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  • Words: 1,459
  • Pages: 14

Table of Content Introduction ........................................................................................................... 3

NYAA Programme ................................................................................................ 6

Service.................................................................................................................. 7

Adventurous Journey ............................................................................................ 8

Skill ..................................................................................................................... 10

Physical Recreation ............................................................................................ 11

Residential Project .............................................................................................. 12

Glossary of Terms............................................................................................... 13

Annex B .............................................................................................................. 14

1st Edition 2nd Edition

1st February 2007 1st December 2008

(By: Scouter Gavin Pah Wen Xiang) (By: Scouter Nicholas Koh Yong Zhi)

Courtesy of: Singapore Scout Association - National Programme Council NYAA Secretariat


Introduction The National Youth Achievement Award Scheme (NYAA) was officially launched on 9 May 1992 by the His Excellency Late Mr. Wee Kim Wee President of the Republic of Singapore at the Istana. The NYAA programme was adapted from the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, which was founded in the United Kingdom in 1956. The original team of individuals who designed the programme included HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, his former headmaster, Dr Kurt Hahn, who is a distinguished educationist and founder of Outward Bound and the United World Colleges and Lord Hunt, leader of the first team to conquer Mount Everest. As soon as it was launched in the United Kingdom, schools, youth group and other youth organization embraced the award programme. Today the programme has been adapted and adopted by more than 113 countries throughout the world. The Programme is constantly updated and modified to suit the changing demands of the society and the needs of the young people it operates for. The aim of the NYAA Scheme is to encourage young people between the ages of 14 and 25 years to develop personal qualities of self-reliance, perseverance and a sense of responsibility to themselves, to society and to the nation. The criteria for an award are those of self-improvement and effort. The participant is judged on personal achievement measured against original circumstances and potential capabilities. This allows for the less able and disadvantaged to participate on an equal opportunity basis. The NYAA Programme is completely voluntary. Participants choose activities that they are interested in and complete them on their own free time. The NYAA Programme is a framework designed helps young people improve themselves. It is essentially a do-it-yourself kit for youth development.


NYAA Organization Structure

NYAA Advisory Board Chairman Minister Mah Bow Tan

Board of Trustees Chairman Mr Kwek Leng Joo MD City Developments Ltd

NYAA National Council Chairman Prof Leo Tan Director, NIE,NTU

NYAA Secretariat Executive Director Mr James Soh NYAA Award Co-ordinators' Network

NYAA Gold Award Holders' Alumni

NYAA Operating Authorities

Operating Authorities Award Co-ordinators

Award Participants


NYAA Secretariat

NYAA Operating Authority Singapore Scout Association National Programme Council

Award Co-ordinator Mr Gavin Pah Assistant Award Co-ordinator Mr Nicholas Koh

Bronze Scheme Facilitator 1:6

Silver Scheme Facilitator 1:6

Gold Scheme Facilitator 1:6

Award Participants

Award Participants

Award Participants


NYAA Programme

Level of Award

Minimum Age


14 years & above


15 years & above

Minimum Time Period 6 Months 12 Months (6months for Bronze award holders)


16 years & above

18 Months (12months for Silver award holders)

To qualify for the award, participants are required to complete a balanced programme of non-competitive activities grouped under the following four (five for gold) sections. •





RESIDENTIAL PROJECT (For Gold level only)


Service Aim The aim of the Service Section is to learn how to give useful service to others.

Requirement The requirement is to undertake the necessary training and give regular practical service for at least:


15 hours spread over a period of three months


30 hours spread over a period of six months


60 hours spread over a period of 12 months

The opportunities for community service are enormous. Service can be given locally to an individual or through an organisation to alleviate a need on a national level. It can be related to a specific one off project or be part of a longer-term commitment.

Forms of service can include, for example •

Community Involvement Programme

Voluntary work in hospitals and care centres

Serving as a unit’s Quartermaster or Camp Warden

Charity Work

Fundraising for the charity

Assist in Scouting events (excluded Unit’s event)

Helping other young people participate in the award by acting as a leader for Bronze or Silver participants (For Silver and Gold level)

Assist in the running of a Scout unit on a regular basis for a period of 12 months. (Gold level only)


Adventurous Journey Aim The purpose of this section is to encourage a spirit of adventure and discovery.

Requirement The requirement for this section is to plan, train for and undertake a venture. The venture must involve a defined purpose. The venture must involve travel by personal effort and may be on foot, cycle or on water. Expeditions should meet the following minimum requirements:


Minimum Requirement


Two days out, including one night in an unfamiliar setting, including at least 12 hours of effort and activity


Three days out, including two nights in an unfamiliar setting, including at least 21 hours of effort and activity


Four days out, including three nights in an unfamiliar setting, including at least 32 hours of effort and activity

Explorations Participants can undertake either an Expedition or Exploration. Explorations involve less journeying and a greater proportion of time is spent on approved, first hand investigations or other specified activities. Explorations have to be undertaken in the context of an Expedition and involve a minimum of 10 hours journeying. Participants are required to present a report or account of their venture.


Preliminary Training

Bronze to Gold Level:

- Completed the Advanced Scout Standard Camp (Scouts) - Completed the Venture Conversion Course (Ventures) - Own training schedule prior for the expedition (Rovers & Leaders) Qualifying Venture

Bronze - Successfully complete the following: •

(For Scout) Advanced Scout Standard Exploration Test

(For Venture Scout) Venture Scout Standard Exploration Test

Silver - Successfully complete the following: •

(For Scout) 1st Class Scout Standard Exploration Test

(For Venture Scout) Venture Scout Standard Exploration Test

Gold - Successfully complete the following: •

(For Scout) Chief Commissioner’s Award Exploration Test

(For Venture Scout) Plan, organise and execute a 4D/3N expedition


Skill Aim The purpose of this section is to encourage the development of personal interests and practical skills. Requirement Participants are required to choose a skill and follow it regularly for the minimum required period of time. They must show individual progress and sustained interest, based on their own capabilities and potential. Level

Minimum Requirement


Min 6 months Scouting Skills (refer to Annex B) or Self Pursuits


Min 12 months Scouting Skills or Self Pursuits


Min 18 months Scouting Skills or Self Pursuits

Successfully completed any one of the proficiency test: •












Scout Campfire


Physical Recreation Aim The purpose of this section is to encourage participation in physical recreation and improvement of performance.

Requirement Participants are required to choose a form of physical recreation and follow it regularly for the minimum required period of time. They must show improvement of overall performance and genuine effort, relative to their capabilities and starting point.


Minimum Requirement


20 hours over 8 weeks Attained NAFA Bronze Award or any sport recreation of your choice


30 hours over 10 weeks Attained NAFA Silver Award or any sport recreation of your choice


40 hours over 12 weeks Attained NAFA or IPPT Gold Award or any sport recreation of your choice


Residential Project Aim The purpose of this section is to broaden experience through involvement with others in a community project. This project should provide the opportunity to develop maturity, leadership and responsibility.

Requirement Participants are required to undertake or initiate a project that will serve or have a beneficial impact on a community.

Be part of the committee or conduct lesson for the following: •

Sixer Leaders Training Course

Patrol Leaders Training Course

Venture Leadership Course


Glossary of Terms Operating Authority The Singapore Scout Association

Award Co-ordinator Appointed by the NYAA or the operating authority

Facilitator Assist the award co-ordinator in managing the programme

Award Holder A person who has gained the Award

Award Unit A Scout / Venture unit which has several of its members actively participating in the award programme may be called an Award unit.

NYAA Badge –Bronze

NYAA Badge –Silver

NYAA Badge –Gold 13

Annex B (Skills Development) To successfully completed any of the proficiency tests: •












Scout Campfire.


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