Om Jai Sakti

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 5
Om Jai Sakti! Dear All (Vanakkam), My name is Mr. Ambrose, fifty-three years of age, and a Malaysian Tamil (Indian). I was raised in a fanatic Christian family. I started to learn about religion in my adulthood and discovered that religion represented moral authority to the followers. Only the Hindu religion does not enforce any compulsion over the individual believers. In Hinduism, there are hundreds of Gods / Goddesses and anyone can choose whom they wanted to worship, freely and without any external interference. This had made me to concentrate on Hinduism. I discovered many things by communicating directly with Gods/Goddesses, which many who were born Hindus still do not realize. Everyone wishes for miracles and inner spiritual power in his / her life. I received these miracles and spiritual power from the Lord Muniswarer. He appeared to me midnight at a jungle temple and taught me basic Hindu principles. From that night onwards I started to think like a Hindu. Openly praying to Hindu Gods and Goddesses, I still retain my Christian name Ambrose. I have shared my experiences with internet forum groups. I am proud to say that I have never learnt Hinduism from books or scriptures or any human gurus. Lord Muniswarer and his allied Gods/Goddesses taught all the understanding direct to me. After reading my experiences, many book-soaked Hindus doubt me. Even some Hindus advise me to change my name to a Hindu-sounding one before I start to preach. Actually I do no preach. I prayed to the Gods over this matter of doubtful Hindus, and the Gods asked me not to worry. These Hindus were praying and offering their whole life to God/Goddess. The Gods never appeared to them, but communicated via another human through a trance. The Gods told me that these so-called Hindus were jealous of me because a Christian guy like me has been able to see the Hindu Gods. The Gods told me not to change my name but to continue to tell the truth. They told me, “The one who needs to, must approach us and ask. We know to whom we should offer our blessings, even though they pray to us day and night.” I wrote to the sangkancil and akandabaratham forum group about the truth of Hinduism. Some Muslims got upset. They threatened me with lynching, blackmail, and reporting to the infamous Malaysian Police. First, read what I had written - ” All must know that Hindu ritual practice were done in the earliest stages. Only Islam came later by tailoring some facts. For example, the Hindus will go round a Siva temple seven times and offer the gifts to the icon God or Goddess. In the Siva temple, prayers are offered five times daily. It is the

morning, noon, afternoon, evening and late evening by the priest. It is not compulsory for every Hindu devotee to pray five times daily, unless they wanted to impress with their holier-than-thou facade. Why has one to go round seven times, especially in the Temple of Lord Siva? To reach Lord Siva one had to cross seven seas. The Serpent Virgin Ladies (Naga Kanni Amman) was guarding each sea. (The seas must consider as mind waves). Each lady must permit you to the next destination. Destinations can be considered as seven rooms guarded heavily by these serpent virgin ladies. After all the seven virgin ladies gave you the permission, then we can see our Lord Siva. We Hindu devotees don’t have to travel to Mecca to perform the ritual.=20 One can stay where they are and practice meditation and mantra. BTW, we Hindus don’t mind any Muslims praying to the Black Stone in the Kaabah, because our Almighty Hindu God, Lord Siva Linggam sits there. Actually Muslims big brother Mohammed knew the truth. He fasted for forty-eight days (Wow! the Quoran forgot the number of days!) By fasting his third eye opened, and he had to pass through seven virgin ladies one by one to open the doors so finally he was able to meet the Lord Siva. So with respect to the Lord Siva, Muslims big brother followed the annual ritual, going round seven times to open the doors. On the final round instead of meeting Lord Siva, he kissed the stone. That is the truth. The Arab followers were just following what Muslims big brother did in his life but know not the true reason. We Hindus perform the rituals once a year by wearing white loin clothes over the body and cut or shave the hair. This hair was offered as devotee’s karma to be forgiven of his / her sin. Did you notice the Muslim following the same rituals by cutting or shaving the hair and wearing white loin clothes when they perform the Hajj in Mecca? NO question should be asked. It is called ritual practice in Islam. It is alright for Islam to promote ritual practices but the non-Muslims can’t! What a silly mentality! Why has Muslims to pray five times a day? The Linggam Stone (Lord Siva) has five types of power. To represent praying five times by facing the direction of the black stone to bow and prostrate, asking the same power from God to bestow towards one who is praying. Muslims should understand that angel Gabriel gave the black stone. Who is this angel Gabriel? In Hinduism, angel Gabriel was “Lord Naga Linggeswarer”. When the Muslims are criticizing non-believers’ worshipping idols / icons as Satan, what is Kaaba, black stone, and two satan pillars made of?

Later, the same upset Muslims wrote me saying that Hindus, like other pagans, worship useless, lifeless objects which can be pissed upon, and has no ability to do anything. If anyone spit on any of the idols that I worship, they will not move one bit. Besides they criticize my idol worshipping even to the length of using foul languages. They label me “kafir” and demand that I should be killed according to Islam. The truth is that I am worshipping the idols of snake, lion, monkey, etc and the Hindu God/Goddess, iron trisulam (iron spear) and simple red bricks. The Lord Muniswarer taught me “Durga Kothiram Hinduism”. In this Durga Kothiram I offer goats and chickens sacrifices to the non-vege God/Goddess. Many believe it is just an object. Yes! It is an object. But according to Maya world (science call it magic world) there are Gods present in the idols, which I worship. Only those who can penetrate the Maya world are able to see the ghosts, spirits, jinn, God, etc in the objects. If one practices meditation for years one is able to gain power in one’s spiritual life. One can then look back at their previous lives, etc. Another short cut to achieve this power within six months is to insert a golden needle into the body. This method can be done only by powerful mediums or witch doctors. Remember not all can do this - there are lots of fakes around. So don’t waste your money and get into trouble. I can see life in my idols. But it’s very hard to prove the existence of God in the idols. For 1400 years the Muslims showed hatred towards idol worshippers and brand them as kafirs. This has made Muslims being seen in negative light by the others, and usually associated with terrorist cults. Islam is not a religion of peace, because the actions prove they are violent and irrational. Actually we cannot blame the Muslims from acting this way. It is not their fault that they have been misled. The only fault in Islam was their stupid book written by unknown writers 1400 years ago. That book contradicts itself in so many places. Even the so-called educated Muslims can’t comprehend it. In this 21st century, all of us must put and end the stupid thinking of hatred and live in peace. So to this end, I am inviting the Muslims worldwide to take this challenge. Well, I am calling these Muslims to come forward to accept the challenge of spitting, kicking and pissing on one of the temples in Malaysia arranged by myself. In this temple there are no statues, but only ant-hill, trisulam (iron spear) and one red brick (as a statue). Now the Muslim must get reality in themselves and prove to me (and other Hindus) that worshipping is not worth, lifeless and can’t be harmed by any Hindu God/Goddess from the idols, by accepting the challenge. It is cowardly writing of the Muslims showing their stupidity against Hinduism. Prove to the Hindus by

spitting, kicking and pissing on the Hindu Idols. I need twelve true Islam believers around the globe to come forward and participate in this challenge. To do this, you have to follow the following conditions: 1. Send me the identity card / passport copy plus any other contact particulars to my email. I will use this information to apply for a police permit to perform this act legally. (Note: If police permit allowed, my country Malaysia have faith in Islam. If not allowed, the public must be aware that Islam fears losing this challenge and Hindu Gods/Goddesses will harm them. There is no worry about security concerns because it will be highlighted in the press, and held publicly. ) 2. Not more than one participant from any one country. I would prefer Mullahs to accept the challenge especially from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, US, UK, Australia, France, Jordan, Egypt and Pakistan. If Mullahs are afraid to participate, they can appoint any other Muslims to take part, but top Muslim bodies of their countries should endorse him. 3. The date and time for the event must be highly publicized around the globe. It can take place in six months or more. 4. After the event, if nothing happens to the participants (natural happenings) within nine days then I will accept that Islamic teachings are true. 5. If something happens to the 12 participants within 9 days, then the Muslims should accept that Quoran is false. They should remove the verses of hatred from the Quoran and start with new beautiful Islam. Above are simple conditions. There are so many Muslims (including newly converters) around the globe talking with foul mouth against Hinduism without the proper knowledge. They think Hinduism is backward as 1400 years ago, not knowing how things have changed. Muslims must not chicken out of this challenge, and be brave enough to prove their religion is the true religion. NOTE: Recipients of this message should forward to as many groups and friends to let others know of this challenge. By this challenge, I will prove to the world that my Hindu Gods / Goddesses are present in the idols that I (and all Hindus) am

worshipping. Surely some Hindus will object to this Challenge. Why?=20 They don’t have faith in their own Gods / Goddesses. May the Hindu Gods/Goddesses Bless Everyone! Sincerely, OM SIVAYA NAMAHA Ambrose [email protected]

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