Ohio W ildlife
Temperate Forest Ohio is mostly a temperate forest. Mix of pine trees and broad-leafed trees (like maple)
People have turned a lot of it into farms.
Succession Through succession, a farm can go back to a forest over time
Not all forests the same After succession, some species may be lost Conserving original forests are important! “New” forests lack biodiversity
Let’s look at some animals that Ohio has lost
Biodiversity supports the Coolest Animals Areas low in biodiversity cannot support top predators like bears or big cats Even though a lot of Ohio’s forest is returning, the coolest animals are gone forever! Bummer!
What might we see?
Ohio is full of life Kent may be boring, but the woods are still full of life During the field trip, you will take pictures of interesting things that you see. Create a photojournal—add a paragraph to 5 pictures, email to me