October 13th

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OCTOBER 13th To: [email protected] Start Time: 10:08:27 PM; End Time: 10:56:23 PM

dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:08:28 PM) i'll listen to what you have to say. what do you want me to do? i'm not trying to start a fight, but tell me what you want, and i'll do it. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:09:12 PM) What's the point? BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:09:30 PM) You'll end up not listening to me anyways. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:09:36 PM) You always do. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:10:26 PM) you know what? i know you're right you always are. even this time you were when you said i'd get hurt again. but i'd rather him hate me than you. you mean so much more to me than he does. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:11:07 PM) That's not what you said when you defended his behaviour. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:11:37 PM) That's not what you said when you chose him over all of your other friends who have already warned you millions of times. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:12:42 PM) because at that time, he needed support. you have to admit it went too far. and honestly, you know me. i feel bad about everything. i still feel bad about what happened with peter and i 4 years ago dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:12:56 PM) but he is nothing to me. he means nothing to me BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:13:10 PM) BULLSHIT. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:13:11 PM) i care about you, and i want us to stay close dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:13:24 PM) =( i'm trying to make an effort dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:13:36 PM) what do you want me to do? dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:13:37 PM) just tell me dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:13:39 PM) and i'll do it BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:14:09 PM) You're making an effort NOW? After everything has finally died down and Randy got away with it AGAIN. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:14:38 PM) It's too late. You've done enough damage. There is nothing you can do to change that. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:14:40 PM) well what do you want me to do now? you want me to hurt him? even if i wanted to, i wouldn't know how BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:15:06 PM) Well let's get something straight here. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:15:20 PM) Nobody was trying to deliberately hurt anyone. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:15:26 PM) i know that BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:15:28 PM)

Randy simply got offended. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:15:29 PM) it was just for fun dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:15:36 PM) because randy is like that dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:15:45 PM) i know it was for fun dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:15:49 PM) but he did deserve it dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:15:55 PM) it just got wayy out of hand BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:16:10 PM) It got way out of hand when YOU got into the picture. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:16:24 PM) You know what your problem is, Khadegia. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:16:25 PM) ? dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:16:27 PM) so what do you want me to do about it now? BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:17:07 PM) You like to take something kinda small, and blow it up 10000000x more than it already is. You over-exaggerate things too often. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:17:40 PM) at first, i didn't realize it was a joke. then when he came to me, i felt horrible and tried to be there for him BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:17:45 PM) There is nothing you can do that can help Randy NOW. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:17:54 PM) maybe i dont want to help randy BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:17:56 PM) I said you could be there for him. Be his shoulder to cry on. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:18:44 PM) But when you started to defend his actions and the way he is and started blaming yourself, it became atrociously ridiculous.\ BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:18:53 PM) And that is how things got way out of hand. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:19:28 PM) but everything that happened, was just as much my fault as it was his. i let him treat me the way he did dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:19:34 PM) thats why i blamed myself dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:19:37 PM) because im at fault too BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:19:41 PM) Everything would have been just fine if you have kept your nose out of it. We were hoping that Randy would learn something from this experience... BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:19:53 PM) Then you helped him get away with it AGAIN. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:20:09 PM) I thought YOU would learn after the first time, but obviously you didn't. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:20:53 PM) He would be more likeable if he actually understood what we meant, changes for the good, and finally everyone is at peace. Even Randy. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:21:20 PM) But now he is just more or less the same. With your help. And now you're facing

the consequences of your actions. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:21:58 PM) You have neglected the opinions of your so-called important friends for WAY too long, and we are all fed up with it. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:22:36 PM) And you expect me to stand here and believe that I am important to you and that you're over Randy? BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:23:01 PM) How many chances have I given you? How many times have I warned you? Your other friends warned you? BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:23:15 PM) And in the end, Randy was always the best of your interest. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:24:05 PM) If you just sat back and kept your nose out of it, Randy could have potentially changed. Then he wouldn't be so much of a jackass. Not just to us. To you also. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:24:58 PM) i have nothing to say to that dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:25:02 PM) you're so right =( BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:25:35 PM) So you know what, I don't think I ever want to have anything to do with you anymore. I'm no use to you. None of your other friends will have any use to you. THAT is how you end up losing friends. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:25:52 PM) That is how friends end up irritated by you. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:26:28 PM) And it upsets me, because I have tried EVERYTHING I could to help you, but you just wanted your precious little Randy. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:26:50 PM) ='( dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:27:15 PM) i gotta take care of something. so brb dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:34:37 PM) okay. so you can still hate me if you want, because thats your decision. but i'm not going to be in the middle of this anymore. i've told you what i needed to say, and i'm telling him what i need to say dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:35:18 PM) it wont mean much coming from me, but i dont care right now. because you're right. its about time i started to defend myself BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:35:35 PM) ... BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:35:45 PM) 0 credibility. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:36:06 PM) Then again, you don't give a damn about whay any of your close friends think. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:36:30 PM) As long as you follow your heart, you'll get Randy. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:36:39 PM) And the world is suddenly perfect. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:37:51 PM) you seriously think i dont care? if i didn't why would i be trying so hard to make things better with us? BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:37:51 PM) Who cares about what we have to say, right? Who cares if you've pushed us away? All of that doesn't matter, because you have Randy, Right?>

dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:38:13 PM) i care! i was a jerk. i was fucking stupid. and i'm sorry BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:38:15 PM) That's the kind of thinking that'll push us away. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:38:36 PM) i'm so sorry. i dont know what to do anymore dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:38:42 PM) he's nothing to me BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:38:49 PM) I can't take you seriously. Because you don't care, right? dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:38:49 PM) he's just another person dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:39:04 PM) i was stupid not to listen to you dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:39:10 PM) you were right the whole time dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:39:13 PM) but i'm an asshole dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:39:21 PM) i was a jerk dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:39:25 PM) i understand that dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:39:31 PM) but i do care about you BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:39:35 PM) You both are. So you two are PERFECT for each other. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:39:38 PM) i care about my friends BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:40:21 PM) You showed it these past few months. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:40:24 PM) bradley. please. i'm so sorry. you have no idea BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:40:37 PM) And BTW, you had NO right judging Jonoel the way you did. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:40:53 PM) i know that dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:41:01 PM) i dont know him, and i shouldn't have said anything dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:41:04 PM) i'm sorry BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:41:16 PM) That's not what you told me when you texted me. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:41:20 PM) i was saying those things based on everything you told me BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:42:14 PM) True, but still... That wasn't called for. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:42:36 PM) Keep in mind that this is my first *real* relation ship. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:42:42 PM) you were in tears that day. you were throwing things. i was scared for you because i didn't know what was going on. everything you told me was negative dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:42:47 PM) and i told you i'd be there for you dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:42:53 PM) and that i'd support you

dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:43:01 PM) its not like i completely gave up on you two dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:43:08 PM) i told you i'd be willing to get to know him dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:43:14 PM) because it was only an opinion of the moment BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:43:54 PM) But you weren't willing to because you judged him right away. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:45:12 PM) but i was. because i just wanted you to be happy. i told you what i thought. and that my opinion could always change BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:45:43 PM) Meh. Whatever, I'm over that. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:46:28 PM) There are some trust issues involved. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:46:37 PM) You DO realize that? dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:46:39 PM) okay. i understand that dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:46:45 PM) but can we at least work on it? BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:47:02 PM) I don't know as of yet. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:47:34 PM) And what can you possibly tell Randy that will make things any better? BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:47:56 PM) I don't know as of yet because I've heard this song over and over and over again. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:48:29 PM) i dont know. i'm talking to him now. telling him exactly how i feel BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:48:52 PM) Like what? You shouldn't have defended him in the first place? BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:49:10 PM) Nothing you can say can touch him now. It's a done deal. His ego is now bigger than ever. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:49:34 PM) May I point out whose fault that is? dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:49:47 PM) i know. and i'm sorry. it was a huge mistake BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:50:03 PM) Then again, when round 3 comes along. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:50:03 PM) getting involved with him in the first place was a mistake BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:50:07 PM) There you will be again BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:50:13 PM) You are too predictable. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:50:40 PM) It's one thing to be madly in love, and then there is obsession. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:50:44 PM) You're obsessed. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:50:52 PM) You're totally and hugely obsessed. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:52:32 PM) you're right. i know you're right. but i want to try now. i want to be a different person. i hate

myself BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:53:11 PM) It looks like we're dealing with two personality issues. Yours and Randy's. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:53:55 PM) Randy's can't be helped because of yours. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:54:46 PM) By the way, there is a difference between bering too nice and not being able to stand up for yourself. To: [email protected] Start Time: 10:56:50 PM; End Time: 11:08:54 PM

dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:56:57 PM) so what do you want me to do now? tell me dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:57:08 PM) because i dont know what to do anymore dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:57:16 PM) everything i do ends up making things worse BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:57:41 PM) I told you, nothing. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:57:46 PM) Only time can tell. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:58:08 PM) Trust takes time to build, it doesn't just come overnight. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (10:59:16 PM) i know. but can we at least work on it? like step by step, i dont want to end up hating you, of all people. we've been close friends since fatima BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (10:59:43 PM) Whatever. I'm still iffy. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (11:00:28 PM) understandable BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (11:00:30 PM) I don't hate you, I just don't trust you anymore. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (11:01:07 PM) i deserve that BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (11:01:26 PM) Look at what you left. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (11:02:15 PM) Randy hasn't changed. Everyone is irritated by your constantly defending him. Ultimately, you end up losing him. And in the process, you've pushed everyone else away. BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (11:02:41 PM) See how much you've lost? dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (11:02:44 PM) that is exactly what i was trying to prevent too. which made things worse BradleyMichaelGarcia. says: (11:03:56 PM) Well, the fact that everyone was against your defending him should have been your first clue. dεεgіa --- DONE! says: (11:06:22 PM) text me. gotta go offline

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