Orthodox Jeopardy Game

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  • June 2020
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The Bible


























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Art & Architecture Faith & Tradition

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The Saints

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The Orthodox Christian church began in this year 

n ext

What is 33 A.D.


The One who founded the Orthodox Church 

n ext

Who is Jesus Christ 


Number of Ecumenical Councils in the history of the Orthodox Church 

n ext

What is seven


The first five patriarchal cities of Orthodox Christianity 

n ext

What are Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Rome, and Constantinople


This Apostle became the first Patriarch of Constantinople

n e xt

Who is Saint Andrew


Number of Gospels in the New Testament

n ext

What is four


This is the first and last book of the Bible 

n ext

What are the Books of Genesis and Revelation


He wrote the most letters of the New Testament

n ext

Who is Saint Paul


This is the approximate year the Bible was gathered 

n ext

What is 250 A.D.


The extra books included in the Orthodox Bible are called this

n ext

What is the Apocrypha 


An icon made of many small pieces is called this 

n ext

What is a Mosaic


This Saint is always depicted to the right of Christ on the iconostasis 

n e xt

Who is St John the Baptist


These are the three parts or sections of the Church 

n ext

What are the Narthex, the Nave, 

and the Holy Altar 


This Evangelist painted or wrote the first icons 

n ext

Who is Saint Luke


This great church of the Byzantine Empire was built by Justinian and is still located in Constantinople 

n ext

What is Agia Sophia 


Every Orthodox Christian should wear this 

n ext

What is a Cross


This boiled wheat is offered at memorial services in memory of those fallen asleep 

n ext

What is Kollyva


This statement of faith defines what Orthodox Christians believe

n ext

What is the Nicene Creed 


These are people who gave their blood for Christ upon which the Church was established 

n ext

Who are the Martyrs 


These are the seven official Sacraments of the Orthodox Church 

n e xt

What are Baptism, Chrismation, Ordination, Marriage, Unction, Confession, and the Eucharist / Communion 


Who can become a Saint 

n ext



She is the first among all Saints 

n ext

Who is the Theotokos, Mother of God, Mary or Panagia $200

He slayed the dragon 

n ext

Who is Saint George 


These men are called the Three Hierarchs

n ext

Who are Saint Basil the Great, St Gregory the Theologian, and St John Chrysostom 


Saints can do this

n ext

What is pray for us, talk to God, work miracles, or help us $500

Daily Double 

n ext

Final Jeopardy 

Today ’ s Category : Children of God


Those who believe in Christ and confess a faith in the Holy Trinity seek this to become part of His One Holy Church n ext

What is the Sacrament of Baptism & Chrismation 

n ext


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The Divine Liturgy


Music& Hymnology

Life in Christ


























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End Round

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This was the first miracle of Christ

n ext

What is change water into wine at the Wedding in Cana


Christ fed this many people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish 

n ext

What is 5,000


This miracle happened 3 days after the Cross

n ext

What is the Resurrection 


These two things are necessary for a miracle to happen n ext

What is the faith of the believer & God’s Grace or Power $800

This miracle happens every year in the Holy Sepulcher at the celebration of Pascha in Jerusalem 

n ext

What is the Holy Fire


He wrote the Divine Liturgy that is celebrated throughout most of the year 

n ext

Who is Saint John Chrysostom


These people must be present to celebrate the Divine Liturgy 

n ext

Who is the priest and at least one other person


This bread is made and offered by the faithful for the Holy Eucharist n ext

What is Prosphoro


The holiest moment during the Divine Liturgy

n ext

What is the consecration of the holy gifts 


The only ones who can receive the Holy Body and Blood of Christ

n e xt

Who are Baptized Orthodox Christians 


The number of feastdays celebrated in the Orthodox Church 

n ext

What is Twelve


The greatest of all feasts

n ext

What is Pascha


This feast celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles 50 days after Pascha

n ext

What is Pentecost


The four feasts dedicated to the Theotokos 

n ext

Nativity of Theotokos, Entrance into Temple, Annunciation, and her Dormition $800

The two feasts in which the voice of the Father was heard 

n ext

What is Theophany and the Transfiguration 


This response is chanted most often by the people in the petitions 

n ext

What is Lord Have Mercy 


The meaning of the word “Alleluia” 

n ext

What is Praise the Lord 


They also chant the thrice holy hymn- Holy God, Holy Mighty & Holy Immortal 

n ext

Who are the Angels


The number of Byzantine tones 

n ext

What is 8


The one who is more honorable than the Cherubim and more glorified than the Seraphim 

n ext

Who is the Panagia


The Sacrament to seek forgiveness of sins 

n ext

What is Holy Confession 


Orthodox Christians bear the names of these

n ext

Who are the Saints or the feastdays


The words of the Jesus Prayer

n ext

What are Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have Mercy on Me the Sinner 


The greatest of all commandments

n ext

What is to Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind 


Where we see Christ hungry, without clothes, sick and thirsty 

n ext

What is in our neighbor 


Daily Double 

n ext

Final Jeopardy 

Today ’ s Category : Children of God

Followers of Jesus Christ, who have lived according to His commandments, inherit this on the day of Judgment n ext

What is Eternal Life 

n ext


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