
  • April 2020
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  • Words: 371
  • Pages: 2
(c) 2002 Kevin G. Rhoads a ^ toilet a ^ trobadour a ^ field of grass a ^ corn field a ^ highway overpass tunnel a ^ penthouse an atrium a ^ revolving door a muddy hog wallow a ^ ford in a stream a ^ strip mall's sidewalk an office building a ^ sunlit bay a ^ moonlit ocean some breaking waves the dim ocean depths the Marianas trench the La Brea tar pits an unlocked door a ^ street crossing a ^ parking lot a ^ mine field the exit to the maze the steps up to the noose a pit of quicksand a lair of an evil sorceror a smouldering cigarette butt a grave a Prime Minister a sergeant a ^ group of papparazzi a ^ deserter a ^ crook a ^ nanny a ^ lamb a ^ trio of blind mice a ^ partridge in a pear tree a ^ quintet of golden rings a ^ shark a ^ swarm of fire ants a ^ swarm of killer bees a ^ group of several large rocks a ^ dinosaur a ^ time machine a ^ battleship a ^ pair of penguins one ^ hen a ^ pair of ducks

a ^ trio of squawking geese a ^ quartet of limerick oysters a ^ quintet of corpulent porpoises the end several dozen long-stem roses a ^ proctologist's office a runaway freight train a Paisley bumbershoot a ^ bowl of tulips a ^ proctologist's examining room some fiercely thorned brambles a ^ piano keyboard a broken bracket fungi a wildly spinning neutron star a large black hole a crowded asteroid belt a trans-warp corridor a large and fragrant cowpie the entire Moose-turd pie the ultimate inedible feast the smoldering banquet hall a smilodon's grinning maw a speed bump (or an armadillo) the end of the beginning the beginning of the end a myriad portfolios the SEC a half-dozen ^ dowagers the King's left shoe reams of ^ hexadecimal core dump an insidious bug an undiscovered phenomenon ejecta from the neutron star the doshes a ^ T-bone steak a ^ pot roast ! the ^ bubble machine. ! a folder marked "burn before reading". a platefull of ^ onion rings

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