October 25, 2009 Bulletin

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Bible Reading John 8:31-36 31Then

Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; 32and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” 33They answered him, “We are descendants of Abraham and have never been slaves to anyone. What do you mean by saying, „You will be made free‟?” 34Jesus answered them, “Very truly, I tell you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. 35The slave does not have a permanent place in the household; the son has a place there forever. 36So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed. Notes from the Music Department These are the characters we need for the Christmas cantata: Stage Manager - A woman in her early 50’s - (old enough to be a grandma to an 8 year old); friendly, competent, but somewhat overwhelmed. The Dad - A man in his early 30’s. The Son - (Non-speaking part); a boy about 7 or 8 years old. Please see Judy if you would like to become one of these characters. It will involve rehearsals on Thurs., Dec. 3, 10, 17; dress rehearsal Saturday, Dec. 19; and the performance on Sunday, Dec. 20 at 4 pm.

The Office Buzz It’s time to FALL BACK! Next Saturday evening when you go to bed remember to set your clocks back one hour as we end Daylight Saving Time. Our fall bazaar is scheduled for Saturday, November 14, and we need everyone to get involved! If you are a crafty sort, please be working on your handcrafted items. If crafts aren’t your thing, please plan to contribute items for the Country Kitchen and Bake Sale. We also need plants, flower pots, gardening items. HELP will also be needed for set up on Thursday and Friday of that week and on the day of the bazaar. You can call Jane Brown if you have questions or to find out where your talents can best be utilized. Milt and Julie Bedingfield wish to thank our church family for the prayers, cards and support following their hospitalizations and as they deal with their on-going health issues.

Mission News Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so it’s time to start collecting holiday food for Metropolitan Ministries to distribute to those in great need in our community. As you do your grocery shopping please pick up a few items for our food barrel and baskets, located at our entrances---the narthex, outside Allen Hall, and outside the church office. Please do not bring perishables or food in glass containers. Cornerstone Family Ministries is in need of gently used children’s clothing, from newborn to size 7. Also needed are diapers, socks and underwear. Look for the gray plastic storage box by the church office where you may leave your donated items.

Heights Happenings

Our Presence Last Week

Opportunities for Worship, Service and Fellowship

Worship ............................................................................ 92 Sunday School .................................................................. 28 Small Groups ...................................................................... 6 Wednesday night supper................................................... 56 Pastor’s Study ................................................................... 17 Youth this week .................................................................. 5 Pioneer Club ..................................................................... 35 Salty Service ..................................................................... 16

Sunday, October 25 9:00a Nursery opens 9:00a Sunday School 10:00a Coffee Fellowship in Allen Hall 10:30a Worship 10:30a Pioneer Club Pumpkin Patch 5:00p Youth 7:00p NA meeting Monday, October 26 6:00p Staff Parish Relations Committee 6:55p Men’s Bible Study Fellowship, Int’l Tuesday, October 27 10:00a Small group study 7:00p OSHNA meeting, A/H 7:30p NA meeting in chapel Wednesday, October 28 6:00p Family night dinner 6:45p Pioneer Club fall party 6:45p Bible From Scratch: NT 7:00p Youth program Thursday, October 29 6:30p Short bell rehearsal 7:00p Charge Conference 7:30p Cantata & Chancel Choir rehearsal Friday, October 30 8:15p NA meeting Sunday, November 1 9:00a Nursery opens 9:00a Sunday School 10:00a Coffee fellowship in Allen Hall 10:30a Worship 7:00p NA meeting

A Reminder Children’s Chatter Pioneer Club sponsors are needed. Some of our Pioneer Club families are struggling and simply cannot afford the $15 registration fee or $10.25 for a club t-shirt. We don’t want to turn any child away due to lack of funds, so we are seeking sponsors from our church family. Checks (or cash) in any amount will be greatly appreciated. Just make sure you indicate that it is for Pioneer Club sponsorship.

We will be hosting Charge Conference for our church plus 4 other churches this Thursday, October 29 at 7 p.m. This will be an opportunity for you to meet and hear our District Superintendent, Dr. Sharon Austin. Staff Parish Relations Committee will meet tomorrow evening at 6:00p in the Possibilities House.

Our Giving Last Sunday General Fund Pledged ............................................... $1,130 General Fund Unpledged ........................................... $1,290 Loose Plate ....................................................................... $2 Sunday School ................................................................ $15 Building & Imp / Renovation ......................................... $10 Other ............................................................................. $408 TOTAL GIVING ....................................................... $2,855 Our Giving YTD 2009 Operating Budget – $328,437 Offerings Expected (for 42 Sundays) .................... $265,272 Received ............................................................... $212,183 Giving Surplus or (Shortfall)* ...............................($53,089) *This means how much we are in the RED.

Seminole Heights UMC Staff Rev. T. Glenn Bosley-Mitchell................................... Pastor Judy Colvin ................................................... Music Director Tana Bierce ............................................ Children’s Director Jacob Cole ....................................... Youth Ministry Leader Betty Jones........................................... Office Administrator Christine Messer .................................... Financial Secretary Lynne Bobbitt .......................................... Nursery Attendant Lamar Camp ........... Sunday Office & Building Coordinator Christine Messer ..................................... Preschool Director Jason Steere ..................................................Hymn Organist Telephone Extensions/Email Addresses Church 813-236-5931 ♦ Fax 813-236-5932 [email protected] Website: www.seminoleheightsumc.org Pastor’s Blog: www.shumc.org Pastor—x224 .................................. [email protected] Office—x221 [email protected] Finance—x223 ..................................................................... Music .................................................................................... Children—x225 ............................. [email protected] Youth—x225 ...................................... [email protected] Worship info—x300

Worship Matters

Our Service of Worship

October Ushers and Greeters: Aaron Cole, Jim Colvin, Charlie Fisher, Jill Kinney, Kara and Tom Moore.

Reformation Sunday 10:30 am

October 25, 2009

ENTERING IN We enter into the presence of God as we come together in the name of Christ with music and song, greetings, prayer, and praise.

Gathering Music Announcements Greeting One Another Singing Our Welcome To God Be the Glory [Refrain only] Opening Prayer Hymn of Praise A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Hymn Organist

#98 Aaron Cole, Liturgist #110

Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed, Traditional Version


Gloria Patri Glory Be to the Father Children’s Time

#70 Pastor Glenn

Singing our Praises in Worship

Praise Team

LISTENING, LEARNING, LOVING We lift our hearts and minds to God as we hear God‟s Word and we share our joys, concerns, prayers, and gifts.

Psalter Psalm 46 (singing Response 1)

pp. 780-781

Prayer Sharing Call to Prayer I Need Thee Every Hour (refrain only)


Morning Prayer The Lord’s Prayer


The Offering Anthem Sometimes Alleluia

Chancel Choir Girard

Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow Prayer of Dedication



A nursery for young children is available behind the sanctuary (on this floor). Please speak to one of our ushers for directions. Following the children’s time in worship, children’s church is available for children in K-3rd grade. From 10:00-10:30, following Sunday School classes and prior to the worship service, all are invited downstairs to Allen Hall for a time of coffee and fellowship. Salty Service - If you performed at least one hour of some type of service in your community this past week, please look for the small table in the narthex in front of the Tree of Life. Take a stone from the tray and place it in the little bucket. Our Florida Conference requests that we make note of the number of people who perform “Salty Service” each week…not the number of hours, just the number of people.

Family News Please Keep in Your Prayers… Our Known Military: Scott Aiken, Tim Bonner, James Brumley, Ashlee Colvin, Patrick Freshwater, Daniel Goode, Eric Harvester, Jr., Ken Herbert, Shawn Kinney, Eric Martin, Brian McClanahan, Trevor Mott-Smith, Michael Penn, Eric Tallman, John Vondruska, Kristen Vondruska, James Weeks Congratulations to Rick and Faith Gruber on the birth of their first great-grandchild, Krystabelle Kay, born to Alison Carr on October 19.


October 25, 2009

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Reformation Sunday

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“If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31-32 [NRSV]


PROCLAMATION The scriptures are opened to us through music and proclamation.

Hymn of Preparation God of Grace and God of Glory Gospel Reading Sermon Born Free

Our Community Together

Message Notes


Mark 10:35-45 Rev. Dr. T. Glenn Bosley-Mitchell


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We prepare to serve in the world as we sing and receive the benediction. We go into ministry with the Lord‟s blessing.


Musical Worship Benediction Postlude


Praise Team

Seminole Heights United Methodist Church Corner of Hanna and Central 6111 North Central Avenue ♦ Tampa, FL 33604 813-236-5931 Rev. Dr. T. Glenn Bosley-Mitchell, Pastor

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