Other Applications K-des

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  • Words: 1,455
  • Pages: 6
Other Applications

April 2009

OTHER APPLICATIONS OF K-DES® The product we have developed was initially directed to an area that we consider of great interest as it is the world's livestock and allied industries; which they produce a very high amount of organic waste, with consequent problems that this involves. These wastes involve a number of adverse effects such as the proliferation of flies and insects, with consequent dangers of disease transmission and the uncomfortable situation that its abundant presence in these environments produce, the resulting odor and the lack of hygiene inevitable. With K-DES® we achieve to retard the putrefaction of organic matter, to repel flies and insects, to reduce the smell of the situation itself and disinfect, all of it in a safe way because the product is non toxic or ADR, and simple, as we can apply it either by spraying or by immersion. But, also because of its properties, we have potential application in other fields, among which we can mention especially:

• Tanatopraxis. • Humanitarian disasters. In these two areas K-DES® can provide good solutions and alternatives which we explain next a little more widely.


TANATOPRAXIS In this area is proceeded basically with formaldehyde, a product that for all it is known its harmful effects to health for people working with it. Up to day have not been given many valid alternatives, but we consider that K-DES® can be an alternative in many aspects of the work to be done in this field. As a brief explanation, we consider the main steps of different techniques applied in this area.

Protocol of action for human corpses with K-DES® The embalming is defined as the procedure or technique that allows disinfection, preservation and restoration of the dead human body to restore its natural form. We can also say that it is a temporal process that prevents retards and controls the changes "post-mortem" known as decomposition. It is recommended in order to the chemical preservatives act effectively, to make previously a good pre-injection, a capillary washing and drainage. These are important factors to be taken to obtain a good result, regardless of the chemicals we use.

To be clearer we will remember the three types of fluids for embalming: 1. Fluid for drainage and pre-injection: The chemical products used in the pre-injection, and capillary washing, have been designed to prepare the vascular system for the arterial preservative, and they are usually neutral or alkaline. 2. Arterial fluid: They prevent that the autolysis of the body enzymes happens and set the muscles to prevent the assignment or be distorted. 3. Fluids for cavities: These fluids are designed to fix the viscera mainly in the thoracicabdominal cavity.

Except for point 1, the other fluids can be replaced in a simple way by our product, using it at different solutions achieving the same results.


PROCEDURE: 1. We start with a complete disinfection of the body by spraying it with a solution of two parts of water for one part of K-DES® (approximately 25%). 2. We will remove the cadaverous stiffness with emphasis in the joints. 3. Once this operation and the subsequent washing of the body are done we will proceed to perform the dissection and arterial catheterization according to usual techniques. 4. Then it will be perfused inside enough quantity of pre-injection fluid. When performed the vascular washing and vascular drainage, we will inject a solution of 3% of KDES®, approximately 80 to 100 ml per kg (should be taken into account the state of the body to increase concentration if necessary). It is recommended a slow infusion of 1 to 1.5 bars by a portable injection pump, helping with massage the injection to reach properly everywhere, especially in the extremities. 5. Once this operation is done we will proceed to the aspiration of the cavities, and immediately 6. We will inject through a cavities injector 500 ml in the thorax and 500ml in abdomen of K-DES® in its standard composition, and finally, 7. Remove the gases that are produced.

EMBALMING: DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES EMBALMING OF AN AUTOPSIED CORPSE WITH K-DES® 1. We should always wash and disinfect the body as a first step. 2. In autopsies with evisceration we must remove it from the cavities in full, we will deposit them in a pool to wash and lacerate them thoroughly; once done, we will proceed to dip in a solution of one part of K-DES® by two of water (approximately 25%. ) for a minimum time of 45 minutes, the longer the better. 3. We shall wash the vascular system of the extremities, by right and left carotid artery, right and left axillary artery, right and left iliac artery. Then we will proceed immediately to these pathways by injecting enough quantity of the same solution of K-DES® used for viscera. 4. Lacking the collateral injection we will proceed to inject into the whole muscle with special emphasis on the gluteus and back. 5. After the time required for setting the viscera we will proceed to put them into bags for subsequent placement in their cavities, impregnating cotton with K-DES® and interlaced between the viscera and the later closing of it. 6. To finish, impregnate the whole body surface with K-DES® and deposited in the coffin.


EMBALMING OF CHARRED CORPSE WITH K-DES® (WE WILL CALL IT CHEMICAL EMBALMING) 1. We must always start by washing and disinfecting regardless the state of the body, as experience in these cases if we do this conscientiously we can even restore the factions of the face and present it to the family. 2. We will proceed injecting enough quantity of K-DES® undiluted in thoracicabdominal cavities and all the existing muscle mass. 3. We will permeate the whole body surface with the help of cotton and involving then in a sheet or cloth, put a shroud and put in place in the coffin.

We have stated several techniques that can be applied in the tanatopraxis field with simplicity and safety. With K-DES® there is no need to take special security measures to avoid the effects of using a product such as formaldehyde because it doesn’t produce irritation in the eyes nor in the airways or any potential danger for the future because it is not carcinogenic. In the tanatopraxis field K-DES® provides a significant improvement in work conditions and safety, without affecting the outcome to be achieved. However, it should be taken into account the evaluation that makes the technician responsible for carrying out each work, as this assessment will always prevail over any previous protocol.


Humanitarian Disasters In a humanitarian disaster one of the biggest difficult, and complex to resolve, for the forensic sciencists, is the shortage of time in which they have to identify the corpses and remains. In those cases, when these disasters are of huge magnitude, and is needed to move rescue teams, rescue devices, and medical care, the working conditions in which these teams should act are hard, tough and with an evident health risk. Having to accomplish a much higher amount of work that is predictable, in many cases, the lack of enough alternative resources for the conservation of them (refrigeration chambers), and as well, often the environment in which such disasters occur, accelerate the decomposition and it is necessary to have a simple and safety solution. Furthermore, it should be noted that in case of major disasters, this situation may lead to the spread of epidemics, aggravating the situation in this way for the population and for rescue teams and doctors. Using K-DES® we can get all the necessary time so that professionals can make this work with greater security and protection, as K-DES® is non toxic or carcinogenic and complies with OSHA regulations, improving the environment work. It is important to emphasize that K-DES® is, also, a powerful disinfectant, insect and animals repellent and a reducer of the odor of the situation itself. It can be used by spraying or immersion, dissolved or not. In the case of wanting to dilute it we can do it even with seawater, K-DES® adapts to the needs of the technician and the work environment.

Immersion technique: Dilute, K-DES® up to 25%, in enough quantity to immerse a corpse, into a pool where a dead body fits, p.ex. bathtub. Spraying technique: At the same concentration of 25% we pulverized well over the entire surface to be treated with special emphasis on the body's natural orifices. A thorough application every 48 hours should be enough to achieve the desired effects, however, direct observation will tell us when to perform again a new application because is not possible to cover all the possible variables that may occur depending on the circumstances (temperature, humidity, etc.).


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