Panhellenic What's Best To Eat2-09

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Myth Busting: What’s the Truth about Nutrition? Karen Wetherall, MS, RD Department of Nutrition [email protected] February 17, 2009

What is Good to Eat? 

Let’s read the food label – – –

What’s a portion? How many calories & other nutrients do I need? Should I take a vitamin supplements?

Answering your questions – – – –

Are there metabolism boosters that work? What are some healthy snacks to eat? What’s the latest on sugar substitutes, organic food, frozen dinners, pizza, eating vegetarian? Is coffee and alcohol really bad for me?

How Do We Know What is in Food?  

Check the food label Labels must appear on all foods except: – – – –

Products that provide few nutrients (coffee, spices) Restaurant foods Ready-to-eat foods (bakery/deli items) Voluntary for raw foods

What’s on a food label?        

Serving size Kcals per serving Kcals from fat Fat content (sat. & trans) Cholesterol Sodium Carbohydrate (fiber & sugar) Protein

Selected vitamins/minerals – Vitamin A – Vitamin C – Calcium – Iron Footnote – Daily Values for 2,000 and 2,500 kcal diets

Source: FDA/Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition


How Portion Sizes Have Changed Today

20 Years Ago

Bagel – –

Bagel 3'' diameter 140 kcal

Cheeseburger –

333 kcal

Soda – –

6.5 ounces 85 kcal

Blueberry muffin – –

1.5 ounces 210 kcal

– –

6'' diameter 350 kcal

Cheeseburger –

590 kcal

Soda – –

20 ounces 250 kcal

Blueberry muffin – –

5 ounces 500 kcal

What would be a serving of meat?


A. The size of a salad plate B. The size of a deck of cards C. The size of an IPod Nano D. The size of a remote control



True or False?

I should keep my portions to just one serving

  

False Focus on bigger portions of veggies Listen to physical hunger and fullness signals to guide your portions

The nutrients  Lists

key nutrients that can impact your health

 Nutrients

to limit  Nutrients to eat enough of

Limit Trans Fat

 Where –

Vegetable shortenings, some margarines, crackers, cookies, snack foods, processed foods and other foods made with or fried in hydrogenated oils.

Why are they bad for you? –

Trans fat acts like saturated fat 

do you find trans fats?

Raises LDL (bad) cholesterol which increases risk for heart disease

How much is too much? –

Recommendation: Keep intake as low as possible

Source: FDA/Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition.

True or False? Eating fat will make me fat  

 

False Fat is a nutrient necessary for absorption of fat-soluble vitamins Our brains are >60% fat Choose “healthy” fats most often – –

Olive, canola, avocado, nuts Omega-3 fatty acids (fatty fish, flax)  Improves CV health, depression, memory, circulation, arthritis, stroke prevention

Total Carbohydrate 

Starch –

Sugars – –

starchy vegetables, dried beans, lentils and peas, grains like oats, barley and rice naturally occurring sugars & added sugars found in fruit and milk

Fiber –

fruits & veggies (especially those w/ skin & seeds), whole grains, beans/legumes, nuts

How many grams of sugar does a Regular can of Coke contain?

A. 0 gm B. 22 gm C. 40 gm D. 267 gm

•12oz can of soda = 40 gms sugar •150 “empty” cals because it contains no vits or minerals •It’s better to choose water or a diet soda & have fruit or veggies which provide cals & nutrients

Are Sugar Substitutes Bad? 

Sucralose (Splenda—yellow) Aspartame (NutraSweet—blue) Stevia: plant (Truvia—green)

Current research indicates that consuming sugar substitutes are safe

It is suggested that pregnant women limit their intake of sugar substitutes

Why Eat Whole Grains? 

More trace minerals –

More fiber – – – –

Whole grains provide minerals, processed grains like white flour/sugar subtract minerals 3 whole grains/d (1/2c oats/brown rice/whole-grain pasta or 1 slice whole grain bread) Go for 25-35 gm/d Aids elimination, decreases colon CA Soluble fiber binds to cholesterol for excretion (oats, dried beans, apple)

Carbs- 1˚ energy source for athletes

Whole Grain Cereals Good examples are: Healthier options – Kashi GoLean Choose cereals that contain: – Spoon-size Shredded  Only whole grain or bran Wheat ‘n Bran  Have at least 5 gms of fiber – General Mills, Post, or  No more than 8 gms of sugar Kellogg’s Raisin Bran – GrapeNuts – Weetabix Organic

What is a serving of a fruit? How many servings do I need to eat everyday?

•1 serving of orange or apple is size of baseball •½ cup of canned fruit •¼ cup dried fruit (dried raisins, cranberries) •You need to eat 4+ servings of fruits per day •Fruits and veggies have phytochemicals which promote health & reduce risk of cancer & heart disease

Questions from You

How Many Calories Do I Burn? ~2000-2400 kcals/d 

Components of metabolism –

Resting metabolic rate (2/3) (1400-1500 kcals) 

Thermic effect of food (10%) (200 kcals) 

Energy of digestion

Physical activity (30%) (500-600 kcals) 

Energy used by your heart, lungs, circulation, repair

Movement including aerobic & resistance exercise

What effects metabolism? – – –

Body size & composition (larger bodies use more energy) Age (metabolism slows if muscle mass declines) Sex (men have more muscle, so metabolism is higher)

How Can I Boost my Metabolism?

True or false? Drinking 8 cups of water per day can help burn calories. 

True. All of your body's chemical reactions, including your metabolism, depend on water. If you are dehydrated, you may be burning up to 2% fewer kcals Tip: If your urine is darker than light straw in color, you may not be drinking enough fluid. Try sipping one glass before each meal & snack to stay hydrated.

True or false?

Spicy foods will fire up metabolism.  

True. Capsaicin, the bioactive compound that makes chile peppers exude heat, can turn your metabolism up a notch while also enhancing satiety and reducing hunger. Studies show that eating about 1T chopped red or green chile pepper resulted in up to a temporary 23% boost in metabolism. Tip: Sprinkle red pepper flakes onto pasta dishes and into chili, stew or pizza; use fresh chile peppers in salsa.

True or false? Eating more protein will rev up your metabolism 

 

True. Protein provides a metabolic advantage compared w/ fat or carbs. Your body uses more energy to process it. Studies show that you may burn up to twice as many cals digesting protein as carbs. In a typical diet, 14% of cals come from protein. If you double that (& reduce carbs to make up for extra cals), you can burn an extra 150-200 cals/d. Tip: Go for 10-20 gms per meal. Try 8oz cup low-fat plain yogurt (~13 gms), ½ cup hummus (~10 gms), 3oz salmon (~17 gms). Bonus: Protein keeps you satisfied longer than carbs or fat.

True or false?

Eating a grapefruit before each meal speeds metabolism 

  

False. Grapefruit won't work miracles for your metabolism, but it can help you lose weight. Half a grapefruit before meals helped individuals lose ~4 lbs in 12 wks (Journal of Medicinal Food). The reason: Fiber & water fill you up on fewer calories, so you eat less at your next meal. Tip: Try a juicy piece of fresh fruit - half a grapefruit, or tangerine - before your meal.

True or false?

Lifting weights boosts metabolism more than cardio workout 

True. When you strength-train enough to add 3 lbs of muscle, you increase your calorie burn by 6-8% (you’ll burn ~100 extra cals/d). Aerobic exercise doesn't significantly increase your lean muscle mass. The best way to gain muscle mass is to do resistance training. Tip: Focus on exercises that use largest muscles & use two-part movements which will build more lean mass Try: Squats, push-ups, and exercises that combine upper- & lower-body movements

True or false?

If time is limited, exercise at higher intensity for metabolic afterburn

True. People who exercise at very high intensities experience a post-exercise boost in RMR that is larger & lasts longer compared with those who work out at low or moderate level. Up your workout effort & you can burn at least 10% of total cals used during workout in hour post-exercise. If you walk/jog for 2 miles (~200 cals) instead of just walk, you’ll burn an extra 20 cals the next hour. Tip: Infuse your workout with bursts of speed.

True or false?

Celery is a "negative calorie food" because digesting it uses up more calories than it provides. 

A medium-size rib of celery has ~6 kcals; it takes ~1/2 cal to digest it. “Negative calorie foods" don’t exist. Tip: Include celery as a low-cal & filling addition to salads, stir-fries, & soups It won’t magically melt away trouble spots. But it is healthy.

True or false?

Tea revs your natural calorie burn 

True. Catechins in green & oolong teas boost body's fat-burning fire. One study of Japanese women found: – Large cup of oolong tea increased calorie burn by 10% – Green tea raised metabolism by 4% for 1½ hours Other studies show 2-4 cups/d of green or oolong tea translates to 50 extra cals burned/d or 5 lbs/yr. Tip: Try a cup of green or oolong tea in place of morning coffee for a dose of caffeine that will wake up you & your metabolism.

Is Organic Food Much Better? Dirty Dozen: Must Buy Organic (Non-organic laden with pesticides)

Fruit        

Apples Cherries Grapes, imported (Chili) Nectarines Peaches Pears Raspberries Strawberries

Vegetables    

Bell peppers Celery Potatoes Spinach

No need to go organic with these foods Fruit  Bananas  Kiwi  Mangos  Papaya  Pineapples

Vegetables  Asparagus  Avocado  Broccoli  Cauliflower  Corn  Onions  Peas

Is Being a Vegetarian More Healthy?  If – –

a person is a vegetarian and… eating the recommended 9+ servings of fruits and veggies, this is “healthy” by lowering cancer risk balancing protein needs by eating beans, nuts, soy protein, this is “healthy” because these protein sources are lower in saturated fat and cholesterol than animal products consuming lean proteins, like chicken, fish, pork or beef tenderloin, this is also healthy. Fish is a good source of omega-3 fats, and meat is a good source of minerals like iron and zinc.

Should I be taking vitamins? 

If you chose a variety of foods to eat from all of the food groups you will consume vitamins, minerals & other nutrients you need. The key is to each day eat: –

6-11 servings of grains (breads, cereal, rice, pasta) 5-9 servings of fruits & vegetables 2 or more servings of dairy foods (milk, cheese, yogurt)

2+ servings of lean meat, poultry, fish, dry beans or nuts

– –

 

It’s also important to eat different foods daily Most people don’t eat a great variety of foods & a vitamin/mineral can provide missing nutrients

Are frozen dinners healthy? 

   

Lean Cuisine Spa Cuisine™ Classics offer dishes made with 100% whole grain Roasted Chicken tenderloins in a lemongrass coconut sauce served over brown rice with broccoli, baby corn & yellow carrots. Calories – 250 Fat - 6gm Sodium ranges 650-1000mg For the convenience & nutrition these are a good choice

Is pizza healthy? Worst pizza Uno Chicago Grill Chicago Classic Deep Dish Pizza

Better Choice Lean Cuisine Pepperoni Pizza

2,310 calories

280 Calories

162 g fat

8 gm Fat

123 g carbs

4,470 mg sodium

What are Healthy Snacks? •Snack on nutritious food to keep your energy level high and mind alert. If you feel hungry, that is natural. •When snacking, avoid foods •high in fat (burgers, fries) •simple carbohydrates (white breads, candy, soda) •Choose foods with complex carbs (whole-grain breads & cereals) •Combine them with protein-rich snacks (peanut butter, low-fat yogurt or cheese)

Healthy Snacks         

Piece of fruit or cup of applesauce 100 calorie pack popcorn bags Fat-free yogurt Reduced-fat string cheese Low-fat, whole-grain crackers, Kashi or Triscuits High fiber granola bars, Kashi or FiberOne Chex mix or package or oatmeal Trail mix of seeds, nuts, dried fruit Nuts or peanut butter

True or False? “Energy” Drinks are a healthy way to get energy & fluid  False  Energy

drinks contain high levels of caffeine which can cause: – – – – – –

Initial awakening Agitation Diarrhea Dehydration High blood pressure Rebound fatigue

How much coffee/caffeine is too much?  Low

to moderate intake of caffeine is 130300 mg of caffeine/day  Average daily caffeine consumption among Americans is 280 mg/day  20%-30% consume more than 600 mg/day

Common Sources of Caffeine            

Coffee, plain, brewed 8 oz Coffee, instant 8 oz Green tea 8 oz Black tea 8 oz Pepsi-Cola 12 oz Coca-Cola Classic 12 oz Diet Coke 12 oz Dr. Pepper or Sunkist Orange 12 oz Mountain Dew 12 oz Full Throttle 16 oz Red Bull, 8.5 oz SoBe No Fear

135 mg 95 mg 25-40 mg 40-70 mg 37.5 mg 34.5 mg 46.5 mg 42 mg 55.5 mg 144 mg 80 mg 158 mg

Why Do I Get Hungry When I’m PMS? 

Our resting metabolic rate increases during the the luteal phase (the day after ovulation to the first day of your period) The metabolic boost we get from being "hormonal" can be ~300 cals/d which is why our appetite increases Tip: If you give in to cravings, make sure you keep portions in check.

Does drinking alcohol turn into fat? 

Calories that we don’t burn off can be stored as fat by the body Alcohol, especially wine has been shown to have some health benefits (for the heart) Alcohol in moderation is recommended – –

1 drink/d for women 2 drinks/d for men

Serving size  12 oz bottle Beer  4-5 oz wine (2/3c)  1.5 oz liquor

True or False?

People eat more calories when dining out at restaurants than when eating at home

Fact, most of the time

Restaurant portions are large, usually high in fat

Many healthy choices are available

EATING OUT TIPS       

Ask to see a menu while waiting for a table  allows time to make a healthy choice YOU are the customer  you won’t know until you ask Choose steamed, grilled, broiled, baked  NOT fried Kids meal at a fast-food restaurant  much lower in calories & fat Ask for salad dressing, butter, sour cream on the side Split an entrée AVOID buffets

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