Omca 2009 Rules

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PO Box 16057 ● Portland, OR 97292-0057 ● (503) 239-6110 Oregon NORML is the Portland affiliate of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws

EVENT RULES & INFORMATION AWARDS Determination of Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards shall be by scoring on Official Ballots submitted by the Judges to the Organizing Committee.

Trophies for 1st through 3rd places, ribbons through 5th, for OVERALL SCORE. JUDGE’S CHOICE Ribbons to highest scoring non-trophy-winning entries in each of the following special categories: Appearance – Aroma – Taste – Smoothness – Potency In the event of a tie in the special categories, tie is to be broken by highest overall score. WHO MAY ENTER CANNABIS TO BE JUDGED (Entrants) All Entrants must be patients, caregivers, or persons responsible for a marijuana grow site, as defined in ORS 475.300 – 346 and currently registered with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP).

All Entrants shall be 18 years old or older. Cannabis submitted by Entrant must be grown by Entrant personally, within the State of Oregon.

WHAT TO ENTER Entrant’s sample(s) must be submitted, in the manner described herein, to Committee no later than 5 PM, Friday, November 6, 2009.

Registration fee shall be returned to Entrant only under specific conditions: 

All Entrants must pay a non-refundable Registration Fee of $50.00 for one strain, $35.00 for two strains, or $25 for three strains or more. Entrants may submit up to four (4) strains of cannabis for consideration.

Denial of OMMP Registry ID Card by the OMMP office; Withdrawal from event before Friday, October 16, 2009.

Cannabis submitted by Entrant shall not be returned under any circumstances.

For each strain of cannabis entered, the Entrant shall submit one (1) ounce [28 grams] of cannabis. 1 of 5


PO Box 16057 ● Portland, OR 97292-0057 ● (503) 239-6110 Oregon NORML is the Portland affiliate of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws

HOW TO ENTER suffice and serve as proof of Oregon Medical Marijuana Act coverage.

Entrants must sign a Participant’s Contract (see packet) and agree to abide by the Event Rules.

Send photocopies only. Documents will not be returned to applicant. Documents used to support Participant’s eligibility become the property of the Organizing Committee and Oregon NORML

A legible photocopy of Entrant’s Oregon State Identification Card or State Drivers License and entrant’s OMMP Patient or Caregiver Registry Identification Card must accompany Entrant’s application. 

Applications will be available online at, or by calling (503) 239-6110.

In lieu of a photocopy of the Entrant’s OMMP Registry ID Card, a photocopy of the acknowledgement letter from the OMMP offices, on OMMP letterhead, shall suffice and serve as proof of Oregon Medical Marijuana Act coverage, --or-The dated receipt issued when personally delivering an OMMP application to the State offices shall

Applications postmarked before September 1, 2009 will not be accepted and will be returned. Organizing Committee must receive Entrant application, Registration Fee, and proofs of identity no later than 5 PM, Friday, November 6, 2009.

ENTRY SAMPLE SUBMISSIONS Organizing Committee will notify Entrants when accepted, and arrangements will then be made for Entrant to submit samples for judging.

Entrant shall make no marks of any type on the packages supplied. Arrangements for transferring Entrant’s submission(s) to the Committee will be made individually, with scheduling and transfers beginning on September 1, 2009.

Samples must be submitted, in the manner described herein, to Committee no later than Friday, November 6, 2009.

Following receipt of Entrant’s submission, the Committee will check no fewer than 4 packages per strain submitted for required weight.

The Committee shall furnish to the Entrant standardized packaging marked “for medical use only”.

Entrant shall place into each package no less than one (1) gram of personally grown cannabis.

For each strain entered, Entrant shall fill 28 standardized packages, for a total of 28 grams, or one ounce.

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A tolerance of no more than 1 gram per strain will be allowed. In the event that an Entrant’s submission is underweight, that submission will be disqualified. Each strain submitted shall receive a unique identification number, which


PO Box 16057 ● Portland, OR 97292-0057 ● (503) 239-6110 Oregon NORML is the Portland affiliate of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws

each strain submitted, and shall insure complete confidentiality of the roster containing all identification numbers.

will be marked on each 1-gram sample package. The Chairperson shall record the unique identification number for

WHO MAY JUDGE MEDICAL CANNABIS STRAINS (Judges) All Judges must be patients currently registered with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP).

overall results and that person will not know which strains are their own.

The maximum number of Judge’s positions to be filled for this event shall be 28.

Judges must sign a Participant’s Contract, agree to abide by the contest rules, and pay a nonrefundable Registration Fee of $100.00.

All Judges shall be 18 years of age or older.

Judging positions shall be filled by order of receipt of completed application packages. Organizing Committee members may not participate in the OMCA as Judges.

Application packages that are incomplete, incorrectly or improperly completed, without Registration Fee, or irregular in any particular shall, at the Organizing Committee’s discretion, be disqualified.

A patient may be an Entrant and a Judge; however, that person’s ballots for their own strains will not be counted in the

HOW TO APPLY Applications will be available online at, or by calling (503) 2396110.

Applications postmarked before September 1, 2009 shall not be accepted and will be returned.

Send photocopies only. Documents will not be returned to applicant. Documents used to support Participant’s eligibility become the property of the Organizing Committee and Oregon NORML. Organizing Committee must receive Judge’s Application, Registration Fee, and acceptable proofs of identity no earlier than Tuesday, September 1, 2009 and no later than Friday, November 6, 2009. Judges are solely responsible for any and all consequences, civil or legal, physical or mental, resulting from participation in the Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards™.

A legible photocopy of Judge’s Oregon State Identification Card or State Drivers License and Judge’s OMMP Patient Registry Identification Card must accompany Judge’s application. 

The dated receipt issued when personally delivering an OMMP application to the State offices shall suffice and serve as proof of Oregon Medical Marijuana Act coverage.

In lieu of a photocopy of the Judge’s OMMP Registry ID Card, a photocopy of the acknowledgement letter from the OMMP offices, on OMMP letterhead, shall suffice and serve as proof of Oregon Medical Marijuana Act coverage, --or --

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PO Box 16057 ● Portland, OR 97292-0057 ● (503) 239-6110 Oregon NORML is the Portland affiliate of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws

JUDGING SCHEDULE The Organizing Committee will present Judges with samples no later than Friday, November 13th, 2009.

Arrangements for delivery of samples shall be arranged individually between Judge & Committee.

JUDGING CRITERIA AND PROCESS Judges will endeavor to be strictly fair and objective when evaluating each sample.

 

Judges will not discuss or disclose to any other person or persons their findings until after the Awards Banquet, Saturday, December 12, 2009.

Each criterion shall be scored on a scale of 10 (best) to 1 (worst). Please, no zeros (0), fractions, “+” or “-” marks. (Some Judges have found that thinking of the 10-1 scale using the some of the adjectives below helps to maintain consistency in judging.)

Ballots will have each strain to be sampled listed by its identification code as assigned by the Committee. Each specimen should be evaluated on its own merits; judges shall not compare one against another.

10: 9: 8: 7: 6: 5: 4: 3: 2: 1:

Each specimen will be graded according to these criteria:      

Length until Onset of Symptom Relief (time in minutes) Duration of Symptom Relief (time in minutes) Amount of sample used per dose (in 0.1 gram [1/10th gram] measurements)

Appearance: “how good does it look?” Aroma: “how good does it smell?” Taste: “how good does it taste?” Smoothness: “is it easy on your lungs?” Potency: Different than Medicinal Effect; this criterion asks “how strong is the strain?” Medicinal Effect: How well does this strain sample work for your individual medical conditions? During the Tally, the Medicinal Effect criterion shall be given twice the weighting as the other criteria (score for this criterion only will be doubled).


“Excellent” “Good”


“Fair” “Poor”



“Superior” “Excellent” “Very Good” “Good” “Fair” “Average” “Below Average” “Poor” “Bad” “Awful”

Judges will note their findings on the Official Ballot and in the Journal, and return both to the Organizing Committee not later than 5:00 PM, Friday December 11, 2009. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification of the Judge and forfeiture of all rights and privileges attaining thereto (loss of Judge’s Gift package, banquet attendance, etc.) Judges may choose method of ingestion, but are instructed to be consistent

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PO Box 16057 ● Portland, OR 97292-0057 ● (503) 239-6110 Oregon NORML is the Portland affiliate of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws

judged per day. The Committee has provided four full weeks for judging to be done, which averages out to judging one sample per day; please make use of the time wisely.

throughout the judging process on all specimens. If you use a vaporizer, use only a vaporizer for all specimens, if using a pipe, use only a pipe for all specimens, etc. Judges are instructed to, as far as is practical, limit the number of specimens

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE The 2009 OMCA Organizing Committee shall consist of the Board of Directors of Oregon NORML and other Oregon NORML volunteers as appointed by the Board.

TALLY COMMITTEE & PROCEDURES The Chairperson shall appoint three (3) persons to the Tally Committee.

Result Form, sealing the Form into an obscured envelope, and presenting the sealed envelope to the Chairperson.

Two (2) persons so appointed shall be nonboard members of good standing in Oregon NORML.

The Tally Committee shall perform their duties in the publicly accessible area of the Event; however, this is not to infer public participation in the tally process.

Appointees shall not be Entrants or Judges in this event, to prevent any conflict of interest.

The Tally Committee shall not disclose any information obtained in the performance of their duties until Awards have been announced and presented.

One member of the Tally Committee shall be a member of the Organizing Committee. The Tally Committee shall be responsible for tallying the OMCA ballots, determining order of place by numerical results, entering this information onto the Official Tally

The Chairperson shall not disclose the results until the Awards are presented.

Miscellaneous The Committee shall retain ballots for no less than 90 days; Judge’s Journals shall be retained indefinitely.

The Committee reserves the right to make such changes to the Event Rules, Registrant Application, unsigned Participant’s Contracts, or any other aspect of the Event, as are deemed necessary by the Committee.

All decisions made by the Organizing Committee are final.

Any Applicant, Entrant, or Judge, who is disqualified at any time, shall immediately forfeit his/her Registration Fee, Participant Gifts, Banquet Ticket(s), and/or other Event-related gifts.

The Committee reserves the right to review and grant special exemption(s) to Judges or Entrants providing, in the Committee’s judgment, said exemption(s) do not adversely affect the integrity of the Event.

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