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SAINT FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH Fr. Peter Proulx, Pastor Sr. Sheila Whelan GSIC Deacon Don Smith 331 Plaunt Street, South; P.O. Box 396 Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6 Tel: (613) 432-5825 Fax: (613) 432-6663 E mail: [email protected]

Web Site: http://www.sfxrenfrew.com

“St. Francis Xavier, a welcoming faith community lovingly sharing the gifts of God.”

29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 19TH, 2008 IN YOUR PRAYERS: We pray for our loved ones who have died, especially Roy Pleau, Dan Anderson and Mary Quilty. We pray for our sick, especially Mary Russell, Kathy Searson, Dennis Enright, Elvina Zavitski, Joyce McMahon, Stan Deacon, Gerry Emon, Richard Leppert, Lucille Leveck-Kalimeris, Joseph Valliquette, Stella Kearney, Elizabeth Brumm, Tracy Mulvihill, Gladys McNulty, Marie Hanrahan, Mary Drake, Ed Lee, Shirley Church, Claude Gagnon and Helen Valliquette. SENATORS GAME– We have procured 40 Ottawa Senators tickets for the game against the New York Islanders on Thursday, November 13th and we have chartered a bus to get us there and back. The parish will cover the cost of the bus rental and we invite you to assist us with a canned food donation for the New Connections Ministries which is a local ministry to men who want to be rid of their addictions and want to live a life of hope. The first forty parishioners to register with a $45.00 cheque or cash to St. Francis Xavier Parish will receive a ticket. If there are not forty parishioners we will then open up to friends.

LET’S JOURNEY TOGETHER We all have a faith journey and it can help us if we share with others our own faith experience and have them share theirs with us. As an adult education experience, we are proposing an eight-week series of faith discussions open to any age desiring to attend. Please contact the parish office to indicate your interest in attending any or all of the discussions. Deacon Don Smith is facilitating the series which will be held on Thursday evenings beginning October 23rd and concluding December 11th.


What is my idea of God? How has it changed over the years? Does my idea of God need to be challenged.

Getting to know Jesus: the human Jesus, the messianic Jesus, the divine Jesus, the Jesus who formed our Church. What do we really know about him?

How does the Holy Spirit lead me? What role does the Holy Spirit play in my life? How do I pray to the Holy Spirit?

God is a mystery. That does not mean that God cannot be known. It means that the mystery is gradually understood, much like peeling an onion. Peel away one layer, and we uncover others. What have I learned in my life about God?

We are called to somehow co-create the kingdom of heaven here on earth. What do I see as my calling? How do I achieve that in my life experience? How important is my involvement in the Church to this end?

When I experience periods of dryness in my faith life, how do I deal with them? What seems to ignite the fire again?

How would I describe my prayer life? Has it changed over the years? Does it need to change in any way? When do I find prayer difficult? How does God answer my prayers?

DIOCESAN PARTNERSHIP WITH LIMA, PERU Anyone interested in helping families through a monetary donation may do so by sending it to the Sisters of Saint Joseph, 1127 Pembroke St. W., Pembroke, ON K8A 5R3 c/o Sr. Pauline Colterman, or call her at 613-732-1203. These donations will provide a Christmas basket and help families who are still struggling after the 2007 earthquake. SUNDAY OFFERING: $4,269.74 (250 postings). Thank you for your ongoing and generous support.

LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS Please carefully note the times of the daily Liturgies MON TUE WED THU

Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

20 7:00 p.m. 21 9:30 a.m. 22 4:15 p.m. 23 10:30 a.m.


12:10 p.m. Oct. 24 8:00 a.m. Oct. 25 5:00 p.m.

SUN Oct. 26 10:30 a.m.

Husband, John & Sons, Jackie & Kenny – Lucy McGregor Hall Ave. Apts.: Marie Danis – The Estate Rita Pogan – Lois & Don Hunt Bonnechere Manor: Repose of the Souls of the McGee Family - Estate of Greg McGee Lois Rusheleau – The Family Arthur Guthro – Gertrude Guthro Gert Lepine – Jan & Roy Leitch Jack & Gary Shannon – The Shannon Family Celina Alldread – Diane Dillon Intentions of the Parishioners – Father Proulx

LITURGICAL ROLES 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 25th/October 26th, 2008 SATURDAY EVENING MASS - 5:00 p.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD – P. Dowdall; J. Freemark MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY – C. & D. Sulpher; L. Lee & J. Mahusky MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST – L. Prince; D. Mooney; K. & V. Windle; C. Sulpher SERVERS – K. Dowdall; L. & A. Freemark SUNDAY MORNING MASS - 10:30 a.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD– J. Valliquette; M. Timm MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY – A. & V. Dumoulin; L. Warren; L. Sammon MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST – T. McIntyre; C. Moriarity; S. O’Neil; G. Denault; D. Yantha SERVERS – B. Vincent; H. & M. Mahusky; J. Mahusky

THIS WEEK AT S.F.X.: *Mon. Bereavement Group 7:30 p.m. (Rectory Mtg. Rm. 1) *Mon. Book Club 7:30 p.m. (Rectory Mtg. Rm. 2) *Thur. Catholic Discussion Grp. 7:00 p.m. (Rectory Mtg. Rm. 2) C.W.L. ELECTIONS: are taking place at the November meeting. All positions for officers and chairs of standing committees are open (except Treasurer). Nominations are to be submitted to Martha Scott or put in the collection basket. Please consider letting your name stand. Mentoring for your position will be available.

NUDIE & THE TURKS – at the Renfrew Legion Hall, Sun., Oct. 19 th @ 2 p.m. Tickets: $10 at Renfrew Home Support (432-7691) or Aikenhead’s Drug Store, M & R Feeds Renfrew, Mack MacKenzie Motors, Murphy’s Auto Service, Barry Martin, Kate Windle, & at the door.


Bonnechere Manor day Program. Price: $10. All money raised goes to benefit the Manor residents. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: will be providing “ROSES FOR LIFE” after the weekend Masses of Oct. 25th and 26th. There is no charge but donations are appreciated and will be given to the local Pro Life Organization. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH – FALL BRUNCH – Sunday, Oct. 26th from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. in LaPasse Parish Hall. Adults: A dults: $8; Children: $4. Proceeds to Richard & Susan Schmaltz “Guatemala Project”. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE: February 9 – 20, 2009 200 9 with Father Réal Ouellette. Cost: $3,285/person (dbl. Occ.) + insurance + a few other little things. Registration Deadline: Oct. 27 th, 2008. For information: Fr. Réal @ 819819 - 683683 - 2056 or padrereal.blogspot.com RON WATSON’S “IT’S YOUR MOVE” Gospel Music CD Release Party: Sunday, Nov. 2 nd @ 7 p.m. in the Melville United Church, Eganville. Freewill offering. See posters.

S T. F R A N C I S X AV I E R PA R I S H Tea & talent sale

“T’IS THE SEASON” Saturday, November 8th S.F.X. Hall 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Tea Room Admission: $5

Donations gratefully accepted: squares (for the Tea Room), jams, jellies, pickles, baked goods, candies, crafts, books, small items suitable for stocking stuffers and monetary donations. Donations will be received on Fri., Nov. 7th from 4 – 8 p.m. and Sat., Nov. 8th from 9 – 11:30 a.m. For info please contact Marilyn (432-5735) or Gladys (432-3864). Sponsored by S.F.X. C.W.L.

SHEPHERDS OF GOOD HOPE We extend a word of thanks to all who shared in the appeal of the ministry to “street people” at the Shepherds of Good Hope in Ottawa. Not only did you provide the requested seasonal items but over $660.00 was donated. This money was used to purchase socks, underwear, gloves, toothbrushes – your generosity is appreciated. We will perhaps assist with a spring campaign for spring and summer items. A final thanks – and an important one – to Yvonne and Andy Skeplowicz for co-ordinating this project for our parish and also to Jane and Randle Donnelly who assisted with transporting of items to Ottawa. Please note: this collection has been done regularly but is for specific items. It was not meant to be a fall clean-up.

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