Page2 Brm Article

  • November 2019
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Ducat1 easy to manage although ~thad nowhere near the pulling power of the b ~ gFJs out of the corners. It was a llttle hard sprung for some of the lumpler sect~onsof road I had soon plcked up on the roads belng heav~lypot-holed along thelr edges and often quite corrugated on the uph~llbends glvlng the little b~ke'shandlebars a jackhammer effect Even the tar-seal creeps around In the heat of summer, but generally the back block roads were In as good a state of repalr as many of our maln h~ghwaysl We took another break at a roads~deplcnlc spot as a heavy shower of raln passed over. No polnt gettlng wet ~fyou don't have to. There was a very substant~alshelter and we contemplated moving the BBQ tables out of ~tto get the b~kesIn out of the raln However the raln passed as quickly as ~thad - @- -** m e d so we moved on a l~ttlemore caut~ouslyas the roads were now streaming After passlng through Beechmont we made another refreshment stop at Canungra, sampllng the best of ples and burgers that r~dlngseason (Isn't every season the ndlng season Queensland has to offer The Canungra establ~shment when the temperature seldom drops below 20?) It IS one often frequented by hundreds of b~kers In the was a quiet day so we were able to srt, eat and enjoy a coffee The row of well kept old b~keswlth the Incongruous l~ttleyellow mach~nedrew the attent~on of many passersby A qu~ckblast back along the motorway vla Nerang to Currumbln rounded thlngs off Back at headquarters, we had more hot coffee and chocolate brown~es whlle we burned the day's v~deoto DVD for me to bnng home The day had passed very quickly. We had

really only done a few hours r~dlngbut wlth lots of ogllng at vlews and comparing notes about b~kes, dlfferent r~desand our h~stor~es ~thad been a great experience Beyond the few hinterland roads we had r~ddenthere are hundreds of k~lometresmore to be explored. I look forward to meet~ngup w~th the Ozz~eFJ1200 contingent for another rlde In the future They proved to be some of the most hosprtable companions and cons~derater~dersI have met Just a note for fans of other b~kes,Yahoo now has a large number of groups of b~keowners, many w~tha wealth of useful lnformat~onwhen ~tcomes to thelr favourlte marquee The Yamaha FJ group IS one of the largest w~thmost of ~ t s followers to be found In the States, where they have organ~sed rall~esseveral t~mesa year and r~defrom all over the country If you can't flnd your b~kegroup there - start one! BRM

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