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Surface Active Agents of Plant Origin

Prepared By Mr. Pankaj G. Sawant.


A substance capable of reducing the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved is called as Surfactant.

Surfactants are wetting agents that lower the surface tension of a liquid, allowing easier spreading, and lower the interfacial tension between two liquids.













Surfactants reduce the surface tension of water by adsorbing at the air-water interface. They also reduce the interfacial tension between oil and water by adsorbing at the liquid-liquid interface. Many surfactants can also assemble in the bulk solution into aggregates that are known as Micelles.

The concentration at which surfactants begin to form micelles is known as the critical micelle concentration or CMC. When micelles form in water, their tails form a core that is like an oil droplet, and their (ionic) heads form an outer shell that maintains favorable contact with water.

When surfactants assemble in oil, the aggregate is referred to as a reverse micelle. In a reverse micelle, the heads are in the core and the tails maintain favorable contact with oil.

APPLICATIONS       

Detergents Fabric Softener Emulsifiers Wetting Agents Foaming Agents Defoaming Agents Laxatives

Agrochemical formulations  

Herbicides Insecticides

PRODUCTS  2. 3. 4.

Personal Cleansing Products: Bar soaps or Gels. Liquid soaps. Heavy duty hand cleaners.

 2. 3. 4. 5.

Laundry Detergents & Laundry Aids Bleaches. Boosters. Fabric Softners. Water softners.

 2. 3. 4. 5.

Dishwashing Products: Hand dishwashing detergents. Automatic dishwashing detergents. Film removers. Lime & rust removers

 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Household Cleaners: Abrasive cleaners. Speciality cleaners. Glass cleaners. Metal cleaners. Toilet cleaners.

Difference between Natural & Synthetic Surfactants. 

The all surfactants have the same basic structure: a hydrophilic (water-loving) ”head” and a hydrophobic (fat-loving) ”tail”. Oleochemical surfactants, also referred to as “natural” are derived from plant oils such as palm, palm kernel or coconut oil, or from animal fats such as tallow, lard or fish oil.

Petrochemical surfactants are derived from crude oil and are also known as “synthetic” surfactants. There are, however, some apparently minor differences between the two surfactants. The carbon chains of natural feedstocks are always linear and even-numbered, while synthetic feedstocks may have branched carbon chains and contain even or odd numbers of carbon atoms.


Saponins are natural detergents (surfactants) found in a variety of plants , especially in the plant skins where they form a waxy protective coating. They dissolve in water to form a soapy froth.

Saponins are high-molecular weight glycosides combining a sugar element and a steroid aglycone or triterpene molecule.

Saponins have detergent or surfactant properties because they contain both watersoluble and fat-soluble components. They consist of a fat-soluble nucleus, having either a steroid or triterpenoid structure, with one or more side chains of watersoluble carbohydrates.



Triterpenoids are widely distributed in plant kingdom. They are present in either free state or as estes or glycosides. They are the compounds prepared from six isoprene units.they are classified as tetracyclic & pentacyclic triterpenoids.

Squalene is the immediate biological precursor of all triterpenoids.

Among the large number of triterpenoid structures, some of them are shown below.


Steroids are modified triterpenes which derived also from squalene by cyclization, unsaturation and substitution. The nucleus of all steroids is the tetracyclic

A steroid is a terpenoid lipid characterized by a carbon skeleton with four fused rings. All steroids, being terpenoids, are derived from cholesterol Different steroids vary in the functional groups attached to these rings, the base structure being a cyclophenanthrene nucleus.

OCCURANCE OF SAPONINS Saponins have been identified in: Soapberry Soapwort Conkers/horse chestnuts Digitalis Grape skin Gotu Kola Olives Panax Jiaogulan Quillaia saponaria 

Soybeans Yucca Aloe Quinoa Bacopa monnieri Chlorophytum species Chlorogalum species, Tribulus terrestris (as protodioscin) Asparagus (as protodioscin) Rambutan


Many different plant species synthesise triterpenoid saponins as part of their normal programme of growth and development. Triterpenoid saponins are synthesised via the isoprenoid pathway by cyclization of 2,3-oxidosqualene to give primarily oleanane (betaamyrin) or dammarane triterpenoid skeletons. The triterpenoid backbone then undergoes various modifications (oxidation, substitution and glycosylation), mediated by cytochrome P450dependent monooxygenases, glycosyltransferases and other enzymes.


Saponins affect the permeability of intestinal cells by forming addition complexes with sterols (e.g., cholesterol) in mucosal cell membranes. saponins increase the permeability of intestinal mucosal cells, inhibit active nutrient transport, and may facilitate the uptake of substances to which the gut would normally be impermeable.


Most commercial production of yucca products takes place in Mexico. The yucca plantsare harvested by Mexican farmers and transported to processingplants. The trunk of the plant (yucca logs) is the partused.

The logs are mechanically macerated and either driedand ground to produce 100% yucca powder, or the macerated material is subjected to mechanical squeezing in a press,producing yucca juice. The juice is concentrated by evaporation,with the concentrated product referred to as yucca extract.


Quillaja saponaria is a tree native to Chile. Traditionally,the bark has been used as a source of saponins. Newer processingtechniques use the wood as well (San Martin andBriones, 1999). The wood and bark are boiled in large tanks, the water extract is drawn off, and the extract is concentrated by evaporation.


A consistent finding when YE is administered to ruminants is a reduction in ruminal ammonia concentrations . A major source of ruminal ammonia is proteolysis of bacterial protein, occurring as a result of ingestion of ruminal bacteria by protozoa. Saponins have pronounced antiprotozoal activity. The mechanism of the antiprotozoal effects is that saponins form irreversible complexes with cholesterol. Cholesterol and other sterols are components of the cell membranes of all organisms except prokaryotes (bacteria). Thus, reductions in ruminal protozoa numbers observed when saponins are fed

Both saponins and ionophores suppress Grampositive bacteria and protozoa . In the antiprotozoal activity, they act via different mechanisms: saponins cause cell lysis by interacting with cholesterol in the protozoal cell membrane, whereas ionophores disrupt ion transport. Ruminal protozoa are unable to adapt to or detoxify saponins

The mode of action of antibacterial effects of saponins seems to involve membranolytic properties, rather than simply altering the surface tension of the extracellular medium. Thus, their inhibitory activity is associated with adsorption to microbes and is, therefore, influenced by microbial population density.


Saponins are effective against protozoal diseases that afflict humans, livestock, and poultry. Those protozoal diseases in which part of the life cycle occurs in the gastrointestinal tract would be expected to be responsive to antiprotozoal activity of saponins.

An example is the disease giardiasis, caused by the protozoan Giardia lamblia (also known as G. duodenalis). It is one of the most common intestinal pathogens in humans and animals throughout the world. Yucca saponins are effective in killing the giardia tropozoites in the intestine .

yucca products are used in the horse feed industry to relieve symptoms of arthritis in horses. This use is based on work with humans, suggesting that yucca saponins have antiarthritic effects.


It has been known for many years that saponins form insoluble complexes with cholesterol (Lindahl et al., 1957). Saponins form micelles with sterols, such as cholesterol and bile acids. The hydrophobic portion of the saponin (the aglycone or sapogenin) associates (lipophilic bonding) with the hydrophobic sterol nucleus. It was demonstrated over 40 yr ago that dietary saponin reduces blood cholesterol levels in chickens .

Cholesterol-lowering properties of saponins in humans are of obvious interest. There is little clinical trial information. In 1978 there observed a reduction in serum cholesterol levels in human patients receiving yucca tablets for arthritis relief. This seems to be the only study reported in which a saponin product has been given directly to human subjects.

Saponins and the Immune System 

Saponins have the following implications in immunology: 1) Quillaja saponins are widely used as adjuvants in oral and injected vaccines, 2) saponins improve the effectiveness of orally administered vaccines by facilitating the absorption of large molecules, and 3) oral administration of saponins increases the resistance of animals to a disease challenge, suggesting that saponins have immunostimulatory effects.


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