Paper C 2004

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 286
  • Pages: 2
University Of Peshawar Computer Science (Part-II) Paper-C 2004 Time: 3 hrs

Maximum Marks: 25

Note: Attempt any FIVE questions selecting TWO questions from section-A and three from section-B. All questions carry equal marks. SECTION-A Q1. a). b). c). Q2. Q3. Q4.

Differentiate between the following: Traditional Approach and Database Approach. Compound key and Composite key. Hierarchical Data Model and Network Data Model. What is Database Management System (DBMS)? Discuss different functions of DBMS. What is integrity? Discuss different steps that should be taken to ensure data integrity. Write short notes on any THREE of the following: a). Relational Data Model. b). DBA c). Types of Security. d). SQL and its feature. SECTION-B

Q5. Differentiate between the following. a). C & C++ b). Structure programming and Object-Oriented Programming. c). Constructor and Destructor. Q6. a). What is Object-Oriented Programming? What are the main characteristics of Object-oriented programming? b). Write a few names of Object-oriented languages. Q7. a). Write note on Functions in C++ language. b). Write a program to sort any 10 numbers in an ascending order for sorting process, use function and print the result in main function.

Q8. a). b). Q9. a). b).

What is class? How would you differentiate between Class and Object? How the class and Object are declared in C++ Program. Write a program in C++ by using a class to calculate the Factorial of any given number. The class should have its constructor functions. What is Operator Overloading? Why do we need operator overloading? Write the names of the operators that cannot be overloaded. Write a C++ Program showing overloading any binary operator.

Q10. Write short notes on any TWO of the following. a). Polymorphism b). Copy Constructor. c). Friend Functions. --------------------------------------------

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