Omnia Causa Fiont "everything Happens For A Reason"

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  • Words: 9,263
  • Pages: 26
By Jessica Fleming.

Omnia Causa Fiont “ everything happens for a reason.” A new war A new person A new time

A new age

A new life

A new challenge A new beginning

A new disease

A new weapon

“I had herd its call and I was responding”

Chapter one: With one hand, I excitedly tore open the bright yellow envelope that was a barrier between myself and my results from the “Computing Science Contest” Which London University holds annually. I was without a doubt going to be the only student good enough to achieve a high distinction, which, mind you, only five people nation wide receives. The top of the envelope was now confetti on my bedroom floor and I reefed my result paper form within. I skipped all the dreary nation wide averages, averages for my age and the “how the paper works” section and pulled out my pale orange certificate.

“High Distinction” was printed in bold at the top of the page under the universities’ letterhead. I was pleased. My result was well deserved. I have always had a natural flare for computing science. Maths is easy too, but the humanities are cruel subjects. Subjects which only appear in the worst of every Sixteen year olds nightmares. School. I pinned my certificate alongside numerous of it’s kind on my cork board above my desk, allowing myself time and space to ponder my ancient history assessment task. As I have said, my hatred for the humanity subjects is one of extraordinary proportion so procrastination was inevitable. I located the assessment task sheet on my desk, raised it to meet my eyes and began to read. The assessment description is as follows; Create a two page summery of an item important to a specific culture, civilisation, society, or era. The civilisation, era, culture or society is completely your choice. You must provide a drawing of the item or sufficient proof that this item exists and it’s importance to it’s users. This can be a visual report, diorama, sculpture or simply just a description of an object. “Crap” I thought. Unfortunately, this assessment task undoubtedly required a short, (it will definitely be short) visit to the antique store. This is yet another sixteen year olds nightmare. As I turned to face my bedroom door I sighed loudly and cursed my history teacher. My hand grasped the brass doorknob and turned it to the left, As the door opened a wave of warm and sticky air was lurking behind it, waiting to greet me. It broke over my body in a spectacular fashion and flooded my room. I was too annoyed at the trip to the antique store to care that this was what I had been preventing all day. I walked through my hallway, each wall was plastered with terrifying images of my two younger siblings, Angela, David and I when we were infants. “The bob haircut was unforgiving.” I thought to myself as I walked swiftly onwards. I had reached the flight of stairs leading to the kitchen when my mother yelled from the sitting room, “Stella, I hope you’re making progress on that assessment!”

“Just off to the antique store for research.” I bellowed back. I walked down the stairs and turned right which led me to the kitchen, then right again into the sitting room where my mother was relaxing on the lounge suit reading her new book. “The lost world, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.” “See you when you get home.” She said pleasantly without averting her gaze from the page. I turned left and walked towards the front door, turned the knob and released myself from my home. Chapter 2: It was a rather hot day. Just walking down the main street at a leisurely pace was enough to work up a sweat. I passed shops of all kinds, clothing, stock, furniture, clothing again, and again, and again, nick-knacks, gifts, general groceries, yet another clothing store, and at last, antiques. I stoped out the front of the store and peered into the dusty old shop. It was half the size of all the others and a lot less maintained. There were news papers blocking out the sunlight on one half of the window that had yellowed from the length of time that it had been stuck to the window exposed to the bright sunlight. The other half of the window had items on display from plausible to pathetic. An old doll dressed in a ball gown and bonnet was on the far left, a bedpan on the right and a rusty canary cage was the middle and main item on display as it was elevated and placed between the doll and bedpan on the right. I snickered. “Bedpan...” I thought to myself. I pushed open the door and took a step inside. The atmosphere was dramatically different. An eerie breeze blew in through the slightly opened window to my far left which circulated the eerie feeling throughout the store. The temperature was at least 7 degrees cooler in here; it sent shivers up my spine. Dim lighting made it seem as if time had moved four hours faster and it had become evening.

I bypassed all the boring old rusty items, which littered this junkyard of a store. Nothing caught my eye or belonged to any civilisation that I have been taught, so I wandered on hoping to find an easy answer to my assessment task troubles. As I was doing my laps of the two isles this shop contained my gaze fell upon what looked to be a mirror concealed under a scarlet blanket. I approached it fixated on it’s majestic beauty completely unfocused and unaware of my surroundings. It was as if it was beckoning me to come near, I had heard it’s call, and was responding. Chapter 3: The scarlet blanket flew off the mirror without any extra effort, the blanket was made of silk and was soft to touch, it was beautiful but what was hidden under the scarlet silk blanket was even more beautiful. It was a mirror; the frame was made of some sort of ancient wood with carvings of some strange pattern. The pattern looked like snakes slithering up the sides of the frame to a central point, which was the top. At the top of the frame was the Latin phrase “omnia causa fiont” That was unusual to have a Latin phrase on a mirror. The glass that the frame held together was all dusty and there was a crack in the corner of the mirror, which seemed unusual. Was I imagining all this or was it actually in the shape of a snake? The crack started of thin at the bottom of the corner then got unusually thick at the top just like a snakes body thin at the tail then fat at the head. Wow had I been doing to much homework today, have I started to go delirious? Because it was facing the same was as the carved snake facing up to the Latin phrase. My eyes where transfixed its majestic beauty astounded me, to see such a splendid mirror in a run down shop. I could not help my self but to walk closer and run my thin fair fingers over the carvings of the snakes and I kneeled down and ran my fingers from the bottom of the snake’s tail all the way to the top. I did the same on the other side feeling each wined in the snake as I got to the top I realised the Latin phrase it was in a beautiful font but looked a slight intimidating as if it was trying to warn of the people who read it because of the letters the phrase contained.

I defiantly could not resist but to touch the glass, as I did a huge chill ran down my spine as if warning me of something terrible was about to happen. I had a gut feeling that I should not be touching this majestic mirror, thoughts where whizzing around my head every new thought that whizzed through was telling me a different thing to do. How could I choose which thought in my head was right? My eyes where glued to the mirror, I was gazing straight into the glass and of coarse at me. How could I have missed it? “Omnia causa fiont, it means everything happens for a reason.” I was totally dumb struck that I hadn’t realised an old witch like lady was looking at me I swear I jumped ten meters in the air but I know hadn’t but I bet you my heart jumped I screamed so loud, I wasn’t expecting her to be standing there. By the look on her face she was surprised to see me there holding her scarlet silk blanket. She defiantly did look like a witch, she hadn’t brushed her hair in at least a hundred years, it was all mattered and knotty and repulsive she smelt so horrible like rotten eggs mixed with sour milk and mouldy cheese, hadn’t she ever herd of anything called a shower or even deodorant? “Pardon” I replied “Omnia causa fiont, it means everything happens for a reason, that’s what is written on the top.” The old witch like woman said. She asked me with a scratchy sort of voice “What are you doing dear? Why are you looking at my mirror?” I replied in a scared tone because I did not know if I would be in trouble or not “I’m looking for any sort of artefact to help me on an ancient history assignment but while I was looking something drew me to this mirror” She just looked at me with a puzzled laugh then turned around so I saw her back and she kept walking. Somewhat creepy I thought but oh well this mirror is too beautiful. I looked at the mirror again knowing that I had to leave it here and keep on searching for something to do with my assignment.

But how could I leave it here it was luring me in. it was so seductive I went closer and closer this time I touched the crack to see how deep it was but was I in for a surprise. As soon as I touched the crack, the Latin phrase lit up in a gold glow. Each letter was being highlighted in a gold glow one letter at a time. Then the glass went all fuzzy and blurry and suddenly the fuzziness started to swirl around in a circle and I could not make out what the glass was reflecting anymore it was to blurry but I knew for sure it was not my reflection. Curiosity got the better of me I touched it. A million and one thoughts where running though my mind and a few of them were: what is this, should I touch it, just come on and touch it, don’t touch it, run away and never come back, get the old lady to see what’s happening, just touch it what’s the worst that could happen. Unfortunately I listened to the last thought that ran through my mind “just touch it what’s the worst that could happen.” as soon as I touched it a numb feeling ran up my fingers and kept going all the way through my body. I felt drugged like what I was about to do I had no control over like a higher force was deciding what my fate would be I had no idea that I was going to never see my friends, my family even the people that I hated again. I took one tremendous step forward and through the mirror and into a new life, a new time, a new beginning. Chapter 4: When I reached the other side, I had no recollection of what had happened between the time that I had touched the mirror to when I arrived in this strange and unfamiliar place. I was fixed on the spot no matter what I did I could not move I was so confused by what had happened. Where was I!? I was so awestruck by what was before me there was no place on earth like it (well what I knew of anyway, I was never good with geography). The place where I had unexpectedly and suddenly appeared was in a field it was about 500m².

It looked like it used to be a forest but now it was not. From left to right every single tree was burnt to a cinder, the ground was nearly knee thick in charcoal and burnt grass. it was night and there was a full moon which made the whole place an even more peculiar feel to it. I had never seen such a horrible place, far in the distance on my right I saw an old burnt down barn house. Where was I and what had happened here? This burnt field was defiantly not due to an accidental bush fire because just over the horizon on my left was a whole city and it was not burnt down, this field and barn was no accident. As I was observing my surroundings I convoy of tucks trundled past I dived for the closest burnt down tree for cover. Now that I think back, I do not think it was much cover because it was thin and half falling down its branches where half attached and the top hanging on the ground. Luckily, for me the convoy of trucks failed to spot me otherwise there would be dire consequences. As I was peering around from the side of the tree I realised that something was completely wrong, for starters the trucks that were in these convoy was defiantly not trucks from 2008, what where they? These trucks had huge sides and that slanted down at an angle, like a sort of triangle but instead of the sides coming to a point the top was flat and on top was a seat with what looked like a bulletproof screen (well actually I was presuming that it was bullet proof as I wasn’t close enough to distinguish what it was), and a man sitting on a seat being protected by this strange screen and holding what looked like a machine gun and was looking for something to target. Each truck had one driver. But the strangest thing of all was that each convoy was at least 10-20cm (hard to get an exact measurement from where I was) off the ground!! Where they floating? Where they flying? Where they hovering? I had no idea this was so bizarre, if this technology was out already in the public it would be in the news.

Even if the governments tried to cover it up how could they hide trucks hovering of the ground? It would be impossible to hide it from the civilians who had no idea. Wow was this a discovery! (And here I was still disillusioned by the fact that I thought it still was 2008, would hovering vehicles give the fact away that I was in some distant place.) Then suddenly a car came speeding beside the convoy of trucks over took them and then keep driving. Poor driver, what I saw next was totally horrific and a 16 year old should never see. The man that was controlling the machine gun swivelled around in his chair and the machine gun came with him and in one effortless push of a button, the machine gun fired several rounds, but that was enough for the car to blow up. There was a huge bang and what looked like a mushroom cloud of soot and fire came hurling in the air. the bang was so loud that once it went off I covered my ears and tucked my head into my legs and curled into a ball trying to shield my ears and eyes from the cars explosion as best I could and praying to god that I didn’t just go deaf. What came next was even worse. The convoy came to a halt and the sides of the trucks rolled up smoothly like a roller door on a garage and out of the trucks came 10 men to inspect the car. They pulled apart the car and loaded into on the truck then came another 10 men from another truck and then cleared the road and surrounding area of all material relevant to the explosion after that the men hobbled back on the truck and the convoy continued to head up the main road. What was going on here? Why where the vehicles hovering of the ground and why did the convoy clean up all evidence of the explosion? Wow was this a strange place. After a couple of minutes of sitting there behind the burnt tree I heard footsteps and I turned around and saw a young girl standing there looking at me with a puzzled look on her face. I was surprised to see her she must have been around 18 and she had long straight brown hair that went way down past her shoulders, she was wearing a red singlet top, she had brown eyes and was very pretty. At first, I wasn’t expecting her to talk because she was just staring at me then she spoke.

“What are you doing here, follow me or they’ll see you” I had no idea what to do so I just sat their dumbstruck at this girl who wanted me to follow her, my parents always used to say “Don’t talk to strangers” So I just sat there looking at her with a profound look. The girl noticed that I wasn’t going to move anytime soon so she grabbed my wrist and tugged on it so I would move. I was thinking what is the worst that could happen she seems nicer then those other people in the convoy so I decided to get up and follow her. The only word that would come out of my mouth at that point of time was “Ok” Chapter 5: I followed her for about 100m, we were half crawling half crouching and walking through the field we turned a corner in the paddock and I saw where she was leading me she was taking me to a forest. This forest was beautiful; the trees must have been thousands of years old. The trunks were humongous and a lovely brown and the branches where huge and had lush green leaves all over them. When we reached the edge of the forest, the strange girl looked behind her back in a way that suggested that she was checking to see if someone was following us, when everything was all-good we continued to walk for what felt like eternity. Eventually we stopped in a small grass clearing which was beautiful. The clearing had boulders around it with massive oak trees and a stream to the right, the water was so crystal clear that it looked like it belonged in a fairy tale, in fact the whole clearing looked like a scene from a fantasy movie that I saw a while that I can not remember the name of. I rushed over to the water to stick my head in and just as I was leaning down the girl grabbed my shoulders and reefed me back. I was so astounded at what she had done; when we first met, I did not think she was so violent or strong. “What did you do that for, I’m so thirsty and that water looks beautiful I need a drink, and you can’t stop me I don’t even know who you are.” I screamed at her from where I was sitting.

“That water is poisoned and I’m Esther.” “What do you mean poisoned? There’s no such thing as poisoned water and even if there where such thing it would have been on the news” I replied in a tone that suggested that I knew everything there was to know. “Where have you been for the last 10 years, how come you don’t know about the water?” retorted Esther in a tone that sounded like she was getting really annoyed with me. “Well for starters I’ve been living in Gloucester for the last 10 years.” “And where am I?” “Was back in Gloucester at an antique shop looking at this mirror then I was suddenly in that field looking at that convoy” “What’s happening to me? Am I dreaming?” I could not stop talking I was so confused about all that had happened in the last couple of hours. “Wow you really have no idea do you?” Esther said back to me and now for the first time she sounded so confused. “of coarse I don’t, I don’t even know how I got here” I assumed that I was equally as confused as Esther was. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes where Esther was pondering what to say, she finally answered and concluded our talk by saying, “Well we better keep moving and ill explain everything when we get to the others” we were walking for what seemed like hours we finally reached another clearing but this one was different to the first. There were two adolescent boys sitting around a tiny campfire in the middle of the clearing the boys could not have been much older the 16 or 17. Esther went over and joined them I was just standing there looking around at what was going on. They all looked like street rats or homeless people that you would find in the streets of London begging for money. All of three of them had untamed hair that hadn’t been washed in months, they were all dirty, and now that all three of them were together I had just noticed the awful stench that was lingering around Esther. Poor kids I bet they were just poor homeless people living out in the forest because they didn’t have any friends or family.

Both boys were wearing long jeans that were covered in mud and dirt and were ripped at the knees, thighs and calves. One had dirty blonde hair with brown eyes, was relatively short for his age (but he wasn’t too short), and had a small amount of freckles on his cheeks, he seemed about average weight, he wasn’t fat or he wasn’t to skinny, he was also wearing a black hoddie with a Patten imbedded on the hoddie this boy looked to be about 16. He looked to a great extent better then the other boy. The other boy was wearing ripped jeans as well and coved in mud and what looked like blood stains and a black t-shirt that had holes shredded through what looked like a pattern. This boy had black hair and hazel eyes and was somewhat tall, he looked menacing and frightening like he was the sort of guy you wouldn’t want to mess with if he was in a bad mood, he looked the most unfriendly one put of the three of them. He looked about 17. They had finally taken notice of me, they knew I was there but they were talking amongst themselves, probably wondering what to do with me. I herd little snippets of their conversation. They where trying to keep their voices down so I couldn’t here what they where saying but it wasn’t quite working. The parts I herd sounded like this: “What’s she doing here?” “Who is she?” “She could be a spy for all I know” “Not from what she told me before” “You listen to any one though, she could have lied” “We should hear her out” “No way, we need to get rid of her before she reports back to the others” “Just listen to her, it won’t hurt” “Fine we will listen and then decide” Chapter 6: In the end after what seemed like forever, Esther turned around and beckoned for me. I cautiously walked over to them, along the way I tripped on a stick (after all I was

quite clumsy) which made one of the giggle I couldn’t quite see which one had giggled. Once I reached them I sat down next to Esther and then with out hesitation I asked them the question that had been nagging me the whole time I had been in this strange place, “Where am I?” They all replied at the same time “London, England” “Well what’s left of it anyway” said the youngest boy “But I live near London this isn’t London” “Why does it look like this, what has happened?” I said truly confused “Well tell us what happened to you?” said the oldest boy I told them the same story that I told Esther in the first clearing we got to after we met. I told them that I was at an antique shop looking for anything to do with an ancient society, era, culture or civilisation when I found this gorgeous mirror. and then I told them it went all strange and fuzzy then I found my self in a field and watching a convoy destroy a car then I told them about the hovering cars about how bizarre a hovering car was (they all laughed when I told them which made me even more perplexed.). Then I also told them how Esther and I met, and Esther told the rest of the story from then on. After a short silence, they talked. They took in turns to say there names. “I’m esther” Esther was whom I first met she was 18 and she acted like the leader of the group “I’m Ryley” Ryley was the youngest boy he’s my age and he is 16. “I’m Daniel” He was the oldest boy there he was 17 and he was the one who looked scary. It sounded like I was at an AA meeting where every one went around in a circle and said their names. “Well I’m Stella” “Ok so what do you know of the war so far? We will try to fill in the blanks as best as possible,” said Ryley

“What war?” I retorted They where really getting on my nerves now. Weren’t they listening to me the whole time? I have no idea what there talking about but they do not seem to get it. “The war that’s been going on for the last ten years” snapped Daniel “Well why don’t we just tell her all about it and it might help her to remember it” Esther said in a pleasant, soothing and relaxing voice. “Well he we go” replied Ryley. “It all started ten years ago in 2020….everything was happening in 2020, new technology was coming out everyday, the hover car was becoming a world must have trend. The world was starting to see the first succeeded attempts of commercial cloning and doctors and specialists where interfering with peoples genes every day of the week, it was a new age, the age of the Scientia. Biological weapons where being created and mass-produced in America but what nobody new was that scientists in the corporation Beaumont enterprise were getting ready for the biggest, bloodiest, nastiest war in the history of the world.” Said Ryley Esther continued with the rest while Daniel just sat their looking at me like I was an idiot. “The corporation Beaumont had been developing bio weapon technology since the early 2000’s no body knew what they were up to. In 2020, they released a disease into the water and it gradually killed people immune system this disease was known, as anthriopstheis strand b. by the time people found out it was too late to fix anything because the ground invasion of America was begging. The corporation had huge military support and they thought that hitting America first would be a huge blow to the rest of the world and they where right. Everybody was lost with out America. Beaumont had been developing many allies with in the world at that time and these where: china, east Timor, Germany, Russia, turkey and India they all joined with Beaumont. The company Beaumont timed their foot invasion well because it just so happened to co-inside with people all over the world dying from anthriopstheis strand b. A small minority of people survived ad can drink as much contaminated water as they like because of a mutant gene that is in the make up of their physiology and only about 1 in 5 have that gene and survived. Every one else dies slowly and mass graves where erected around different places. Soon after the foot invasion occurred and soldiers where dispatched all around the world killing off any survivors.

Small groups remain like ours and collect Intel for the “underground united.” The underground united consists of soldiers from; Australia, America, Brittan, United Kingdom, France, New Zealand, Italy and many more countries from around the world, this organisation exists to find a weakness in Beaumont’s technology and tries to sabotage their attempts in releasing more deadly contagions into the world. So far, they have not gotten anywhere. Groups like ours gather Intel and report to the underground united once a week. We go out once a day to gather Intel, food, water and other supplies we need. There is a town that’s south of here it is about a half an hour walk and we steal food and water from their storerooms while they are gone. We have to be careful not to take too much or they get suspicious, while we are there, we try to get Intel but lately we have not been getting much.” Esther and the others had finally finished talking and where waiting for a response form me but I could not just simply give them one, I was fascinated by what they had just said I mean none of this was real. They were making it up I finally said: “What do you mean it all started in 2020, it’s not 2020 yet its 2008? And were not in another world war? I would know about it?” Ryley was the only one who answered. “2020 has already been its 2030!” “There is such thing as hovering cars you saw them on the road before, this is world war three the worst war in the history of man kind” added Esther. Chapter 7: Now for the first time reality sunk into my head, my heart and my whole body. This wave of consciousness that I was in the future rushed over and through me like a wave roaring into some innocent swimmer at a beach. It was indescribable how I felt; after all, I had just travelled twenty-two years into the future! How was this possible? I did not believe in fate and the mysterious paranormal because of science, I believed everything had something to do with science but the mirror that brought me here was paranormal and was utterly unexplainable. Was this my fate? Was this my purpose for

being to help these people defeat the forces of Beaumont enterprise? Was this the reason that the mirror called out for me and the reason I responded to irrationally? What was I to do? How was I ever going to be able to help these people? After all, I was just a computer science geek, how could I help? At that exact moment the phrase popped into my mind I couldn’t not remember where I had herd this from but “ everything happens for a reason” this phrase gave me hope that I was doing the right thing. I jumped up stared at the all for a minute or two with out saying anything then I finally blurted out “I want to help you” Esther and Ryley where delighted to see that I sought to join them but Daniel was not too impressed. Daniel asked me “How can you help us you know nothing about fighting that’s how we help the underground united by fighting for information from soldiers?” I replied to his rude comment by saying “In my time I know a hell of a lot about computers and I can assure you if you hand me a computer I can find all the necessary information that you need to give the underground united to find and take down Beaumont enterprises once and for all” “All right” Daniel retorted all annoyed “It’s nearly time to leave so we should get some rest before we leave” By the time we left, it was extremely dark. It was so dark that I found it hard to see my hand in front of my eyes. We walked through the entire forest and throughout fields without anyone as so much muttering a word it was so soundless that you could have almost certainly heard a pin drop. We finally reached the edge of a small town, that was full of old houses that where made of stone bricks and roofs made of old style tiles and fences made of sticks and it looked quite historic and old but the soldiers occupied it. you could tell that this town was of some importance as there where many new style houses with huge verandas and made out of bricks and they had hovering cars parked out side it and hovering trucks. On top a hill far into the distance looked like there was some sort of huge laboratory and all the soldiers and civilians living in that town where walking down the main street towards the laboratory for a meeting.

“Here is our chance,” said Esther She darted out across the street and into a house and Daniel and Ryley followed, the looked back at me when they where all running and they expected me to do the same thing. I stood up hastily and sprinted over to where the others were crouching down. Esther suggested that we all pair up and go I groups to look for supplies and any information that we can gather. Ryley and I walked of towards a house and Daniel and esther walked off in the direction of the laboratory to check it out. Daniel and I were creeping around a house it was a nice house it was on a farm it was painted yellow and had a veranda. It was double story and had a hover car parked on the front lawn. Daniel went to the kitchen to get some food and I went to look around, as I had never seen anything like it. The TV was paper-thin and had an LCD screen and to use it all you had to do was put on a glove and just wave your hand when you wanted to change it looked so good. The computers in the house looked the same as 2008 but they were a little bit more advanced as the computers were not fat they were just as thin as the tv and these computers where hung up on a wall. As I was walking around the house I saw an old style computer, it looked much like the computers from 2008 I decided to check it out.... chapter 8: I turned it on and waited for it to load; thankfully, it did not require a password as it fully loaded up an urgent message popped up on the screen. It was a red rectangle with white writing it read: urgent message: Get to the nearest laboratory, Next wave in t-minus 72 hours This message kept flashing, I had suddenly realized why all those people where walking to the laboratory, they were seeking protection. But what from? I turned on the TV and the same urgent message in a red box and white writing popped up but this was slightly different. This message only had the count down. I ran over to the other modern computer turned it on and it had the same as the TV. What was going on? I yelled out for Ryley to come quick I showed him the computers and

the tv. As soon as he saw the message, his face went as white as snow and told me to get out of here as soon as possible. We both ran out of the house, down the street and back into the forest and waited for the others to arrive. By the time they arrived, I was still confused about why we had gotten out of the house in such a hurry. Esther and Daniel came running just as fast as us they also looked as white as Ryley. When Esther came, she was panting a lot it made it obvious that she had been running fast. All she could manage to get out was “Need to get to underground united” Something was wrong, something was defiantly wrong. I could tell by how quickly Ryley Daniel and Esther left for the underground united. They all knew the way to the underground united. I followed them the whole way. We travelled through a variety of different surroundings these included; woodlands, grasslands, swamps, forests and fields. We stopped in a clearing in a field that seemed incredibly hilly there where several valleys in this field and out of nowhere 10 men and women had us suddenly surrounded and where pointing guns at us. An older man he looked about 40 and he looked like he was in charge. He recognized the others but not me he looked at me strangely then turned around and started walking. The others started following him so I decided that we were not in any immediate danger so I followed them too. By now I was so confused nobody had stopped to explain to me why we where here until they were explaining it to the leader of the underground united. We were led into a cave in the valley. The cave provided shelter from weather problems and was a good hide out in case the soldiers decided they would pay them a visit. We sat down in a small cold section of the cave, the leader of this part of underground united introduced himself as timothy gage. He asked us what news we had and we all went into a sort of discussion about what each of us saw. Esther went first. “Well when Daniel and I waked off to get our Intel and supplies we walked around the edge of a forest until we were extremely close to a meeting. We over herd a lot,

about how the next wave is going to be an air borne desise so all the people that was on their side would be taken into different camps where they would be safe from a desise. Kerrison fever is a common childhood illness that you get when your about 10 I got it when I was 12 but it’s the same thing, but the scientists at Beaumont enterprise changed the biological and molecular structure of the disease and mutated it into a much severe case of Kerrison fever. We also over herd that the disease will affect the cells in the exposed persons body causing the cells to create a hormone which interferes with the brains ability to access the memories of that specific individual…” Daniel then interrupted Esther and started saying what he herd. “I herd that it will start with dizzy spells then go into more serious symptoms like not being able to remember small details then get even more severe with not being able to remember their own names. But the person speaking did say that they where safe and if they started exhibiting symptoms to let some one know immediately and there is a cure that was created just in case someone decided to use this new disease against them…” “Oh Daniel didn’t you remember what else they said, something 6 hours?” Esther said a bit confused. “Yeah that’s right, I remember now where only going to have 6 hours once we’ve got a headache before we won’t be able to remember anything and then its too late Beaumont will distribute the upgraded version of Kerrison fever to the rest of the world. Then there is nothing we can do to stop them once it is out in the public.” Daniel finally concluded what he had to say by stating the obvious. “We have to stop them before it’s too late.” Now it was Ryley’s turn to speck about what had happened to us. “Well we walked into a house I was collecting food from the pantry and fridges while Stella was walking around the house observing all the new technology. When she screamed my name, I literally dropped what I was doing and ran to her. She was looking at the television screen and was mortified about what she saw. The message read: get to the nearest laboratory, next wave in t-minus 72 hours that was counting down by each second and minute and hour that went by. Stella then showed me the computer, which had the same message, but a little bit different it just said t-minus 72 hours but it was not counting down. The radio was also broadcasting the same

message repeatedly. After that we ran out as fast as we could to meet up with Esther and Daniel.” There was no need for me to add anything on because I had the same story as Ryley. “Yes, yes, we know all this already. We have an inside man who is telling us all this. He also told us that we have to stop them, as he cannot do so himself.” Said the stern leader of this fraction of the underground united. He looked at me directly as he spoke the next part of his speech. “If we could just get some one in undercover to disable the computers and destroy the lab and its research it would be fixed and we would then be able to gather our troops and fight back in one almighty battle.” “We need you Stella and Daniel” He said that with out consideration of what was to come and what was before us. With out hesitation Daniel stood up and said “I will help” I too then trusted Daniels instinct and said the same thing as Daniel. We knew what we had to do in order to complete our mission but the problem knowing and doing are to completely different things. After all, how in the world would we be able to sneak into the lab (mind you we were to go in undetected)? Once in the lab we had to shoot, (im not a killer!) the scientists then we had to destroy the research and then we had to wipe all the computers clean and then get out of there with out being killed. Daniel and I both knew the chances of use getting out alive they where; slim to none. Tim gage wanted us to rest the night in the cave before we set out on the path of death and destruction, who ever told you that you could not for see the future because right now I knew my future. My future was going to be me lying dead in a scientist lab with a bullet through my head because I was not going to be able to pull this off. I woke up unexpectedly in the middle of the night with a huge brain wave. This brain wave may actually end up saving Daniel and my life.

I had to tell the others right away with out any hesitation I ran over to where the others where sleeping and shook them all till they where awake. I told them my idea then we went and told Tim our idea and he decided it was much better than the original plan so we got straight to work on preparing the necessary equipment for this operation. Chapter 9: It was now daybreak and we where almost near the complex which was the laboratory. We had been preparing all night for what was to come. This new plan was not just as dangerous as the last well it would be dangerous if we were caught and searched. The original plan was for me to wipe the computers and the research but the disease would still be there because when we destroyed the container to which the disease is being held in it would release the virus because how can you destroy air? This is when I got my brain wave. My idea was to bypass the main and secondary system and release the antidote that the scientists created to put it into the holding chamber where the kerrison fever bacteria was being held. That way it would neutralize the effect of the disease and then we could blow up the whole lad with some home made bombs, that I taught them to make using bottled that had alcohol in it and a rag coming out the top to act as a wick. This was also dangerous but it was safer then to release the virus by mistake. It was time we had reached the lab. The inside man who would not tell us his name for security reasons met us close to the lab. He told us that he would escort us in under the pretence that we were lost and we where seeking shelter. He told us not to look around much and just follow him and play along. He gave us all new cloths. I got a nice pair of jeans with a flower embroidered on the back pocket and a pink shirt. Every one got jeans and a different colour shirt. We where finally ready to start mission in the lab.

This whole plan was dependant on me! This whole mission was based around that I could bypass systems that I have never even used before. How was this going to happen? However, I knew that I had to do this or we will all be dead. Every one was counting on me, I have never felt so important, so pressured to do something, and for the first time in my life I realised that for once, I had to stop relying on others to help me do things but I actually had to do something. I had to use initiative to get around the systems blocking the antidote from getting into the chamber. I had to use every thing I knew and more I had to give it 110%. I had to give this everything I have or nothing at all. This was my one chance to prove to myself that my life had a purpose that I was important for something. I could not ruin it. The future was depending on me! As we followed the insider, we stayed quiet with our heads bowed down to the ground. We passed many guards but no one really cared. Who ever this man is he must be really important as no one was questioning him. We made it into the building everything was white and there were corridors left, right and centre. It was like an enormous maze. In side the lab there where only men in white coats walking around (presumably scientists.) we walked through a number of hallways and rooms finally we reached our destination. I could tell because before the door the man stopped handed Daniel and I a weapon of some sort. Daniel whispered “Aim, push the button and you stun the person on the other end.” “Ok” I murmured back. “Ok I have to go know I can not get caught here or we are all dead” said the inside man in a soft and low voice. He walked away immediately with out turning around he muttered under his breath “Good luck, you will need it.”

Daniel swung open the door, ten scientists looked up from their work and looked stunned, when Daniel pulled his weapon from around his back they all yelled and I think one of them screamed like a girl it was hard to tell. With out a pause Daniel started shooting so I followed I think I stunned one and Daniel did the rest. Daniel was a natural at doing all the physical, dangerous, killing part of jobs; in fact, I do not think he cared about anyone else but him self. That’s the thing I don’t like about Daniel he always seems like he thinks his the best and that he has to be in control of the situation, he was so obnoxious. That is why I liked Ryley and Esther better because they are the complete opposite of Daniel; I guess you have to have someone bad to appreciate the others more. Daniel had cleared the room by the time I found the main computer. I tried to use a simple hacking code to bring up the main root controls but it luckily did not require a passkey because a scientist had been on it a few seconds ago. “How long do you need?” asked Daniel. “Not long about 5-10 mins.” I replied. “Um I don’t think we have that long” he retorted I turned around and saw more soldiers coming; a scientist must have warned them of our arrival. Daniel shot them down with a few zaps of this new weapon. I did not have time so see exactly how this weapon worked but it sure was effective the way the soldiers went down one by one. “Ok im going down the hall to check on more soldiers, hurry up and please save us all” “But I can’t stay here on my own” “Yes you can,” he said Daniel ran off peaking around every corner before he walked. I kept typing to get around the main and secondary systems that where in place to stop the antidote from being placed into the contaminated bacteria of Kerrison fever. It took a while but I figured it out. It was staring me right in the face all I could have done was re write a macro, which would not have taken long, but instead I tried to overcome a command system, that mind you was made by some extremely smart

scientists, but me having a natural sparkle for computer science it was easy enough I mean it wasn’t extremely hard and it wasn’t to easy to overcome. Now finally it was ready, all I had to do was press the enter key and this whole thing would be over. However, of coarse it was not that simple. “Step away from that computer,” said a coarse and strong voice. I looked up and saw a young male solider standing aiming a weapon at me. I was so scared I had never had anyone aim a gun at me before. He saw what I was attempting to do and he said “Stand up with your hands in the air and back away slowly or ill shoot.” I was petrified, I knew that I was about to die. I did as I was told. He started to give me a lecture about how we all had no hope. This is how it sounded “You’re all going to die, you wouldn’t turn from your ways and recognise that Beaumont enterprise was taking over the world you won’t come to terms with that this is a far better world today then it was yesterday. Beaumont is making to day a better place. You have no hope. Give up while you’re still alive, you are all going to die if you don’t” I do not think they where his exact words but they where close enough. His mini speech was along those lines. He was about to shoot but Daniel had snuck up behind him and was about to shoot, I calmed down a tiny bit when I saw him and the one thing that came out of my mouth was; “While there’s life there’s hope” at that exact moment Daniel fired his weapon and the poor young solider fell face first into the ground. “Thank you so much I thought I was dead,” I said “Now can you get on and save the world” Daniel said to me with a smirk on his face. I went back to the computer and hit enter it look a few seconds to load my command that I had entered and we had no way of knowing if it worked we where just guessing.

Chapter 10:

As we ran out we people where starting to notice us and then start yelling at us to come back, but the building was about to explode so we ignored them and kept running, after all our lives depended on us running out in a minute flat. We did not quite make it out in time. Parts of the building started exploding one by one. Each lab was being ripped apart by homemade bombs that Esther and Ryley had hidden while we where neutralizing the mutated bacteria. By the time, we found our way out we where covered in soot and Esther Ryley and I ran for our lives. We knew there was going to be one huge explosion and second now so we did not even look back. Our hearts where pounding (im not too sure about the others hearts but mine sure was.) by the time we reached the top of the hill and to the edge of the forest. We all ducked for cover behind different trees and watched as the laboratory went up in a puff of smoke and a huge mushroom cloud engulfed the sky above it. People could have seen it from miles away. We escaped the explosion of dust, disease, death, and debris. I guess we have finished our adventures the rest is up to the under ground united to invade and prevail over the evil forces of this world. I realized that this war was coming to an abrupt halt. I let out a sigh that I had been unconsciously holding and whispered under my breath “Everything happens for a reason” I know where I have herd that before! The old woman in the antique shop back at home had told me that the Latin writing on the beautiful, majestic, awe-inspiring mirror frame. Now that I think about it, if I had not responded to the mirrors call and had that uncontrollable, unimaginable strong urge to touch the mirror I would never have been taken to this place. If I hadn’t come here then the virus would have been let out, Beaumont enterprises could have fully succeeded in taking over the world, and the future beyond 2030 would hold nothing but war, tragedy, pain, suffering, power hungry men and women and last but not least death.

Everything does happen for a reason im sure of it now, before I wasn’t sure of anything I wasn’t sure if this was my purpose, if I was doing the right thing but now I see that this is where im supposed to be. These past days I have learnt more about myself then I would of in a whole lifetime without coming to the future and being challenged. Therefore, we left that cruel harsh scene of death with the understanding that we did not know of the uncertainty that is before us in the future. By Jessica Fleming!

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