Oahu Intergroup Minutes -dec2008

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Oahu Intergroup Meeting Minutes Dec. 9, 2008 Opened: 6:30 pm * Serenity Prayer & Preamble – Matt & Linda * Twelve Traditions Introduction of New Members: Claire (Uppity Women), Michael (Hang Loose), Walter (Pioneer Group) Approval of October 2008 Minutes: Approved. Chairperson's Opening Remarks: Provided by Matt. Passed out the format to all IG reps present for the Central Office Manager Review. Financial Report: Provided by Eric. Checking account amount fell out. October number $3502.61—should be $15,773.79. Prudent reserve should be $11,020.66 Central Office Report: Al provided the CO report. Still operating at a loss. It would be appreciated if the IG reps could take the financial information back to the groups and inform them that we need assistance with donations. The Point requests that the $240 they donated be reflected in the group donation. Al acknowledged this request. Hawaii Area Officer's Report: Linda provided her monthly Area report. Old Business: • Secretary-Hugh from Black Experience stood for the position and qualified himself. Voted in by the group. • Central Office Relocation Committee-believes we should table the discussion until Bill Ramsey proposes the extension (being processed right now). Asking that IG reps bring the idea back to the group and ask if any questions. First and last month required, prices range from $787 (320 sf.) to $1200+ (620 sf.). Our lease expires near the end of February. Need to check on parking situation for employees, volunteers, and visitors. • Central Office Manager Review-job duties already approved by IG in 2003just revised into review format. Should the next steering committee decide to use this format for a review, it will be in files for their use. New Business: • A small number of groups gave money, but their YTD donations are not being reflected on the spreadsheet which throws off the income on the operating expense spreadsheet. Treasurer will look at the discrepancies and report back.

Announcements: • Waianae Alkathon-Waianae Satellite City Hall 8pm-6pm • New Year Alkathon will be sponsored by Honolulu District-Unity Church • Windward Alkathon will be at Waimanalo Community Health Center 3pm6pm (24th-25th) • TYG XMAS breakfast on 12/25 6:30am • Starting April Northshore Bonfire Meeting Sat. Nights 8pm Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:55.

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