Nyc Box 2 Aa 11 Dot-faa Docs Fdr- 3 Timeline-chronology

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u. 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive


Approximately 9AM; Construction worker. Richard Knowlet. pilot West 4 Street and LaOuardia Place at construction site reports 767 bit 80* floor if" _J Richard Knowles) Per AEA-505 NY AFSS advised Richard Nolanf" 700 advised.

Jcafled to report incident. F. Schurat AEA-

AAL77 IAD-LAX York lost over Indian @ 350 202-493-4180 Pin 7110 AAT Command Center UAL175 North New Jersey -jGhoBt Targe?



ZNY-ATC-Zcro AAL-11 confirmed Boston


DaU-radar data dump: AAL11 McCormick confirmed h i t ] AAL77 Lost at 9:25 AM York Kentucky I UAL175 Possible IAD arrival at IGN J

9:30AM 9-.34AM

UAL175 Ron Ruggeri advises nothing from Newark Moving VFR away possible Military IAD no knowledge possible National (DCA) hotline activation Maybe not AAL11 into WTC per McCormick DCA notified check Hotline activated; primary 3 miles south, now 1 mile UAL175 501 confirmed from Canoles out of BOS

9:35AM 9:35AM JMO^ML 9-.42AM 9:43AM 9:44AM 9-.45AM 9:47AM


DAL1989 Boston to LAX on ground hijack UAL93 Bomb threat airborne ZOB reported by ZBW from EWR East Moving VFR to White House per John Hendershod IAD OM 6 miles SW IAD grounding aircraft getting airborne aircraft on ground Al movement times requested (Florida) UAL93 descending in ZOB airspace south of Akron, OH

9:50 AM

DAL1989 Hijack BOS-LAX near DRIER VOR B767

9:52 AM

PIT evacuation of tower


All commercial traffic on ground in Washington Area BW1/DC A/ADW/1AD

9:56AM 9:57AM 9-.58AM 10:01AM 10:01 AM 10-.03AM 10:05AM

AEA-500 attempting to contact facilities N90 update 1203Z POU VPR 160 southbound headed to WTC UAL93 heading SE to Washington Area DAL1989 landing at CLB East southeast PIT 40 miles squawking 7500 UAL93 North Possible another hijack Aircraft destined for USA diverting to Canada overflight; domestic stop Telcon with Manager/National Emergency


Evacuate White House, Pentagon


N90 Evacuation leaving 5 controllers in each area



10:06AM 10:08AM 10:09AM

501 decides to retain essential personnel only but Managers may need to recall ZOB - lost radar with UAL93 near Johnstown (1ST), PA Check with TEB to broadcast on frequency 243.0, good to go, TEB to broadcast on ground


'9/11 Law Enforcement Sens


Called IAD - no radar


UAL93 beading to Washington

L 10:14AM


Jcall Sabra for reliever aifports (no connection) 60 miles northwest of DCA fast moving


UAL93 is down confined 40 Southeast JST, Sommerset, PA

10:16AM 10:18AM 10:19AM

Past westbound to Boston 16,000 reported by ZNY McCormick Al airborne I McCormick reported \M 1AO Full ATCT evacuation


DAL1989 on ground aliCLE

10:22 AM

Sikorkski Helicopter


Bob Brickley, IAD Support Spec, line into IAD Brickley advises thai DCA AFSS aH airpons in USA closed


NOTAM issued: Washington area airports closed


TEB Medevac only - WtTC collapses


Military aircraft

10:37AM 10-.40AM

DAL1989 flap* up at CL|E on ground AAL77 ZKC ainpace airborne

10-.44AM 10:46AM 10:50AM

Request PHL open for lading Per AEA-500 no aircraft except Military, Medevac and N4 N2 Leaving DCA clearedto MSY



ZBW FDIO-ATC-Zero p^r IAD (Boston ARTCC)

10:52AM 10:54AM 10:57AM

AT conference bridge 996> (McCartney for AT facilities) TFR issued establishing 5 imile radius of WTC N4 inbound DCA is cleared to land, Attorney General, ETA Noon, communications problems, destination ADV/, diverted DCA CLE ARTCC small plane i- evacuating AAL77 down Ashland, KY unconfirmed

10:58AM 10;59AM 11:06AM

S-M&devac-Help's military trfusiT N4 changing destination to DCA, we advised Canolcs per 500 IAD to relay for DGA, Security requesting General Kavinidy (ACS-1) to be picked up in Puerto Rico. F;AA Hangar 6 wants 10 send to Puerto Rico, Hangar 6 to

11:14AM 11:14AM 11:15AM 11:16AM 11:17 AM

11 ;20AM 11-.21AM ll:22AM H:23AM 11:24AM fll:25AM

contact Pete Challan, Brickley to relay. BW1 staffing adequate - SWAP Law enforcement ha* not entered DAL1989. ORF Coast Guard; 3 distress^ calls reported, per Guy While UAL947, AC065, COA57 flight plans not stored AEA-505 Ruggeri calling Military SCATANA Procedure* for ANE/AEA by Military -Military will confirm DAL1989 confirm Hijacking from ABA-700 (Arros) Security off tactical net ATCT talking to aircraft LAX diverting to Ontario per Lee Connor, Security

DCA a lot of Military JFK evacuated per Port Authority reported by George Dodelin, cell 516-683-2962 for

Dodelin DAL1989 taxiing to gate at CLE AAL77 ZID no wreckage A&hland, KY

Ruth Marlin NATCA VP, Bob;Tobin and Bill Peacock coming fiorn MSY~7 UAL23, Terminal 7, Gate 2; 3 Arabs refassmg to get off planft at TEK

11-.27 AM 11:28AM 11-.30AM

N4 15 minutes out of DCA per ASDI Fighter escort for N4 into DCA|_ N4 75 miles from IAD



'5>tH. VI. MM


9/11 Law E n f o r c e m e n t Sensitive

..11:31 AM

Reference 11-.14AM ORF : additional information; aircraft reportmg


11:MAM 11-.35AM 11-.38AM 11:39AM 11:40AM 11:46AM 11:47 AM U:48AM 11-.49AM 11:§OAM 11:51 AM n:55AM 11:56AM 11:57 AM 11:5BAM

12:00 Noon

M e v a c s Helicopters BDL to NYC; 5 TEE Medevacs

operation, Canoles no knowledge, NMCC LTC CanolM dealing with rofliury - waitmg for escort life flight*, ««* flight individually, case by case bases j MiXy, f^quire Beacon codes. ZNY re<jue?t release personnel - case by £sVbaste. N4 28 West IAD heading DCA COA57 and AC065 in Moucton airspace, AC065 reported OK. ATCS refusing to report to work NYC area - count ok now, Canoles advised N4 10 west IAD : Awaiting

release for Medivac through service cell per Canoles need beacon

J Mt-

t of DCA.

ORF: Coast Guard station reporting Airitala Cell 0 E1CRL

distress call AGL 95 miles west of PIT ERI evacuated twice AEA-501 release ATD Eastbound first 2 persons to stay behind Requesting Release for TEB medvaw ft AEA-500 to Linda, HQTRS. N9LV 0344 N121LP 0343 N1930A 0345 , NSNJ 0347 N886AH 0350 N202SC 0353

2 VnuS East of°L\ (think Military near Camp David); DCA working : 7610.4J SCATANA procedures page 6-31 dated 11/98 12I08PM

12-09PM 12: 1 1PM 12 11PM 12: 14PM 12: 15PM 12: 17PM 12- 18PM 12-20PM 12-26PM 12-30PM


Port Authority helipad to TBB N2 has not departed no estimated departure Deputy ATF-2, requesting MKC to near DCA 7 Medevacs released out of TEB pet Hqtrs Satellite *| I to Canolei 7 TEB Medevacs wheels up AEA-500 requesting call signs on all medevacs ClSZoutof MGI 10 Major carriers accounted for all aircraft 2 PM principals only TELCON DM Canolei N2 at DCA confirm type » LR31 ASDI N2 airborne (130 minutes to destination MSY) COA57 on ground at Gander UAL947 Returned to Gander AC069 unknown per Canoles and McConnick N601S II

POU 1203Z

• itP. I A ^IHJI



UA93 on ground Sommers
NY. j??o

J9/11 Law Enforcement


r. 2


\ AT.77 IAD LAX Pentagon Still Missing

IAD nave d /as # for medevac in ZDC EUdnTwv' scramble on Air carrier? i MD88 being intercepted? Military AUcrafr FL350 one of theirs i | iMilitary command post LTC Bucknam Relocating Congress | i Increase security level i i _ Sikorsfe helicopter landed 20 niinutes early, normal GE run at 1228Z to fiimiw target 400 knot* down Hudson; 1*"^ — Itcnninated ibridge witix IAD Coordination wid. ATScd medevac from Harrisburg (MDT) to crash lite m PA 1200 code, from ALB Approach 1130Z to 1330Z d on FAA intrant - AEA-505 setting up recordings.

l:13PM 1:15PM l:18PM 1:24PM 1:25PM 1:26PM 1:31PM 1:33PM 1:35PM 1:36PM

orean Air Flight (*AL) 017 Abound to LAX being hijacked. KAL 017 diverting into Vancouver, BC ; NY Governor N879 code 5601 HPN to Manhattan All information to Hqtrs to be via AAT-20 website NORAD will not allov Medevac airaan; airborne Military Helicopter circling ^.g^SHSS ?22« code) dcrued due to to PIT all have emergency pmonne! on board call number N949UA.

1:38PM 1;40PM 1:45PM I:50PM 1:53PM 1:55PM 2:OOPM 2:05PM 2:07PM 2:10PM 2:15PM 2:20PM 2:25PM 2-.26PM 2:30PM 2:35PM 2:40PM

Radar data and WAV file received from ZBW No data to be released even internally per Canolcs

POUATCTMthiigKingilon Bridge 10 BeBon Bruise descended and crashed 40 east of PIT. TSD shut off outside PAA CNN U oKto flfc ^ » be eolbcnd AEA-500 advised S. Ctop«» « »

. Po,ice . Oy .1* -PP^ of overlying center, ZNY reouested CISD Advisory 41 - discrete beacon codes from overlying center

• S E P . 12. 2001



NU. jV

v. b

2:50PM 2:55PM

Tony Mello NTAP/SATORI from ZNY/ZDC CDR IAD BW1 DCA to RAPTOR format Upload data on AAT site per Canoles - keep originals in facility.

3:OOPM 3:05PM 3:06PM 3:07PM

USA23JQ hijack from Madrid not verified with PHL or DCA
3:15PM 3:16PM

Radar data requested from IAD/DCA LAX ATCT evacuated due to bomb in parking Lot 2 per Tom Davidson^>


Additional explosive at LAX found in old terminal

3:40PM 3:40PM

AH Towers with active military will stay open per Rick LOA personnel returning to Tower from emergency site,


Coordinate Arrival of PAT108 at ADW with military


Coordinate transport of passengers of N2 from DCA to FAA headquarters N2 ETA DCA I7001cl

4:07PM 4:20PM

4:22PM 4:25PM 4-.28PM 4i30PM 4:32PM 4:32PM 4;33PM 4:34PM 4:35PM 4:35PM

4-.38PM 4:3SPM

4:45PM 4:46PM

Coordinate escort of N2 in to DCA N76Q1C Sikorsky out of POU - normal operation

UAL175 data forwarded into Hdqtrs. Discussion with HQ on medevac discrete beacon code and we can allow to let them go (202) 404-5471) LTC Maboney will be called to make sure that NATCAmeetinE in New Orleans people being trained in CISD \t to be used per LTC Atkins Change Advisory 41 (Amendment): After law enforcement and Emergency evacuation flight in NAS "WILD" flight to intercept N2 UAL175 data received by Hdqtrs> N2 UTA 27 minutes at DCA given to Hdqtra from ASDE Effective immediately USA Plights Civil and foreign Civil in NAS prohibited except 1AW Advisory 041 as amended BWI advised to call on radar data request /POU N / A ALII #2

\Per McCormick ELT first heard before AAL11 hit Request JFK UAL175 off and UAL176 and off times; UAL175 1215Z out of BOS Request JFK to review strips for UAL flights from JFK to BOS ZNY AAL11 n Aircraft , UAL175 « Aircraft" Reports will have all information in 30 minutes Mayor YYZ called for 2 medevac helicopters from YYZ to NYC for help. Need call signs for Medevac aircraft - approval from Canolesl / 2 Helicopters from Toronto to NYC - Mayor's Office Call Rick Hostelierr"" "~\Y upload AALirSone

4:54PM 4-.55PM 4-.55PM 5:05PM



UAL175 north 35 miles out NORAD will request flight tracks from Origin to impacts. N2 on deck DCA UAL175 into WTC per McCormick ZNY POU N7601.S departed at 1203Z went to Wall Street left Wall St. at about same time of incidents at WTC wnt to BOS; at this time is oa the ground in BOS. apes -JjcTeam&l at 122SZ Miilville and 1235Z ACY.\M Millville AFSS and ACY ATCT tapes alim Haber AEA-401 S Data will be stopped per Salim UAL93 N591UAB757-200 AAL77N644AAB757 AAL11 N334AA B767-200 UAL175 N612UA B767-200

Law Enforcement Sensitive

\L. t\)\> i


_ y / l l Law Enforcement Sensitive!

. j

UAL93 EWR~$FO confirmed changed DCA as destination in ZOB information passed to Spraguc to Canoles CGIMT Toroatb:Medivac out of YYZ 5:23PM

Controller input to change to DCA from SFO at ZOB


UAL175 chang«;beacon code


1470-3020-3321 Sector 42 SATOM = ZNVL01_Sll_8_R42 > Information per McConnickfo Spraguc UAL93 Requesj from VP for data on Aircraft Short SummaryiUA93 JST Point of Departing


Hijack L_; I FAX/ I| Chronology sent to Canoles and Spraguc by Ron Ruggeri; receipt verified


12:4fi:QSZ AAJ1 radar lost


FDC 1/19760 issued NOTAM UAL93 1247Z depart EWR Beacon Code 1527 6:10PM /Crash reported into VA Hospital m Dayton Ohio V VA hospital explosion if VA Hospital in Dayton, possible sonic boom 6:25PM ATCT's open through night, 11 total HPN CHO UiO PNE MMU CXY POU BQM RpO ISP SBY (unable to remain open due to personnel) 6t28PJd House fire in Dayton, Ohio (---^6^PM3—^4 aircraft released ty- Hqtrs SB to NE: N241LA C500 FAY-ADW Multiple trips N242LA C500 FAY-ADW Multiple trips N160AR BE350 OR3P (Oceana) - ADW Multiple trips >™«nn r?n8 Qp^ roceana't - ADW Multiple trips Beacon Codes assigned by Sector NINA off DCA destination JST (OO 6:30PM (reporterg only) Reporters call in li IN 6:38PM ROC (T. Tnibiano) triouted situation Report #1 signed by Dan Noel, Manager, 6:50PM Emergency Operations Staff CDR on AAL77 being run by IAD 6-.53PM Light Twin prop heading toward Los Angeles 6:55PM 7;OOPM 7:02PM

Steve Alagna United Airlines OO TEAM drove to JST AWP update Light Twin out of Orange County 2,000' 3,000' AWACS and F16, watching and LA Approach watching (information from concerned citizen) ZDC advised ENTAP on AAL77 being compiled ZNY update voice on SATOJU #8 sent for Hqtrs and AEA

7:08PM 7:10PM 7:10PM 8:13PM

Headquarters requesting a PIT contact for FBI to review recordings. Drug Enforcement


AAL77 radar plot faxed to Canoles.

8:22PM 8-.24PM

ZNY NTAPs on ccmail for Doug Gould, Tony Mello, & Ron Ruggcri. Headquarters inquires whether PIT has radar coverage over Indian Head (IHD) VOR. AEA-S05 requesting information, PIT is unable to see over IHD.


Marines requesting approval to enter New York.City via air. This request was forwarded


AEA-505 requesting CDR plot from Clarksburg (CKB) ATCT for UAL93, at the request

AAL9014 FEMA DAL to JFK ETA 82 mins. Coordination complete Administration (DEA) not authorized; however, DEA agent!

I is working for FBI.

to Headquarters. of AAT-201 (MeHo). 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


'SEP. 12. 2001 6 : 1 9 A M

8:35PM 8:46PM


9:OOPM 9;09PM

AAL9014 landed JFK. FEMA on board. ZDC reporting a problem with discrete codes from PHL and ORF approach controls. We advised Headquarters. LTC Atkins looking into situation. LTC Atkins to call ZDC direct. FDC Advisory 45 recover)1 for 9/12/01. AEA-505 reported that CKB Airway Facilities (AF) coming in to pull tapes. AEA-401

935PM 9:36PM

AEA-401 (Haber) reported that AF technician will repon to CKB at 9-.45PM. Dan Diggins, AAT-201, assumes watch, for AAT-20.


Tony Mcllo requesting Primary off PIT Plot, RAPTOR shows UA93 SE to Boundary; for

advised; MCC calling technician.

FBI. PIT Advised,


ZNY faxing rough transcripts on UAL and AAL

11:OOPM 11-.15PM

ABA-1 decided that the Regional Office will be closed 9/12, AAT-20 advised. CKB Data unable to transmit, disk being driven to PIT ETA approximately 9/12/01 12;45AM. Pelkowski notified of disk coming, AAT-20 Jeff Logue advised. Bill Buck asked about planes in P56, Jim Slate said Secret Service aware, military fighter without transponder. Relayed back to Bill Buck. ZNY McCotmick advised that local police are at Long Island radar sites. No data to be released to anyone but Dave Canoles per AAT-20

11-.26PM 11:30PM I1:32PM 00:01AM 00:07AM 00:32AM 00:38AM 00:56AM

01:17AM 01:33AM 01:47AM 01:53AM 01:56AM

12 September 2001 Aircraft over Fredericksburg, VA? (inquiry), RJC, IAD, DCA show nothing HDQ CMD Center -25? fl^hty landed in Canada requesting US Airports, JFK, EWR, ATL, CHI, SFC, DET, DAL, MIA From Rick inquiry to Bob Napurano - 253 flights in Canada - when does PONYA anticipate to be open for operations? HDQ CMC inquiry. How many flights have been authorized outside of those specifically identified, DOT, DOD, LAW, LIFE i.e. response teams using other than Lifeguard Callsigra. AEA has none, so far. Inquiry to HDQ CMC from FEM A. Any priority being considered for FEMA Response Personnel on Airlines when they start to fly tomorrow? CMC advised FEMA to make inquiry direct to the Airlines. Inquiry from SYR - Local LAW Patrol - Air 01 - need Code from ZBW Coordinating numben ""[for ZBW Active Air Defense Scramble off Langfey HDQ CMC needed assistance of FBI Agent - AEA CMC had one sitting in - problem was requests coming in for FAA Tape info from Local FBI Office*. AEA FBI Agent informed Local FBI Office of procedure to put all requests through AAT-20J

02:01AM 02:13AM 02:25AM 02:27AM 02:32AM 02:40AM



Request from Linden NJ\Airport to laisd Airfbrce Flight from Dobbins AFB, also requesting ground support, transportation etc. Mike Sammartino advised unable to validate time or flight, we have no knowledge of active flight at this time. Request coordinated through HDQ CMC from NY FBI Office for copy of All voice tapes \f ATC Comm All Facilities notified of above reqviest DCA advised a REACH FL^ over Ohio requesting to land ADW is being diverted to DOV - Info is one of the Cabinet Sect is aboard. PONYA advised that no estirnate pt opening times can be given until after morning coordination meeting at 6 AM local. Rick advised IAD call in someonis on OT to assist with above Tape request. One problem is tape is locked up in secure cabinet, 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive



02:40AM 02:43AM 02:55AM 03:OOAM 03:01AM 03:30 AM 03:32 AM 03:56AM 04:13AM 04:20AM 04:31AM 04:40AM

HDQ CMC advised National Alert from FBI in Miami for two vehicles - a 1989 Red Pontiac 2 Door and a 2001 Olds Tan 4 door. HDQ CMC Expecting National Security Plan for Aviation by 4 AM. Administrator and Staff to meet at 8 AM on Plan. Operational brief to follow at 9 AM. Police Sgt from NY reported Cell Phone report of Commercial A/C heading east toward the Hudson River. ALB (T) states a C 17 arrived. .XLog) to newdiskglTDisk 2 andjlso_to_^C^ M. Grant saved infojSept 1 L . Drive .__ RIC reported fast moving primary target in their airspace. Target later Identified as a Tanker aircraft which had lost transponder IAD reported slow moving primary target vicinity of Casanova. Per TV News Release two numbers for checking on or reporting casualty in NYC, 866-856-4167 NY Autotorium, NYPD 212-741-4626. IAD reports attempt to provide requested voice tape failed - recorder OTS. EWR reports requested tape is locked up in safe. HDQ CMC requested what facility manning we expected this morning. Rick advised approaching normal. AEA would update after morning roundup approx. 5:30 AM. Mike Sammartino gave all facilities on Conference phone heads up that a Facility Manning roundup would start approx. 5 AM.

NU. '79/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive


Elkins, WV scramble on Air carrier? MDBS being intercepted?

J2:45PM 12:45PM 12-.50PM

Relocating Congress


Increase security level

1 :04PM 1;04PM 1:IOPM 1:10PM 1:13PM J:15PM 1:18PM 1 :24PM 125PM 1:26PM 1:3 1PM J:33PM I:35PM

Military Aircraft FL25O one nf thsirc



iMiiitarv command post LTC Bucknam i

Skorskj helicopter landed 20 minutes early, normal GE rim at I228Z to WTC Primary target 4QQKTS down Hudson i ' rterminate.H bridge with IAD Coordination with ATSCC - medivac from HAR to crash site in PA UAL 175 radar data i AAL11 requested from ALB 1200 codes from ALB Approach 1130Z to 1330Z AA11 voice tape on FA A intranet - AEA-505 setting up tapes. No information on the website - reference tapes. i M-Cirillo wanted to set up line where AEA can approve medivac flights - need batch of Unconfirmed report Korean Air Flight 017 inbound to LAX being hijacked Korean Air Flight 017 diverting into Vancouver, BC NY Governor N879 code 5601 HPN to Manhattan \l information to Hqtrs to be via AAT-20 website NORAD will not allow Medivac aircraft airborne Military Helicopter circling nuclear plant 30 southwest AVP NY State Police Department/SGT ADAR| ~|N876 Governor Pataki on Helicopter HPN to East 34* street need clearance (5601 beacon code) denied due to

unable to coordinate. 1:36PM


1:38PM 1:40PM 1:45PM JU50PM 1:53PM 1:55PM 2:OOPM 2:05PM 2:07PM 2:10PM 2:15PM 2:20PM 2:25PM 2:26PM 2;30PM 2:35PM 2.-40PM 2:50PM 2:55PM 3:OOPM 3:05PM 3:06PM 3:07PM

UAL flight from IAD to PIT all have emergency personnel on board nil number N949UA. KAL8S squawking 7500. Ual requesting to have aircraft fly to PITT for rescue aircraft out of IAD - request forward to Headquarters 5601-5611 beacon codes for medivac aircraft provided to Headquarters for approval with military Radar data and WAV file reeci'veJ frum ZBW " " "—" No data released even internally per Canoles Principal only TELCON. Comm Center Reports citizens report B747 like aircraft coming down Hudson POU ATCT nothing Kingston Bridge to Beacon Bridge Aircraft is thought to be KC135 north of LaGuardia UAL93 SATORI - struggle 1328Z then 12 seconds climbed and descended over PITT and decended and crashed 40 east of PJTT. TSD shut off outside FA A CNN reports show flight N90 reports 1256Z 7 NW ARD beacon code 3321 F1286 490KTS ROSS 72N172CV EF5055 HEF-Hilton Head, Deputy FBI Director) Released Beacon Code 07 FBI requests tapes will be confiscated advised S. Carper not to release tapes Has new advisroy been issued ANS- New Advisory has been issued Military/Lifeguard, Police can fly with approval of overlying center. ^ ZKY C1SD requested Advisory 41 - discrete beacon codes from overlying center Tony Mello NTAP/SATORJ from ZNY/ZDC CDR IAD BW] DCA to RAPTOR format Upload data on AAT site per Canoles - keep originals in facility. USA930 hijack from Madrid not verified with PHL or DCA McCormick advised to release SATORI on AAT web N2 going to DCA Ross72 Beacon Code 0573 IAD 10 HEF is approved.

NO. :9/ll

Radar data requested from JAD/DCA

3:I5PM 3:16PM 3:25PM 3-40PM 3:40PM 3:55PM 4:OOPM



D/ /"

Law Enforcement Sensitive

I \X ATCT evacuated due to bomb in.parking Uot;2 per Torn David

Additional explosive at LAX found in. old terminal :; All Towers with active military will-stay open per Rick LGA return to Tower from emergency site. \e Arrival of PATIOS af'ADW with military Coordinate transpon of passengers of N2 from pCA'ito FAA headquarters N2 ETA DC A 17001ci // I \e escort of DCA |

\C Sikorsky outofP

4:07PM 4:20PM 4:22PM 4:25PM I 4;28P1V1 4:30PM 4:32PM

I 1./TC Mahoney will be called to make sure that NATCA meeting in NO people being trained in CJSD \

hot to be used per LTC Atkins:

Change Advisory 41 (Amendment): After law enforcement and Emergency evacuation flight in NAS I \" flight to intercept N2



\L 175 data

4:32PM 4:33PM 4:34PM 4:35PM 4:35PM

Effective immediately USA Flights Civil an4 foreign Civ-jl in NAS prohibited except IAW Advisory 04] as amended ; ; BW1 advised to call on radar data request i \U N

4:38PM 4:38PM 4:39PM

Request JFK UAL 175 off and UALI76 andoff times; UAUl 75 12152 out of BOS Request JFK to review strips for UAL flights from JFK to BOS 2NY A A L I I #2 Aircraft I \5 #3 Aircraft


Mayor YYZ called for 2 medivac helicopters from YYZ to NYC for help Need call signs for Medivac aircraft - approval from CanolesP 1 2 Helicopters from Toronto to NYC - Major's Office Call Rick Hostelterj | ZNY upload AAL11 done UAL 175 north 35 miles out NORAD will request flight tracks from Origin to impacts. N2 on deck DCA UAL175 into WTC per McCormick ZNY

4:46PM 4:54PM 4:55PM 4:55PM 5-05PM 5:10PM 5:11PM 5:1SPM



POUN760IS departed at 12032 went to Wall Street left Wall St. at about same time of incidents at WTC writ lo BOS; at this time is on the ground in BOS Millville AFSS and ACY ATCT tapes - screaming at 1228Z Millville and 12152 ACY. ETMS Data wjIJ b« Stopped per Salim Haber AEA-401 UAL93 N591UA B757-200 AAL77 N644AA B757 AAL11N334AAB767-200 UAL175 N612UA B767-200 UAL93 EWR-SFO confirmed changed DCA as destination in ZOB information passed to Sprague to Canoles CGIMT Toronto Medivac out of YYZ


\s will h

Chronology of events on 9-11 -01 0834

Boston Center Asks Cape TRACON to notify Otis Air Force base regarding AA11


ZBW notifies ANE ROC of AA11 -unconfirmed Hijacking; £JloJJiad_keyed mic. ANE-ROC notifies Washington Ops Center (WOC). ACI WATCH LOG: AA11 is not squawking, plane is soutbound deviating from normal flight path to LAX. Apparently someone 'is in the cockpit telling the pilot threatening comments. Threatening comments are being overheard during period that Pilot has keyed mike. Plane is southbond towards NYC,


WOC conferences with ANE ROC, ANE RMT, AT Command Center, and ACI. Re: Possible hijacking AA11


FAA calls North East Air Defense Secotr (NEADS) regarding AA11


Military command (VACAPES) issues scramble order on AA11


AA11 hits World Trade Center


WOC activiates at request of ACI Tactical Net


AEA Crisis Command Center Activated


NEADS log shows FAA reporting UA 175


UA 175 hits World Trade Center


ZID to AGL ROC: AA 77 off radar ten miles northeast of York VOR reported to AT. LOBs (CAS, AT, & AF) sent their AGL crisis working group reps to AGL ROC and set up secondary nets.


NET: ANE reports that all air traffic in the region has been stopped.


(?) NEADS log shows FAA reporting UA93


NET: NOIWO.Nr fielded the call.

I Unknown what was discussed. BNM


FAA Wash. Ops Center Sets up primary net including NMCC-9:20; DOJ 9:23; Secret Service-9:22; FBI-9:21; CIA-9:25; DIA-9:27; DOS-9:28; White House-9:29


WOC received rpt from AGL ROC RE: AA77 disappeared from radar

9/11 Closed by Statute


NEADS Log shows FAA reporting AA77


NET: UALA 175 reported off the radar. Lost over Indiana?


AA 77 hits Pentagon


ZOB to AGL ROC: UA 93 B752 reported screaming & Bomb Statement. Parallel notification AT


NET (AGL ROC): Aircraft hits west side of pentagon


NET: AA77 Dulles-757-200 flew into WTC


NET: Plane crashing into Pentagon—reported by ATC


NET: UA93 descending over Clevland


NET: DELTA 1989 from Boston to Clevland Hijacked <^—-


AEA ROC received call from NY State Police RE: cell phone call from son to his mother reporting that on UA 93 that hijackers were rushing the cockpit. The information was immediately related to the RA in the AEA Crisis Command Center and WOC.


NET: Indiana State Police report an AA aircraft went down near the Ohio/Kentucky border. AGL working issue to try and confirm.


NET: UA 93 reporting 3 armed hijackers who are making bomb threats


Clevland AFSS ATC-0 Evacuation Bomb Threat. Security notified.


NET: AA reports nationwide ground stop - directing all A/C to nearest A/P. Cancelling all flights for today. NET: Fighter jets relaeased from McGuire AFB to avoid being targets NET: DELTA 1989 flight not believed to be hijacked - returning to £— Cleveland


Ground Stop of all US Air Carriers ordered


DELTA 1989 lands at Cleveland without incident


NET: UA 93 Hijacked

£ 1047

NET: UA93 crashed 60 miles SW of Johnston PA (Somerset)


Cleveland Ctr reports non-specific bomb threat reported by FBO at Dayton, Ohio


Somerset, PA Police epartment called ANE ROC advising that an aircraft had crashed.


NET: UA 182 unaccounted for


Ilinois National Guard: On standby


The Allegheny FSDO advised AEA ROC that there was a report of a downed aircraft in Somerset County and dispatched inspectors.

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