School: Form: 3rd Polymodal Length of lesson: 50 minutes Objective Description
Subjective Description
Nº of students: 6 out of 8 Level of English: Pre - Intermediate Topic: Content: Reflection/ Improvement/Suggestion
The teacher introduces us. T: -“Ella es Pamela y ella Rafaela, están estudiando el profesorado, y van a estar con nosotros hasta…up to when?” O: -“During the first half of the year, and then again in the second term” Teacher calls the roll. ST: -“Hablan en ingles!” ST: -“¿ Cuándo es la votación?, ¿Después del primer recreo es? ¿Y nos vamos? T: - “Take out the photocopy” Students complete an activity. T: - “Let´s finish with this. We were supposed to have done it for today! She stands in front of them. T: - “So, match these with the pictures. Don´t copy the answers”. Students are working with photocopies. ST: -“¡Nos quedamos sorprendidos como habla! ¡Casi como si fuera profesora! The teacher explains us that there is one Peruvian and one Paraguayan student in the class. T: -“Ok, Let´s start!” She is sitting at her desk, correcting some assignments. T: - “A ver Marcote…Quiroga. Arial 12” ST: -“Ay, yo le puse 11”. T:-“ ¿Interlineado?, ¿Expandido? ST: -“Pero yo no entiendo la computadora. No sé”. T: - “Aver…Raimundo Velázquez, have you got any sisters?”. ST: -“Yes”. T: - “And you speak to your sister , you say: Goodbye, sister!, eh?”. T:- “Cuando habla con sus hermanos, hermanas, vos les decís, chau, hermano, chau, hermana?” T: - Let´s start correcting. Let´s start here. Communication technologies” They read the paragraph.
Teacher Spears English when talking to us, and then translates to the students. They find strange that the teacher speaks English.
Probably she is used to address them in Spanish all the time.
Walls are written with graffittis: “Van a morir”, “Sector fumanchú”, names of the sts. The paint on the walls is falling down.
The aspect of the classroom does not help to create a warm working atmosphere.
Topic? She did not introduce it.
She should have said what´s the purpose and topic of the class, if it was to review, to correct previous activities or to introduce a new topic. She did not motivate students to work.
Although the classroom is big for the amount of students, only the back corner is used.
Why saying this and not something related to the level of English they have?
She only mentions corrections related to the format of the assignment, not to the content.
They do not understand if she speaks English.
Students should be exposed to L2 more often.
They are not used to using L2 for reading or speaking. Great difficulty in reading, as regards fluency and
The teacher asks them to match the picture with some sentences. They do it orally. She speaks mixing L1 and L2. First she says the sentence in L1, and then translates it. T: - “now you have to copy the questions and answer them. Five minutes. Copiar las preguntas y contestarlas!”. In the meanwhile, she writes in her notebook. A student is eating a sandwich. As the teacher corrects the assignments, she makes comments aloud. T: - “Generalmente es más fácil escribir con minúscula…Marcote and Quiroga, did you copy from some book? “. T: - “Ok. Let´s start correcting”. ST: - “Profe, ¿cómo se dice esperar en inglés?”. T: - “Wait”. A teacher comes in to talk to her. She interrupts the correction and starts talking to her. As she talks she tells the students: - “You have to be finishing! Tienen que buscar las respuestas en el texto. Busquen, las que no pueden las hacemos juntos. The other teacher leaves, but a new one comes in. As the teacher talks to her, the students are not working. The prefect comes into the classroom. The teacher goes to the board to write some words the students ask her. T: -“¿Qué hace una abeja si baila? ¿Qué les dice a las otras abejas con la danza? ¿Con elephants? Use their faces? To show anger and love. ¿Qué es anger? ST: - ¡Hay gente en la puerta! T: - Bueno, ya cambia la hora.
She did not call her attention, as if it were a normal situation in her class.
The students stop working because of the interruption.
Many interruptions. Impossible to focus on any activity.
Although they seemed interested on the activity, she missed the chance of working because of the abrupt interruption. She shouldn´t have taken so long in talking to the other teacher.