
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 461
  • Pages: 17
And He Taught them at length in Parables ( He knew what He was doing)


• plain old down home to the point good teaching… • Its God’s preferred medium after all! • Parables are ideas with “skin on” (Word and flesh!) • Not just ideas, but stories… TRUTH!

Parables • • • •

1) Use familiar images 2) bring out the unexpected 3) confuse you! (Temporarily) 4) Tease the mind into a deeper understanding.

Think about how any good lesson really sticks

• You observe…. • You hit a question • Your mind tenses up and attacks the problem • And • Eureka!!! You discover something deeper.

Works that way in math right? • 4x(3+7)=(20-10)4 • Not too hard, but you see what I mean? • Anyway… • Lets look at some parables. • Open you bible… • Pick one.

What is the familiar image? • • • •

What is expected? What is surprising and why? What is Jesus’ point? Get it?

Activity • Everybody find one parable… we’re going to list several. • Any common themes between them? • Lets list a few

Major themes of Jesus’ teaching I mean MAJOR…HUGE…If you have ears to hear, listen up!!!!

The Kingdom of God • The Kingdom is the theme of everything Jesus taught. • Jesus’ reign here and in heaven…the Church now and in heaven…the Kingdom. • It is at hand!!! • The Kingdom of God is about the Spirit of the law, not just the letter. (The letter is still important though) • Christ is the way to that kingdom.

Born from above • (especially in John) • Birth is not just about who ya’ mama is dawlin’…it is about being born of water and Spirit. • Jew or Greek…doesn’t matter… Being born into the Kingdom is a matter of faith.

The letter of the law isn’t enough • A message for the Pharisees especially… • Follow the law…but have it in your heart…understand the law. • Jesus “fulfills the law.” • Look at the Good Samaritan … for example.

The Last shall be first • Look at Matt 5: 3-5 and 10-11 • Strange blessings eh? • How does this work? What do you think? • The beatitudes are the New Law… Moses Vista…an upgrade…the law goes from outside to inside. • Remember how to weed a garden.

The First=the last • Why? What is Jesus saying here. • Look up Luke 6: 24-26 • Look at the dude in Matt 19:2024

More • Love your enemies (Luke 6:27) • Grace is not earned (Luke 15:22) • Pray, pray, pray ( Matt 6:9-13) • Jesus is the Bread of Life ( John 6…we’ll do more on that later.) • Any others that you can think of?

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