Ny B46 Media Restoration Report Fdr- Entire Contents- 2 Pg Report Re Fdny Master Tape 921

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Download & View Ny B46 Media Restoration Report Fdr- Entire Contents- 2 Pg Report Re Fdny Master Tape 921 as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 1,174
  • Pages: 2
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The Magnetic Media Restoration Company

450 West gist Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NYioooi, Tel: (212) 563 1999 Fax: (212) 563 1994

Job 4620 - 9/11 Commission - PAGE 1 Track One


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Track Two


Track Three


Track Four


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Track Five


Track Six


Track Seven


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Track Eight


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Track Nine


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All times here reference original tape. Consistent frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. 1st transmission @ 8:10:15; 8:26:04; 8:31:02. At 8:47, a lot of rotary phone noise. Trans @ 9:01:30; 9:03:03; 9:05:02; 9:19:50; 9:25:38; 9:41:50; 9:43:09; 9:52:29; 9:57:15; 10:05:50; 10:12:20; 10:18:06; 10:36:40; 10:51:53. All times here reference original tape. Consistent frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. Only three 105 seconds calls between 8:00 Am and the first WTC call. Feedback on a call at 09:20AM. All times here reference original tape. Consistent frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. Some low level CB type radio transmission starts at around 8:05 AM with very low signal to noise ratio aspects. All times here reference original tape. Consistent frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. Very low level unintelligible intermittent radio content throughout. NO APPARENT CONTENT ON TRACK; although there is some crosstalk bleed from what sounds like RF. All times here reference original tape. Consistent frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. Silence for first 1/2 hour. Some low level CB type signal beginning at around 08:40AM. All times here reference original tape. Consistent frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. Very low level unintelligible intermittent radio content throughout. Low-level bleed from other channels. 9:19:42 is lsttransmission;9:27:33; 9:31:35; 9:45:02; 9:50: 24; 9:53:08; 10:02:03; 10:08:18;10:10:50; 10:12:08. Intermittent transmissions after. All times here reference original tape. Consistent frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. Very low level unintelligible intermittent radio content throughout. First intelligible content is 8:26:09 - 8:27:03. Next is 8:32:20 - 8:33:10. Next is 8:35:42 8:37:00. Next is 8:40:23 - 8:41:20. Next is 8:42:49 - 8:43:30. Next is 8:47:17 and it's continuous from there. All times here reference original tape. Consistent frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. 1st transmission @ 8:46:30- continuous content. Break @ 8:58. Trans® 9:02:00.-intermittent transmissions. Transmission is extended due to conversation. All times here reference original tape. Consistent frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. Mostly phone clicks and line level hum. 9:35:00-short CB-type burst. Very low level intermittent radio content throughout. 10:57:43 phone call (very low level).

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The Magnetic Media Restoration Company

450 West 31st Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10001, Tel: (212) 563 1999 Fax: (212) 563 1994

Job 4620 - 9/11 Commission - PAGE 2 Track Ten


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Track Eleven


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Track Twelve


Track Thirteen


Track Fourteen


Track Fifteen


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Track Sixteen


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Track Seventeen


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Track Eighteen


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Track Nineteen


Track Twenty


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All times here reference original tape. Times are given in time of day based on 12-hour time. Some frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. 8:47:15 first call, other calls until 9:04:09, then nothing until 9:29:20, 9:39:57, 10:01:15 (last call on this track). Loud line noise and tones during some transmissions. All times here reference original tape. Some frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. 1st transmission @ 8:40:55; 1st WTC transmission is @8:45:25. Continuous transmissions follow. Some content similar to 25, 27. Content continues after 11 am. All times here reference original tape. Some frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. NO AUDIO ON THIS TRACK. All times here reference original tape. Some line noise throughout track. Track is silent until 10:57:35. Only one transmission on this track.

All times here reference original tape. Low levels. Brief bursts of radios around 8:09:25. Brief audio bursts 8:51:40, 8:53:46. 8:57:36 - first brief audible transmission. Around 9:06:30 - second transmission. Other sporadic transmissions throughout, mostly one-sided, some unintelligible. All times here reference original tape. Some frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. 1st transmission @8:26:00. Next @8:32:32; 8:34:30; 8:40:09. Intermittent transmissions proceeding. Transmissions are constant after 8:45:30. A lot of content on channel. Intense content on channel. Content continues after 11:00 am. All times here reference original tape. Some frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. 1st transmission @ 8:08:04. 8:11:20; 8:50:12; some unintelligible transmissions on track. A few intermittent transmissions after 8:50:00, but nothing substantial. 10:11:05; 10:18:50; 10:22:22; 10:39:20; 10:42:20; 10:56:32. Not many pertinent transmissions on track All times here reference original tape. Some frequency fluctuating interference and high frequency noise throughout recording. 1st transmission @ 8:32:50; 8:40:52; Transmission @ 8:45:29 continuous on channel. A lot of content on track. Some content the same from track 15. All times here reference original tape. Line hum and noise throughout recording. Dispatcher communications. First transmission @ 8:03:32 (voice checks from different engine companies). 8:47:12 - first transmission from WTC. 8:59:38 - 5th alarm. 9:05:15 - second 5th alarm. Sporadic transmissions throughout. All times here reference original tape. Line hum and noise throughout recording. Low audio level. 8:03:32 - First transmission (voice checks from different engine companies). Content appears to be identical to track 28, with some additional mostly unintelligible transmissions. All times here reference original tape. Line hum and noise throughout recording. Levels are occasionally low. 8:47:22 - First incoming call to Supervising Dispatcher Brenner. Calls come in steadily afterwards for several minutes, then sporadically throughout. Content continues after 11am.

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