October 30, 2009 Dear Parents, During The Past Nine Weeks

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 238
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October 30, 2009 Dear Parents, During the past nine weeks in Math, we have been working on sorting objects, place value in numbers, graphing, and working with patterns during calendar block. As a follow-up activity to our Math lessons, please have your child keep the wrappers from the candy eaten during the weekend. Please put the wrappers and the information below (completed) in a plastic bag and return to school on Monday, November 2nd. We will be sorting, classifying, estimating, counting, graphing, and making a class book. Thank you for your help! Have a safe Halloween! Mr. Thompson ***************************************************************************** * Name: ______________ 1. Lay out all of your trick or treat candy. Sort it with your family. How many ways can you sort it? Make a record of the different ways…write it below. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 2. Count your candy into hundreds, tens, and ones. How many pieces did you have? ___ hundreds ___ tens ___ones 3. Figure out several ways to make a pattern with your candy. Draw a record of the at least 3 patterns you made on the back of this page.  4. What candy did you have the most of? _________ How many pieces did you have? ________ 5. What candy did you have the least of? _________ How many pieces did you have? ___________ Please return the bottom half of this sheet and the bag of wrappers to school on Monday.

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