood □ Graduation/Move Up □ Picnic □ On Going Support: AM Kindergarten Dismissal □ Day________ PM Kindergarten Greeter □ Day__________ Gym Assistant □ Hot Lunch Coordinator □ Hot Lunch Assist □ Hot Lunch Pick Up □ Recess □ Morning Greeter □ Morning Duty □ Office Assistance □ Prayer List □ Scrip Assitant □ Take Home Folder □ T-Shirt □ Clothes Closet □ Office Bulletin Board □ Carnegie Loan Program □ Yearbook □ Photography □ General Labor □ Summer help Coordinator □ Comments:____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Talents that could help JCS_____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

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