Nutshells #81 Oct 08

  • June 2020
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/8 07 UT 0 2 N D th R A ou W A lym P P HI d— S R nar BE eo EM L M hn L Jo NA er: IO G inn E R W


Vote YES for action on pay! At the end of the first month back at work Plymouth teachers received their 2.45% increase. Just how much of an impact will this have on your own rising household bills? Members will be aware that the NUT has already taken action against this pay deal on the grounds that it was well below inflation and that we are also to get below inflation increases for the following two-years. Events since April and especially over the summer period have made matters worse. When NUT members voted to strike last term inflation was 3.8% and rising. Inflation is now 5% so that the prices we pay for goods, services, mortgages and so on are rising at twice the rate of our salaries. In fact even this figure can provide only a partial picture of the problem we all face. For most individuals their

personal inflation rate will be much higher. The incredible rises in energy and fuel costs alone will mean a very difficult winter for many of our members. During the NUT action the Government insisted that we used the wrong measure of inflation. The ‘real’ measure, they claimed, was the consumer price index (CPI). They prefer the CPI because it excludes major costs, like rising mortgages, and is usually lower. At the time of our strike the CPI was 2.2% and, on that basis, they claimed teachers would receive a real increase in pay. The CPI is now 5.2% Even by the government’s chosen measure there is no doubt that teachers are having

their pay and their living standards cut. The School Teachers Review Body had a fresh opportunity to address this problem in July. They had the power to ask the government to look again at our 2008 pay settlement given that inflation was so high. The NUT asked them to do just that. They accepted that inflation was high enough to merit a review and that this would have a significant impact on teachers’ living standards but argued that there was no need for a review [contd over…]

Independent of Government and not affiliated to any political party


It’s still Balls!

VOTE YES Unless we act our real pay will be cut again and again

because there was no evidence of serious problems in recruiting new teachers to the job. Of course we have been demonstrating for years that the major problem for teacher supply isn’t initial recruitment but retention. Thousands of young people continue to be attracted to teaching - only for 50% to leave within 3 years! However, latest figures show that recruitment is now falling behind. For all these reasons the NUT is balloting for further industrial action this term. The ballot opened on October 6th and asks members to support ‘discontinuous’ action. This would allow for more than just a one-day or a halfday strike and would give the Union flexibility to call additional days, half-days or selective action in particular areas. On this timetable the first action would need to take place by November 27th at the latest. You will be fully informed and consulted throughout this period by the local and National Union. The NUT will be working hard to involve the other school unions both teaching and non-teaching, though that is not always within our control. In the meantime we would ask you to be prepared, discuss the issues with colleagues, log-on to the website

VOTE YES as we’re not just fighting for ourselves. A financial crisis means our public services may be cut and wages kept down—our vote can encourage others to take part

and ensure that the evidence and arguments presented here are known widely. There is an excellent PowerPoint presentation on the need to keep our pay to RPI inflation [although this would still be below the salaries of other graduates and do nothing to repair the huge sums lost over the past years due to below inflation “rises” imposed by the government]. Perhaps matters would improve if we were allowed to negotiate with the government on pay [and conditions]. The PP presentation may be found on the NUT website or you may contact [email protected] for a copy.

Even if you are the only NUT member in your school or only a few members wish to take action, you are legally entitled to do so—the decision to take action rests with the individual member—it isn’t a whole-school decision. But please join in the ballot and VOTE YES!

Children need teachers and teachers need decent pay—and we know the money could be found!

Your pay cut this month is 2.55%


David Smale, Plymouth NUT’s Division Secretary said, “I want all our members to vote and vote yes for action, but most of all I want them to vote. Find your ballot paper, read the information, make your decision and post it before the end of the half term break.” Your standard of living is falling and will continue to fall unless you do something about it Your TT should show all PPA periodsit’s the law!

Plymouth Division: [email protected] 01503 240527 Regional Office: [email protected],uk 01392 258028

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