Outsiders 3

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 4
Name: ______________________________ The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton Chapter 3 Activities Part 1: Vocabulary Directions: 1. Read over the following definitions so that when you come across the word in chapter one, you will understand the meaning. 2. Under each definition is the sentence or phrase taken from the story that contained the vocabulary word. To become more familiar with the word meaning do one of the following: A. Rewrite the sentence or phrase substituting a synonym or phrase from the definition. thoughtfully

Example: “Two-Bit gallantly offered to walk them home…” Or B. Use the given sentence as a model to help you create your own sentence. Example: John gallantly opened the door for his mom as she approached the house

Words Page37 gallantly: adj. (gal-lent-lee) (form of the word gallant) Gallant: courteous and thoughtful, especially toward women. “Two-Bit gallantly offered to walk them home…”

Page 38 aloofness: adj. (uh-loof-ness) (form of the word aloof) Aloof: 1.) Not involved or unwilling to become involved with other people or events, often out of a sense of lofty superiority to them 2.)Physically distant especially in feeling or interest.

Page 39

Page 41

engaged: (en-gajed) (form of the word engage) engage: to become involved or take part in an activity

bleakly: adv. (bleak-lee) (form of the word bleak) bleak: without hope or expectation of success or improvement

“They were engaged in some kind of wild conversation…” buckskin: n. (buck-skin) buckskin: a horse of a grayish yellow color “Mickey Mouse was a dark-gold buckskin, sassy and ornery…” sassy: adv. (sas-see) sassy: lively and high-spirited

ornery: adv. (or-ner-ee) “Socs were always behind a wall of aloofness, careful not to ornery: uncooperative and irritable (informal) let their real selves show through.” impersonally: (im-per-son-uhl-lee)

“ ‘No,’ Cherry said bleakly, ‘it’s Randy and Bob.’ “ grimly: adv. (form of the word grim) grim: extremely unpleasant, distressing, or sinister “ ‘ And,’ Two-bit added grimly, ‘a few of the socially elite checkered-shirt set.’ “ elite: n. (e-leet) elite: a small group of people within a larger group who have more power, social standing, wealth, or talent than the rest of the group

(form of the words personal and impersonal) impersonal: Not considering people as individuals but focusing on events and facts “The Socs even fought coldly and practically and impersonally.”

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Page 44

dumbfounded: (dum-found-ded) dumbfound: to make someone temporarily speechless by surprise or conclusion

passionately: adv. (pah-shun-et-lee) (form of the word passionate) passionate: expressing intense or overpowering emotion

resignedly: adv. (re-zined – ed - lee) (form of the word resign) resign: to give up on something reluctantly and without protest

“ ‘No…’ Two-Bit said, dumbfounded. ‘No, Ponyboy, that ain’t right…you got it wrong…’ “

“It ain’t fair!” I cried passionately. “It ain’t fair that we get all the rough brakes.”

“ ‘Well,’ Cherry said resignedly, ‘they’ve spotted us.’ “

winced: (winssd) (form of the word wince) wince: to make an expression of pain with the face because of seeing or thinking of something unpleasant or embarrassing. “Johnny’s eyes went round and he winced as though I had belted him.”

Page 46 Soused: Slang for drunk “I think I’m a little soused.”

cunning: adj. (cun-ning) cunning: clever or artful in a way that is intended to deceive (mislead somebody or hide the truth) “…and Dally – wild, cunning Dally – turning into a hoodlum because he’d die if he didn’t,…”

reeling: Slang for walking unsteadily due to being drunk Cherry speaking to Bob about his drinking: “You call reeling and passing out in the streets a little? Bob,…”

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Vaguely: adj. (vayg-lee) (form of the word vague) vague: not clear in meaning or intention

scatterbrained: adj. (scat-ter-brained) (form of the word scatterbrain.) scatterbrain: somebody who is incapable of serious or organized thought or remembering important things.

“I saw Johnny’s cigarette glowing in the dark and wondered vaguely what it was like inside a burning ember…”

“I only wanted to lie on my back under a tree and read a book or draw a picture, and not worry about being jumped or carrying a blade or ending up married to some scatterbrained broad (slang for woman) with no sense.”

Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________ Pd. ________

Syllable work: Dividing the following words into syllables will help you to recall how to pronounce the words correctly and spell them correctly. Hints: Remember every syllable has to have a vowel sound. A prefix in a word will be a separate syllable. A suffix in a word will be a separate syllable. Directions: Divide the words in column 1 below into syllables. When we check the answers, put a check mark next to the words that you divided correctly and using the answers provided, redo in column 2 the ones you divided incorrectly.

My Guess 2 Syllable Words:

The Correct Syllable Division 2 Syllable Words:



______ ______

______ ______


______ ______


______ ______

grimly bleakly

______ ______ ______ ______

grimly bleakly

______ ______ ______ ______

cunning ______ ______

cunning ______ ______

vaguely ______ ______

vaguely ______ ______

3 Syllable Words:

3 Syllable Words:

gallantly _____ _____ _____

gallantly _____ _____ _____

aloofness _____ _____ _____

aloofness _____ _____ _____

engaged ______ ______

engaged ______ ______



_____ _____ _____

_____ _____ _____

4 Syllable Words:

4 Syllable Words:

passionately _____ _____ _____

passionately _____ _____ _____




_____ _____ _____ _____ resignedly

_____ _____ _____ _____

5 Syllable Word:

5 Syllable Word:

impersonally _____ _____ _____

impersonally _____ _____ _____

_____ _____

_____ _____

Part 3: Fluency Check Directions: On the Time to Beat line below, you will write the time that it took your teacher to read the list of 10 words. Then you use a stopwatch and will practice beating that time. When you are ready to go for your “official time,” ask your teacher to time you. Place that time on the Official Time line

Time to beat: 1. gallantly 2. aloofness 3. impersonally

1st time: _____

4. engaged

2nd time: _____

5. sassy

3rd time: _____

6. ornery

4th time: _____

7. meekly

5th time: _____

8. grimly

Official Time:

9. bleakly


10. passionately 11. cunning 12. vaguely 13. resignedly

Part 3: Comprehension Check When you finish the chapter, do the following: 1. Write a chapter summary by following these steps: a. First, complete the 5+ Ws (Who?, What happened?, Where? When? Why?, and How did the “what happened” make the character(s) feel/react? b. Second, use the 5+Ws information to write a two to three sentence summary. 2. Think of a chapter title and explain why you chose it. 3. Write a double journal entry: a. Find and copy a meaningful piece of the text (It can be a piece of dialogue or a piece of description.) b. Copy it into your notebook c. Under the copied text draw a line under it to separate it from your reaction/response that you will write below this line. d. Under the line write your reaction/response. (For example, tell how the selected text made you feel, or give an opinion you formed after reading it)

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