Numerical Optimization Of An Active Voltage Controller For Series Igbts

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Numerical Optimization of an Active Voltage Controller for Series IGBTs A.T. Bryant and Y. Wang

S.J. Finney and T.C. Lim

P.R. Palmer

Department of Engineering Cambridge University Trumpington Street Cambridge, UK CB2 1PZ [email protected] [email protected]

School of Engineering and Physical Sciences Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, UK EH14 4AS [email protected]

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of British Columbia 2356 Main Mall Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4 [email protected]

Abstract—Feedback control of IGBTs in the active region can be used to regulate the device switching trajectory. This facilitates series connection of devices without the use of external snubber networks. Control must be achieved across the full active region of the IGBT and must balance a number of conflicting system goals including diode recovery. To date, the choice of control parameters has been a largely empirical process. This paper uses accurate device models and formalised optimization procedures to evaluate IGBT active voltage controllers. A detailed optimization for the control of IGBT turnon is presented in this paper.

I. INTRODUCTION CTIVE voltage control (AVC) has been shown to provide an effective solution to the series connection of IGBTs. A high speed feedback loop is used to force the collector-emitter voltage to follow a pre-defined reference. By this means voltage sharing and dv/dt control are achieved without the need for bulky snubber networks [1-3]. Investigations have shown that a complex series of tradeoffs are implicit in the design of the IGBT controller [4]. Increased feedback loop gain and reduced gate resistance improve reference tracking but can result in oscillations and loss of voltage sharing. Diode power loss and over-voltage associated with IGBT turn-on can be reduced by slowing the switching reference, at the cost of increased IGBT switching losses. This last issue is particularly important for bridge leg applications where complementary IGBT voltage sharing must be maintained [5]. Design of AVC by means of small signal models and control theory is limited by the fact that linearised IGBT parameters are strongly operating point dependent. In this paper these issues are addressed through the use of an optimization approach that uses full non-linear models and balances the conflicting system requirements.


II. CIRCUIT AND CONTROLLER MODELLING A chopper cell was modelled in order to evaluate the AVC performance, shown in fig. 1. The IGBT and diode models are based on those developed using a Fourier-series-based solution of the ambipolar diffusion equation (ADE) [6,7]. These compact, physics-based models offer an accurate solution of the device physics. They have been developed for use in both PSpice and MATLAB/Simulink.

0-7803-9033-4/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE.










AFB 1+s/ωFB

+ -


AOP 1+s/ωOP







Fig. 1. Chopper cell circuit used in simulation, showing the AVC control model.

A. Device Models In this work the optimization algorithm runs within MATLAB, hence the Simulink models were used [7]. A simplified block diagram of the IGBT model is shown in fig. 2. The carrier storage region (CSR) is the heart of the nonlinear model. Its carrier dynamics are governed by the ambipolar diffusion equation (ADE) describing the behaviour of the excess carrier density p(x,t):


∂ 2 p ( x, t ) p ( x, t ) ∂p ( x, t ) = + τ ∂t ∂x 2


In the Fourier-based solution the excess carrier density is expressed as a Fourier series in space, which transforms the ADE into a set of ODEs [6]. The boundary conditions of the CSR – necessary to solve the ADE – are defined by other aspects of the device behaviour, for example the collector current IC, the depletion layer width, the MOSFET current and the P+ emitter recombination current. In turn, these depend on the boundary values solved using the Fourier series, which are also used to determine the collector-emitter voltage VCE. The device models used in this paper were based on a 1700V/400A NPT IGBT/diode pair, previously parameterized using methods described in [8,9].

2 Ic Saturation


Vpn f(u)

PN jnc e- injection

Currents X2

pv ect Ic

px1 Ic


pv ect



Carrier storage region







Drift region resistance


Depletion layer width

Feedback gain

Vds Id




s 1e-9s+1

Displacement current


Miller cap Vmos Vge



Vge 2







Gate: Miller cap and Cge


Kelvin emitter inductance Le

dIg/dt 1 dIc/dt

Fig. 2. Simulink IGBT model, with labels showing the functions of the various blocks.

B. AVC Model The active voltage controller works by comparing the collector voltage VCE with a reference voltage VREF to control it during switching. VREF is generated within the AVC gate drive, and has specific characteristics tailored for switching IGBTs in series [1-5]. The form of VREF is shown in fig. 3. The turn-off phase is characterised by an initial preconditioning step, necessary to allow the inevitably mismatched series-connected devices sufficient time to reach the active region where their voltages may be controlled easily. The main ramp then follows, during which the voltage is controlled until it reaches the supply voltage VDC and the freewheel diode can turn on. The turn-on phase is characterised by an initial slowlydecreasing ramp, which allows the series-connected devices to commence turn-on together. A steeper ramp then follows to ensure the voltage decreases quickly, allowing rapid completion of switching to avoid excessive turn-on energy losses. The controller is also shown in fig. 1. The feedback circuit, effectively a potential divider which reduces the large collector voltage to a suitable level for use in the control circuit, has a cutoff frequency of ωFB and a gain of AFB. The op-amp buffer – realized in the gate drive with a widebandwidth op-amp – has a cutoff frequency of ωOP and a gain of AOP. This drives the gate circuit with stray inductance LG and resistance RG. VREF VOFF


time tRISE


III. OPTIMIZATION OF AVC PERFORMANCE The AVC gate drive is optimized using a formal numerical optimization algorithm [7,9]. This finds the optimum design by varying system parameters (e.g. component values, controller gains or reference waveform characteristics) and evaluating the system performance. In addition to the optimization algorithm, a suitable function must be found to quantify the performance of the system to allow the evaluation to proceed automatically. Since the evaluation relies on simulation of the system, this function must process the simulation results to obtain the performance metric.



Fig. 3. Reference waveform VREF used to control the collector voltage VCE.


A. Optimization Algorithm Optimization techniques rely on finding the minimum of an objective function. This is specific to a particular problem, and must be a function of the system parameters. The optimum set of parameter values will give the minimum objective function (e.g. finding the minimum power dissipation by varying circuit parameters). Locating a minimum relies on the method of steepest descent. For analytic objective functions, the gradient can be calculated at any point, so methods for such problems usually rely on evaluating a Hessian matrix. Here, the objective function is not an analytic function of the parameters, as is the case here, and direct search algorithms must be used [10,11]. Therefore the objective function must be evaluated at points surrounding the current position in the parameter space. In optimization of the AVC gate drive, the possible objectives include minimum device power dissipation and the error between the reference and collector voltage waveforms. These cannot be expressed as analytic functions of the parameters (gate resistance, feedback gain, etc.). According to the Hooke and Jeeves Search [11], shown in fig. 4, after evaluating the objective function at points surrounding the current (base) point, a move in a particular direction is made. The search algorithm then tests to see if further movement in the same direction would give another reduction in the objective function. This is known as a pattern move. The search is terminated when there is no further improvement in objective function by moving in any direction. B. Performance Evaluation An evaluation function was created to return key performance indicators, such as diode and IGBT power dissipation, switching times and switching energy losses, peak diode reverse recovery voltage overshoot and the error between the reference and collector voltages. Any of these may be combined and weighted as required to form the objective function. Ideally multiple objectives would be handled using a more advanced optimization algorithm [12] capable of generating trade-off curves from which designers can draw conclusions regarding the compromises in performance. The diode and IGBT power dissipations are the average power dissipations over one complete switching cycle, calculated using the total energy dissipation during this period. The diode peak recovery voltage overshoot is simply found by searching for the most negative diode voltage during the IGBT turn-on/diode turn-off switching event.

A. Optimization of Power Dissipation and Diode Voltage The profile P1 and the gate resistance RG were then optimized (optimization (1)) to minimise the power dissipation over the whole switching cycle, giving profile P2. Fig. 7 shows the waveforms for profiles P1 and P2. The optimization has effectively caused the devices to operate under hard switching. The power dissipation values PDISS before and after optimization are given in table II.

Accepted increment Rejected increment Accepted pattern move Rejected pattern move Base point Pattern move point



Fig. 4. Example of the Hook & Jeeves direct search with two variables.

C. Gate Drive Turn-On Optimization The gate drive optimization concentrated on optimizing the reference voltage (VREF) turn-on profile and gate resistance (RG), both to reduce the total (IGBT+diode) power losses and to minimise the peak snubberless diode recovery voltage overshoot (VRM). The need to maintain low losses is important since the turn-on of the IGBT may incur large losses. The requirement to reduce the diode peak recovery voltage is necessary to reduce the tendency for the freewheel diode to ‘snap’ during turn-off; indeed it has been found experimentally [5] that forcing slower VREF ramps during IGBT turn-on significantly reduces the diode peak recovery voltage. These are generally conflicting requirements. These objectives may be combined into one using a weighted sum. The power dissipation is close to 1kW, and the peak recovery voltage is 1-2 times the supply voltage. Hence it was decided to make the objective for some optimizations equal to a simple sum of the power dissipation in kW and the relative peak recovery voltage |VRM/VDC|:


IV. RESULTS Figs. 5 and 6 show experimental waveforms from the AVC gate drive and corresponding simulation waveforms. These demonstrate the action of the controller during turn-on and turn-off respectively. The feedback gain AFB was set to 1/30. The supply voltage was 290V and the load current was 113A. The controller uses the original profile P1 as given in table I.


3 × IC

300 200 100




-100 -200


-300 -3


-1 Time (µs)




Fig. 5. Experimental (dotted) and simulated (solid black) waveforms for turnon with the original profile (P1) at 290V and 113A. 500


D. Implementation MATLAB is an ideal environment in which to implement this algorithm. Objective function evaluation consists of running the simulation in Simulink (using a MATLAB function call) and analysing the data within MATLAB. This must occur each time the objective function is required, i.e. once for every point in the search space. Errors in simulation are ignored; these generally involve lack of convergence or excessive simulation times (indicating that the particular simulation is unlikely to produce a result). This is achieved by setting their objective function evaluations to infinity.


-400 -4


3 × IC

300 200 100 0 -100 -200


-300 -400 16



19 Time (µs)




Fig. 6. Experimental (dotted) and simulated (solid black) waveforms for turnoff with the original profile (P1) at 290V and 113A. 600 500

VCE (V), VREF (V), VAK (V), 3 × IC (A)

Start point

VCE (V), VREF (V), VAK (V), 3 × IC (A)


VCE (V), VREF (V), VAK (V), 3 × IC (A)


400 300 200


3 × IC


100 0 -100 -200 -300


-400 -500 -1



2 Time (µs)




Fig. 7. Optimization (1): simulation waveforms for optimized and original profiles (P2, solid, and P1, dotted, respectively).



VFALL 185V 240V 180V 180V 204V 180V

RG 3.9Ω 10.9Ω 10.9Ω 10.9Ω 11Ω 11Ω

TABLE II OPTIMIZATION RESULTS Start End PDISS* Index IL (A) Profile Profile start end 1 P1 P2 113 2.04 1.20 2 P2 P3 113 1.20 1.38 3 P3 P4 50 0.60 0.52 *: Objective function consists of values shown in bold.


VCE (V), VREF (V), VAK (V), 6 × IC (A)

tON 1.1µs 0.6µs 0.3µs 0.2µs 0.7µs 0.6µs

|VRM/VDC|* start end 1.00 1.65 1.65 1.00 1.01 1.00

B. Effects of Optimization at Reduced Load Current The effect of reducing the load current to 50A is shown in fig. 9. The original profile, P1, and P3, that optimized for minimum power dissipation and diode voltage at the higher load current, are shown. Profile P3 is then optimized further (optimization (3)) for power dissipation and diode voltage at the reduced load current, giving profile P4. Fig. 10 shows the simulation waveforms for profiles P3 and P4. C. Practical Validation of Optimization Trends The reference voltage generator used in these experiments did not allow arbitrary profiles to be generated. However, some adjustment of the profile was possible. Therefore, the optimum profiles for 113A and 50A, P3 and P4 respectively, were modified to allow practical implementation, resulting in the creation of profiles P5 and P6 for 113A and 50A respectively, given in table I. A comparison of the original profile P1 with P3–P6 is shown in fig. 11. 600

VCE (V), VREF (V), V AK (V), 3 × IC (A)


300 200


3 × IC


6 × IC


200 100 0 -100 -200 -300








600 500


400 300

6 × IC


200 100 0 -100 -200 -300


-400 -500 -1



2 Time (µs)




Fig. 10. Optimization (3): simulation waveforms at reduced current (50A), with the profile optimised for 50A (P4, solid) and that for 113A (P3, dotted). 350 300 Original profile (P1)

250 200 150 100 50 0 -50

Optimum profile 113A (P3) Practical profile 113A (P5) Optimum profile 50A (P4)

Practical profile 50A (P6) -150 -1 0 1


2 Time (µs)

Fig. 9. Simulation waveforms for reduced current operation (50A), with the original profile P1 (dotted) and the profile optimized for 113A (P3, solid).



2 Time (µs)




Fig. 11. Comparison of profiles used in validation of optimization trends.

-200 -300


-400 -500 -1


-500 -1

Profile P2 was then optimized further (optimization (2)) by minimising the weighted sum of the power dissipation PDISS and the diode peak reverse recovery voltage VRM. The simulation waveforms for the resulting profile, P3, are shown in fig. 8, compared with those for P2. Values for PDISS and |VRM/VDC| are given in table I.





VCE (V), VREF (V), VAK (V), 6 × IC (A)

tFALL 3.5µs 1.75µs 2.25µs 1.75µs 2.6µs 1.76µs

Reference voltage VREF (V)

Profile P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6



2 Time (µs)




Fig. 8. Optimization 2: simulation waveforms for the further optimized profile P3 (including diode voltage, solid), compared with those for profile P2 (dashed).


Figs. 12 and 13 show the experimental and simulation waveforms for turn-on and turn-off respectively for profile P5. The supply voltage VDC is 283V and the load current is 100A. Similar waveforms are shown for the reduced load current of 50A, with a supply voltage of 290V and profile P6, in figs. 14 and 15 for turn-on and turn-off respectively.




300 200

VCE (V), VREF (V), VAK (V), 6 × IC (A)

VCE (V), VREF (V), VAK (V), 3 × IC (A)



100 0 -100 -200 -300


-400 -4



-1 Time (µs)



VCE (V), VREF (V), VAK (V), 3 × IC (A)

3 × IC

200 100




-100 -200


-300 -400 17



20 Time (µs)




Fig. 13. Experimental (dotted) and simulated (solid black) waveforms for turn-off with the practical profile (P5) at 283V and 100A.

VCE (V), VREF (V), VAK (V), 6 × IC (A)

500 400 300 200


6 × IC


100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 -4

VAK -3



100 0


-100 -200


-300 19


21 Time (µs)




Fig. 15. Experimental (dotted) and simulated (solid black) waveforms for turn-off with the practical profile (P6) at 290V and 50A.

V. DISCUSSION The results shown in section IV show that the simulation captures the behaviour of the AVC gate drive correctly. The turn-on waveforms in fig. 5 and the corresponding turn-off waveforms in fig. 6 exhibit the expected characteristics of the AVC gate drive, including the preconditioning step and good voltage following during switching. The two stage turn-on profile results in the diode switching off significantly before the IGBT collector voltage has reached its on-state value.



6 × IC


-400 18


Fig. 12. Experimental (dotted) and simulated (solid black) waveforms for turn-on with the practical profile (P5) at 283V and 100A.





Time (µs)




Fig. 14. Experimental (dotted) and simulated (solid black) waveforms for turn-on with the practical profile (P6) at 290V and 50A.


A. Optimization of Power Dissipation and Diode Voltage Optimization (1) varies the reference voltage turn-on profile to obtain the minimum overall power dissipation (diode and IGBT combined throughout one switching cycle). As expected this effectively removes active control of the gate, forcing the IGBT into hard switching. The peak diode reverse recovery voltage thus becomes large in magnitude, as is evident from fig. 7. This shows that the optimization correctly determines that hard switching produces the minimum losses. However, the loss of control over the IGBT is not attractive when switching series-connected devices, because they may switch at different times and cause a severe voltage imbalance. The reintroduction of a large diode peak reverse recovery voltage is also unattractive. Optimization (2) improves on this by reducing the diode peak reverse recovery voltage, shown in fig. 8. This is achieved by delaying the second, steeper slope until the diode peak reverse recovery current has just been reached. The development of the diode reverse voltage is then tracked by the reduction in IGBT collector voltage, thus eliminating diode reverse recovery overshoot voltage. This second slope also acts to turn on the IGBT quickly to reduce the power losses. The power dissipation is still included in the objective function in optimization (2) so that the gains made in optimization (1) are not lost. Although the values in table II show that the power dissipation increases from 1.20kW to 1.38kW, the total objective function value decreases from 2.85 to 2.38. Clearly a limited sacrifice in power dissipation is beneficial in improving the apparent overall system

performance. However, it should be stressed that the choice of weighting between power dissipation and diode peak reverse recovery voltage depends ultimately on the application. Different weightings would give rise to correspondingly different optimum profiles. It should be noted from table I that the gate resistance RG also increases from 3.9Ω to 10.9Ω in the optimizations. The principal effect of this is to delay the onset of turn-off during the pre-conditioning step, shown in figs. 6, 13 and 15. During this period the collector voltage is in the range of at least tens of volts, with the full load current flowing through the device, contributing significantly to the power dissipation. Delaying the increase in VCE with larger values of RG therefore reduces PDISS. An increased value of RG also improves stability. These waveforms may be considered ideal.

factor has the disadvantage of increasing the tracking error between VCE and VREF during switching. In such cases, the optimization algorithm could be used to improve the tracking (by reducing the mean error) and to decrease the chance of oscillation (by reducing the variance of the error). Using the mean squared error as the objective function in this case would be suitable. In practical systems, there is a string of series-connected IGBTs. Since there will always be an inherent variation in IGBT parameters, such as leakage current and threshold voltage, the ability of a gate drive to maintain control of the device may vary across the string. Simulation of a whole series string and the subsequent application of robust optimization methods would be a valuable asset in determining the reliability of the system performance.

B. Effects of Optimization at Reduced Load Current Unfortunately the operation of the controller optimized for 113A varies noticeably at the reduced load current of 50A; the smaller current allows switching to occur more quickly. Therefore the diode has recovered before the IGBT collector voltage reaches its on-state value, as is shown in fig. 9. Nevertheless, it is still an improvement on the original profile, also shown in fig. 9. Optimization (3), shown in fig. 10, further improves the combined objective of power dissipation and diode peak reverse recovery voltage at 50A by making the profile steeper. In addition to the profile becoming steeper, the duration of the first slope (tFALL) is also reduced, so that, as with optimization (2), the diode recovers just as the reference voltage is falling. Undoubtedly the synchronisation is very attractive.

VI. CONCLUSIONS The numerical optimization method outlined in this paper has been shown to be an effective method of improving the performance of the AVC gate drive. The gate resistance and voltage reference profile during turn-on were varied to improve the performance of the controller during IGBT turnon.

C. Practical Validation of Optimization Trends The validation of the simulations is proven by the comparisons with corresponding experimental results in figs. 12-15. The matching is close, although there is a small error in the diode recovery voltage. While the practical profiles are not identical to the optimized profiles, they do show that the model is sufficiently accurate for prediction of controller performance at several conditions. These waveforms suggest that it is highly likely that the matching would also be good for the optimized profiles. In any case, since the optimized profiles (P3, P4) depend on the weighting applied, they are not uniquely optimal; therefore exact matching of the practical profile to the optimized profile when validating the simulations is not of critical importance. D. Further work The AVC optimization would benefit greatly from the use of a multiple-objective optimization algorithm, e.g. [12]. This would avoid the need for a weighting, and allow the designer to judge quickly the optimum trade-off. Optimization across multiple conditions [13], particularly the load current and temperature, would also be useful in ensuring a robust controller design. As observed experimentally and in simulation, there is a strong tendency for the controller to oscillate at high feedback gains (with AFB greater than approximately 1/30), which are required for low-voltage operation. Increasing the damping


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