October Newsletter

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y l h t n o M S P O M Mac McMinnville MOPS



Welcome to the McMinnville MOPS group. A place where moms of kids ages newborn to five can come together to celebrate our daily adventures in mothering. We hope that you are as excited as we are for the upcoming year filled with relationship building, spiritual growth, food and fun. This years theme “Adventures in Mothering” is based on the following scripture;

Calendar of Events September 26th

Play Day Gym 10-12

October 3rd

1st Meeting Rm 112 9:30-12

October 10th

Girls Night Bowling 9:30 pm

October 17th

Date Night RSVP 472-8476

October 24th

Play Day Gym 10-12

November 7th & November 8th

Craft Fair Gym

November 14th

Next Meeting Rm 112 9:30-12

“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:17-19 If you are looking for a quick fun (planned) adventure to have with your kids try making a “jungle trail” for them to follow through the house by winding toilet paper, string or yarn high, low, around, over and far until they reach the end, where a special treat is awaiting them. They will have fun conquering all of the obstacles, and you will have fun watching them try to find their way! Share your ideas for kid friendly “adventures” with us and you just might see them here. Look for a survey at the next meeting!

One Mother’s Adventure

"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life." -- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

On the first day of school I had my three kids is tow: a fourth grader, a first grader and my two year old who just got dragged along for the ride. The school was crowded with moms, dads, kids, teachers and various other people all

gathered to witness the official grand opening of the brand new elementary school, Sue Buel. Since I cannot be in two places at once, I told my fourth grader to find her teacher (who was holding up a sign) and I would meet her

in her classroom after I dropped off her little sister into hers. The Principal announced that the first grade class could enter the building, so I grabbed my two-year old’s hand and we marched along with the six (Continued on page 2)

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Mac MOPS Monthly

Volunteer Opportunity 19th

Annual Craft Fair

November 7th 10 am - 6 pm

November 8th 9 am - 4 pm

cream-cheese frosting – and we want you to bring them! If baking isn’t up your alley, then please consider volunteering for 2 or more hours to meet one of the needs below. We know your time is scarce and valuable, but investing a few hours at the Craft Fair will make a BIG difference and help MOPS flourish.

The Craft Fair November 7th-8th is our main fundraiser that will ensure the funding of our MOPS group this year. We need your help to make it a success! A great way for you to contribute is to donate baked goods for the Bake Sale table. We’ve heard about your todie-for banana bread cupcakes with

To volunteer or sign up to bring a baked good, please contact Tina Kelley at [email protected] or 971-237-3427.

One Mother’s Adventure (Continued from page 1)

year old procession. The class was buzzing with families and the teacher was doing her best to keep up with all of the chaos. My two-year old found a haven amongst plastic cars and boats in the corner of the classroom, so I focused my attention on my daughter. After I had taken enough pictures, I kissed my sweetie on her cheek, wished her a good day, relayed some information to the teacher and then rushed up to my fourth grader’s classroom. Luckily for me, her class had not arrived yet, so I was able to snap more pictures as she walked up the stairs and into her new class. I helped my daughter find her seat and I gabbed with a couple moms before the teacher shooed all the parents off with a wave of her hand. I almost breathed an audible sigh of relief as I stepped into the hall with one of the other parents. We walked and talked down the stairs and toward the exit. During the course of our conversation, the mom asked me where the office was located, but as I started to show her I suddenly stopped short. I had an overwhelming feeling that I had forgotten something. Panic stricken, I exclaimed “OH NO, I left my son in

-Set up Wed. Nov 5th at 9pm -Do you have a 6’ or 8’ table we could borrow? -Front-door Greeter -Parking Lot Attendant (ask your husband to drive a golf cart around the parking lot) -Bake Sale Table Attendant -Craft Room (help kids make a fun craft) -Security or Floater -Tear Down Sat. Nov 8th at 4:30 pm

my daughter’s class!” She probably thought I was nuts as I practically sprinted to my first graders room. I barged through the door trying to decide what to say so the teacher would not think that I was a total flake, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that “...I got comfortable and was enjoying the uninterrupted silence when the phone rang.”

the class was still buzzing with parents and children. I tried to look around nonchalantly to see if anyone noticed me sneaking back in, but no one seemed to be watching me as I found my baby boy still playing quietly with the wheeled toys he had found earlier. After saying another goodbye to his big sister, we left the classroom and I realized he was none the wiser. At that point I had to smile as we went about our errands for the day. What fun we had, only the two of us. It was about 1:30 when we finally got home and I laid my son down for a nap. I had about an hour before it was time to pick up the older girls from school, so I got comfortable and was enjoying the uninterrupted si-

lence when the phone rang. Caller ID revealed McMinnville School District on the line and I thought, “Oh no, someone is in trouble already!” When I answered a female voice pleasantly said, “We have your girls here in the office – no one picked them up today.” I immediately glanced at the clock. It was 3:00! Since school ended at 2:30, all I could do was profusely apologize and promise to jump in the car and speed down to the school as fast as possible without risking a speeding ticket. After I collected my girls and apologized again to the lady at the front desk, I asked the girls how their first day of school went. “Great!” they said. Then my oldest piped in “Yeah, except you forgot to pick us up!” And the little one added “And I was really hot!” Adding insult to injury, I just sighed and wondered if I was the only mom in the history of the First Day of School to have a momentary loss of brain cells. Well, later on I talked to a mom who took her son to the first day of school, but it was actually the second day of school! That was when I realized, I am not alone! Kelly Ashton

McMinnville MOPS

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MOPETTES Possibly the best part about MOPS is that you get to meet with other moms while your children are being taken care of by loving, caring childcare workers and VOLUNTEERS. Yes, those great people who are working with all of those preschoolers are there because they want to be. Our McMinnville MOPS dues do include child care costs this year for the paid staff and there will be no additional fees per meeting attended. We need to do our part to make sure that volunteers are shown our appreciation and thanks.

This years’ MOPETTES Director is Jessica Spencer, the mom of two older boys and one preschool age girl. She works very hard making sure that all of our kids’ needs are being met as she heads up all of the staff and volunteers while we are at our MOPS meetings. To provide the best experience for all kids and child care workers we need to have more volunteers to staff the kids

class rooms. If you know of someone who maybe able to help and is great with kids, please, send them our way. If you need more information you can contact Jessica at [email protected] Please remember to keep possible volunteers in mind through out the year since our ability to run such a great group depends on having enough available volunteers for each monthly meeting.

Food Court This is a favorite with kids, and moms too because it is... Easy, Quick Pizza Burgers • 1 pound ground beef • 1 (14 ounce) can pizza sauce • 4 hamburger buns • 4 slices shredded mozzarella cheese

Place ground beef in a large, deep skillet. Cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Drain excess fat. Stir in pizza sauce, and heat through. Spoon onto buns and top with cheese. Microwave for 15 to 20 seconds, or until cheese is melted. You can also choose to wrap in foil and heat in the oven.

Remember to vote for your favorite recipe at the next MOPS meeting and we will try to include the most popular in the next newsletter!

Happy Birthday to... August


Allison Yates




Jody Hildebrant

Alanna Lambert


Jennifer Maplethorpe


Kendra Rosenau

Stacie Shaver

Emma Currie

Amy Yates

Jeannie Spencer

Audrey Lavier



DeJay Leonard

Branson Ashton

Nycholas Baynes

Thomas Scholer

Connor Maplethorpe

Addisyn Johnson

James Sitton

Tara Vogel

Brooklyn Summers

“My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.” — George Washington (1732-1799)

Contact Info Church on the Hill

700 N Hill Rd McMinnville, OR 97128 Phone: 503.472.8476 www.hillchurch.com

Check out our new MOPS Blog http://www.macmops.blogspot.com

October 3rd 9:30 am See you there

Coordinator Kelly Ashton 503 434-1552 [email protected] Discussion Group Coordinator Robyn Howard 971-237-5138 [email protected] Mopettes Director Jessica Spencer 503-437-85 33 [email protected] Table Leaders Melissa Collins 503-472-22 04 [email protected] Jody Hildebrant-503-472-24 25 [email protected] Zephyr Kamph 503-472-35 45 [email protected] Kendra Rosenau 503-472-06 46 [email protected] Jolina Brandon-Sanchez 503 -864-4232 [email protected] Registration/Finance Sarah Butler 503-472-7617 [email protected] Valonda Leichty 503-474-38 71 [email protected] Fundraisers Tina Kelley 503 435-2507 [email protected] Jolina Brandon-Sanchez 503 -864-4232 [email protected] Hospitality Kennetha Arends 971-241-11 84 Kelly Sitton 503-437-2215 Lacey Summers 503-474-11 81


[email protected] lacey.summers@evergreenavi ation.com Creative Activities Stacie Shaver 503-434-28 26 [email protected] Mentor Mom Pam Millsap 503-857-0107 [email protected]

Five Minute Devotional A Secret to Peace There stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve (Acts 27:23). Which among God's promises are you not believing? -Read Acts 27, focusing on verses 21 -26 One of the secrets of peace is truly believing the promises of God. There are many things that we think we believe, but our anxiety level reveals that we do not. The Lord promises to meet all our needs, but our labor and worry reveal that we are not so sure. In the passage Paul receives a word from God

that he will not die. In relating this to the sailors, Paul says: "Therefore take heart, men, for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me" (v. 25). If we believe, we can be at peace; if we do not believe, we will fret. Review the promises of Scripture when you are troubled. What among them are you not believing? If you are trying to believe but still struggle, you may pray the prayer of the father regarding his son who had an evil spirit: "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24).

-Praise God that He rewards our faith, even if it is as small as a mustard seed.

-Confess any sins that the Holy Spirit brings to your mind. -As you pray and make your requests known to the Lord, include greater love for your family, your activities for the day, and help to fully believe his promises instead of worrying. For additional devotions visit crosswalk.com/devotionals

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