Ori Hofmekler - Warrior Newsletter

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The Warrior Newsletter - Issue 13

Critical Carbs By Ori Hofmekler With Marc Salzman

Dietary Carbohydrate’s Critical Role in Building Tissues, Igniting Energy and Improving Survival Capabilities Dietary carbs are currently regarded as the culprit for most modern human diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative diseases. Indeed, numerous studies demonstrate the association between over consumption of carbs and a high percentage of blood sugar problems, obesity and cognitive impairments among modern humans from all age groups. Consequently, carb-bashing today is at an all-time high. Many people develop carb phobia and low or no carb diets are now the darling of the media. As it seems, the two most popular dietary methods are currently carb or calorie restriction. Most, if not all diets are based on either one or both methods. Yet, in spite of the growing awareness of the hazards of over consumption of carbs and calories, the rate of weight gain, obesity and blood sugar related diseases is still accelerating. To make matters worse, people who follow extreme low calorie or low carb diets often face unpleasant symptoms including mental and physical fatigue, chronic cravings for carbs (in particular sweets), loss of libido and severe mood swings. Bodybuilders, who try to slim down via low calorie low carb diets, often face similar adverse symptoms in addition to loss of muscle mass and strength. Obviously, something must be wrong with the assumption that chronic carb and calorie restrictions are the practical solution for most of modern human’s disease. Even though the idea of carb and calorie restriction may very well work theoretically, in practical terms (in vivo) it fails. The purpose of this article is to shed some light on the critical role of dietary carbs in human metabolism as well as to challenge the notion that carbs aren’t essential for human survival. Finally, conclusions are presented together with some practical methods as to how to take advantage of dietary carbs for reaching a desired metabolic potential to build lean tissue (including muscles), burn fat and increase energy production.

Maximum Oxygenation Maximum oxygenation is a biological term that describes maximum energy production from metabolic processes that require oxygen. Active individuals, including athletes and bodybuilders, should note that maximum oxygenation is a principal key to maximum performance. The

upcoming paragraph may be somewhat technical. Nevertheless, understanding this topic could mean the difference between average and superior capability to build muscles and ignite energy. Living organisms derive most of their energy from oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions, which involve the transfer of electrons to the respiratory chain complex (an aerobic energy-yielding metabolic process that involves interaction between hydrogen protons and oxygen). Aerobic energy production requires oxygen and yields most of the energy needed for survival. In fact, the electron transfer system (oxidative phosphorylation) yields ten times more energy than the kreb’s cycle itself. Dr. Otto Warburg, one of the world’s foremost leading biochemists, won a Nobel Prize for his basic work with respiratory enzymes and cellular energy production. He discovered and characterized certain nucleotide compounds and proteins, which are necessary for the actions of the respiratory chain, which, as noted, yields most of the energy needed to maintain an optimum metabolic state. Dr. Warburg suggested that energy released in the oxidation of foodstuff may be conserved and transferred via a special mechanism for use in synthesis and growth. On the other hand, anaerobic respiration (an energy yielding metabolic process that does not require oxygen) may adversely catabolize and damage healthy tissues. Dr. Warburg and other researchers showed that there is indeed a relationship between anaerobic respiration, tissue destruction and cancer. Dr. Abram Hoffer and Dr. Morton Walker, in their book Smart Nutrition (Avery 1994), suggested that anaerobic respiration is the most primitive energy producing method compared to aerobic respiration which is a later development in the evolution of life from unicellular to multicellular organisms. It is likely that multicellular organisms did not develop until cells became aerobic. According to this theory, the switch back from aerobic to anaerobic respiration brings the cell back to a primitive condition that may cause uncontrolled cell division and a resultant catastrophic damage to the whole organism. As you’re about to see, aerobic respiration clearly depends on dietary carb utilization and the production of substrates and enzymes that serve as energy molecules. All energy molecules are, in fact, made from nucleotides. Most important, all nucleotide material, including all energy molecules, are derived from glucose that is then predominantly derived from dietary carbs.

The Essential Role of Carbs It is commonly assumed that carbs serve as fuel and nothing more. This assumption is wrong and quite misleading since it fails to recognize the main biological functions of carbs, which go far beyond being just a sheer substrate for energy. Evidently, optimum carb utilization from food is critically necessary in order to afford full activation of two vitally important metabolic pathways, which are bound together: i) the pentose phosphate pathway and ii) the uronic acid pathway. As you’ll soon see, these pathways play essential roles in facilitating DNA, RNA and nucleotides synthesis as well as steroid hormones production, enhancing immunity and generation of energy. As such, these pathways regulate hormonal actions, rate of tissue regeneration as well as protection against DNA damage and disease. Most important, both pathways’ actions depend upon dietary carb consumption and utilization. 2

The Pentose Phosphate Pathway The pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) is an anabolic process that is derived from glucose metabolism and occurs mostly (but not exclusively) in the liver. It utilizes pentose (a five-carbon sugar) from and glucose (a six-carbon sugar). 1. The pentose phosphate pathway’s primary functions are: 2. To generate the energy molecule NADPH for biosynthesis reaction in the cells 3. To provide ribose-5 phosphate for the synthesis of nucleotides and nucleic acid including DNA and RNA 4. To metabolize dietary pentose from the digestion of nucleic acid 5. To biosynthesize steroid hormones and fatty acids (by utilizing in NADPH) 6. To regenerate the most powerful antioxidant glutathione enzyme and thereby protect cells and mitochondrial DNA from oxidative stress and aging 7. To support the production of UDP glucuronic acid, that is essentially important for overall detoxification. Hormonal transport production of proteoglycan and glycoproteins and the synthesis of sphingolipids (lipids that are necessary for detox and neural protection)

The Adverse Effects of Low Calorie and Low Carb Diets As you can see, the pentose phosphate pathway controls critical metabolic functions. However, in times of a desperate need for energy, such as during prolonged fasting or due to low calorie diets, the pentose phosphate pathway may shut down its main functions and instead switch into sheer energy production. It is likely that energy demand is a top priority for the body and therefore, in times of desperate need for energy, the body would suppress certain important metabolic pathways to accelerate immediate energy production. In fact, 30 percent of liver glucose oxidation can occur via the pentose phosphate pathway. Consequently, dietary carb utilization is a factor that can significantly influence the pentose phosphate pathway’s actions. Since the synthesis of glucose from protein or fat (gluconeogenesis) is in fact a limited metabolic process that occurs mostly in the liver (muscle can’t produce glucose), it is reasonable to conclude that severe low carb diets, for active individuals in particular, which chronically over-restrict dietary carb consumption (under 100g of carbs per day), may adversely affect the pentose phosphate pathway due to insufficient glucose supply and increased energy demand. The pentose phosphate pathway’s actions also decreases with age, a fact that may contribute to the decline in steroid hormone production, muscle waste, increased vulnerability to disease and reduced energy production. Finally, it’s important to note that insulin sensitivity is necessary for optimum glucose utilization and the activation of the pentose phosphate pathway.


Glucuronic Acid Pathway (or Uronic Acid Pathway) The glucuronic acid pathway, or as it is called, uronic acid pathway, is also derived from glucose metabolism, mostly in the liver. Its active compound UDP glucuronic acid is a co-enzyme responsible for binding with toxins to facilitate their elimination. In that respect, UDP glucuronate conjugates with endotoxins such as bilrubine (a toxin metabolite of hemoglobin and dietary meat) as well as sulphoric acid and thereby protects the body from endotoxicity and exposure to carcinogens. Meat Eaters and Coffee Drinkers Meat eaters and coffee drinkers should be aware of the important role that glucuronate plays in overall detox, in particular with regard to the digestion and assimilation of animal protein and the neutralization of coffee acid toxin compounds. The Uronic Acid Pathway is a primal evolutionary metabolic process that initially synthesizes Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in mammals, except in primates including humans. Nevertheless, UDP glucuronic acid’s primal actions include: Detoxification The transport of fat soluble hormones and substances to target tissues for subsequent release The production of proteoglycans and glycoconjugated compounds such as glucosamine glycan and glycoproteins, which perform critical immune and hormonal signaling functions on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix. Some proteoglycans serve as growth factor receptors. The uronic acid pathway also regulates the production of sphingolipids (lipids which are based on a lipophilic amino alcohol backbone rather than glycerol). Sphingolipids play an important role in transduction signals, protection against toxins, viruses and bacteria, activation of cell receptors and neuroprotective actions. The glucuronic acid pathway functions depend on the pentose phosphate pathway and therefore depends on overall glucose metabolism. Evidently, both pathways’ optimal actions requires sufficient dietary carb utilization. In summary, dietary carbs and glucose utilization go far beyond just sheer energy production. Chronic carb or calorie over restrictions may help one lose fat in the short run. However, in the long run, such dietary methods may diminish the essentially important pentose phosphate pathway with its related UDP glucuronic acid functions and thereby adversely affect critical metabolic processes including steroid hormone synthesis, nucleic acid and nucleotides production, tissue repair, removal of toxins and overall generation of energy. Bodybuilders and athletes should never overlook the important role of carb utilization in muscular development and overall performance. Nonetheless, the question remains - how can one practically consume carbs in order to maximize all the beneficial effects without causing insulin resistance or fat gain?


How To Take Advantage of Dietary Carbs for Building Lean Tissue, Removing Toxins, Burning Fat and Igniting Maximum Energy Avoid prolonged low calorie or crash diets to grant sufficient energy supply necessary for optimum function of the pentose phosphate pathway and the related uronic acid pathway Avoid chronic carb over restriction due to prolonged very low or no carb diets. Insufficient carb utilization may adversely affect the pentose phosphate pathway and its related UDP glucuronic acid functions. Limit your carb consumption to one meal per day, preferably at night. That way you may be able to keep high insulin sensitivity toward the end of the day and thereby afford optimum carb utilization. You can opt to cycle between days of low carbs and days of moderate to high carbs. This method could be highly effective in protecting against insulin resistance and preventing fat gain, while maximizing carb utilization for overall regeneration of tissue and ignition of energy. For instance, you can incorporate a high carb day followed by two days of low carbs (high fat), followed by a moderate carb day, followed by a low carb high protein day, and so on. Minimize simple carb consumption. Prioritize your dietary carb intake. Always choose complex carbs with low a glycemic index and those that are naturally high in fiber. The best choices for carb food are legumes, roots, squashes, barley, oats, wild rice and quinoa. Whole complex carb food releases glucose at a slower rate than simple carb food and therefore may afford better glucose utilization with a decreased risk of insulin and blood sugar fluctuation. Do not eat carbs alone, in particular grains or roots. Always combine these carbs with protein or fat to decrease their glycemic effect. Carbs alone may provoke an insulin spike and a consequent low blood sugar with symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, irritability, headaches and a craving for sweets. Bodybuilders and athletes should carefully design their pre-workout recovery meals to contain a high ratio of protein to carbs. Eating low glycemic whole fruits such as apples, berries or kiwis on an empty stomach is ok. Nonetheless, it is highly recommended to squeeze lime or lemon juice on the top. Acid slows the rate of carb absorption. The fiber in whole fruits significantly reduces the sugar impact and effectively enhances overall detox. Take multivitamin and multimineral supplements as well as EFAs to facilitate optimum assimilation of all essential nutrients. A lack of even one essential nutrient may lead to severe metabolic impairment and compromise the ability of the body to utilize glucose and energy. B vitamins, in particular, are precursors to co-enzymes, which are vitally important for glucose and energy utilization. Antioxidants are necessary for protection against oxidative free radicals and overall detox. Note that active individuals, including bodybuilders and athletes, need to increase essential nutrients and antioxidant intake due to higher food consumption and increased oxygenation with their respective waste and toxin metabolites.


Final Notes Dietary carbs should be regarded as a double edge sword. Nonetheless, in times of so much confusion as to what to eat and how much, it’s important to present another way of looking at food, including carbohydrate-rich foods. Food should be regarded as a source of complete nourishment and as such, it should satisfy three requirements: 1. Food should supply all essential and conditionally essential nutrients 2. Food should be clean of chemical toxins. It should smell and taste well and be fully digestible. 3. Food should supply an optimal amount of energy substrates (including glucose) to satisfy the body’s metabolic needs. Optimum means: the right amount needed - no less, no more! Dietary carbs are a most viable source of conditionally essential glucose as well as fiber, minerals, oils and phytonutrients. Carbs add unique taste, smell and aroma to food and are considered the cleanest and most digestible fuel. One should never dismiss the importance of smell, taste and overall satiety from food. Hunger and satiety mark the presence of most powerful neuropeptides that aside from regulating feeding cycles, also regulate hormonal secretion, sleep-awake cycles, aggression and relaxation, regeneration of tissues (growth), overall energy expenditure and rate of fat burning. From that aspect, both sensation of hunger and satisfaction from food are necessary for maximum nourishment. Food works as a source of nutrients and also as a neurocatalyst for other numerous critical metabolic functions that regulate the rate of growth, fat burning and energy production. Chronically over restricting or eliminating dietary carbs from one’s diet may lead to severe consequences including hormonal and neural impairments, stunted growth, sluggish metabolism and advanced aging, notwithstanding chronic hunger, in particular craving for sweets, mood swings, depression and fatigue. Saying all that, carbs should always be treated as the fastest to assimilate and most aggressive component of food. As noted, they should never be consumed too often during the day to avoid insulin resistance and blood sugar fluctuation. Finally, use your instincts and common sense. Through trial and error, you can find the right amount of carbs that your body needs. Using old dietary methods such as carb depletion followed by carb the loading will enable you to periodically consume a large amount of carbs without gaining fat. Remember, what you see is what you get, and in a related matter, what looks good, smells good and tastes good is generally good. Regardless of what many low carb advocates say, our human body is well preprogrammed to ingest and utilize carbs. Therefore, chronically over restricting or avoiding carbs may be biologically perceived by the body as a suppression of a primal need. When you go against your true nature, your body may come back with a vengeance to reclaim what was taken away from it, and it will do so by inducing an excruciating hunger with a chronic cravings for sweets, that often leads to compulsive binging on carbs and undesirable fat gain. Do not deny your body from its primal need to eat carbs. Do not tempt to fool your body with carb substitutes and artificial 6

sweeteners. Nothing can take the place of real dietary carbs and their critical function in your body. NOTE: People suffering from diabetes and blood sugar related problems should consult their physician or health professional before adopting any dietary regimen.


The Warrior Newsletter - Issue 12 By Ori Hofmekler With Marc Salzman

Part I: The Science behind the Warrior Diet New studies support the Warrior Diet advantage How you can overeat at night and still lose weight Why the feeding cycle of undereating and overeating improves human survival Breaking News - Feeding Cycles of Undereating and Overeating May Increase Lifespan and Protect From Disease Recent studies suggest that the health benefits of periodic fasting followed by a overeating range from longer life span to less stress and increased insulin sensitivity. The studies that were conducted by Dr. Mark Mattson and colleagues at the National Institute of Aging found that mice that fasted every other day and overeat every other day, respectively, had an extended life span. The new experiment found that mice also did better in factors involving diabetes and nerve damage in the brain similar to Alzheimer's disease. Analogous to the above studies, the Warrior Diet is based on feeding cycles of undereating and overeating either on a daily basis, or as it recommends, occasional "macros cycles", wherein you can undereat for a full day and then overeat the following day, somewhat like the feeding cycle in the above experiment. Considering the fact that the Warrior Diet has plenty of success stories and anecdotal evidence as to its efficacy, we offered our help and data to the scientists in charge of the studies. In a response to our offer, we received an e-mail by Dr. Mattson stating that there is a plan for additional studies in rats and mice on a diet similar to the Warrior Diet. Dr. Mattson expressed his interest to speak with Mr. Hofmekler, author of the Warrior Diet, concerning his insight into this important issue.

Research Report References: R. Michael Anson *, Zhihong Guo *, Rafael de Cabo, Titilola Iyun, Michelle Rios, Adrienne Hagepanos, Donald K. Ingram, Mark A. Lane , and Mark P. Mattson, "Intermittent fasting 8

dissociates beneficial effects of dietary restriction on glucose metabolism and neuronal resistance to injury from calorie intake", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Online Early Edition the week of April 30, 2003 (http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/1035720100v1) *W. Duan, Z. Guo, H. Jaing, M. Ware, X-J. Li, and M. P. Mattson, "Dietary Restriction Normalizes Glucose Metabolism and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels, Slows Disease Progression and Increases Survival in Huntington Mutant Mice" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Online Early Edition the week of February 10 (http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/100/5/2911). Click Here for NIH News Release

Part II: Hard Questions, True Answers Q: How can you overeat at night and lose weight? A: By following a daily cycle of undereating during the day and overeating at night. You can trigger a biological mechanism that forces the body to redesign itself, burn fat and lose extra weight. Q: What is this biological mechanism that forces your body to burn fat and lose weight? A: The biological mechanism that forces your body to burn fat is a primal survival mechanism that evolved over many years of evolution. This survival mechanism is triggered in times of danger, physical stress and lack of food. When triggered it helps the body cope with stress, burn stored fat as fuel for increased energy demand and improve endurance to better survive. Q: How exactly can you trigger this survival mechanism that will force your body to burn fat? A: You can trigger this survival mechanism by mimicking situations of danger, physical stress or lack of food. In practical terms, you can trigger it through undereating or exercise. Preferable, you should combine both undereating and exercising to maximize this survival mode's impact on the body and increase the fat burning effect. On the cellular level a most powerful factor is activated during exercise and fasting. This cellular factor, called cyclic AMP, forces the body to burn fat for energy while inhibiting any fat gain. Q: How does this survival mechanism help you survive by losing fat? A: When triggered, this survival mechanism improves the body's survival capabilities and it does so by forcing the body to burn fat stores as fuel for increased energy production. Increased energy production helps the body survive in times of increased energy demand such as during danger, starvation or extreme stress. Additionally, cAMP stimulates steroid hormone and growth hormone production and thereby further enhances recuperation and overall rejuvenation.


Discover revolutionary new information on how to eliminate stubborn fat-- visit www.warriordiet.com/stubbornfat. For personal consultations with Ori Hofmekler Email: [email protected] or call: 1-866-WARDIET Q: What is the role of overeating at night? A: Eating one meal a day at night puts the body in a most beneficial biological cycle in which it is destined to be. The big meals at night helped humans recuperate from the loss of nutrients during the day. It replenishes energy reserves. Eating at night supports all critical hormonal actions that are necessary for building tissue, healing and maintenance. Most importantly, overeating at night can help increase the body's overall metabolic rate and therefore enhances its ability to burn fat. On the top of all this, overeating at night helps you relax. Night is the time to relax and get sleepy. Q: However, we do know that many people binge late at night and as a result they gain weight and get depressed. How can you explain that? A: People gain weight because they binge compulsively in an uncontrolled manner. On the other hand, overeating at night such as when following the Warrior Diet is conducted in a controlled manner. Overeating at night should always complete a daily cycle which means it should always follow a period of undereating. This way of eating is completely different from compulsive, late night uncontrolled binging. Controlled overeating can help one increase metabolism, relax, reach full satisfaction and lose weight in the long run. On the other hand, the typical uncontrolled late night binging may adversely cause fat gain followed by nervousness, guilt and a sense of failure. Q: Why do so many people binge late at night? A: Many people binge late at night because of an unconscious need to satisfy a deep primal instinct to overeat at night. It is very possible that during many years of evolution, humans developed a primal biological need to overeat at night in order to replenish energy reserves and lost nutrients and also in order to relax and reach a sense of full satisfaction. Overeating is likely a part of this survival mechanism that helped humans cope with daily stress, lack of food and hardship. Modern over-restrictive diets leave many people feel nutritionally and emotionally deprived. It is usually late at night when artificial boundaries are broken and this primal urge to overeat erupts like a volcano forcing one to compulsively binge as a way of compensating for the lack of satisfaction and nutrients. Every time that you force your body to go against its destiny, it will find a way to come back with a vengeance. Compulsive binging is a brutal and desperate way of the body to reinforce its own rules. Q: What then should people do to follow their biological destiny, reach full satisfaction and lose weight? A: Follow a daily cycle of undereating and overeating. Exercise three to four times per week. Q: What is undereating? 10

A: Minimize eating during the day to mostly raw fruits and veggies. Coffee, tea, soups and light protein such as poached eggs or yogurt are ok too. Q: What is overeating? A: Eat as much as you want from all food groups. Start with veggies, protein and fat. If still hungry, finish your meal with carbohydrates. Q: How do you know when to stop eating? A: Stop eating when you're fully satisfied or when you're much more thirsty than hungry. A sense of thirst should guide you as to when to stop eating. Q: What makes the Warrior Diet different from other diets? A: What makes the WD unique is the fact that it is based upon human instincts. No other diet gives you the unrestricted pleasure of eating as much as you want from all the food groups (including carbs) and still lose weight. The Warrior Diet is based on profound biological principles with serious research and anecdotal evidence and as such, it makes more sense than any other diet. Most importantly, the Warrior Diet isn't just a diet, it's a way of life. It can be modified according to special personal needs and can accommodate individuals who suffer from different kinds of metabolic problems including high cholesterol or blood sugar and all that while giving individuals a full sense of freedom and satisfaction. Finally, most current diets fail in the long run. The Warrior Diet isn't a fad diet. Both men and women could find it easy to follow. In fact, many who try this diet testify as to its long lasting effectiveness especially as far as getting lean and staying lean. I believe people can follow it for a lifetime -- hopefully a long one.


The Warrior Newsletter - Issue 11 By Ori Hofmekler With Marc Salzman

Your Warrior Diet Questions Answered - Part 2 TOPIC: Protein Consumption - How much protein per day (grams) should you eat on The Warrior Diet? (A Contradiction Dispelled) On page 162 there is a possible contradiction in "Building Muscles Without Gaining Fat" in paragraph 4 sentence 3: "Whenever you ingest 2 g of protein per pound of body weight, you stimulate a natural anabolic process"… Are you suggesting one consume 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight at one sitting if you want to build muscle? For example, I weigh 170 pounds. So, that would mean that if I wanted more muscle growth, I would need to consume 340 grams of protein in one meal during the "overeating phase"? It has always been my understanding that one "needs" to consume around 0.8 to 1.0 gram of protein per pound of body weight to build muscle. This in itself is hard to do with 3 to 6 meals a day let alone 1 meal. If I were to follow this "general" basic protein recommendation for those who desire muscle growth (0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight), I would need to eat between 136 - 170 grams of protein while on the Warrior Diet during the "overeating phase." Even this is too much at one sitting and I have no intention of attempting it. Being that on the same page (page 162) in paragraph 3, sentence 3 you state; "Moreover, I believe the body's ability to utilize protein can increase by twofold after undereating". Wouldn't that then suggest that a bodybuilder on the Warrior Diet need consume half the amount of protein than they normally consumed before trying the Warrior Diet to stimulate muscle growth? This would then suggest that a 170 pound person like myself who is striving to build muscle while on the Warrior Diet need only consume around 85 grams of protein (or 1/2 of the sum of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight times 170 pounds -- if following a "basic" protein requirement for muscle growth)? Muscle gain is a process that involves a complex of factors that include the actions of all anabolic agents such as steroid hormones, growth hormone, IGF1, prostaglandins, and cellular factor cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP. The amount of dietary protein required for the purpose of muscle gain clearly depends on an individual's metabolic state. In general, people who follow a typical routine of eating 6 meals per day may likely benefit from ingesting more protein than those who follow a daily cycle of undereating and overeating (i.e., WD). While it is commonly believed that typical bodybuilders may need between 1.5 - 2g per pound of bodyweight, on the WD, individuals may be able to help establish an anabolic state with much less than that (likely about 50% less). Nevertheless, to practically maximize protein 12

utilization, I would highly recommend cycling between days of high protein and days of moderate to low protein. By doing so, one may be able to trigger the body's natural tendency to increase protein utilization (when under a temporary low protein diet, the body's protein utilization increases). Use your common sense and by trial and error, you should be able to find the exact amount of protein that will do the job. Note that the undereating phase activates a process that stimulates the release of anabolic hormones via the actions of cellular factor cyclic AMP. Having post-exercise recovery meals as well as overeating at night may help take advantage of the initial undereating and exercise related growth stimulation to finally establish maximum anabolic state.

TOPIC: Recovery Meals Is it ok to have a protein shake or two during the day? Yes it's OK to have protein shakes during the day. In fact the Warrior Diet highly recommends active athletes to have small recovery meals during and after prolonged physical activities. Recovery meals should consist of about 15 to 30 grams of protein with 5 to 10 grams of carbs. It's advisable to have protein from whole food sources such as poached eggs, yogurt or cheese and carbs from starchy food sources. Instead of protein shakes you can opt to have real foodbased recovery meals such as yogurt and banana that supply both protein and carbs. If using sweeteners, use no more than 5 grams of a fructose-free sweetener like rice or maple syrup.


The Warrior Newsletter - Issue 10 By Ori Hofmekler With Marc Salzman

Your Warrior Diet Questions Answered - Part 1 Maximum performance is the ultimate goal of individuals who wish to excel. Being the strongest, fastest and toughest you can be is a virtue that goes far beyond athletic performance. The quest to be your best forces you to push your limits and rise to your potential. Most important, you gain the courage to change things that need to be changed and thereby increase your chances of improving the way you look, feel and perform. However, the way to becoming better you isn’t always easy. As they often say, “the devil is in the details”, and those who are in the process of changing and improving diet and workout routines often face problems that need to be addressed. Readers and followers of the Warrior Diet continually ask for practical advice and sometimes for clarification. Many of the e-mails I receive address important issues that deserve more than a simple “do this or do that” response. As many inquiries reoccur, this newsletter includes a selection of relevant and frequently asked questions with answers that include practical applications, in addition to general and detailed information beyond what is in the Warrior Diet book. Nevertheless, certain topics such as how to deal with insulin resistance, how to maintain a state of alertness or the amount of protein one should consume to effectively build muscle, are of special interest due to their often unresolved and controversial appeal.

TOPIC: Length of Undereating Cycle How long should the undereating phase last from the time of finishing the previous evening’s meal? Regarding the undereating stage, there has been some confusion about timing. The Warrior principles are very simple: one meal a day at night. The Warrior diet is based on instinctual principles in which one does not have to check exact times, or for that matter, count calories or restrict macronutrients. Simply put, undereating should begin after the last big meal (or overeating stage) has been digested (about 8-12 hours depending on the quality of the food). The 16-18 hours of undereating is a “maximum”. Fasting for longer than 18 hours may compromise the metabolic advantages of undereating (i.e., after digestion, you should not undereat for more than 18 hours or controlled fasting can have adverse effects on hormones and muscles. The confusion arose from the intended meaning of the statement "It lasts for 16-18 hours after your last meal, including time you are asleep." The intended meaning is 16-18 hours PLUS sleep time. Sleep time is usually 14

when one digests the big meal. However, we have come to learn that WD followers have all kinds of bizarre schedules. So, “undereating” really “begins” when the big meal’s food has been digested (not necessarily eliminated). While people should not fast for longer than 18 hours, they should use their instinct to determine when to eat the one daily meal, whether it’s 10 hours, 12 hours or 15 hours after undereating. Use your common sense. Don’t do anything that doesn’t make sense.

TOPIC: Gaining Muscle Mass While on the Warrior Diet For the purpose of gaining muscle, can you eat during the day, what and how much? Athletes and bodybuilders who train during the day are highly advised to have recovery meals right after exercising. Recovery meals should consist of mostly proteins (about 15 - 30 grams) and little carbs, about 5 - 10g from either starchy sources or glucose-mostly containing natural sweetener such as rice syrup, or maple syrup. Ingesting raw fruits and vegetables is highly recommended for the purpose of constant nourishment and overall detox. Nonetheless, active people who are interested in gaining muscle should increase protein consumption via small recovery-like meals during the day. Protein and carb ingestion, especially after exercise, will help one take advantage of exercise-related growth stimulation to facilitate actual anabolic actions that can lead to muscle gain. It’s important to note that dietary proteins ingestion and insulin activity are critically important to finalize the actions of growth hormone and IGF1 on the muscles, notwithstanding, the anabolic actions of insulin by itself. The WD is not about water fasting. However, many people on The Warrior Diet fast on water only during the undereating phase. There are times when I do a water fast simply because I am too busy. For those who water fast (there are quite a few), I recommend they break the fast at least once. Have a vegetable juice or fruit to help your liver detoxify. Also, you will prevent your body from becoming nutrient deficient (in particular, minerals). Note: if you water fast for the whole undereating phase, it’s still o.k. The Warrior Diet is about personal choices. My primary goal is to gain as much muscle mass as possible. Is it possible to gain noticeable muscle mass on the Warrior Diet? The Warrior Diet is about muscular development. Muscular development is a term that means much more than just muscle mass gain. It involves a process that improves muscle strength, speed, agility and endurance. In fact, muscular development does not always involve muscle mass gain. You are as good as your performance, not as good as your size. Nevertheless, for those interested in muscle gain, the WD can present you with the hard facts that can help you reach maximum anabolic state. In order not to be too vague, the WD clearly addresses critical topics such as how to increase natural anabolic hormone impact on the body via special dietary and exercise cycles. It also offers practical advice as to best nutritional food and supplements that can help you with the cast to build muscle and gain strength. The Warrior Diet specifically addresses this question (refer to Chapter 5, "The Overeating Phase" and Chapter 10, "The Warrior Diet Idea"). I believe the Warrior Diet is the only diet on 15

which you can lose fat and build muscle simultaneously without going through the typical bodybuilding routines of gaining and dieting. Many bodybuilders, while dieting on very low carb diets lose weight together with muscle mass and sex drive. Then, close to a competition, they depend on drugs to maintain their energy. The Warrior Diet puts you in the best shape without the typical side effects. You'll feel more energetic and focused. Dear Ori, Your book has made a major difference in my life! My energy is better now than when I was a teenager! At 44 years old that's really saying something! I read Mike Mahler's interview with you. I was struck by your ability to gain 12 lbs in a year. Ori, that is my goal! I am a lean 188lb but have for many years desired to hit the 200 lb mark. How did you do it? I’m assuming you did some minor tweaking of the Warrior Diet to reach this result. There are ways to accelerate muscle growth. Principally you should cycle between 3 - 4 days of extreme overeating and 2 - 3 days of moderate to extreme undereating (whole days). After a few weeks of rotating between the above daily cycles, you'll probably notice significant muscle gain. Nevertheless, it isn't an easy routine. Sometimes I had to force myself to eat. As absurd as it sounds, the real gain usually happens a week or two after finishing a cycle. This is likely due to the time the body needs to adapt to the extreme calorie and protein fluctuations. Exercise is important. I found that cycling between controlled fatigue and low followed by high rep resistance training is the best method for giving your body the stimuli to be tougher, stronger, and leaner. Finally, cycling between days of high protein and days of low protein consumption is another most efficient dietary method to increase protein utilization and inhibit muscle breakdown, thereby supporting muscle gain. Low protein days activate a biological mechanism that inhibits muscle protein breakdown. The following high protein days would likely help take advantage of the initial increase in protein utilization to accelerate muscle growth.


Warrior Newsletter – Issue 9 By Ori Hofmekler With Marc Salzman

How to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat on the Warrior Diet The Principles of Growth “How can I keep gaining muscle mass while losing fat on The Warrior Diet?” I am asked this question all the time now — by people who have reached a plateau, with no further muscle gain and no other noticeable progress. Through e-mails and private consultations, I realized that most of these people already suffer from severe dietary related problems such as fatigue, lethargy, sluggishness, fat gain, loss of libido, insomnia, irregularity and a decrease in muscle strength and endurance. The purpose of this newsletter is to shed some light on the principles of muscle growth and rejuvenation and the nature of body composition. Let me start with the reasons why people reach a plateau, or to say it another way, why people hit the wall. People hit the wall when their body adaptation to physical stress through rejuvenation (growth and repair) is impaired. Growth, proliferation and protein synthesis is being regulated by many factors such as glands, hormones, enzymes, hormonal receptors, cell membrane pH, mineral composition, osmotic pressure, outer-cellular plasma nucleotides, cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, mitochondrial energy yield and sheer stress. To put it simply – growth is more complicated than just shoving in protein and pumping iron. The principle of inducing growth is based on strong stimulation that signals rejuvenation (tissue repair) and proliferation (increase in tissue mass). The growth stimulation activates an anabolic process through receptors in the cellular membrane. This stimulation requires carriers such as hormones, steroids, growth factors and nucleotides can’t be fully potentiated without the activation of cellular membrane receptors. If the cell membrane receptors are insensitive (such as in the case of de-sensitized insulin, adrenal or IGF1 receptors) then growth will be impaired. There is much more to it but for the purpose of understanding the principles of growth, let me just say for now that cell membrane receptor activation is critical.


Growth activation depends on the body’s ability to re-sensitize or recuperate its receptors. Recuperation and growth go hand in hand. The point that I’m trying to make here is that your body needs time to recuperate in order to resume growth. The process of recuperation includes daily detoxification, the redesigning of daily nutrition and diet composition and most importantly the alleviation of stress on your liver to help regulate protein synthesis and fat burning. The Warrior Diet gives you just that. Sometimes it’s good to take a step back in order to move two steps forward. Those who are concerned about losing fat and some muscle mass do not realize that at that preliminary stage, they have already improved their body composition (this means the improvement of the ratio of muscle to fat). In order to get out of a plateau and resume growth, one has to go through a preliminary stage of detox that often results in a temporary weight loss.

The Myth of Protein Many people reach a plateau in spite of consuming monstrous amounts of protein, mostly from commercial protein powders. Those who consume 300 - 400g of protein per day don’t realize that this is one of the reasons why they have stagnated. Too much processed protein creates a protein imbalance that leads to -- guess what -- amino acid deficiency! Moreover, in order to get rid of the extra aminos, the body converts them into energy or fat while taxing the liver with toxic byproducts of protein breakdown. Low Carb Products Most low carb products have ingredients that can seriously inhibit fat burning or glycolysis (the conversion of sugar into energy). Glycerin, ethanol and sorbitol are common ingredients in most low carb protein products. These chemicals can have a devastating effect on your liver’s ability to regulate fat and sugar metabolism. The subject of growth is intriguing and deserves much more attention. Nevertheless, in order to simplify things let me offer you twelve basic tips to help maximize your muscle growth while burning fat: 1. DETOX! Undereating during the day by ingesting live whole vegetables, fruits and their juices will help accelerate detoxification. 2. Take 2 to 3 weeks off from eating processed foods and eat whole foods instead. 3. You may be overtrained. Take a break and see if that helps. 4. Stay away from low carb protein products that contain glycerin. 5. Minimize alcohol consumption. 6. Carbs are not the bad guy! Chronic carb restriction can slow your thyroid and impair growth. 18

7. Keep the good fat coming. EFA from flax and primrose oils and phospho-lipids from soy lecithin are essential for cellular membranes and play a critical role in the regulation of hormonal and cellular functions. 8. Rotate among full days of undereating and full days of overeating. Undereating will potentiate the body to turn on the anabolic switch. Overeating will activate the final stimuli. 9. Protect your mitochondrial DNA with antioxidants (most importantly glutathione precursors, SOD precursors and lipoic acid). 10. Protect your bottom line with multivitamin and mineral supplementation. 11. Avoid chronic sodium restriction. Sodium is necessary for growth. 12. Take it easy with creatine to avoid impairment of the body’s own ability to produce creatine. These are a few basic tips that will hopefully help you break out of stagnation. Let me note here that following the above recommendations will naturally accelerate metabolic efficiency that will result in fat loss. Note: Mitochondrial high-energy yield in the form of ATP is critical for growth and overall rejuvenation. Thus, protecting your mitochondrial DNA will keep your energy level high while slowing the aging process and keep you growing.


The Warrior Newsletter - Issue 8 By Ori Hofmekler With Marc Salzman

Why Nursing Mothers and Professional Fighters Both Instinctively Crave the Same Diet Discover the secret driving force that allows a postnatal woman to lose 30 Pounds, while a champion martial artist gains extra muscle, greater strength and greater fighting powerPerformance is the scale by which to best measure a human being. At one end of the human performance scale we have nursing, at the other end, fighting. The two primal instincts that dominate our lives are the instinct to survive and the instinct to multiply. Therefore, the two most primal functions of humans are fighting and nursing. To be more specific, in order to survive and create new generations, ancient males had to fight and compete with other males for best mates that would carry their genes for future generations. A woman's main primal function was to give birth and to nurse. Males were primarily attracted to women who could be potential mothers for their offspring and women were primarily attracted to strong and tough males who could protect them and their children. Nursing and fighting are the most elemental functions of humankind and as such, they are naturally controlled by human survival instincts. While pregnant women and fighters are positioned at the extreme opposite poles of humanity they have something in common and that something is the subject of this newsletter. "Back in his suite at the MGM, Foreman polishes off his lunch - a plate of blueberries. 'I don't eat as much breakfast or lunch. But I do eat dinner!'…Losing weight is sophisticated"- George Foreman, World Heavyweight Boxing Champion (Fashions of the Times, Sunday New York Times, August 2002)"I (and my husband) have been following the Warrior Diet for almost six months now and have noticed exceptional results. I have always been active and had no weight problems until I tried to lose [weight] after my pregnancy! With the Warrior Diet, I lost all my pregnancy weight (25 lbs.) and an extra 5 pounds so far. The best thing about this health approach is the enormous amounts of energy I have." - Postnatal Woman, Peggy Pineiro, Harlingen, TX, 8/23/02

The One Thing That Unites Mothers and Fighters Mothers and fighters have something in common and that thing is what I call "Feeling Life". Nursing and fighting are skills dominated by life instincts. Without these primal instincts, mothers won't feel this overwhelming urge to nurse and fighters won't feel this aggressive drive 20

to win and dominate. It is my opinion that mothers and fighters represent the full spectrum of humankind actions and that all other human activities such as managing a business, creating art, writing a book or having a date are all related directly or indirectly to these primal human functions - fighting and nursing. Fighting, conquering, dominating and competing were all driving forces that pushed humans to improve upon themselves. Nursing, protecting, nourishing and loving were all primal forces that enabled human civilizations to perpetuate and survive. As you can see, you can't have one without the other. From a biological perspective, nursing and fighting go hand in hand. In other words, it is our core survival that triggers the instincts to nurse or to fight. Biologically, anything that triggers your survival instincts will force your body to adapt to more efficient instinctual reactions in order to better survive. We're taught to believe that we humans are different from each other and therefore we have different needs. It seems as if a pregnant woman who is soft and loving has completely the opposite needs of a lean and mean lone fighter who is rough with the skills to hurt and destroy. In spite of my full respect for individualization and the uniqueness of humankind, I do strongly believe that there is one thing that unites all of us humans including mothers and fighters, and that one thing is our biological desire to survive. It is my belief that any diet or lifestyle that triggers your survival instinct will force your body to instinctively redesign itself to be at its best potential to survive. Whether you're a nursing mother or a martial artist, triggering your survival instinct on a daily basis will unleash the power of your own inner wisdom that will guide you to your best performance.Life isn't as complicated as some health authorities want you to believe. Our bodies and minds were not meant to carry around charts of individualized diets, count calories or measure macronutrients! We're all predestined to live on the face of this planet. In the same way we are all subject to the law of gravity that pulls us downward toward the center of the earth, we're also controlled by a personal gravitational power that pulls us toward the center of our core existence. Survival on earth is meaningless without recognizing these two primal gravitational forces that dominate and design the way we look and act. Acknowledging these forces is the first step in understanding the importance of a diet and lifestyle that unconditionally satisfies the needs of all humans.

Triggering the Survival Instinct For thousands of years humans have engaged in social events that trigger their survival instinct. Ancient sport games originally mimicked war activities. Greek dramas played life situations that involved love, death, murder, betrayal, courage and adventure. Since early times, humans have had the innate urge to be in a survival mode. We love sports, we exercise, we gamble, we watch movies and while we engage in these activities subconsciously, we're playing the survival game. Every time that our survival instinct is triggered we react accordingly. Males' testosterone level fluctuates as a result of watching a boxing match or a football game. Humans feel sadness or happiness, fear or comfort by simply watching movies or theatre. It is this primal urge to trigger 21

our survival instinct that makes us be aware of what we really are. Without it, we have no ability to judge between right and wrong. The survival instinct is like a gravitational force that constantly pulls us toward the center of our primal being. The point is that we're all compelled to be in a survival mode, whether virtually or in reality, on a daily basis. Triggering the survival instinct is more than just a primal urge. It is indeed a biological necessity.

The Human Archetype In his most intriguing book, "The Great Mother", psychologist, anthropologist and researcher Eric Neumann tries to prove that our human archetype is predominantly feminine. According to Neuman, female Goddesses outnumbered and dominated male Gods in early human mythologies. There is a feminine gravity pulling force that is in the center of our human archetype, says Neumann. Masculinity is the outer layer of the human archetype and the masculine force tries to escape from the hold of the gravitational feminine center.We're living today in a predominantly male society "in which the younger male Gods revolted against the oldest archaic female Goddesses", concludes the author. Erich Neumann and Carl Jung dedicated their lives to human mythological research. Anthropological evidence led these people to the conclusion that there is indeed a human archetype with an identical structure and impact on all of us.

The True and Natural Human Diet The human archetype is still just a theory. Nevertheless, there is enough anthropological evidence to conclude that we humans have adapted through thousands of years of evolution into certain biological structures that dictate the way in which we must live. We do have this ancient wisdom within each of us to improve upon ourselves in order to better survive. Any factor that triggers our survival instinct will unleash the power of this wisdom. The Warrior Diet is about doing just that. Cycling between periods of undereating and overeating mimic the way that humans are biologically meant to live. By following this cycle, you give your body the natural stimuli to trigger your survival instincts. It is the undereating phase of the diet with its real sense of hunger that triggers your body's survival mode. With a virtual absence of food, our body will do anything in its power to improve upon itself to better survive. That is when detoxification, the removal of toxins and the recycling of old cells and damaged tissue, occurs. That is when your body activates the most efficient metabolic pathways to burn fat. During the undereating phase you are alert and focused. That is when your Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) is dominant. The SNS regulates the fight or flight mechanism that enables you to react to stress. During the waking hours, you are in your best shape to burn energy and perform. You are also preparing your body to eat as much as you want later on -- at night. Overeating at night and relaxing, close this daily cycle with a great sense of freedom and satiety. A nursing mother can lose dramatic weight for exactly the same reason a champion martial artist can gain in muscle strength and endurance. The human body will redesign itself according to its personal needs. If you're a postnatal mother, your body will take advantage of the Warrior Diet to lose weight during the undereating phase 22

(on a daily basis) until your body reaches its own ideal biological weight. If you're a fighter, it is the undereating phase that, surprisingly, triggers the most powerful anabolic state. In order to best survive, the body's protein utilization significantly increases and so does your ability to build lean tissue while burning fat. Daily detoxification and overeating increase the body's metabolic rate. Both mothers and fighters will enjoy this metabolic acceleration. This is indeed the human diet. It may go against current popular diet rules, but it does follow the rules of your own natural destiny.


The Warrior Newsletter - Issue 7 By Ori Hofmekler With Marc Salzman

Have you become an unsuspecting victim of Toxic Cocktail Syndrome? How to best protect yourself from deadly environmental toxin-attacks and other invasions of your private health freedom The recent devastating terrorist attacks on American cities have created an increased awareness of the dangers of environmental toxins. The threat of future attacks and a fear of the unknown, cause much anxiety among a large number of Americans today, especially those who live in crowded metropolitan cities. Environmental issues, including global radiation and chemical pollution, aren't exactly a top priority of the U.S. government, or, I'm sorry to say, for ordinary citizens of this country. With all the environmental conferences held worldwide that spotlight environmental damage, destruction and future dangers, nothing serious has been done to teach people how to best protect themselves on a daily basis, other than to wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun. Furthermore, there was and still is a significant lack of preparedness for terrorist-related environmental disasters. The purpose of this newsletter isn't political. Nevertheless, it's important to note that ignorance leads to vulnerability. When a disaster of such magnitude as the collapse of the World Trade Center happened, people should have been prepared, or at least informed of ways they could defend themselves against the deadly cloud of chemical dust and fumes, which include cadmium and aluminum, plastic derivatives, asbestos, radiated particles and ensuing dust. Your crucial first defense against terrorist attacks In my book The Warrior Diet, a chapter specifically deals with the first defenses against environmental toxins and radiation. Let me briefly synopsize this here. We live on a planet that for the last hundred or so years has been bombarded by man-made industrial chemicals. On top of this the world is over-radiated and as a result we're constantly exposed to slow radiation. In other words, industrial chemicals, environmental toxins and global radiation expose us to a continual assault of free radicals, estrogenic chemicals and radioactive material. Another important factor that should be mentioned here is the body's threshold to handle oxidative stress.


The body has its own innate lines of defense against metabolic stress. To make the matter simple let me sketch our natural defense mechanism. There are four major organ systems that regulate the body's defense against toxin-related stress: the liver, the lymphatic system, the digestive system and the nervous system. The first three deal with the neutralization and removal of chemical toxins. The last one, the nervous system, helps regulate the body's response to stress, to things such as a sudden life danger that requires a quick and efficient reaction when under stress. Our survival depends on how well these systems and organs are operating. Impairment of even one of them can lead to catastrophic results in times of severe environmental crisis. For example, those whose liver is already stressed by a daily assault of dietary toxins, endotoxins (waste) and pollution, may become overwhelmed and then unable to handle additional stress, to something like exposure to an explosion-related environmental cloud and the ensuing dust. Unhealthy diets, nutritional deficiencies, and drug abuse all compromise and age the digestive system. Having a lack of enzymes in one's system and chronic constipation, are just two more factors that lead to mal-digestion of food and nutrient deficiencies (such as proteins and minerals), and increased endotoxins and pathogenic organisms, all of which accelerate the oxidative stress on the body. An impaired digestive system also weakens the liver. Eating 4 to 6 meals a day does not afford the body enough time to recuperate and detoxify, and as a result many people today suffer from premature aging, chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure and cancer. When your overall health is compromised, your chance of surviving environmental dangers is diminished. The conclusion is that your first line of defense against any crisis, especially to terrorist attackrelated environmental pollution is to keep a steady daily detoxification cycle. Protect your liver. Give your lymphatic system a break. Support your digestive system. And, especially, feed your brain with the right protein that will help you handle unexpected stress. The fourteen-step Warrior defense plan to protect against and recover from the deadly effects of Toxic Cocktail Syndrome Below are brief dietary tips that can be used as a first defense against dietary toxins and overall metabolic stress. 1. Take minerals. Saturating your body with minerals will protect your vital organs from radioactive minerals. Minerals can chelate toxins out of your body. They are also involved in all metabolic pathways that produce energy. 2. Have miso soup. Miso is a great natural mineralizer and alkalizer. Japanese researchers believe that miso is a most potent anti-radiation food. 3. Sea vegetables such as kelp, arame and hijiki contain sodium alginate which is believed to be the best chelator for pulling radioactive toxins from the body. 4. Eat sulfur-containing foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale and eggs (with the yolk). Sulfur is a mineral that is critical for liver detoxification. 5. Take sulfur-containing free-form amino acids such as methionine and cystine. N-Acetyl Cystine (NAC) helps reduce metabolic stress as an anti-oxidant and chelator of heavy metals. NAC is also a potent protector against radiation. 25

6. Take S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe). SAMe is the active form of methionione. It is involved in the production of brain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and adrenaline that are necessary to manage stress. SAMe is also a methyl donor and as such is helpful in liver detoxification and metabolic efficiency. 7. Take glutamic acid to help detoxify and recycle ammonia to glutamine. In times of extreme oxidative stress, ammonia is quite toxic to the brain and glutamic acid could help prevent damage. 8. Take glutathione precursors. Reduced glutathione is a precursor to a most powerful antioxidant enzyme that helps protect all bodily tissue from free radical assaults. Glutathione precursors are: glutamic acid, glycine and cysteine. Glutathione helps protect your mitochondrial DNA from damage. Mitochondrial DNA is vulnerable to toxins and protecting it is critical for natural energy production and prevention of premature aging. 9. Follow a daily cycle of undereating and overeating. Undereating during the day while ingesting raw fruits and vegetables will help your liver detoxify. This undereating related daily detox will give enough time to your digestive system to recuperate and reload itself with enzymes and nutrients that are necessary for healthy digestion. 10. Take multivitamins to guarantee a minimum vitamin supply. Of most importance are the B vitamins and vitamin C that are most needed under stress. 11. Eat organic food if you can. Avoid petroleum-based pesticides and herbicides that put unnecessary pressure on the liver. 12. Avoid fluids that have been stored in plastic. Stay away from any food that smells like plastic. Plastic derivatives mimic estrogen and as such place severe pressure on the liver as well as exposing you to the danger of estrogenic-related symptoms such as stubborn fat, feminization of men, sterility and even cancer. 13. Avoid rancid food or over-processed food, including overly processed protein powders. Rancid fats, denatured or imbalanced proteins and refined carbs can compromise your overall metabolism. Your life, biologically, is defined by your metabolism. 14. Do not work out with an overly toxic body. If you're constipated, do not exercise. Doing so will accelerate the already high metabolic stress on your liver and all other bodily tissues. For the same reason, do not jog, run or exercise outdoors when air pollution is high. More information on this topic can be found in The Warrior Diet - Chapter Ten - "The Warrior Diet Idea" - Page 169.

A Special Warning about Ground Zero and Toxic Cocktail Syndrome The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have stated that they are making efforts to protect the health of those who work or worked at Ground Zero. According to these agencies a significant effort has and continues, regarding checking and monitoring environmental toxins, such as to benzene, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and asbestos there that are now associated with the collapse and fire at the site. 26

The official recommendation on how to protect against the above pollution was spotty initially, and since has been confined to the suggestion to wear a respirator, which have been provided by the EPA, OSHA, and other governmental agencies. As far as environmental toxins are concerned, I'm unaware of any other practical solutions or suggestions of defense offered by these agencies against these chemicals, even to those chemicals that were indeed deemed to be high. Statements made that levels were at or just above the EPA's standard for action (in relation to dioxin) are an example of the disinformation relayed to the people and of trying to smooth things over. While the agencies are still monitoring the air at and near Ground Zero, as far as I know, no serious action (other than suggestions to wear respirators) has been done to help prevent or treat those who were exposed to this "toxic cocktail" or are already suffering its results. Interested in knowing everything you need to know to fully protect yourself against environmental toxins? Looking for cutting-edge advice on how to transform yourself through diet and lifestyle? Then check out these seminars below. (Note that Dragon Door Publications is not sponsoring these seminars and is not involved in the registration process.)


The Warrior Newsletter - Issue 6 By Ori Hofmekler

30 Major Diet Secrets for a Successful Love-Life What You Absolutely Should and Shouldn’t Do To Boost Your Sex Drive and Enhance Performance 1. Eat meat. Meat is high in the amino acid Arginine and the minerals Zinc and Iron that are essential for sexual performance. 2. Make sure you eat complete protein such as eggs, cheese or meat. Missing even one of the eight essential amino acids in your diet may cause deficiencies of enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters or catalysts that regulate healthy sexual performance. Amino acid deficiencies can lead to impotence and infertility. 3. If you’re a vegetarian, make sure you combine legumes or beans with whole grains as a source of complete protein. For example, black beans and rice or humus with pita bread are complete protein foods. 4. Minimize your eating during the day to mostly raw fruits and vegetables. This ensures a daily detoxification of your body’s harmful toxins. It will also protect your tissues and blood vessels from the daily assault of free radicals. Protection from toxins and free radicals is imperative for healthy blood circulation and sexual performance. Detoxification is the first line of defense against aging. It will rejuvenate sexual desire and overall performance. 5. Take Arginine. Arginine, as noted, is vital for the production of Nitric Oxide, which regulates vasodilation and erection. Arginine is also an important amino acid that plays an essential role in sperm count and mobility. Taking supplemental L-Arginine is a good idea as long as you balance it with Lysine in a safe ratio of 1:2 (1 Arginine to 2 Lysine) 6. Eat protein on an empty stomach during the day to ensure a healthy supply of amino acids to your brain. Deficiencies of free form amino acids such as Tyrosine, or Methionine may compromise your ability to deal with stress and may eventually lead to sexual dysfunction. 7. You can also take supplements of free form amino acids such as Tyrosine and Methionine on an empty stomach (to insure assimilation). Take it together with B vitamins that are cofactors in the production of brain neurotransmitters. 8. Bee pollen is food for sex. Bee pollen can help boost your sperm count. Bee pollen isn’t just a fancy item in health food stores. Bee pollen is made from millions of particles of a semenlike substance. Pollen’s natural primal role is to fertilize.


9. Avoid diets that are very low in fat. Fat is the building block for your sex hormones. When you try to lose weight, be smart. Keep fat on your plate. It makes your food tastier and your life sexier. 10. Using essential fatty acids such as Flaxseed and Primrose should be your top priorities. Essential oils are the precursors of Prostaglandins (hormones on the cellular level that regulate performance and potency related functions). 11. Hydrogenated oils may put the brakes on your sex life. Stay away from rancid fats or hydrogenated oils. They may interfere with healthy fat metabolism and may adversely affect sexual performance. Stay away from food that smells stale or funky. Check the ingredients on the back of the label. 12. Aphrodisiac food is for real. Any food that you believe is an aphrodisiac may be so. The placebo affect is real. If you believe that chocolates or passion fruit, fertile eggs, figs, nuts or wine are aphrodisiacs go for them. Follow your instincts. 13. Eat beans. They are high in proteins, minerals and polysaccharides that can fuel your sex machine. Some beans contain the protein L. Dopa that is associated with boosting libido. 14. Take multi-vitamins & minerals daily. Vitamins and minerals are essential for the complex of biological actions (enzymatic hormonal and neuro-action that regulates healthy sexual performance). 15. Eat almonds. Almonds are believed to be a most aphrodisiac food. They’re naturally rich in the minerals Zinc, Manganese and Copper. The above minerals are precursors for the antioxidant enzyme SOD that is essential for sexual potency. Almonds are rich in good fats, protein, and phytonutrients. This nut in its raw state has an alkalizing affect on the body. Almonds were regarded in the past as a symbol of male genitals and overall fertility. The high content of zinc makes this nut an extremely potent supplemental food for an active male. 16. Take extra Vitamin E to ensure maximum protection from free radicals and oxidized fat. Vitamin E helps maintain the integrity of your blood vessels as well as your brain cells that play an active role in sexual performance. 17. Stay away from excess sugar. Insulin insensitivity may cause blood sugar fluctuations that adversely affect energy production. Insulin insensitivity may also compromise neuro and circulatory actions that are BR>imperative for healthy performance. 18. Coffee can boost your libido. Coffee boosts dopamine. Dopamine is a major neurotransmitter that is correlated with keeping the level of blood testosterone from dropping. 19. Hot chocolate is an aphrodisiac. It has both stimulating and sedative properties. Cocoa is a powerful anti-oxidant for your brain cells. Chocolate and cocoa liquor was considered to be most aphrodisiac by the Aztecs and later on by the Spanish conquistadors. 20. Eat fish and seafood. Fish is high in essential fatty acids especially omega 3 in it’s most active forms - DHA and EPA. Essential fats are important for healthy prostoglandins balance and thus are vitally important for sexual performance. Seafood is considered to be aphrodisiac food because of its high content of zinc, protein and especially iodine. 29

21. Your libido needs iodine. The mineral Iodine plays an indirect role in healthy sexual performance. Iodine interacts with protein L-Tyrosine to produce Tyroxine, the thyroid hormone that regulates body heat and cellular energy production. Iodine deficiency may slow down the thyroid gland. Low thyroid is corrected with low testosterone and low libido. 22. Overtraining may lead to impotency. Do not overtrain. Overtraining can exhaust all bodily systems. Too much physical or mental stress may lower your testosterone level. Overstressing yourself may take away your appetite as well as your sexual desire. 23. Be romantic – don’t rush. Play it right. Let the fire build itself up. Make love – don’t just have sex. You know. 24. Be hungry – hungry for life!!! 25. Follow a daily cycle of undereating and overeating. Every day represents a complete cycle of events. Take advantage of the The Warrior Diet, it will ensure your best performance. Daily detoxification through the undereating phase will help you stay young, lean and maintain your vigor higher. Overeating at night will compensate you with the unrestricted pleasure of complete nourishment. You’ll learn how to trust your instincts and control stress. You will in time maximize your potential to be at your best. Following this daily cycle will naturally force your body to redesign itself. That’s when you’ll learn your real self-image. You’ll have more energy at your disposal. Your sex appeal will be boosted and so will your performance. 26. Stay away from crash low calorie diets. A sudden drop in your daily calorie intake may cause a decline in sex hormones and a lagging libido. 27. Stay away from long-term no-carb diets. Carbs in the form of whole grains are powerhouses of vital nutrients such as oils, vitamins & minerals, antioxidants, essential fiber and polysaccharides that help maintain healthy performance. The germ of grains is considered by many nutrition experts to be one of nature’s most potent foods. All life forces of a plant are condensed in the germ. From that point of view, any life-bearing food is a potent fertility enhancer. Carb nourishment is important for relieving stress and calming down. Carbs also help maintain healthy Thyroid function. Optimum thyroid functions and managing stress are necessary for healthy performance. 28. Wine is aphrodisiac. A glass of wine can calm you down and from that perspective wine is good for sex. Wine is traditionally served to celebrate romantic moments. 29. Do not binge drink. For men, heavy alcohol drinking has a diminishing effect on testosterone and sperm count. Alcohol may send a man to sleep instead of making love. 30. Alcohol may have the opposite effect on women. Due to its highly estrogenic stimulation and the calming down feeling associated with drinking, many women feel sexually aroused after a couple of shots of liquor.


The Warrior Newsletter – Issue 5 By Ori Hofmekler

27 Tips to Optimize Your Brain Power 1. Avoid a big breakfast. Breads, muffins, bagels or pastries block your brain barriers. 2. Avoid eating big meals during the day. Big meals slow you down, and make you feel exhausted or sluggish. 3. If you are hungry or light-headed, eat small amounts of lean protein such as poached or boiled eggs, light cheese or yogurt. Proteins eaten alone (on an empty stomach) can pick up your neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and acetylcholine. 4. Minimize your eating during the day to mostly live raw fruits and veggies and their juices. This will help you detoxify and nourish your brain with essential nutrients and antioxidants to protect your brain from daily free radicals assaults. 5. Eat fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and swordfish or sardines. The fish oil contains essential fatty compounds Omega 3, DHA and EPA that play critical roll in brain development as well as improving memory, learning ability and metal capacity. 6. Flaxseeds are another excellent source of Omega 3 essential fatty acid (EFA). Most people today lack Omega 3 in their diet. EFA deficiency or imbalance is believed to be the cause of some brain diseases and mental aging. 7. Take EFA supplement to ensure essential fatty acid nourishment to your brain. 8. A glass of red wine with your evening meals can help protect your brain. 9. Avoid binge drinking. Excessive alcohol is toxic and is believed to destroy brain cells. 10. Eat lecithin granules. Soy lecithin is a great source of choline, inositol and phosphorus that are critical for optimum brain function. 11. Minimize your sugar consumption. Stay away from sweet cereals, candy bars or sodas. They cause blood sugar fluctuation, which leads to insulin insensitivity. Insulin insensitivity is believed to be the main cause of an inefficient supply of energy to the brain. 12. Supplement yourself with multivitamins and antioxidants to guarantee optimal brain function. Vitamins such as the B vitamin play a critical roll as catalysts in the production of essential brain neurotransmitters and hormones. A deficiency of even one vitamin may impair brain function. 13. Take ginkgo biloba (standardize for 24% ginkgo flavon glycosides) to improve brain circulation and memory.


14. Panax ginseng during the day works as a tonic and is believed to help boost mental activity. Siberian ginseng should be taken at the end of the day. This particular ginseng is believed to have a calming effect on the brain. 15. Eat carbohydrates at night. Complex carbs will relax your mind before going to sleep. Carbs boost serotenine, a brain neurotransmitter protein that is responsible for the feeling of well being and calming down. 16. Eat tryptophan-rich foods before bed time such as hot milk with honey or bananas. Tryptophan is a building block protein for serotenin and the melatonin hormone, which regulate healthy sleeping cycle. Melatonin is believed to protect the brain from aging-related diseases. It works as an antioxidant and anticancerous agent. 17. Make sure to supply your body with multi-minerals. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium play a vital roll in regulating optimum mental capacity, steady mood and protection from tension headaches. Minerals protect your brain from toxic metals such as lead or mercury. 18. Avoid rancid fats, hydrogenated fats and transfatty acids as found in margarine or hydrogenated oils additives to different food products. Bad fats impair optimum brain function and may causes brain damage. 19. Follow a progressive exercise routine. Exercise will help you with your blood circulation, stress, and overall mind and body performance. 20. Get The Warrior Diet book at www.dragondoor.com. The Warrior Diet, which is based on following a daily cycle of underrating and overeating, will help you reach your peak mental performance during the day and full relaxation followed by a healthy sleeping pattern at night. The Warrior Diet guides you to the best practical ways to nourish your brain and set you free from over-restrictive and over-controlling diet rules. 21. Coffee can boost your dopamine. The ideal time to drink coffee is on an empty stomach with a little or no sugar. Drinking coffee in moderation helps boost brain function and elevates your mood. 22. Green tea is one of the best beverages to boost mental power and protect the brain from toxins and free radicals. 23. Chocolate, YES! Some researchers believe that cocoa (chocolate) has a potent antioxidant, protective effect on your brain. 24. Eat blueberries, they have the highest ORAC (antioxidant value), thus considered to be one of the best brain foods. 25. Don't worry, be happy! Avoid anger. See your glass as half-full. 26. Be romantic. Love in your heart makes your mind blossom. 27. Make sure you sleep enough. Your brain is rejuvenating during those sleeping hours.


The Warrior Newsletter – Issue 4 By Ori Hofmekler

The Final Frontier of Diet: How to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat From Chapter Seven of The Warrior Diet Stubborn fat is a major problem for many people today. It doesn’t matter if they are trying to get rid of it through various diets or different exercise routines—the fact is, this fat remains and seems impossible to remove. That’s why it’s called stubborn fat. I’m not aware of any diet that seriously addresses this problem. Liposuction is the most popular method today of removing stubborn fat. Liposuction sucks out fat tissues through surgery. This can be dangerous, or even fatal, and it often doesn’t solve the problem because the fat may indeed return in the very places it inhabited before liposuction. Such extreme measures just show how desperate people are. This is a multimillion-dollar industry today. There are natural, noninvasive ways to remove stubborn fat. To understand how to deal with this problem, let me explain: What stubborn fat is Why we have it How to prevent it If you have it, how to get rid of it

What is Stubborn Fat? Stubborn fat is a slow-metabolized adipose (fat) tissue. To burn fat, a natural hormonal process has to take place. When a fat-burning process is activated, the adrenal hormones (adrenaline and noradrenaline) bind to special receptors in the fat tissues. There are two major groups of receptors in the fat tissues, alpha and beta. The beta-receptors are the more active ones, which respond to the adrenal hormones. Fat burning occurs when the adrenal hormones activate the beta-receptors in the fat cells. If these receptors are not activated, no fat will burn off. Stubborn fat has a lower ratio of beta-receptors to alpha-receptors. As a result, it’s metabolized slowly and does not respond to the adrenal hormones. To make matters worse, stubborn fat has more estrogen receptors in the tissues. Estrogen (the female hormone), once bound to the receptors, causes even more fat gain. 33

There’s much more to it, but I don’t want to make this very complicated and too scientific. So for now, let’s just say that stubborn fat presents three major problems: It doesn’t have a high enough ratio of beta-receptors to alpha-receptors, so doesn’t respond to adrenal fat-burning stimulation. It has more estrogen receptors, which accelerates fat gain. And, on top of all this, Stubborn fat doesn’t have a healthy blood circulation. These slowly metabolized fat tissues have fewer blood vessels than a normal fat tissue, and consequently it makes this fat slower to metabolize and, therefore, more stubborn or difficult to remove.

What Causes Stubborn Fat? There are many reasons for having stubborn fat. Both men and women may suffer from it as a result of maintaining an unhealthy diet, from the liver’s inability to break down and detoxify estrogenic derivatives, or due to sensitivity to certain foods or chemicals within foods. Fat gain has also been associated with insulin insensitivity and over-consumption of carbohydrates. Consuming too many carbohydrates—especially sugar and overly-processed, refined carbs— places pressure on the pancreas to overproduce insulin in order to lower blood sugar levels. Hyperinsulinemia causes insulin insensitivity. When this happens, the body converts these extra carbohydrates into triglycerides and fat. Deficiencies in certain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals—such as B vitamins, chromium, magnesium, zinc, and omega 3 essential fatty acid (alpha-linolenic acid)—may also cause insulin insensitivity and compromise fat metabolism in cellular mitochondria (compounds in the cells that are responsible for energy production and fat burning). Stubborn fat can be linked to protein deficiencies as well. Vegetarians and vegans are more likely to suffer from protein deficiencies, and especially to the essential amino acid lysine. Lysine, abundant in animal proteins but less so in grains, converts in our bodies to L-carnitine. L-carnitine is an amino acid essential for the fat-burning process. L- carnitine appears only in animal foods, especially red meat. Without enough L-carnitine and carnitine-related enzymes in your system, the ability to burn fat is severely compromised. Stubborn fat can be an age-related problem for men. The older men get, the more testosterone is converted into estrogen—this process is called aromatazing. The older you get, the more the aromataze enzyme is active. Fat tissues produce aromataze enzymes and therefore accelerate the aromatazing action, which converts testosterone into estrogen. There are natural ways that may block this aromatazing process. We’ll discuss them soon. Women usually suffer from age-related stubborn fat around their hips, thighs, and butt. Some women have stubborn-fat tissues around their upper arms or entire legs. Age-related stubborn fat for women may be the result of hormonal fluctuations, or an increase in estrogen receptors in the tissues. Moreover, age-related insulin insensitivity, chronic stress, liver congestion, low thyroid, vascular permeability, and exhausted adrenals may all make the syndrome even worse for both men and women. 34

How to Prevent Stubborn Fat There are several things you can do to avoid stubborn fat: Stay away from crash diets or diets that make you lose fat and gain it again. Secondgeneration fat is more stubborn than the first. The more you fluctuate with your weight, the more stubborn fat you may gain. Avoid consuming foods that you may be sensitive or allergic to. Some people react to certain foods, such as wheat, dairy, or soy. If you suspect this may be the case, get yourself checked for food sensitivities. Eat as much organic food as possible, thereby avoiding many estrogenic substances that are in our food supply, like petroleum and other chemically based fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides (found in nonorganic produce), and hormones, which are found in nonorganic meats, poultry, dairy and eggs. Drink pure, filtered water. Don’t drink or cook with tap water that is unfiltered. Try to minimize the purchase, consumption, and storage of food, water, and other beverages or liquids that are wrapped or bottled in plastic (particularly soft-plastic bottles and containers). If the food or liquid smells like plastic, stay away from it. Minimize your alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol may compromise your liver’s ability to break down and detoxify estrogenic derivatives. When not broken down and detoxified, these estrogenic toxins penetrate the blood and cause unpleasant symptoms like bloating, water retention, and stubborn-fat gain. If these toxins remain unchecked, they may cause chronic diseases, and even cancer. Control your insulin. Naturally minimize the amount of carbohydrates you ingest by having carbs as the last component of your meal. If needed, supplement yourself with all essential nutrients necessary for stabilizing your insulin, such as essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Follow a steady exercise routine. A comprehensive diet and exercise routine is the first defense against stubborn fat. Exercising boosts the metabolic rate, reduces stress-related symptoms, and thus accelerates the diet’s effects. However, avoid overtraining. Chronically overstressing your body may cause the opposite effect and slow down your metabolic rate. Plastic is a very controversial issue. Its use is widespread in packaging all types of food and beverages, and many oils. Most of these plastic bottles are made from polyethylene (a type of plastic that’s been shown to be acceptably safe packing material for foods and oils). However, there are plastics used on the market today for packaging food that are toxic. o Udo Erasmus, the "Healthy Fat Guru," says that many plastic fibers contain toxic estrogenic chemicals that are dangerous to our health. In my opinion, avoiding plastic all together would be very impractical and almost impossible today given how widespread it is. Therefore I recommend that everyone do their best to check what type of plastic packaging is used before buying and consuming products wrapped or bottled in them. And, as noted above, you can use your senses. If anything edible smells like plastic, stay away from it. Moreover, acid-based foods, such as lemon 35

juice, vinegar, tomato sauce, and wine shouldn’t be packed or stored in plastic containers, since acid is more reactive with certain plastic materials. A few safety measures I use are: o Cut away a small amount of the outer edge of foods that are wrapped in plastic, such as cheese. o Store food and beverages in glass or ceramic containers.

To sum up how to prevent stubborn fat: Avoid weight fluctuations. Avoid foods you are sensitive or allergic to. Minimize consumption of nonorganic foods. Drink clean, pure water. Be conscious of plastic packaging. Most are safe, but some may be toxic. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Control your insulin and minimize carbohydrates. Follow a steady exercise routine.

How to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat If you suffer from stubborn fat (men usually have it around the belly and the chest; women around their hips, butt, and thighs), and you want to get rid of it, you should also consider trying natural supplements that may help you burn it off. Natural Stubborn-Fat Busters

Estrogen Blockers: Citrus Bioflavonoids and Soy Flavones Citrus bioflavonoids contain some natural properties that may block estrogen. Citrus flavonoids are abundant in the white, spongy layer of citrus peels. Soy flavones contain mild estrogenic properties. Most people are not affected by this mild estrogenic stimulation. Soy flavones bind to the estrogen receptors in the tissues, and thus block these receptors from estrodiol, the most potent estrogen hormone. Estrodiol is called the "bad estrogen" because of its occasionally powerful effects on the body, such as bloating, water retention, fat gain, feminization of men (such as "bitch tits"), fat under the skin, and stubborn fat gain around the chest and the belly. Experiments conducted in Italy have shown that combining citrus bioflavonoids with soy flavones was a most powerful, natural way to block the estrogenic effect on the body. Adding citrus bioflavonoids to soy flavones created a more powerful defense against estrogen than 36

taking soy flavones alone. It’s popular today to take soy flavones as a natural preventative aid against estrogen-related cancers, but I feel the above combination is much more potent. You can find both in health food and specialty vitamin stores. They’re sold as nutritional supplements in the form of capsules or tablets. Let me mention again here that those who are sensitive to soy should consult their physician before taking any supplements containing soy flavones.

Anti-Aromataze Nutrients: Chrysine, Lignans, and Stinging Nettle Chrysine Chrysine is a flavone that’s derived from the Passiflora plant, or passionflower. It’s chemically similar to cercitine, which is a citrus flavone. There was much hype about chrysine a few years ago when it was considered to be a powerful natural anti-aromataze substance. Unfortunately, those who took chrysine didn’t get the expected results. Some today believe that in order to get a positive result, one needs to take large amounts (up to 5, or even 10, grams per day) of chrysine. In my opinion, chrysine may work as an antiaromataze agent if taken in combination with other citrus bioflavanoids. These flavones and flavonoids work very well when combined together. However, when you isolate them they aren’t as potent. The synergetic effect of all these flavones together is what makes them so active. That’s the way they appear in nature, and that’s the best way to take them to get positive results. Lignans According to Udo Erasmus, flaxseed lignans, found in the fibrous part of flaxseed, contain antiestrogenic properties. It’s unclear whether they work by solely blocking estrogen receptors, or by blocking the aromataze enzyme as well. However, lignans have shown positive results as a natural aid against estrogen-related problems. The best way to naturally ingest flaxseed lignans is through high-lignan flaxseed oil, or flaxseed meal. Both are available in health-food stores. Stinging Nettle Stinging nettle is an herb with promising potential as a natural aid against aromataze. Historically, people used nettle seeds and roots as a potency herb. Nettle may have an aphrodisiac effect on men by increasing the level of free testosterone in the blood. The anti-aromatazing properties of this herb are probably due to its ability to bind to the aromataze enzyme, and thus neutralize it. Recent studies suggest the plant may also be useful in treating enlarged prostate. When you take stinging nettle, follow the dosage recommended on the bottle. Nettle may also be a natural aid for women who suffer from estrogen-related stubborn fat. Due to its high-lignan content, this herb may help women block the effect of estrodiol. Liver Detoxifiers (as Defense Against Alcohol-Related Stubborn Fat and Estrogen Derivatives Inol 3 Carbinol, Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root, and SAM As I’ve mentioned before, one of the reasons for excessive estrogenic activity in the body is liver congestion. The liver works as a filter organ. It’s supposed to break down or neutralize toxins, preventing them from reaching the blood. Excessive alcohol consumption, for instance, blocks 37

the liver enzyme that breaks down estrogen. Therefore, toxic estrogen derivatives go directly into the bloodstream, creating negative estrogenic effects. That’s one reason why many heavy drinkers and alcoholics suffer from estrogen-related stubborn fat. Inol 3 carbinol is a flavon that appears in broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, and other cruciferous vegetables. This flavon is believed to be a natural aid for the liver’s estrogen metabolism. You would need to ingest a lot of cruciferous vegetables to attain positive results. This may be unappealing, and also uncomfortable, because consuming large amounts of broccoli, for instance, may cause gas, or send you running to the bathroom. It’s possible today to buy an active form of inol 3 carbinol, patented as "Dim," and distributed under the brand name Indoplex. Nevertheless, routinely consuming cruciferous vegetables is a natural, simple way to protect the liver. Supplementation is recommended for those who suffer from alcohol-related liver problems. Healthy people, in my opinion, should be able to protect themselves by simply maintaining a proper nutritious diet. Those who want to accelerate liver detoxification and rejuvenation should consider taking milk thistle and dandelion root, since these herbs have been shown to help the liver detoxify and recuperate. Dandelion root is a diuretic herb and mildly laxative, so be cautious about the amount you take. Start with a small dosage, see how you feel, and then increase it slightly. Both are available as teas, tinctures, and capsules. Adenosylemethionine (SAM) is a relatively new supplement. Its primary function is to alleviate depression, however it can also be very useful for liver detoxification, especially for those who suffer from estrogen-related toxicity. Our bodies naturally produce SAM, but those who have metabolic problems or nutrient deficiencies, may not produce enough. SAM is available in most health food and specialty vitamin stores. Those who take steroids, and women who take hormone replacements, place pressure on their liver to break down and detoxify these drugs. An inability by the liver to break them down may cause unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, water retention, and weight gain. Natural supplementation in these cases could help. Yohimbe bark ¾ Alpha Antagonist Yohimbe bark is an herb derived from a West African yohimbe tree. Yohimbe is used as an aphrodisiac herb for men who want to boost potency. It may also benefit those who suffer from stubborn fat. Yohimbe is an alpha 2 adrenergenic antagonist, meaning yohimbe may block alpha receptors of fat cells. By blocking alpha-receptors, it makes it possible for a stubborn fat tissue to be metabolized (the adrenal hormones bind to the beta receptors and activate a fat-burning response). For both men and women who suffer from stubborn fat, this herb may offer positive effects. However, some people don’t react well to yohimbe. Those who suffer from high-blood pressure, heart conditions, or thyroid problems, should consult their physician before trying it. To help get rid of stubborn fat, it’s worth considering some nutritional supplementation, which may help attack it on four levels: Anti-estrogen (citrus bioflavonoids and soy flavones) 38

Anti-aromataze (chrysine plus citrus bioflavonoids, flaxseed lignans and stinging nettle) Liver detoxifiers (inol 3 carbinol, milk thistle, dandelion root, and SAM) Alpha antagonist (yohimbe bark)

The Warrior Stubborn Fat Burner: A Natural Supplement to Block EstrogenRelated Stubborn Fat A couple of years ago I created a formula, The Warrior Stubborn Fat Burner that is a potent combination of flavones and herbs that together help rid this fat by blocking the estrogen effect and deactivating alpha receptors on the fat cells. More on this can be found in the "Warrior Nutritional Supplements" chapter of The Warrior Diet. The first defense against stubborn fat is to maintain a healthy diet, proper nutrition, and a regular exercise routine. It’s best to eat organic foods, drink clean water, try to reduce the purchase, consumption, and storage of foods or liquids packaged in plastic, avoid foods you are sensitive or allergic to, minimize exposure to estrogenic chemicals, minimize your alcohol consumption and, yes, avoid fluctuating your weight through fad or crash diets.

The Warrior Diet can greatly help in preventing and eliminating stubborn fat. As you’ve already seen, this diet gives you hours of daily detoxification. This, coupled with the fat burning that happens during the daily Undereating Phase, should keep you lean and healthy. If you are following the overeating rules of the Warrior Diet too, you know that all the nutritional advice mentioned in this chapter is already part of your routine, and so you should be able to block the stubborn-fat syndrome. And, if you have stubborn fat and want to burn it, hopefully you now know what to do.

End Note As an "End Note" for this subject, let me reiterate how essential exercise is to accelerate fat burning and reduce stress. Of course, maintaining a healthy diet is of utmost importance in order to achieve positive results. Exercise makes the results you’re hoping for happen that much faster.


The Warrior Newsletter – Issue 3

How To Take Advantage of your Own Biological Secret for Burning Fat, Igniting energy and Staying Young Most people in America cannot maintain a diet. We are the most successful nation on earth. It puzzles me how millions of intelligent people manage their professional careers with such skill, yet fail miserably to manage their own diet. The statistics are staggering. Diet related blood sugar problems including diabetes, impotency, infertility, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases are at an all time high. Notwithstanding all the data on nutritional science and health, most diets fail. Men and women both suffer from Stubborn Fat related problems (the fat that is almost impossible to remove). Moreover, diet related mental issues such as eating disorders, food phobias, guilt and feelings of failure lead people into depression and despair. Women are of special concern. Social pressures, unrealistic self-image models and obsessions with body weight lead many women to follow any fad diet that promises a quick fix. The common sense, logic and instinctual wisdom that are necessary for other life activities all but disappear when it comes to diets. The common assumption is that diets fail because of a lack of self-esteem on behalf of those who try dieting. The truth is far from that, as I will soon argue. Diets fail because they’re misguided. Mainstream diet gurus tell you to eat many small meals during the day. They tell you not to overeat, undereat or to skip a meal. They tell you to avoid meats, dairy, bread, caffeine and chocolate. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. Why Diets Fail Diets fail for two major reasons: Most diets ignore the biological time factor Most diets disregard human instinct Let’s examine these two topics in more detail.

Most Diets Ignore The Biological Time Factor Eating at the wrong time interferes with the body’s endocrine and nervous systems. The three to six meals a day plan blocks the body’s ability to detoxify, burn fat and ignite energy during the daily hours, at a time when the body needs it most.


During the day the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) dominates. This is the part of the Autonomic Nervous System that regulates the fight or flight mechanism that enables you to react under stress. The SNS keeps you alert, focused and agile. This is the time when your adrenals are high and most of your energy should come from fat burning. Eating full meals during the day (such as breakfast or lunch) antagonizes the SNS by overactivating another part of the Autonomic Nervous System called the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS). The PSNS regulates digestion, elimination and other metabolic pathways that slow you down. Daily meals block your brain barrier. The fewer nutrients that reach your brain, the more sleepy and sluggish you feel. Energy crashes, headaches and low blood sugar are all common symptoms of that from eating frequent meals during the day. The common idea that you need food for fuel during the day is misleading to say the least. The truth is that while undereating during the day, the body is forced to use stored fat as a source of fuel for maximum metabolic efficiency. Eating during the day will stop this process and block the body’s ability to detoxify. The removal of toxins and waste away from the body is imperative for your health. Detoxification is the number one factor that determines how young you look.

Most Diets Disregard Human Instincts Most diets disregard human survival instincts and therefore make no biological sense. Instincts keep us alive. Among many essential body functions, they regulate the ability to control healthy eating habits. It is the instinct to survive that gives us a real sense of hunger. A primal hunger for food to survive is a component that is missing from most diets, which are based on three to six meals per day. The body reacts instinctively by adaptation to life stressors. Undereating forces a natural adaptation of the body to times when food is not around. Under this condition, the body reaches peak potential to assimilate nutrients while acquiring a real sense of hunger for food to survive. Any diet that saturates your body with too many meals, will deny you from having this primal sense of hunger. Without it, you lose your ability to manage instinctual eating habits. Without primal hunger, people don’t have any real sense of what to eat, how much and when to stop eating.

What is the Right Diet? By now you probably know where I’m going with this: The right diet is a diet that makes biological sense. A diet that is based on our primal need to cycle between undereating during the day and overeating at night. A diet that was followed by ancient peoples thousands of years ago. Nevertheless, a diet that is as effective for us today. Our body isn’t biologically built to eat much during the day. Ancient people were naturally forced to cycle between periods of shortage in food supply and periods of prosperity. By doing so, human bodies adapted over hundreds of thousands of years to cycles of undereating and overeating. Follow it, and your body will be forced to activate a full spectrum of essential 41

hormonal and enzymatic activities which otherwise won’t be activated. In other words, your body will be forced to redesign itself for a better metabolic efficiency. Eating at night, as much as you want, from all food groups will give you a feeling of full satisfaction with a great sense of freedom. Overeating at night and still losing weight sounds too good to be true but in this case, it isn’t. Overeating, in fact, increases metabolism. Historically night was the time to eat. Dining was a social event. Eating together was and still is a way of tightening social bonds. Night is the time to relax from the stress of daily activities. Following instinctual eating if nothing else will give you a great sense of being in control of the way you feel and the way you look.


The Warrior Newsletter - Issue 2

Warrior Diet Lets You Thrive on Holiday Meals Eat All You Want, Yet Stay Lean and Strong Most people enjoy the holidays, especially the family celebrations over big meals. However, there is a common belief that the price of enjoying the traditionalholiday meals is weight gain. What makes the situation worst is the fact that many people indeed suffer from uncontrolled weight gain, feelings of heaviness, sluggish mood and guilt during that season. Those who try to diet during the holidays often restrict themselves from eating as much as they want, and as a result they feel deprived. Deprivation may lead to compulsive cravings for food and alcohol. In many cases, people who diet through the holiday season meal will find themselves bingeing late at night on leftovers. Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can actually fully enjoy your evening meals without gaining weight. The WD celebration of holiday meals: What most people consider huge meals during the holidays is actually an average meal for a warrior. Many of you who follow the warrior diet may indeed notice a weight loss during the holidays. Those who already follow the daily cycle of undereating and overeating know that for a warrior, holidays means celebration of food and wine with no guilt. As mentioned in the Warrior Diet book, ancient people, especially nomads, used to eat one cooked meal a day at night. The evening meal was a social daily event. Eating together with family and friends was traditionally away of tightening the bond between family and tribal members. Ancient people were adapted to cycles of undereating and overeating. The big holiday evening meals are in fact feasts that mimic the way people use to eat in the past. Unfortunately, most people today don’t follow a daily cycle of undereating and overeating. That’s why so many of them gain weight during the holidays. In other words, the few small meals a day do not fit the holidays. WD tips for the holidays: Those who follow the warrior diet will have no problem dealing with the holidays. Nevertheless here are a few tips far those who like to lose weight. Make sure that you follow the undereating fast correctly. Try to adjust yourself to vegetable juices such as carrots, beets, and parsley. Take it easy with the fruit juices. Whole fruits such as berries or an apple are ok. Do your workout on empty a day before the holiday or at noon if possible. 43

Use controlled fatigue training to accelerate fat burning and to empty glycogen reserves. A night before the holiday, keep the carbs as the last and smallest component of your meal. Another option is to have a protein-almond meal. Keep the warrior rules of eating during the holiday evening meal. Make a choice--sweet or starchy. If you wanna destroy a pumpkin cake go for it, however minimize other carbs such as rice or potatoes. If you’re ready to skip the sweet treats you can eat as much rice and potatoes as you want. Use Warrior Growth Serum during the under eating phase. Besides being delicious it may help accelerate fat burning and stop cravings. What ever you do not count calories, do not restrict yourself from foods, enjoy the wine and do not ever feel guilty. Enjoy your Holidays! Ori


The Warrior Newsletter - Issue 1 How to get off a weight loss plateau Some guys, who try the Warrior Diet, may face a situation in which they lose weight in the beginning and then suddenly they reach a plateau. For those who face this problem, here are a few tips that may help you break a metabolic plateau. Don’t go back to six meals a day: Going back to a diet based on frequent meals won’t solve the problem. Quite the opposite, it may put you back in the same place you were before starting the Warrior Diet, facing the same old problems such as a feeling of deprivation, chronic cravings, weight gain, exhaustion and loss of control. Do not count calories; do not reduce your evening meal calories:This isn’t the warrior way. Reducing the evening meal calories leads into a state in which the body slows down its own metabolic rate. When that happens, fat burning declines and stagnation occurs. Cycle between days of high protein, low carbs, and days of moderate protein—higher carbs: Carbs should be always the last component of your meal. That cycle may help accelerate fat burning without feelings of deprivation. The above cycle should benefit especially those who suffer from insulin insensitivity as a result of many years of uncontrolled frequent feeding abuse. Insulin insensitivity leads into serious metabolic problems that affect energy production as well as the rate of fat burning. In my opinion, following the above cycle may help stabilize insulin for a better metabolic efficiency. When you reach this state, you may be able to break a metabolic plateau and eventually resume fat loss. Keep practicing overeating (day in, day out): Overeating, when done right, boosts your metabolism. When your metabolism is high, your body is more efficient at converting fat storage into energy.You may be suffering from "stubborn fat syndrome." Read the chapter on stubborn fat and how to deal with this problem. Optimizing body weight: Your body may reach a weight plateau simply because you are at your optimum natural biological body weight. If this is the case, your body will try to maintain your optimum weight. Supplementation: Supplementing with Warrior Growth Serum, Enzymes, and Minerals may help you to reach peak metabolic efficiency and accelerate fat burning. Follow the Warrior Diet principles. It takes time to adapt. Give yourself that time. Try controlled fatigue training:


This training routine, in my opinion, is the most powerful method to force your body to redesign itself into a fat burning machine. Read the book: There is too much wrong information out there on the Warrior Diet. I highly recommend people to read the book before establishing any opinion or judgement. The six meals a day issue: If the six meals per day work for you, then stay with it. It isn’t easy to change a routine, it’s harder to break one. Nevertheless, the Warrior Diet and the wisdom behind it, I believe is carved deep within you. People who choose to follow the Warrior Diet do so because they were not happy with the three to six meals per day. As mentioned before, many people who follow a diet based on frequent meals suffer from a feeling of chronic deprivation, weight gain, and loss of control. All those symptoms are the result of a wrong diet cycle. The Warrior cycle of under eating and overeating has significant advantages over the frequent feeding system. The Warrior Diet advantages include: Daily detoxification during the under eating phase. Opening of the brain barriers with the potential to manipulate hormones and brainneurotransmitters. Taking advantage of hunger for a higher energetic state Over eating at night and staying lean. Unleash the anabolic process while enjoying the freedom of eating to your heart’s content, with no guilt. Learning how to trust your instincts. To my mind, a diet should give you more than just food for muscle. Following a dietary cycle, which you’re naturally built for, will pay you back generously. It will nourish your body and mind while giving you pleasure and satisfaction with a great sense of being in control. Impressive physique: What is the meaning of impressive physique? Is it the size of the muscles or is it the body’s proportion? If it is body proportion, then according to what standard? The most frequent question is; how big should you be? The ideal body proportion was a critical issue since the dawn of civilization. In my opinion, the ideal human body proportion is related directly to the concept of human performance: mental, physical and sexual. Humans are driven by two primal instincts, to survive and to multiply. Human performance reflects the functions required to fulfill these primal instinctual desires. The meaning of raw living is to live by your instincts. Functional strength is derived from instinctual power. From that aspect, size doesn’t really matter. What matters is the sum up of all factors that control human performance and design human physique. What we call harmony or in this case, body proportion should be evaluated according to primal human function. Bench pressing isn’t a 46

primal human function, on the other hand running, jumping, and thinking are. Now, to the question of, what is the ideal human body? My answer is, deep inside you know the truth. We can judge people instantly and instinctually feel how attractive they are. Nature has its own rules. In my opinion the ideal human body is the one that can best survive and multiply. The next question is, how big should you be? In my opinion you should be as big as your ability to carry yourself. From a survival point of view, running away should be your first line of defense. Unfortunately, in a moment of truth, the size of your pecs may slow you down. Regardless of all the above there are other functions of looking big such as intimidation of other males or the attraction of the other gender. The effectiveness of the above functions depends on the kind of society that you’re surrounded with. The bottom line is the obvious truth, only you know how big you should be. If size gives you this macho security then, be as big as you can be. However if your goal is to build natural functional strength, then size is only one out of many factors that affect performance. Conclusion, don’t try to maximize size, instead try to optimize it. The Russian quote As to the Russian quote- "Eat your own breakfast… and give your dinner to the enemy." Give me a break, this is America. Here, you take your girlfriend or your wife to dinner. If you consider them to be your enemy…man, you need serious help. Besides, if you follow this evil empire tradition of eating, you may finish looking like Stalin or Yeltsin.


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Will dinner at 8 lead you to a Warrior's Body? Published 2:15 a.m. PDT Sunday, April 14, 2002 It may sound like a dream come true for those who've been starving themselves on diets, or driving themselves crazy trying to eat six small meals a day: Don't eat during the day, then eat as much as you want at night. Have we died and gone to heaven? Really, isn't this how couch potatoes get fat in the first place? But there it is in black and white: Regular overeating can help you lose weight, writes Ori Hofmekler in his new book, "The Warrior Diet" (Dragon Door Publications, $26.95). Hofmekler, a lean and sinewy 50-year-old Israeli man who made his name as a political satirist in New York, is his own best advertisement for his diet -- he prefers "way of life" -- so much so that he poses, shirtless, on the cover of the book. He is certainly going against conventional wisdom, which urges people wanting to lose weight to eat a substantial breakfast. Instead, Hofmekler has an espresso, and perhaps a piece of fruit. During the rest of the day, he eats a bit more fruit, some fruit juice and another espresso. Then, after his 6 p.m. workout, he goes home and eats whatever he wants. "People are brainwashed to think breakfast is the most important meal of the day," he says from his home in Manhattan. "But the most important meal of the day is dinner, after the day's work is done, when you can relax with family and friends and eat as much as you want, to feel relaxed." Until then, he says, people should be hungry. "It's good to be hungry, it translates into wonderful, creative energy that can feed you," he says. "It gives you a hunger for life. Think of how you are before you eat pasta and after you eat it. Everything looks different when you're hungry. The fear of hunger is real, but people through history have lived with hunger." Or they did until the 20th century, in modern America, where for most people eating is entertainment, 24/7. But Hofmekler says that our epidemic of obesity and disease is a direct result of our tendency to eat through the day. "Whether you're vegetarian or not, you're a predator, genetically speaking, which means you're a hunter," he says. "And hunters used to go for days without finding food. Night was only the time you could eat. Our bodies evolved to live that way." Part of the problem, he says, is that the body needs to eliminate toxins as well as take in nutrients, and when you spend your entire day taking in nutrients -- or worse, nutrient-free processed food -- your body doesn't have an extended stretch in which it can reverse the process and detoxify itself.


Hofmekler goes into great detail on what foods are the best to eat, but it boils down to natural foods, not processed: fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, meat, and diary products like milk and cottage cheese. So, when Hofmekler says he eats whatever he wants, he isn't eating Twinkies and Doritos and TV dinners. Because, being in good shape, that's not what his body wants. "If I sent you into the jungle for a couple of days, you would know what you wanted," he says. "You wouldn't crave a Twinkie, you'd want nuts or vegetables that would keep you surviving. In other words, when you follow the right cycle of the Warrior Diet, you develop a healthy hunger, a real hunger, a hunger for life, and the instinct will kick in, and you'll enjoy your protein or veggies like nothing else." Likewise, he is skeptical about diets that emphasize low-fat, or a high-protein, low-carbohydrate combination. "People can't deprive themselves from carbs, it's the wrong thing to do," he says. "In the grain itself, in the fiber, there are nutrients you can't get any other way. You need essential sugars and essential organic acids, which appear in fibers and grains from other plants. Deprivation always leads to problems." Likewise, he is a big fan of dairy, which is often downplayed in low-carb diets. "The lactose that everyone is afraid of now is one of the best sugars you can put in your body," he says. "Your brain needs galactose, and you need to get it one way or another. Most people have a phobia of the milk, but the sugar in the milk has the lowest glycemic index ever, it's close to meat, and it doesn't raise your insulin levels." Hofmekler also takes lots of supplements, but warns readers to be very careful about where their vitamins and minerals are coming from, and how they're made. And he is absolutely vehement in his injunctions against protein bars and protein shakes. "Go for real food," he suggests. "Real food is cheaper, more enjoyable and it works better." All of this, he says, is not about just losing weight, but of uncovering the "super-you" underneath the fat. "I believe that the body will redesign itself if you give it what it needs," he says. As for weight lifting, he's all for it, and gives some exercises in the book. But, he says, the warrior way of life isn't just to be strong, but to be tough. "We are living in a culture that adores strength, people equate power and strength," he says. "But strength is just the amount of force that an object needs to generate to move something. I'm defining 'tough' as the ability to handle pressure through time. The longer you can handle pressure, the tougher you are. Being tough is better than being strong."

About the Writer The Bee's David Barton can be reached at (916) 321-1075 or [email protected]


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