EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I. Title : Market Mapping of Agriculture and Rural produces of Jharkhand II. Organisation : Krishi Gram Vikas Kendra (KGVK) III. Reporting Officer : Mr. Anindya Kumar Bhattacharya IV. Faculty Guide : Prof. Vishwa Ballabh V. Student’s Name :Chaman Kumar(25008), Prabhat Kumar(25084), Rishikesh Kumar(25092) and Saurabh Kumar Sinha(25097) Project Background: In order to strengthen the economy of the villages where KGVK has intervention, KGVK has planed to set up a marketing unit for the agricultural and rural produces. In the first year of the project, the organisation plans to concentrate on the vegetables mainly as both the production and demand are high in Ranchi and Jamshedpur itself. In order to regularize the supply and control the quality of produces the organisation plans to have a backward integration. The idea takes shape in the form of setting up farmers club in the villages which will be its production house. Initially the organisation wishes to go for institutional selling and in later years it will expand both in commodities traded and starting retail business.
Objective: The objective of our study was the promotion of the concept of farmer’s club among the farmers, identifying the potential buyers and the volumes they can procure, and work out volumes of vegetables in the Ranchi and Jamshedpur haats. The objective also includes the identification of problems arising in the implementation of this plan. Methodology: The survey work regarding the farmers club had been done on extensive basis with a formal interaction with the villagers in groups. Further, data related to the supply and demand volumes of vegetables were collected both from primary and secondary sources. Scope: The scope of the project is limited to the villages of Burmu block of Ranchi and Gamhariya block of Saraikela-kharsanwa for the setting of farmers’ club. While the market survey part was concentrated to Ranchi and Jamshedpur. The produce was restricted to vegetables only. Findings: The Burmu block of Ranchi is the major producer of vegetable like cabbage, cauliflower, brinjal, tomato etc. and a large volume is traded out to various places like Jamshedpur, Kolkata and Dhanbad. At the same time, villages in Gamhariya block are not producing vegetable on large scale. But because of increased irrigation facilities through watershed development, these villages are also emerging as vegetable basket. The institutional buyers identified so far include Usha Martin Ltd, BIT Mesra, Tata Iron and Steel Company. One of the pre-requisition for farmer’s club is that the land of the members should be contagious to one another. But considering the small and scattered land holding and social dynamics of Jharkhand, it would be a big challenge. Further, due to the perishable nature of vegetable it is difficult to carry them to far off places. The issues of standardization of the produce, input supply, storage and transportation are also major challenges as it will require huge capital. An economical procurement system will have to be set up both for the procurement of input to supply as well as procurement of produce from the farmers. Conclusion: For the success of this venture, successful running of the farmer’s club is the crux which largely depends on how properly the group has been formed and the profit is appropriated to them.