Oakhilllerica-wati And At Implementation Plan And Assistive Technolgy Evaluation

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,364
  • Pages: 9
WATI Assistive Technology Consideration Guide 1. What task is it that we want this student to do, that they are unable to do at a level that reflects their skills/abilities (writing, reading, communicating, seeing, hearing)? Document by checking each relevant task below. Please leave blank any tasks that are not relevant to the student’s IEP. 2. Is the student currently able to complete tasks with special strategies or accommodations? If yes, describe in Column A for each checked task. 3. Is there available assistive technology (either devices, tools, hardware, o software) that could be used to address this task? (If none are known, review WATI’s AT Checklist.) If any assistive technology tools are currently being used (or were tried in the past), describe in Column B. 4. Would the use of assistive technology help the student perform this skill more easily or efficiently, in the least restrictive environment, or perform successfully with less personal assistance? If yes, complete Column C. Task

Motor Aspects of Writing

Computer Access

A. If currently completes task with special strategies and / or accommodations, describe.

B. If currently completes task with assistive technology tools, describe.

C. Describe new or additional assistive technology to be tried.

X Currently the student types written assignments on Microsoft Word and then shares the document with me, however the workflow model is hard for the teacher and the student has a difficult time locating the file.

Instead of having the student type on Microsoft Word I would like to have them type or use text to type on OneNote. This way it’s more organized, has more of a notebook feel, and it’s one place for everything.

X Currently this student brings a BYOD computer from home to type his work. They have access to the school computer and can print from the school computer any work that needs to be turned in.

Having the student type their assignment in OneNote is a much better workflow where the teacher can see all of their work that the student completes online so they that they don’t necessarily need to print it off.

OneNote would help the student perform this skill more easily and efficiently.

Composing Written Material Communication Reading Organization


Math Recreation and Leisure Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Mobility Positioning and Seating Vision Hearing

X In the IEP it states that this child is to have their teacher make sure that their writing is legible in their planner or type their planner.

A. If currently completes task with special strategies and / or accommodations, describe.

X Having the student use OneNote for their planner/agenda will help make them more independent for middle school so that they are less reliant on the teacher checking that it’s legible. This also allows the student to highlight or color code things in OneNote to help with ensuring that all assignments are completed.

B. If currently completes task with assistive technology tools, describe.

C. Describe new or additional assistive technology to be tried.

5. Are there assistive technology services (more specific evaluation of need for assistive technology, adapting or modifying the assistive technology, technical assistance on its operation or use, or training of student, staff, or family) that this student needs? If yes, describe what will be provided, the initiation and duration. The student would need training on how to use OneNote and parents would need training to know how to access what is on their child’s OneNote.

Assistive Technology Implementation Plan STUDENT INFORMATION Student Name HN

Grade 5th

Date of Birth

School Mt. Bethel Elementary


AT Plan Review Date


(Individual assigned to keep the Implementation Plan updated)

Mrs. Allred, Special Ed Teacher. Mrs. Allred has contact with all teachers and will coordinate efforts.


STATUS (e.g., owned by school, will purchase, will borrow, etc…)

Classroom computer in all classes

Student will also have access to a school computer if needed and to also print work. Student is also able to bring BYOD device if they would like to use their own. Student has login but will provide support with making sure if they bring their own device that they can install on their BYOD.

Microsoft Office 365

IMPLEMENTATION TEAM NAME (List all individuals who will implement the AT with the student.)

ROLE (e.g., administrator, teacher, family member, service provider, etc…)

Erica Oakhill

Homeroom teacher and all subjects

Julia Varnedoe

Target teacher

Mrs. Allred

Special Education teacher

Mrs. Chris Jones

Occupational Therapist (helps HN with knowing how to use OneNote and the Office 365 tools on device) AT Specialist

Mr. Jay

EQUIPMENT TASKS TASK (e.g., order/procure AT, load software, adapt/customize devices/software, set up at home/school, maintain/repair, etc.)



Install Microsoft Tools on student device (Word, OneNote, PowerPoint, Excel)

Mr. Jay

January 16, 2019

Install printer driver on the student classroom laptops

Mr. Jay

January 16, 2019






Overview of OneNote software features Ongoing support

Gen Ed Teachers, Mrs. Allred, HN and parents HN

Mr. Jay

January 22, 2019 9:40- 10:00 Daily as needed

Feburary 12, 2019 9:40- 10:00

Mrs. Allred and gen ed teacher

In the context of assignments that require writing.


CURRICULUM/DOMAIN (e.g., math, science, PE, art, etc…)


AT NEEDED TO ACCOMPLISH GOAL (List specific AT and customized settings if appropriate)

Draft a five-paragraph essay with proper essay structure using OneNote to type or dictate his ideas on the computer.


Mrs. Allred (special ed teacher) Mrs. Oakhill (gen ed teacher)

School issued or BYOD laptop OneNote tools loaded on device

Revise and edit a five paragraph essay with proper essay structure using OneNote to type or dictate his ideas on the computer.


Mrs. Allred (special ed teacher) Mrs. Oakhill (gen ed teacher)

School issued or BYOD laptop OneNote tools loaded on device


CURRICULUM/DOMAIN (e.g., math, science, PE, art, etc…)


AT NEEDED TO ACCOMPLISH GOAL (List specific AT and customized settings if appropriate)

Draft a five-paragraph essay with proper essay structure using OneNote to type or dictate his ideas on the computer.


HN, mom and dad

BYOD laptop OneNote tools loaded on device

Revise and edit a five paragraph essay with proper essay structure using OneNote to type or dictate his ideas on the computer.


HN, mom and dad

BYOD laptop OneNote tools loaded on device


MONITORING/EVALUATION GOAL Draft a five-paragraph essay with proper essay structure using OneNote to type or dictate his ideas theedit computer. Reviseonand a five paragraph essay with proper essay structure using OneNote to type

or dictate his ideas on the computer.



(How will you teach student to use equipment and/or how to achieve goals.)

(e.g., task analysis recording system; score + or - on data recording sheet)

Model- lead- test

Task analysis (weekly)

Model- lead- test

Task analysis (weekly)

PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION / DATA COLLECTION Mrs. Allred (special ed teacher) or Mrs. Oakhill (gen ed teacher) Mrs. Allred (special ed teacher) or Mrs. Oakhill (gen ed teacher)

Assistive Technology Evaluation Student Feedback HN loves doing anything that involves writing on OneNote. He is often very first the one to remind me or ask if he can type the assignment on OneNote when I give instruction for the students to hand write the assignment. He also stated, “My writing has really improved, and my friends can read my writing without constantly asking how to read what I had wrote. “ This shows how using OneNote and typing out assignments has increased his confidence. Each time I worked with HN I observed what the student’s product looked like to see if it’s helping him write a five-paragraph essay, fill out his planner, and gain confidence. Below are screenshots of his work since using OneNote. You will see


Writing from the student

After observing HN using his laptop and looking at the data of his end of quarter piece of writing and his work it shows how having him type his assignments allows him to express himself in more efficient ways than writing with a pencil or pen.

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