Open Source In China

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  • Words: 1,463
  • Pages: 51
中 國

Open Source in China J Aaron Farr The JadeTower Corp The Apache Software Foundation

[email protected]

言知 者者 不 不 道 德知 言 經

言知 者者 不 不 道 德知 言 經

Those who know don’t talk, Those who talk don’t know

有 名 萬 物 之 道 母 德 經

無 名 天 地 之 始

名 可 名 非 常 名

道 可 道 非 常 道

有 無 名 The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao名 名 可 The name that can be named 萬 天 名 is not the eternal Name. 地real.非 The unnamable is the物 eternally Naming is the origin 之 之 常 of all particular things. 道 母 始 名 德 經

道 可 道 非 常 道


A Tour of China

China By The Numbers No. 1 in FDI at around $60 billion since 2002 Avg 9.4% annual GDP growth rate for 25 years Currently 4th largest economy Will surpass UK, Germany, Italy, and France by the end of the decade

to misunderstandings and a mismatch of

• Midsize. Fast-growing as today’s China is notes a 2005 estimated GDP of US$1.8 t no more than a midsize economic power growth trends hold, it will not catch up w 2020 and the US before 2040. That is, fo Tomorrow’s Giants planning in 2050 horizon they will be competing The largest economies economy similar to European nations suc Italy and Germany.

China By The Numbers Figure 1

Figure 2 Foreign Direct Investment into China U.S Dollars in Billions

• Extreme contrasts. Although the scale of market is indeed huge, the contrasts are While average annual income reaches US in the eastern coastal cities (US$5,000 in fraction of that in the smaller cities, and areas of the interior have been barely touch These account for nearly half of the Chin While there is a burgeoning Chinese mid mass consumer markets will likely requi product market approaches from those co used to at home. Figure 2

The Chinese Century “We are about to wake up to a new business environment, with new ground rules for business competition, fresh terms of employment, and novel consumption patterns -- one that will redraw the battle lines on the political, economic, and social fronts, and one that will place new challenges at the doorstep of nations, firms, and individuals.”

-Oded Shenkar The Chinese Century

顏 淵 曰 回 雖 不 敏 請 事 斯 語 矣

非 禮 勿 言 非 禮 勿 動

子 曰 非 禮 勿 視 非 禮 勿 聽

顏 淵 曰 請 問 其 目

爲 仁 由 己 而 由 仁 乎 哉

一 日 克 己 復 禮 天 下 歸 仁 焉

顏 淵 問 仁 子 曰 克 己 復 禮 爲 仁

顏非 子 Yen Yüan asked about the meaning of humaneness. The Master said, "To 淵 禮 曰 completely overcome selfishness and曰 keep to 非 勿 propriety is humaneness. If for a full day you 回言 禮 can overcome selfishness and keep to propriety, everyone in the world will雖 return 非to 勿 humaneness. Does humaneness come from 禮 不 視 oneself, or from others?" Yen Yüan asked: "May I ask in further detail how this敏 is to勿 be 非 brought about?" Confucius said, "Do請 not 動 禮 watch what is improper; do not listen to what 事and do 勿 is improper; do not speak improperly 聽 not act improperly." Yen Yüan said, 斯 "Although I am not so perspicacious,語 I will apply myself to this teaching." 矣

顏 淵 曰 請 問 其 目

爲 仁 由 己 而 由 仁 乎 哉

一 日 克 己 復 禮 天 下 歸 仁 焉

顏 淵 問 仁 子 曰 克 己 復 禮 爲 仁


Chinese Culture American






information oriented

relationship oriented





seeks the truth

seeks the way

argument culture

haggling culture

Chinese Culture


Chinese Culture


Chinese Culture


以 靜 為 下

牝 常 以 靜 勝 牡

天 下 之 牝

天 下 之 交

大 國 者 下 流

以 牝 天 天 靜 常 下 下 為 以 之 之 牝 交 下 靜 When a country obtains great power, it becomes like the sea:勝 all streams run downward into it. The more powerful it grows, 牡 the greater the need for humility.

大 國 者 下 流


Software Exports 400 300 200 100 0 2000

Software Exports 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2000


Software Exports 15,000 11,250 7,500 3,750 0 2000



China Ministry of Information Industry

China IT Industry Graduate 100,000 programmers each year Domestic software market $5.8 billion in 2005, up 17% Domestic IT services market $9.8 billion, up 20% 160 million Internet users, 8% of the population Java developer hourly rate: under $10 USD

Intellectual Property Yamaha: 5 out of every 6 motorcycles DVD: 95% piracy rate Software: 94% piracy rate

Economics of Piracy

Economics of Piracy 2002: 852 raids for illegal CD/DVD

Economics of Piracy 2002: 852 raids for illegal CD/DVD 99.5% convicted

Economics of Piracy 2002: 852 raids for illegal CD/DVD 99.5% convicted 764 fined under $1,000

Economics of Piracy 2002: 852 raids for illegal CD/DVD 99.5% convicted 764 fined under $1,000 Only 2 fined $5,000 - $10,000

報 大 味 事為 怨 小 無 無無 以 多 味 事為 德少

報 大 味 事為 怨 小 無 無無 以 多 味 事為 德少

Act without doing; work without effort. Find taste in the tasteless Think of the small as large and the few as many. Answer evil with inner power.


Open Source in China Analyst forecast China’s Linux market will grow ~30% yearly from 2006-2010 Linux sales in 2005 were $21 million, 81% increase or $11.8 million, up 27.1% Other open source software sales $19 million Linux market share increase 4.2% to 9.8% between 2003 and 2005

Open Source in China China's open source communities are relatively small and don't have much influence. There is a lack of big projects, few participants, and little money. - Hu Ke, CCID Analyst

Open Source in China In China, Open Source = Linux Server, embedded, mobile (30.3%) Use of open source is increasing rapidly and broadly Participation in open source is lagging behind Government driven versus market driven Concern about a “business model” for FOSS in China

Organizations China Open Source Promotion Union Hong Kong Open Source Software Center Macau Open Source Software Association Beijing Linux Users Group Taipei Open Source Software Users Group and many more...

Events Linux World China 2004-2006 Open Source Software Summit, Beijing 2006 China Linux User Convention, Beijing 2006 Open Source Developers Conference, Taipei 2007 Open China, Open World, Guangzhou 2007 and many more...

Projects RedFlag Linux Pugs (Perl 6 in Haskell) SVK XOOPS OpenFoundry: 703 projects, 4214 users Many language tools, fonts, and translations

Challenges Top down approach Closed community, open source Complexity in copyright laws Communities tend to be very fragile

以吾以以以 此何無奇正 以事用治 知取兵國 其天 然下 哉

以吾以以以 此何無奇正 以 事 用 治 If you want to be a great leader, you must learn to follow the知 Tao. 取 兵 國 Stop trying to control. Let go of fixed plans and concepts, 其 天 and the world will govern itself. 然下 哉


Case Study: Xoops Extensible Object Oriented Portal System PHP + MySQL CMS Started in 2001 with 2 developers (1 China, 1 Japan) Currently 4 main developers, 149 committers English, Chinese, French, Japanese, Brazillian, Spanish and Italian communities

XOOPS China 15,000 registered users on Specific resources for Chinese users and a China community model Support and encouragement of consultants, use in business and education Feedback, translations, modules, bug fixes

Competition vs Collaboration Active effort to encourage global participation Documentation Translation Encouragement of localized groups Coordination between communities

百 功 悠有信其 其 其 太 姓 成 兮不不次 次 次 上 皆 事 其信足侮 畏 親 下 謂 遂 貴焉焉之 之 而 知 我 言 譽有 自 之之 然

When the Master governs, the people are hardly aware that he exists. Next best is a leader who is loved. Next, one who is feared. The worst is one who is despised.

百 功 悠有信其 其 其 太 姓 成 兮不不次 次 次 上 皆 事 其信足侮 畏 親 下 遂 貴 焉之 之 而 知 If you謂 don't trust the焉 people, you make them untrustworthy. 我 言 譽有 The Master doesn't talk, he acts. 之之 When自 his work is done, the people say, "Amazing: 然 we did it, all by ourselves!"


Apache at Hong Kong OS Summit Asia November 26-27, 2007 Cyberport, Hong Kong In cooperation with the Eclipse Foundation CFP Soon!

謝謝 Thank You! J Aaron Farr [email protected]

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