Nutshells #80 Sept 08

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8 7/ 0 20 UT N D AR uth AWymo P l HI — P S R rd BE ona EM e M nL L h NA : Jo IO er G n RE Win THE 80TH EDITION

PUBLIC SECTOR PAY If you believe your salary and that of your co-workers is too high and needs to be cut—do nothing • •


Your pay cut this month is 2.35%

That’s about £17 a week Inflation now 4.8% for a Plymouth teacher on and expected to rise UPS3—and nearly £10 for NUT to ballot for an NQT. How long can you further strike afford to put up with it? action this term

see page 3

Past their sell by date?

That’s right Darling: our pay doesn’t cause inflation "Inflation is caused by price rises in commodities and products—teachers do not affect the prices of anything. Their pay doesn't make petrol more expensive, houses cost more or food prices to rise. Public sector pay usually shadows inflation; it doesn't cause it.” The Governor of the Bank of England and now Alistair Darling MP—Chancellor of the Exchequer at TUC08

Christine Blower in Plymouth in October

THE NUT supported the debate on public sector pay at the 2008 TUC Conferen ce held in Brighton. The NUT alongside other trade unions said we will continue to fight to change the unfair limit of around 2.5%

A member writes: “Is there anything we can do to stop students verbally abusing teachers and TAs? It appears to be getting worse. Answer: YES Your employer has a duty of care to protect you. Staff affected should always complete a VR1 Form when such incidents occur. Copies are available in every staff room—if not contact us immediately.

THE NUT: “We work up to a standard not down to a price” Independent of Government and not affiliated to any political party

Tamarside CC There is nothing a announced its intention to seek trust school can academy status without consulting staff, do that a parents or the wider community school community. Secret meetings remain the couldn’t do now. hallmark of behind the scenes activities for Why deliberately both trust and academy seekers. The add another layer only public meetings of bureaucracy have been held by the alliance of teacher and and remove support staff unions. No community information opposing The AAA Broadsheet will be these changes has been accountability? circulated by schools to delivered to schools—for an parents, staff or electronic version Christine will governors; some see contact details on Page 4 of our packs visit delivered to Plymouth schools have failed to Widewell Trust School attracts schools and the attention of Private Eye... reach NUT Reps. Already some trust-seeking HTs speak at a are asking how soon can trust and they “derecognise” trade unions. Pupils have been academy used to extol the virtues of public meeting in October: trust status without any understanding of what see you there! the changes entail. We believe this to be a wholly TUC affiliates to the reprehensible enterprise and is a Anti-Academies Alliance further example of the We are pleased to announce that prejudiced position trust and academy seekers adopt—if they the TUC has voted to affiliate to had nothing to fear they would the Anti Academies Alliance. have the confidence to allow They join the NUT, NASUWT, balanced information to ATL, UCU, UNISON, FBU, MU be distributed—in conversation with a number of HTs—this has [and parents and LA councillors] We hope this will lead to further always been refused. coordinated campaigning across Partial evidence is undemocratic, making the trade unions against “consultation” a hollow sham trusts & academies.

Academies have reduced maternity benefits, increased the length of the school day and cut school holidays—just thought you’d like to know...

Sinnott Fellowship for secondary school staff announced A unique Fellowship for secondary school staff is to be set up in memory of the late National Union of Teachers’ General Secretary, Steve Sinnott, Children’s Secretary Ed Balls has announced. The Sinnott Fellowship will enable 15 teachers or support staff a year from schools in disadvantaged areas to transform their pupils’ lives through establishing strong, lasting relationships with external organisations in this country and abroad. These could include innovative work and relationships with voluntary and community organisations, further and higher education institutions, neighbouring schools, parents and parenting organisations, and businesses. It will pay for Fellows to be freed from their normal school responsibilities for two days a week, over two terms and will also give them outside support for their projects.

Moved schools? School name changed? Update your membership records at HQ. Call 0845 300 1666

HAVE YOU GOT YOURS? FREE 1GB USB MEMORY STICK for every NQT —just email your membership number and school address to get yours! [email protected]


More from Private Eye on P2

A member writes: “I am a p/t teacher with a TLR. I have similar responsibilities and duties as my f/t colleagues but only get a proportion of the TLR—is this fair?” Answer: NO This could be unlawful discrimination as it appears p/t & f/t colleagues are being treated differently. A simple adjustment Cut outAsk and keep of your hours would cover this. your HT to write to you explaining why you should be paid less.

PLYMOUTH NUT GENERAL MEETING 16th October China House 1730—1830 FREE BUFFET Guest Speaker

A member writes…”One of my PM objectives was to get 75% of my class to level 5 or above in maths—but they didn’t perform well enough to meet this target; can my PM Reviewer stop me getting UPS2 in October?” Answer: NO Pupil progress measured in this numerical way does not appear in the PM Regs that came in last year so your Reviewer would be hard-pressed to cite a source to block your progress to UPS2. The PM Regs place a responsibility on the Reviewer to make sure that a teacher eligible for UPS progress works with them throughout the PM cycle to achieve the desired goal. If your Reviewer doesn’t recommend you for UPS2 they will have to put everything in writing and there are various procedures you can follow to appeal the decision.

Your TT should show all PPA periodsit’s the law!

Plymouth Division: [email protected] 01503 240527 Regional Office: [email protected],uk 01392 258028

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