Ob - Operative Obstetrics

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Op erative Obstet ri cs Caesar D. T ongo M.D., FPOGS Assoc iate Profe ssor DL S Col lege of Me dicin e

An operative vaginal delivery is defined as the application of direct traction of the fetal head with forceps or a vacuum.

The incidence of operative vaginal delivery is approximately 10 to 15%.

Indications. An operative vaginal delivery is performed to shorten the second stage of labor with certain maternal or fetal indications.

Nonreassuring fetal status - based on heart rate pattern, auscultation, lack of response to scalp stimulation, or scalp pH.

Prolonged second stage of labor - secondary to malposition, deflexion, or asynclitism of the fetal head. A prolonged second stage is defined as follows:

a. Nulliparous patient More than 3 hours with a regional anesthetic or more than 2 hours without regional anesthesia

b. Multiparous patient More than 2 hours with a regional anesthetic or more than 1 hour without regional anesthesia

Certain maternal illness which make avoidance of voluntary maternal expulsive efforts desirable.

Poor voluntary expulsion efforts because of exhaustion, analgesia, or neuromuscular disease.

Prerequisites for Instrumental Delivery 1. The cervix must be fully dilated 2. The membranes must be ruptured 3. The position and station must be known, and the head must be engaged.

4. The maternal pelvis must be judged adequate in size for delivery 5. The bladder should be empty.

6. A skilled operator must be present. 7. Adequate anesthesia is needed before forceps or vacuum application.

Contraindications 1. Nonvertex presentation, except for Piper forceps in the breech delivery. 2.

Nonengagement of the presenting part


Head that cannot be advanced with ordinary traction when using forceps or the vacuum extractor. 4. Prematurity, fetal bleeding disorder, or certain maternal

Classification of forceps deliveries 

Outlet forceps

To be categorized as an outlet forceps delivery, the following criteria must satisfied:

a. Scalp is visible at the introitus without separating the labia b. Fetal skull has reached the pelvic floor

c. Sagittal suture is in the anteroposterior diameter or right or left occiput anterior or posterior position.


Fetal head is at or on the perineum e.

not degree.

Rotation does exceed 45

 Low forceps In low forceps delivery, the leading point of the fetal skull has descended to at least +2 station but has not reached the pelvic floor.

perineal visible

The fetal head has reached the floor and is at the vulva.

1. Choosing the left left blade

2. Applying the blade

3. Applying the blades right blade

4. Locking the

5. Gentle traction correct with an episiotomy cephalic at crowning




 Midforceps The station is above +2 but the presenting part is engaged. has and part of is below of the spines.

Engagement taken place the leading the head the level ischial

1. Making a large 2. Applying the left episiotomy blade. Hands before starting protects vagina from damage by careless insertions of blade

3. Applying the handles right blade

4. Locking the

5. Traction, maintaining 6. As the head downward pressure crowns the handle to keep in the line of the forceps rise of the birth canal and the head is lifted over the perineum

Types of forceps 1. Classic These forceps are used primarily for traction when there is to be little or no rotation. a. Simpson b. Elliot c. Tucker- Mclean


Specialized These forceps are designed for rotation or special indications. a. Keilland b. Barton c. Piper

Delivery with Kielland’s Forceps

1. Holding forceps with the knobs directed towards fetal occiput.

2. The anterior blade is selected to be applied first (some obstetricians prefer to apply the posterior blade first).

3. The Direct Method The anterior blade is guarded by the finger and slipped into the correct position on the side of the head.

4. The Wandering Method The guarded blade is applied laterally (over the face) and then gently eased round to lie on top of the head.

5. It now lies with the concavity of the blade applied to left (uppermost) side of the fetal head.

6. The posterior blade is applied directly to the right (lower) side of the head. The vagina is protected by the guiding hand.

7. The forceps are locked. Note how their position shows asynclitism.

8. Asynclitism is corrected and the forceps blades are opposite each other.

9. The head is gently rotated to the OA position. Varying asynclitism and gentle traction help to rotate into the pelvic axis. A large episiotomy is needed.

10. To prevent over compression of the baby’s head, a thumb is kept between the handles.

11. As the head extends, the direction of pull must be altered upwards.

Other Applications of Forceps  Delivery of the head in the occipito posterior position. This may be the easiest and best method of delivering a fetus with the head in the direct OP position, provided the head is low in the pelvis.

In a breech presentation the forceps can be applied to the head once it has entered the pelvis. Anderson’s blades are preferred because of their length.

In a face presentation (mento – anterior) the forceps may be applied direct. (Mento – posterior positions must be rotated).

Vacuum Extractors There are two types of vacuum extractors, based on the type of cup used for application to the fetal head. Each type has three parts: a cup, a rubber hose, and a vacuum pump.

The vacuum extractor is a traction instrument used as an alternative to the obstetric forceps. It adheres to the baby’s scalp by suction and is used in the conscious patient to assist maternal expulsive efforts. The suction cup obtains its grip by raising an artificial caput.

The patient is usually in the lithotomy position and the same precautions are observed as for forceps operations. Probably the most convenient anesthetic is a pudendal block, but sometimes only inhalational analgesia or sufficient local anesthetic for an episiotomy is required.

 Malmstrom vacuum

extractor This device consists of a metal cup that is applied to the fetal scalp. The pump is then used to create a vacuum, not exceeding 0.7 to 0.8 kg/cm². Traction is then applied to bring the infant’s head through the introitus.

 Plastic cup extractor This device is consists of a flexible Silastic cup that is applied to the fetal scalp more easily and with less trauma than the Malmstrom extractor. The vacuum pressures attained are about the same, but they can be reached more quickly and with less trauma to the fetal scalp.

Complications  Maternal complications are usually of minor clinical consequence and include lacerations of the cervix, vagina, and perineum; episiotomy extensions; and associated hemorrhage. More serious complications include bladder lacerations, pelvic

Neonatal injury a. Scalp abrasions or lacerations are the most common injury associated with vacuum extraction 

b. Soft tissue injury is the most common injury associated with forceps delivery.

c. Cephalohematoma (Separation of the fetal scalp from underlying structures) occurs in 0.5 to 2.5% of live births, with an incidence of 14 to 16% in vacuum deliveries and 2% in forceps deliveries.

d. Subgaleal hemorrhages occurs in 26 in 1000 to 45 in 1000 of vacuum deliveries

e. Intracranial hemorrhage is a rare complication, occurring in 0.75% of instrumental deliveries.

Definition: A suture placed in the cervix to treat cervical incompetence.

A cervical incompetence is characterized by gradual, progressive , painless dilation of the cervix, usually leading to spontaneous pregnancy loss early in the second trimester. A minority of secondtrimester losses are associated with cervical

Cervical incompetence may be acquired or congenital

a. Acquired causes are primarily result from obstetric or gynecologic trauma to the cervix

b. Congenital causes include anomalies caused by diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposure in utero and other reproductive tract.

Cervical incompetence is diagnosed by a characteristic history of second-trimester spontaneous losses associated with painless cervical dilation. The role of ultrasound as a diagnostic modality is


Cervical cerclage involves placing an encircling suture around the cervical os using a heavy, nonabsorbable suture or Mersilene tape. The suturing prevents protrusion of the amniotic sac and consequent rupture by correcting the abnormal dilation of the cervix.


Shirodkar technique

In the more complicated of the two procedures using a vaginal approach, the suture is almost completely buried beneath the vaginal mucosa at the level of the internal os. It can be left in place for subsequent pregnancies if a cesarean section is


McDonald technique This procedure is a simple purse-string suture of the cervix and is simpler, incurring less trauma to the cervix and less blood loss than the Shirodkar procedure.


Abdominal placement This uncommon, permanent procedure is used women with a short or amputated cervix or in those in whom a vaginal procedure has failed. Cesarean birth is necessary for delivery.

Timing Cerclage is usually performed between twelfth and sixteenth weeks of gestation but can be performed as late as the twenty-fourth week. Fetal viability and the absence of anomalies should be documented before performing the procedure.

Effectiveness. There have been no randomized trials to define the efficacy and benefit of cerclage; this benefit is probably overstated. Except in women with a strong history consistent with cervical incompetence the benefit of cerclage has not been proven.

Complications 1. Cervical lacerations occur in 1 to 13% of deliveries after a McDonald cerclage 2.

Cervical dystocia with failure to dilate, requiring a cesarean


Displacement of the suture occurs in 3 to 12% of cases. A second cerclage is then attempted, which has a lower success rate. 4.

Premature rupture of the membranes complicates cerclage 1 to 9% of cases.


Chorioamnionitis complicates 1 to 7% of cases. 6.

Early, elective cerclage have a low rate (1%) of infection; cerclage placement with dilation of the cervix has a much higher risk (30%) of infection.

The termination of pregnancy before viability, usually designated as 20 week’s gestation is known as abortion.

Spontaneous abortion Is expulsion of the products of conception without medical or mechanical intervention. A.


Incidence Spontaneous loss

occurs in 15% of clinically recognized pregnancies; the risk increases directly with maternal age, advancing paternal age, minority race, increasing gravidity, and history of previous



Chromosomal abnormalities are the most common reason for firsttrimester losses, occurring at a 60% frequency. Most chromosomal abnormalities are sporadic defects; in a small percentage of cases, one of the parent carries a balanced translocation.


Classification Spontaneous abortion are classified into five types.

 Threatened abortion This term is traditional used when bleeding occurs in the first half of gestation without cervical dilation or passage of tissue. Twenty-five percent of pregnant women experience spotting or bleeding early in gestation; 50% of these proceed to lose the pregnancy

 Inevitable abortion this type of pregnancy loss is diagnosed when bleeding or rupture of the membranes occurs with cramping and dilation of the cervix. Suction curettage is performed to evacuate the uterus.

Incomplete abortion

This type of pregnancy loss occurs when there has been partial but incomplete expulsion of the products of conception from the uterine cavity. Therapy is evacuation of remaining tissue by suction curettage.

Missed abortion

Death of the fetus or embryo may occur without the onset of labor or the passage of tissue for a prolonged period. Suction curettage is used to evacuate the firs-trimester uterus.

Recurrent spontaneous abortion

In the past, this condition has been called habitual abortion and is defined as three or more spontaneous, consecutive first- trimester losses. This affects 2% of

4. Workup for spontaneous abortion.  Detailed history and physical

examination.  Chromosomal evaluation of



Endometrial biopsy to exclude luteal phase defect

 Thyroid function test and

screening for diabetes mellitus  Cervical cultures for



Hysterosalpingogram or hysteroscopy to evaluate uterine cavity

Screening test for lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibody

B. Induced (elective) abortion.

Abortion became legal in 1973 and can be induced up to approximately 24 weeks’ gestation, depending on state laws. Therapeutic abortions are terminations of pregnancy that are performed when maternal risk is associated with continuation of the pregnancy or fetal abnormalities associated with genetic or

Techniques of pregnancy termination.

techniques used effectively to empty the uterus of the products of conception fall under the categories of surgical evacuation or induction of labor.

A. Surgical evacuation 1. Suction curettage This method of dilation of the cervix and vacuum aspiration of the uterine content is used for termination of pregnancy at 12 weeks’ or less gestational age.

a. Hygroscopic dilators such as laminaria can be used when necessary to facilitate gentle dilation of the cervix. b. Prophylactic antibiotics administered just before or after the procedure significantly reduce the risk of infection associated with induced abortion.

2. Dilation and extraction (D&E) This technique is the preferred method of termination at 13 or more week’s of gestation.


As the length of gestation increases, wider cervical dilation is necessary to accomplish the procedure successfully. Preoperative cervical laminaria may be used.

b. Vacuum aspiration of uterine contents is usually an adequate method of evacuation between 13 and 16 week. c. Prophylactic antibiotics may be given.

3. Other mechanical methods Theses methods include sharp curettage, hystecrotomy, and hysterectomy.

B. Induction of Labor. Medical means of inducing abortion include extrauterine and intrauterine administration of abortifacients, such as prostaglandins, urea, hypertonic saline, and oxytocin.


Prostaglandins are most commonly administered as vaginal tablets of prostaglandin E²; 90% of abortions are accomplished within 24 hours. Common side effects include fever, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and uterine hyperstimulation.

2. Hypertonic solutions of saline or urea are injected directly into the amniotic cavity. This procedure requires amniocentesis and care to avoid intravascular injection.

3. Complications rates are lowest when the uterus is successfully evacuated within 13 to 24 hours. Laminaria to facilitate cervical dilation is useful to shorten the length of induction.

C. Progesterone antagonists 1. Mifepristone (RU 486;Mifeprex), taken orally, is highly effective in pregnancies with up to 49 days amenorrhea. Its effectiveness can be increased with the addition of prostaglandin E.

2. Side effects are minimal, and complication rates, including hemorrhage and retained tissue, are low


Sedation with local paracervical block is usually used for induced abortion. General anesthesia can be used but is accompanied by a higher incidence of hemorrhage, cervical injury, and perforation because it render the uterine musculature more relaxed and, thus, easier to penetrate.


The incidence of complications is largely determined by the method of termination and gestational age; incidence varies directly with increasing gestational age.

A. Immediate complications These complications develop during the procedure or within 3 hours after completion. 1. Hemorrhage The incidence of hemorrhage is most accurately determined by the rate of transfusion. The lowest rates are seen with suction curettage, and the highest with saline

2. Cervical Injury The rates of cervical injury associated with suction curretage are within the range of 0.01 to 1.6%. Factors that decrease the risk of this complication include the use of local anesthetics instead of general anesthesia.; use of laminaria; and an experienced operator.


Uterine perforation The incidence of this potentially serious complication of suction curettage abortions is approximately 0.2%.

a. Risks Factors that increase the rate of uterine perforation include multiparity, advanced gestational age, and operator inexperience. The use of laminaria to facilitate cervical dilation decreases the rate.


Complications Serious consequences of uterine perforation include hemorrhage and damage to intra- abdominal organs. Because of the location of the uterine vessels, lateral perforation may be associated with hemorrhage.


Treatment Many cases of uterine perforation require only observation. Surgical exploration is indicated when there is evidence of hemorrhage, when injury to abdominal organs is suspected, or when perforation occurs with a suction curette.


Acute hematometra This complication occurs in 0.1 to 1% of suction curretage procedures and is evidenced by decreased vaginal bleeding and an enlarged, tender uterus. Treatment is repeat curretage and administration of an oxytocic agent.

B. Delayed complications. 1. Postabortal infection This condition is often associated with retained tissue. The incidence of infection varies with the method of termination.

a. Risks Factors that increase the risk of infection include the presence of cervical gonococcal or chlamydial infection, advanced gestational age, uterine instillation methods of termination, and the use of local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia.


Treatment Uterine infection is usually polymicrobial, similar to other gynecologic infections, and is treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics and prompt evacuation of retained tissue.

2. Retained Tissue This conditions complicates less than 1% of suction curettage abortions.


Associated conditions Retained tissue may be associated with infection, hemorrhage, or both


Treatment Therapy requires repeat curettage and antibiotic administration if infection is present.

3. Rh sensitization The risk of sensitization increases with advanced gestational age. The Rh status every pregnant women should be known, and Rh immune globulin should be administered to an Rhnegative whenever maternal fetal hemorrhage is a possibility.


The estimated risk of sensitization associated with suction curettage is 2.6% if RhoGAM is not administered appropriately.

b. The recommended dose for Rh immnue globulin prophylaxis is 50ug up to 12 weeks’ gestation, and 300ug thereafter.


Future adverse pregnancy outcomes The incidences of infertility, spontaneous abortion, and ectopic pregnancy do not increase after uncomplicated suction curettage procedures.

Maternal mortality

The case mortality rate for induced abortion is less than 0.05 per 100,000 procedures. The risk varies with gestational age and method of termination.

a. The leading cause of death associated with induced abortion is anesthetic complications, followed by hemorrhage, embolism, and infections.

b. The risk of death is lowest for suction curettage procedures and highest for instillation procedures. Risk increases with advancing gestational age.

Ce sar ea n Bir th

Cesarean section is delivery of a viable fetus through an abdominal incision and uterine incision. The maternal mortality rate was high up to the end of the nineteenth century, most often because of hemorrhage and infection.

Incidence 1. In the United States, approximately 21% of infants were delivered by cesarean birth in 1997. Several factors contribute to the dramatic increase in cesarean births during this period.

a. As procedure-related morbidity and mortality rates decreased with advances in anesthetic and operative techniques, the rate of primary cesarean sections increased.

The widespread use of electronic fetal monitoring has led to an increased rate of cesarean section for fetal distress.

The growing trend delaying childbirth in the United States has affected women in labor in two ways: First, a higher proportion of nulliparous women give birth. Second, nulliparity is associated with complications that increase rate of cesarean section, such as dystocia and preeclampsia.

Dystocia or abnormal progress of labor is used more freely as an indication for cesarean section, with a corresponding decline in the rate of forceps deliveries.

Vaginal breech deliveries are not recommended in singleton gestations.

Multiple gestation, an indication for cesarean section, occurs more frequently.

b. As the number of primary cesarean sections increased, previous cesarean section as an indication for a repeat cesarean section increased. Thirty-three percent of cesarean sections performed in the United States are repeat cesarean sections.

2. Perinatal mortality There is a little documentation for an association between the increase in rates of cesarean delivery and a decline in perinatal mortality and morbidity. The major causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality continue to be low birth weight and congenital anomalies.

Indications Compared with vaginal delivery, a properly performed cesarean section carries no increased risk for the fetus; however, the risk of maternal morbidity and mortality is higher. Cesarean birth is preferred when the benefits for the mother, fetus, or both outweigh the risk of the procedure for the mother.


Contraindications to labor a. Placenta previa b. Vasa previa c. Previous classic cesarean section d. Previous myomectomy with entrance into the uterine cavity

e. Previous uterine reconstruction f. Malpresentation of the fetus g. Active genital herpes infection h. Previous cesarean section and patient declines trial of labor

2. Dystocia and failed induction of labor a. Cephalopelvic disproportion, failure to descend, or arrest of descent or dilation

b. Failure to progress in normalsize infant, usually because of fetal malposition or posture. c. Failed forceps or vacuum extractor delivery d. Certain fetal malformations that may obstruct labor.


Emergent conditions that warrant immediate delivery a. Abruptio placentae with antepartum hemorrhage b. Umbilical cords prolapse

c. or d. with less e. f.

Nonreassuring antepartum intrapartum fetal testing Intrapartum fetal acidemia, intrapartum scalp of pH than 7.20 Uterine rupture Impending maternal death

Types of ceserean operations Ceserean operations are classified according to the orientation (transverse or vertical) and the site of placement (lower segment or upper segment) of the uterine incision.

1. Low transverse (kerr) The low transverse uterine incision is the preferred incision and the one most frequently used today.

The incision is made in the noncontractile portion of the uterus, minimizing chances of rupture or separation in subsequent pregnancies.

The incision requires creation of the bladder flap and lies behind the peritoneal bladder reflexion, allowing reperitonealization.

Uterine closure is accomplished more easily because of the thin muscle wall of the lower segment, and the potential for blood loss is lowest with this type of incision.

This incision may involve potential extension into the uterine vessels laterally and into the cervix and vagina inferiorly.

2. Low vertical (Sellheim or Kronig) The vertical incision begins in the noncontractile lower segment but usually extends into the contractile upper segment.

This incision is used when a transverse incision is not feasible. 1. The lower uterine segment may not be developed if labor has not occurred; the transverse incision may not provide enough room for delivery of the infant 

Technique of Lower Segment Section

The loose uterovesical uterine peritoneum is picked incision is up the

Peritoneum is cut


to expose lower segment, and a small transverse incision is made.

widened with

The operator’s right hand is passed into the uterus to lift the baby’s head, while the assistant presses on the fundus to push the baby out.

Sometimes it is wound necessary to extract the head with forceps. peritoneum

The uterine is closed with 2 layers of catgut and the

Ergometrine or synthetic oxytocin is given and the placenta and membranes removed.

2. Malpresentations of the term or premature infant may necessitate a vertical incision to allow more room for delivery of the infant.

3. This incision is sometimes used when an anterior placenta previa is noted to facilitate delivery without cutting through the body of the placenta.

 This incision also requires

creation of the bladder flap and allows reperitonealization.  The risk of uterine rupture in

subsequent pregnancies is increased when the upper segment of the uterus is entered.

Uterine closure is more difficult, and blood loss is greater if the upper segment is involved.

3. Classic incision (Sanger) The classic incision is a longitudinal incision in the anterior fundus.

 This incision is currently

used frequently because of the significant risk of uterine rupture in subsequent pregnancies, which can occur before labor begins, and higher complication rate.

Indication for this incision includes invasive carcinoma of the cervix, presence of lesions in the lower segment of the uterus (myomas) that prohibit adequate uterine closure, and transverse lie with the back down. It is the simplest and quickest

This incision does not require bladder dissection, and reperitonealization is not performed; the potential for intraperitoneal adhesion formation is greater.

 Uterine closure is more

difficult because of the thick muscular upper segment, and the potential for blood loss is greater.

PROCEDURE 1. Patient preparation a. The patient should be well hydrated. b. The preoperative hematocrit should be known, and blood should be readily available as indicated

c. The bladder should be empty. Placement of a Foley Catheter is typical. d. Prophylactic antibiotics are usually given after clamping the umbilical cord.

e. Antacids are also given to reduce acidity of the stomach contents in the event that the patient aspirates material into the lungs. f. Informed consent should always be obtained.

2. Anesthesia Most often, anesthesia is regional (spinal or epidural), but it can be inhalational (general) as dictated by the individual situation. General anesthesia may result depression of the infant immediately after delivery, the degree of which increases with the length of time from incision to delivery.

3. Surgical techniques  Abdominal incision. 1. The abdominal incision may be midline, paramedian, or Pfannenstiel.  Midline- The infraumbilical vertical midline incision is less bloody and allows more rapid entry into the abdominal cavity.

Paramedian- A vertical incision lateral to the umbilicus. Pfannenstiel – This allows transverse incision near the symphysis pubis provides the most desired cosmetic effect and is used most often.


The incision is made with the patient on the operating table in a left lateral tilt to prevent maternal hypotension and uteroplacental insufficiency, which may results from compression of the inferior vena cava by the uterus when the patient is supine.


The approach of the uterus in reference to the peritoneal cavity can be made in one of two ways: a. The transperitoneal approach is used almost exclusively today. The parietal peritoneum is opened to expose the abdominal contents and uterus.

b. The extraperitoneal approach is mentioned for historical purposes; it has been virtually abandoned since the advent of effective antibiotics. This approach was devised for cases of amnionitis to avoid seeding the abdominal cavity in attempts to decrease the risk of peritonitis.

Uterine Incision The pregnant uterus is palpated and inspected for rotation. The type of uterine incision is selected depending on development of the lower uterine segment , presentation of the infant and placental location

(1) A Bladder Flap is created to approach the lower uterine segment. The reflection of bladder peritoneum is incised and dissected free from the anterior uterine wall, exposing the myometrium. (2) Incision of the myometrium is

Delivery of the Infant (1) The infant is delivered with the hand, forceps, vacuum extraction, or breech extraction. (2) The Placenta is delivered spontaneously or can be removed manually.

Wound Closure (1) The uterus is often exteriorized to massage the fundus, inspect the adnexa, and facilitate visualization of the wound for repair.

(2) The uterine cavity is cleaned . Oxytocics are administered as indicated to facilitate contraction of the myometrium and hemostasis.

(3) A transverse uterine incision is closed in one or two layers. A vertical incision usually is closed in three layers because of the myometrial thickness of the upper segment.

(4) The peritoneum of the bladder reflection can be either reattached with the fine absorbable sutures or, typically, left open. (5) The abdominal incision is closed in the usual manner.

Complications Common postoperative complications include the following conditions: 1.

Endomyometritis Postoperative infection is the most common complication after cesarean section

a. The average incidence of endomyometritis is 34 to 40 %, with a range of 5 to 85%. Risk factors include lower socioeconomic status, prolonged labor, prolonged duration of ruptured membranes and the number of vaginal examinations


c. Infection is polymicrobial and includes the following organisms: aerobic streptoccoci, anaerobic grampositive cocci, and aerobic and anaerobic gramnegative bacilli.

d. Use of prophylactic antibiotics at the time of the procedure decreases incidence. With the use of modern, broad-spectrum antibiotics, the incidence of serious complications, including sepsis, pelvic abscess, and septic thrombophlebitis, is less than 2%.

2. Urinary Tract Infection a. Urinary tract infections are the second most common infectious complications following cesarean delivery after endomyometritis. Incidence varies from 2 to 16%.

b. Practices that decrease risk include preparing the patient properly and minimizing duration of catheter.

3. Wound Infection a. The incidence of postcesarean wound infection rates ranges from 2.5 to 16%. b. Risk factors includes prolonged labor, ruptured membranes, amnionitis, meconium staining morbid obesity, anemia, and diabetes


Common isolates includes Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Bacteroides sp., and Group B streptococci

4. Thromboembolic Disorders a. The incidence is 0.24% of deliveries, and deep vein thromboses are three to five times more common after cesarean delivery.

b. Diagnosis and treatment are the same as for nonpregnant women. Prompt diagnosis and treatment decrease the risk of complicating pulmonary embolus to 4.5% and that of death to 0.7%

5. Cesarean Hysterectomy a. Hysterectomy after cesarean delivery is an emergency procedure that occurs in less than 1% of cesarean sections.

b. Indications include uterine atony (43%), placenta accreta (30%), uterine rupture (13%), extension of a low transverse incision (10%), leiomyoma preventing uterine closure, and cervical cancer.

6. Uterine Rupture in Future Pregnancies a. The risk of rupture of previous cesarean scar varies with the location of the incision. (1) Low transverse scar (2) Low vertical scar (3) Classical scar

b. Separation of the uterine scar can be categorized as dehiscence or rupture (1) a dehiscence is a frequently asymptomatic separation and is found incidentally at the time of repeat cesarean or on palpation after a vaginal birth.

(2) Uterine Rupture is a catastrophic event with sudden separation of the uterine scar and expulsion of the uterine contents into the abdominal cavity.

Vaginal Birth after cesarean section Previous cesarean section is no longer a contraindication to subsequent labor and a vaginal birth. All women who are candidates should be counselled adequately and encouraged to attempt a vaginal birth.

1. Considerations

The risk of a vaginal birth after cesarean section, when performed in the proper setting, are less than the risks of a repeat cesarean section. a. There are 60 to 80% rate of successful vaginal delivery after previous cesarean section.

b. One third of all cesarean births are repeat cesareans and an effective strategy to decrease the current cesarean section rate is to encourage vaginal births after cesarean section, when safely indicated.

2. Prerequisites a. No maternal or fetal contraindications to labor b. Previous low transverse cesarean section, with documentation of the uterine scar.

c. Informed consent regarding risks and benefits of repeat cesarean and vaginal birth. d.

Personnel able to perform emergency delivery and appropriate facility.

3. Contraindications a. previous classic uterine incision b. Maternal or fetal contraindications to labor. c. Trial to labor declined by mother

d. Previous low vertical scar, unless absence of upper segment extension is well documented e. prior

History of more than two cesarean sections.


An Episiotomy is an incision of the perineum made to enlarge the vaginal outlet to facilitate delivery.

 It is made at the end of

the second stage of labor just before delivery, when indicated.

 It increases the area of the

outlet for the fetal head during delivery, particularly in assisted deliveries with forceps or the vacuum extractor.

Functions 1. An episiotomy is used to prevent lacerations

2. Prophylactic episiotomy has been advocated to prevent pelvic relaxation, although this has never been proven.

Episiotomy incisions

Postero lateral



Types 1. Median or Medial Episiotomy This incision should be one- half the length of the distended perineum and is cut vertically in the midline of the perineal body.

a. Advantage less blood loss, easier to repair, more comfortable during healing.

b. Disadvantage Possible occurrence of inadvertent cutting or extension into the anal sphincter and rectum. It is important to recognize and repair this complication during repair of the episiotomy so that rectovaginal fistula does not result.

2. Mediolateral Episiotomy This incision of the perineum, at a 45 angle to the hymenal ring extends laterally to the anus onto the inner thigh, allowing more room than a median incision.

a. Advantage More room with less risk of injury to the rectum and sphincter.


Disadvantage More difficult to repair, more blood loss, more discomfort during healing.

Birth Injuries

Fracture of Long Bones The bone most commonly broken are the clavicle, humerus and femur as a result of too forcible delivery. In the case of the clavicle there may be no signs at all and callus is felt 2 weeks later. In the case of the long bones the Moro reflex will be absent in that limb and X-ray will be required.

Moro Reflex In response to a sudden noise or vibration, the arms and legs are extended and then approach each other with slight shaking movements. Moro Reflex

Damage to the Brachial Plexus This is caused by excessive lateral flexion of the neck during vertex or breech delivery.

 Erb’s Palsy

C5,6. This is the most commonest. Abductors and flexors of the upper arm are affected, and the arms are hangs in the characteristic “water’s tip” position.

 Klumpke’s Paralysis C8. T1 is rare. The hand is paralysed with wrist drop and absence of grasp reflex. Most degrees of injury may be left untreated but gentle physiotherapy is essential to prevent stiffness and delayed recovery. Severe injury should be renewed by an orthopaedic specialist.

Depression Fracture of the Skull This may be occasionally be caused by the tip of the forceps blade in a difficult delivery. Usually no treatment is necessary but if cerebral irritation or paresis is observed, surgical intervention may be required.

Facial Palsy Paralysis of the facial nerve caused by pressure from the forceps made on the nerve as it emerges from the stylomastoid foramen. Recovery occurs in a matter of days, and any delay is an indication for further investigation.

Sternomastoid Tumor

A painless lump in the sternomastoid muscle, appearing in the first week of life. It has traditionally been attributed to trauma, but its etiology is unknown. Torticollis is an occasional sequel, and the mother should be instructed to put the muscle on the stretch for 3 or 4 periods a day.

Superficial Head Injuries

Minor abrasions may be sustained during forceps delivery or from the use of the vacuum extractor. They need only local treatment as a rule but dense connective tissue prevents vessel retraction and scalp wounds bleed freely.

Caput Succedaneum (‘ Substitute Head’). This is a normal occurrence cause by the pressure of the cervix interrupting venous and lymphatic scalp drainage labor. A serous effusion collects between aponeurosis and periosteum disappearing a few hours


Is a collection of blood between periosteum and skull bone which is limited by the periosteal attachments at the suture lines. It is due to trauma and may not appear until several hours after birth. It should not be aspirated or drained and will normally be absorbed within a few weeks.

Intracranial Hemorrhage Intracerebral Hemorrhage is usually a sequence of hypoxic damage with subsequent hemorrhage from damaged blood vessels. This will commonly cause significant long-term complications.

Subdural Hemorrhage This is a rare condition in modern obstetric practice. It is liable to complicate any cranial injury, leading to hemorrhage over the cerebral convexity and to hematoma formation. Some localising signs may appear but the diagnosis is difficult, and the condition must always be borne in mind if cranial injury is suspected.

Tears of the Dura Mater This injury is a consequence of excessive moulding and may occur in prolonged, unsupervised labors.

The fetal brain is protected against damage in labor by:  Softness and moulding of membranous bones  Ability of fontanelles to ‘give’ slightly on pressure.  Cushioning effect of cerebrospinal fluid.  Anatomical arrangement of dural septa with their free edges.  Plasticity of brain tissue.

Tentorial Tear This lesion is associated with difficult deliveries such as high forceps or breech, but can occur after spontaneous vertex delivery. The signs and symptoms are those of asphyxia and definite diagnosis is made only at post- mortem examination.

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