Organizational Climate Survey Project Report

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,425
  • Pages: 21
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INDEX Sr.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Contents Introduction Questionnaires Brief Introduction of Manufacturing Sector Analysis of manufacturing sector Analysis of finance sector Regression Analysis Brief Introduction of Banks Analysis of Banks Conclusion

Page No. 3 7 10 12 14 16 17 18 21

Introduction 2

Organization It is a social arrangement of people who pursue collective goals, which controls its own performance & has a boundary separating itself from the environment Employee climate survey: - They are studies of employees perceptions and perspectives of an organization. The surveys address attitudes and concerns that help the organization work with employees to instill positive changes.

Climate survey as a Tool:

Assesses Company Values: - A Survey helps an organization to assess it own values so that the organization comes to know that the Employees are following the set of values and they are satisfied with it or not.

Making strategic decisions: - A Survey helps the organizations to take some strategic decisions as all the decisions can’t be taken by the top level alone it needs to consult the middle level and low level employees also.

Identifies Competency levels: - Climate survey helps the management to identify the competency levels of its employees and it can manage the work force accordingly.

Setting Organizational Goals: - The management can set and reset the goals of the organization according to the work culture followed.

Tracking Process: - Survey helps the organization to keep a track on the process that is being performed in the organization so that it could bring any changes if needed at the right time and right place.

Addressing Critical Issues: - A survey is also used to address and highlight the critical issue that needs to come into the eye of the employees as well as the management.


Benefits of Organizational Climate Survey:

Increase in Productivity: - The climate survey helps the organization by providing a better work environment for its employees so that they are motivated and work efficiently.

Reorganization of a Company: - Climate survey can also help the management to reorganize the structure of the company.

Introduction of a new Product/Service: - In today’s environment no new product or service can be launched without conducting a market research about the particular product or service. It also helps the company to understand and locate their Target Market.

Company Relocation: - If a company wants to shift the plant from one place to another, Climate survey is a way in which it can approach its employees and know what their views about the relocation of the plant are and are they willing to shift to new place.

Change in Policies: - If an organization has brought any change in the policies of the company, climate survey is an way through which it can know what the employees of the organization feel about the new policies.

Dimensions of Organizational Climate.


The Organizational Vital Signs Helps You... •









communication, and development. • Focus and build buy-in for change efforts. • Quantify the people-side of the organization. • Design strategies for sustainable growth.

The survey addresses five climate factors plus an overlay dimension of Trust:


• Accountability: To what extent do people in the organization see themselves and others following through on commitments? Are they motivated and do they take responsibility? • Collaboration: How well do people communicate with one another and share information? Do they work and solve problems together? • Leadership: What level of commitment do employees have to their leaders? How do they perceive their leaders and leadership throughout the organization? •










organization’s stated mission and the execution thereof? Do they feel a sense of belonging to the organization? • Adaptability: Are people seeking change? Are they ready to adapt? • Trust: Do people have a sense of faith and belief in the organization and its leaders? Is people squandering time watching their backs – instead of doing their best?

Hypothesis:“Improving the Climate in any Organization is likely to Increase the Employee Morale”.


Questionnaires Category: Organization Design 1. The organization’s goals and objectives are clear to me. 2. Roles and responsibilities within the group are understood. 3. Clear reporting structures have been established. 4. Employees at this organization have the right skill sets to perform their job functions. Category: Individual Job Characteristics 1. I gain satisfaction from my current job responsibilities. 2. I have the opportunity to further develop my skills and abilities. 3. I find that I am challenged in my current job role. Category: Co-Worker Relations 1. Knowledge and information sharing is a group norm across the organization. 2. Individuals appreciate the personal contributions of their peers. 3. When disagreements occur, they are addressed promptly in order to resolve them. Category: Culture / Work Environment 1. I feel valued as an employee. 2. I enjoy being a part of this organization. 3. Employees have a good balance between work and personal life. 4. Morale is high across the organization.


Category: Senior Management 1. Senior management sets high standards of excellence. 2. Senior management treats employees fairly. 3. I believe senior management appreciates the work I do Category: Direct Supervisor 1. My direct supervisor makes sure I have clear goals to achieve. 2. My direct supervisor gives me helpful feedback on how to be more effective. 3. My direct supervisor listens to my ideas and concerns. 4. My direct supervisor serves as a positive role model for me. Category: Work Processes 1. I am clear on how best to perform my work tasks. 2. Everyone here takes responsibility for their actions. 3. My work group operates effectively as a unit. 4. We use efficient work processes when performing our jobs. Category: Communications 1. I receive the information I need to perform my job well. 2. Interpersonal communication and relationships contribute to organizational performance. 3. Our face-to-face meetings are productive.


Category: Technology 1. My department has adequate tools and technologies to perform our work. 2. The technology we use supports our business processes. 3. The tools and technologies that I use help me to be efficient in completing my work. 4. Our technology is reliable and works when we need it to work Category: Customer Satisfaction 1. We understand the specific needs of our customers. 2. We are focused on delivering high-quality products/services. 3. We deliver our products/services on-time. 4. Customers regularly tell us that we are doing a great job.

Category: Decision Making 1. I have the authority to do my job to the best of my abilities. 2. Companies decisions or planned actions contribute to my ability to do my job better. 3. Policy decisions are in the best interest of Company in the long run. 4. We seek multiple sources of information and open feedback before making important decisions.


The Manufacturing Sector Overriding an initiative to increase productivity in industry has often being assigned to deteriorating climate in manufacturing. The tragic part in the essence of this criticism is that lack of this climate is attributed only to the workers for their lack of discipline, lack of motivation and lack of desire to achieve the target. Theoretically, lack of work climate at work premises indicates attitude of the workers to exert and not to produce to the best of their ability and to ignore interest of the organization. The central problem of modem business and industry is how to create a work environment and an organizational climate that will attribute to the employee’s fulfillment, motivation and self-actualization. In recent times, the progressive sophistication and automation, an excessive specialization and division in work in industry have obviously created a great amount of apathy, non-fulfillment and indifference among the employees. In short, employee’s alienation has become a serious and mounting problem. Employee’s alienation results in reduced productivity, efficiency and output. It also increases social cost to human input through several manifestation of such employees’ alienation. On the one hand, it may be expressed by passive withdrawal, turnover, absenteeism, and tardiness. On the other hand, it is also expressed by active attacks, sabotage, pilferage, assaults, gherao, violence and other disruption of work routines. People feel alienated when their jobs cease to provide any sort of creative job satisfaction and when their jobs are being choked into several pieces and there is no more meaningful and purposeful work content in their jobs. Therefore, climate depends on the motivation of the leaders i.e. attitude of the management at the same time, attitude or the morale of the workers which is also indirectly dependent on the attitude of the management and the trade union leaders.


The management has to create a situation wherein the workers can feel positive about – a) Pride in general attitude towards company. b) General attitude towards supervision. c) Satisfaction with the job standards. d) Style of supervision. e) Workload and work pressure. f) Attitude towards co-workers. g) Satisfaction with salary, wage and other fringe benefits. h) Attitude towards formal communication system in the company. i) Intrinsic job satisfaction. j) Satisfaction with the progress and chances for progress. k) Quality of work life as a whole. Morale Building Morale building is not a simple process or set of easy clear-cut steps. There are numerous complex and contradictory cause of variation in people’s attitude evolves pleasant feeling in one employee may have chance the opposite effect on the other. Thus any morale-building programme must take into effect that technique








To improve the morale of the workers and restore climate it needs a concerted effort of both the management and the workers to work shoulder to shoulder.


Analysis of Manufacturing Sector Name of the company: ABB/Asian Electronics Part A: Summary of how current work environment resembles ideal

Category Organizational Design Individual Job Characteristics Co-worker relations Culture/Work Environment Senior Management Direct Supervisor Work Processes Communications Technology Customer satisfaction Decision Making Total

Average values 3.95 3.796 3.93 3.7 4.166 3.5 3.83 4.132 3.75 3.95 3.85 42.554

Part B: Response Chart 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5



Average values

1.5 1 0.5 0 1









10 11


Part C: Worker values in ABB/Asian Electronics Category Organizational Design Individual job characteristics Co-worker relations Culture/Work environment Senior Management Direct supervisor Work processes Communications Technology Customer satisfaction Decision making

Out of 20 Total score 15.8

Out of 15 Total score 11.4 11.8

14.8 12.4 13.4 15.2 12.4 18 15.8 14.8

Percentage 79.00 76.00 78.66667 74.00 82.66667 67.00 76.00 82.66667 90.0 79.00 73.00

Part D: Commitment towards organization


Finance Sector Name of the company: J P Morgan Part A: Summary of how current work environment resembles ideal Analysis

Category Organizational Design Individual Job Characteristics Co-worker relations Culture/Work Environment Senior Management Direct Supervisor Work Processes Communications Technology Customer satisfaction Decision Making Total

Average values 3.7 3.6 3.4 3.15 3.53 3.05 3.75 4.33 3.85 4.00 3.95 40.31

Part B: Response Chart


Part C: Worker values in J P Morgan

Category Organizational Design Individual job characteristics Co-worker relations Culture/Work environment Senior Management Direct supervisor Work processes Communications Technology Customer satisfaction Decision making

Out of 20 Total score 14.8

Out of 15 Total score 10.8 10.2

12.6 10.6 12.2 14 13 15.4 16 15.8

Percentage 74.00 72.00 68.00 63.00 70.66667 61.00 70.00 86.66667 77.00 80.00 79.00

Part D: Commitment towards organization


Regression Analysis For ABB / Asian Electronics

Multiple Regression Standard Error Observations

0.99890743 0.245068417 11

For J P Morgan Multiple Regression Standard Error Observations

0.995246359 0.510714018 11


Banks Brief Introduction ICICI Bank: ♦ Founded in 1994. ♦ Having 950 branches and 3600 plus Atm’s spread across many cities in India. ♦ Having subsidiaries like ICICI prudential, ICICI Lombard etc. ♦ Market capitalization of Rs.138000 crores. HDFC bank:

♦ Founded in 1994. ♦ Having 753 branches and 3600 plus Atm’s spread across 320 cities in India. ♦ Apart from providing banking solution it also provides investment solution like life insurance and mutual funds etc. ♦ Market capitalization of Rs.78000 crores.

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Analysis of Banks Name of the company: ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank Part A: Summary of how current work environment resembles ideal Analysis

Category Organizational Design Individual Job Characteristics Co-worker relations Culture/Work Environment Senior Management Direct Supervisor Work Processes Communications Technology Customer satisfaction Decision Making Total

Average values - HDFC 3.375 3.3 3.95 4.375 3.1 2.625 3.875 3.3 3.5 4 4.125 39.525

Average values - ICICI 3.75 3.8 3.4 3.2 4 3.25 2.75 3.8 4.5 3.25 3 38.7

Part B: Response Chart


Part C: Worker values in ICICI Bank Category Organizational Design Individual job characteristics Co-worker relations Culture/Work environment Senior Management Direct supervisor Work processes Communications Technology Customer satisfaction Decision making

Out of 20 Total score 15.2

Out of 15 Total score 12.25 10.5

13.75 9.5 14.5 15.5 12.5 16.5 13.75 14

Percentage 76.00 81.66667 70.00 68.75 63.3333 72.5 77.5 83.3333 82.5 68.75 70.00

Part D: Commitment towards organization in ICICI Bank


Part C: Worker values in HDFC Bank Category Organizational Design Individual job characteristics Co-worker relations Culture/Work environment Senior Management Direct supervisor Work processes Communications Technology Customer satisfaction Decision making

Out of 20 Total score 13.5

Out of 15 Total score 11 12

15.5 9 10.5 15.5 11 14 17 14.5

Percentage 67.5 73.33 80.00 77.5 60.00 52.5 77.5 73.3333 70.00 85.00 72.5

Part D: Commitment towards organization in HDFC Bank


Conclusion The power of the morale lies in the total involvement of the employees, which leads to a high degree of ownership towards the values. The fact that the organization values are evolved from the personal values of the individuals also lends credibility to the Morale. So if the Morale of Employee is going to be high the productivity of the employee would be high n if the productivity of the employee is high the productivity of the organization is going to be high. So finally high morale directly leads to increase in the productivity of the organization. Also as we know that in the Regression analysis if the final output is between 0.95 to 1.05 the outcome is ideal and as the final outcome here comes to around 0.99 that shows that the Hypothesis that is been assumed is ideal.

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