Organizational Buying Behavior

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 397
  • Pages: 12
Chapter 6 Organization Markets & Organizational Buying Behavior

Objectives of this session 

The concept of organizational buying

Difference between consumer markets and organizational markets

Organizational markets in India

Organizational buying behavior 

Organizational buying is entirely different from that of consumer buying

It involves a through & deep analysis

Organizations purchase products ranging from high complex machinery, small components, bought on regular basis & those

Differences between organizational & consumer markets

Consumers market Less time spent on purchasing process

Organizational Market

More time spent in purchasing process

Large number of consumers buyer

Organizational buyers are few in number

Quantity of purchase is comparatively low

Quantity of purchase is more

Segmentation on Segmentation on Purchasing approach, geographic, situational factors, demographic and psychographic factors personal characteristics

Organizational buying situation 

New task

Straight rebuy

Modified rebuy

System buying: a process in which an organization selects only one supplier for all its raw material requirements

System selling: a process in which a seller himself sells all the raw materials needed by a customer

Organizational markets in India 

Industrial markets in India can be divided into three sectors

Chemical and pharmaceutical companies Energy and natural resources Industrial and automotive sector

 

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products are produced in bulk quantities & are conventionally sold to organizational customers Opportunity for growth in specialty chemicals segments i.e. chemicals Pharmaceutical companies are set to have a very high growth rate with most global companies making strategic moves such as mergers or acquisitions.

Energy and natural resources 

Due to population growth and increasing urbanization natural resources are depleted

Dependence upon conventional sources for energy

Search for alternative source for energy

Further sub segments: oil& gas, coal & lignite, forests & timber, precious metals

Industrial and automotive 

Success of companies directly linked to financial & economical status of the country

Over the years has changed into highly competitive industry

Large number of competitors infrastructure)

Sub segments: cars two/three wheelers, heavy vehicles, electrical, electronics,

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Participants In Organizational Buying       

Initiators Influencers Users Deciders Approvers Buyers Gatekeepers

Stages Of Buying         

Problem Recognition General Need Recognition Product Specification Searching for potential Suppliers Value Analysis Vendor Analysis Order-Routine Specification Multiple Sourcing Performance Review

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