Nutshells #76 Feb 08

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Pay Ballot Special Edition The 76th Newsletter For ALL Plymouth NUT Members February 2008

Vote YES in the NUT strike ballot Dear Colleague,

llot. The the NUT pay strike ba in S YE te vo to u yo ctor workers by We’re writing to urge trick on ALL public se n co a g tin ra et rp n; the pe Government is w measure of inflatio lo ly al ici tif ar an to e renc setting wages by refe mpaign to resist this. r Prices Index) strike is part of the ca sure is the CPI (Consume ea m ion lat inf d re ou ve fav The Government’s e are proposals to remo er th ; es tax cil un co d an e, rent appear which excludes mortgag ar future to make inflation ne e th in ex ind s thi m fro etail Prices transport and fuel costs e well-established RPI (R th t bu 2% 2. ly nt rre cu is even lower. The CPI t catch Index) is now 4.1%. ore years at 2.3% will no m 2 by d we llo fo e tim s onth ar settlement A 2.45% pay rise in 6 m y. This imposed multi-ye da y er ev y pa to ve ha others in the up with the prices we rd working teachers and Ha t. cu y pa r ea -y stics -on ar on teachers is a ye ment’s own National Stati rn ve Go e Th t. en em ttl se fairer wage rises public sector deserve a ge negotiations. Indeed, wa for ed us e ur as me e r figure. office states the RPI is th consistent with the highe tes ra at ing as re inc e ar interest rate for in the private sector ions and for setting the ns pe g tin -ra up for ed sed on us The RPI is also teacher pensions are ba e us ca be e, or erm rth Fu ). never catching up student loans (now 4.8% er level on retirement— low a at s ion ns pe r ou salary, low pay fixes ke action with the cost of living. sons why we have to ta rea the ng ini pla ex u yo to Steve Sinnott has written ars. r pay over the next 3 ye ou of lue va e th ct ote pr n and we are now to xt phase in the campaig ne e th is ike str y da t is the eThe ballot for a on union’s ballot. This ballo e th to gly on str nd po will res ike is confident that members ry 28th; the one day str ua br Fe on s gin be d an first in over twenty years ursday 24th April. ow vote YES! expected to be held on Th the NUT members you kn all re su e ak m to n ca u Please do all yo

Wtä|w fÅtÄx

Division Secretary

Barrie Frost

mber National Executive Me


JOIN THE NUT 0207 380 6366 or online at www.teachers. or 0845 300 1669



MAKE SURE YOU USE YOUR VOTE! The National Union of Teachers Independent of Government and not affiliated to any political party

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