Oumh1103 Part C

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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 1,265
  • Pages: 9













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Pulau Pinang Learning Centre

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Table of Content





Challenges in managing a healthy


lifestyle 2.1

Challenges in eating healthily



Challenges in exercising regularly



Challenges in managing stress


Ways to overcome the challenges



Healthy eating habits



Exercising in a fun way



Healthy mind equals to healthy body









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OUMH1103 1.0 Introduction I agree on the statement that health issues among Malaysian adults have been on the rise in recent years. What is a healthy lifestyle? According to WHO "A healthy lifestyle is a way of living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill or dying early" (Healthy Living : World Health Organization , 1999). In short, a healthy lifestyle is about our habits that make up our lives that ensures we live illness free and healthily. The purpose of this essay is to highlight the challenges faced by Malaysian adults in sustaining a healthy lifestyle and what are the ways to overcome these challenges.

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OUMH1103 2.0 Challenges in managing a healthy lifestyle In today’s fast moving society maintaining a healthy lifestyle is significantly challenging. The main challenges faced are in eating healthily, exercising regularly and also managing stress. 2.1 Challenges in eating healthily As the phrase "you are what you eat" says, our body grows in proportion to the food we consume. Basicly when we talk about eating healthily, it comes down to the right – type, portions and time.

https://i1.wp.com/blog.paisawapas.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/decision-to-choicejunk-food-or-health.jpg?resize=400%2C200 The challenge that most Malaysians face in eating healthily is our unlimited choices of food that is readily available anytime. It has become a culture for young adults to hang out at 24 hours eatery. Furthermore our lack of knowledge on the correct portions or food type to eat has also made it even more challenging. “The practice of eating-out has health implications whenever it lands the practitioner to over eating, irregular eating, late eating, imbalanced diet, eating at unclean premises, etc. Important health issues in Malaysia are food related.” (Ali & Abdullah, 2012).

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OUMH1103 2.2 Challenges in exercising regularly There are several barriers that we seem to be facing to exercise regularly with the main ones being time, boredom, injuries and self confidence (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2016). Exercising takes a back bench in comparison to working or social lives. In addition, we also find it hard to maintain a fixed schedule to exercise as eventually it gets boring since we don’t make an effort to be creative in motivating ourselves to continue exercising. We also tend to use past injuries or a lack of self confidence as a point to demotivate and convince ourselves that we cannot do it . 2.3 Challenges in managing stress Life without stress seems to be a fairy tale in this age as we are constantly being pressured and pushed to the limits of our ability to perform.“Due to the competitive nature of the job environment most of the people in the world are spending their time for job related work purposes resulting ignore the stressor those are influencing their work and life.” (Ahsan, Abdullah, Fie, & Alam, 2009) Many people find it common and do not feel the need to find a solution or even mitigate the consequences of stress. Awareness of symptoms of stress is still low among Malaysians and it is becoming a lower priority among those in workforce.

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3.0 Ways to overcome the challenges It is quite challenging to manage a healthy lifestyle however there are ways to overcome these and if an effort is made by the society in whole.

3.1 Healthy eating habits Foremost we should always place an importance on eating a healthy breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day. The classic Malaysian breakfast dishes such as ‘roti canai’ and ‘nasi lemak’ should be once in a blue moon meal while healthier options such as wholegrain bread, yogurts, boiled eggs and fresh fruits should be consumed instead (Importance of Breakfast: Healthy Kids , 2017). A disciplined eating habit is also necessary to overcome these challenges. Eating as per the recommendation of the food pyramid is the best solution. The daily recommendation for a man is 2500 calories while for a woman is 2000 calories (Estimated Calorie Needs per Day - USDA, 2002). It is important to practice moderation. Last but not least, we should always ensure that our water intake is adequate which is 8 glass or at least 2 litres per day.

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https://safefood.eu/SafeFood/media/SafeFoodLibrary/Images/Healthy %20Eating/Food_Diet/Food_pyramid_transp_landscape_640.gif?ext=.gif

3.2 Exercising in a fun way How to exercise in a fun way? – should be the question on our minds when we plan our daily exercise routine. Foremost we should make sure to allocate adequate time – minimum 30 minutes for exercising daily. Secondly we can also try varying exercises (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2016) such as jogging, swimming and even attend self-defence or yoga classes as these might give you the motivation needed. Furthermore, we can also join with our work peers who have low self-esteem and become partners to encourage each other (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2016). This will not only enhance your work life but also put you into a position where you have the responsibility towards each other to get healthy in a good way.

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OUMH1103 3.3 Healthy mind equals to a healthy body Eating healthily and maintaining a good exercise routine will indirectly ensure our mind stays in a balanced state. Yoga and meditation seems to be a good way for us destress while also exercising our body. In addition, we can also attend counselling or just talk our problems out with family members and find a solution to a problem rather than worrying or stressing by ourselves. Building a close relationship with family members and friends by spending time by holidaying or even just having coffee with them will work wonders on stress. 4.0 Conclusion In conclusion we can agree that managing a healthy lifestyle has its own challenges such as eating healthily, exercising regularly and also overcoming stress. Likewise, each of these challenges has a set of solution that we can readily follow and ensure that a healthy body is within our grasp. It is mind over matter issue that requires willpower and continuous effort from us.

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OUMH1103 5.0 References 1. Ahsan, N., Abdullah, Z., Fie, D. Y., & Alam, S. S. (2009). A Study of Job Stress on Job Satisfaction among University Staff in Malaysia: Emprical Study. Retrieved 3 Aug 2017 from European Journal of Social Sciences : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Syed_Alam17/publication/26830048 1_A_Study_of_Job_Stress_on_Job_Satisfaction_among_University_Staff _in_Malaysia_Empirical_Study/links/54f547050cf2ba61506565db.pdf 2. Ali, N., & Abdullah, M. A. (2012). Malaysian Journal of Society and Space Issue 6 : Geografia Online. Retrieved 3 August 2017 from UKM Geografia Online Web site: http://www.ukm.my/geografia/images/upload/14.geografia-sept%202012azlan-si-ppspp-ed%20am1.pdf 3. Estimated calorie needs per day - USDA. (2002). Retrieved 3 August 2017 from USDA Web site: https://www.cnpp.usda.gov/sites/default/files/usda_food_patterns/Estimate dCalorieNeedsPerDayTable.pdf 4. Healthy Living : World Health Organization . (1999). Retrieved 3 August 2017 from World Health Organization : http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/108180/1/EUR_ICP_LVNG_01_0 7_02.pdf 5. Importance of Breakfast: Healthy Kids . (2017). Retrieved 3 August 2017 from Healthy Kids NSW gov Web site: https://www.healthykids.nsw.gov.au/parents-carers/healthy-eating-anddrinking/importance-of-breakfast.aspx 6. Mayo Clinic Staff. (31. August 2016). Barriers to Fitness: Overcoming Common Challenges. Retrieved 3 August 2017 from Mayo Clinic Web site: http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/indepth/fitness/art-20045099

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