Opposites Flashcards

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,019
  • Pages: 17
absent - present

absurd - sensible

abundant - scarce

accept - refuse

accidental intentional

accurate incorrect

accuse - defend

admit - deny

advance - retreat

afoot - mounted

after - before

against - for

agile - awkward

agony - ecstasy

alien - native

all - none

alone - together

always - never

amuse - bore

angel - devil

anger - kindness


antique - modern

apart - together

applaud - boo

approve - reject

approximate exact

arrogant - polite

ascend - descend

ashamed - proud

asleep - awake

assent - refuse

attack - defend

authentic imitation

awful - wonderful

avoid - seek

aye - nay

backhand forehand

baffle - clarify

beautiful - ugly

bedlam - order

beg - offer

behind - in front


belief - doubt

below - above

beneath - above

best - worst

bitter - sweet

black - white

blunt - sharp

born - die

borrow - lend

brave - scared

bright - dull

broad - narrow

bulge - shrink

buy - sell

calm - agitated

capture - liberate

careful - careless

cash - credit

cease - begin

changed - same

chaos - order


cheerful - sad

chill - warm

city - country

civilian - military

clever - foolish

closed - open

cluster - scatter

clutter - tidy

coax - coerce

come - go

comedy - tragedy

complain - approve

complete incomplete

comply - resist

concede - deny

concur - protest

condemn - praise

condone - censure

confident insecure

combine - separate

comic - tragic


confuse - clarify

conquer - fail

contract - expand

consider - ignore

convex - concave

corner - middle

crooked - straight

cruel - kind

dainty - coarse

dangerous - safe

dark - light

day - night

dead - alive

death - life

decent - rude

deep - shallow

defect - join

defense - offense

defer - hurry

depart - arrive

desire - spurn


despair - hope

destroy - create

discourage encourage

died - lived

different - same

dirty - clean

disgrace - honor

double - single

drunk - sober

dusk - dawn

dwarf - giant

early - late

east - west

easy - difficult

easy - hard

either - neither

elder - younger

elude - seek

emerge submerge

empty - full

enemy - friend


enjoy - dislike

escape - capture

eternal - mortal

evil - good

exciting - dull

exempt - subject

exhale - inhale

exhibit - conceal

exit - entrance

exotic - ordinary

expensive - cheap

expert - amateur

exterior - interior

extinguish - ignite

fail - succeed

fancy - plain

fat - skinny

few - many

fiction - fact

famous - unknown

fertile - barren


find - lose

finish - begin

floor - ceiling

foolish - wise

forget - remember

forgive - blame

former - latter

forward backward

frequent infrequent

front - back

funny - serious

gather - scatter

generous - stingy

genuine - fake

give - take

go - stay

graceful - clumsy

grin - frown

guilty - innocent

happy - sad

hard - soft


harmony - discord

harsh - mild

healthy - sick

heavy - light

hero - coward

hide - show

high - low

hollow - solid

humble - arrogant

husband - wife

idle - busy

illegal - lawful

imaginary - real

import - export

imprison - free

improve - worsen

include - exclude

increase decrease

indoor - outdoor

inferior - superior

inflate - deflate


input - output

insist - request

intelligent - stupid

inward - outward

invest - divest

invite - discourage

isolate - include

jerky - smooth

joy - grief

kind - mean

king - queen

knowledge ignorance

last - first

laugh - cry

lazy - industrious

lead - follow

least - most

left - right

length - width

literal - figurative

little - big


lock - unlock

long - short

loose - tight

majority - minority

lower - raise

luxury - squalor

man - woman

maximum minimum

merciful - cruel

miniature gigantic

miserable - happy

mix - sort

moist - dry

morning - night

naked - clothed

near - far

necessary useless

nervous - calm

new - old

new - used

no one everybody www.thelanguagemenu.com

noisy - quiet

nourish - starve

obey - disobey

off - on

often - seldom

optimist pessimist

or - nor

order - ask

original - copy

out - in

outer - inner

part - whole

pass - fail

patient - impatient

perfect - faulty

perish - survive

permit - forbid

petty - significant

plain - ornate

polite - rude

poor - rich


portion - entirely

portly - thin

positive - negative

precious worthless

prepaid - postpaid

pride - humility

prior - subsequent

private - public

prohibit - allow

prompt - late

puny - stout

push - pull

question - answer

quick - slow

random - planned

rare - ordinary

rebuke - praise

reckless - cautious

reduce - gain

regain - lose

reluctant enthusiastic www.thelanguagemenu.com

reward punishment

right - wrong

rival - friend

rough - smooth

sane - insane

selfish - unselfish

send - receive

servant - master

sharp - dull

shrink - expand

sick - well

simple - complex

sink - float

slavery - freedom

slow - fast

small - large

smart - dumb

soften - harden

solid - gas

solid - liquid

son - daughter


son - father

south - north

spend - save

stationary movable

stay - go

stiff - limp

stranger - friend

strengthen weaken

strong - weak

suave - clumsy

sudden - gradual

suffix - prefix

sweet - sour

swift - slow

take - bring

tame - wild

tardy - early

temporary permanent

thaw - freeze

thick - thin

top - bottom


tough - tender

triumph - fail

true - false

ugly - pretty

unbreakable fragile

uncertain - certain

under - over

unique - common

up - down

useful - useless

usually - rarely

vacant - occupied

wake - sleep

vanish - appear

war - peace

warm - cool

wealth - poverty

wet - dry

whisper - yell

victory - defeat

wide - narrow


villain - hero

winter - summer

violent - gentle

work - play

worthless valuable

young - old


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