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WORD ORDER 1.1 WRITE IN ORDER THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES - Heavily/ raining/ it / was / yesterday _____________________________________________________________ - Take/ the / at/ they / quarter to five/ bus _____________________________________________________________ - Usually/ is/ that / friend/ your/ in / shop _____________________________________________________________ - Good/ there/ / fim / is/ in / this / weekend/ / cinema/ a/ the _____________________________________________________________

1.2 ASK QUESTIONS FOR THESE ANSWERS FIRST REMEMBER: WHAT: __________________ WHICH: __________________ WHO: ______________ WHEN: __________________ WHERE: __________________

WHY: ______________

WHOSE: __________________ HOW: ____________________ HOW OFTEN: _________ HOW MUCH: _______________ HOW MANY: _______________ HOW FAR: ____________ HOW FAST: ____________________ HOW OLD: __________________ HOW LONG: ______ WHAT TIME: __________________________ I went to Susan’s house yesterday __________________________________________ Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliete____________________________________ They went to Rome to study the architecture there. __________________________________________ 4. She prefers white wine to red. __________________________________________ 5. They’re going to Scotland this summer. ______________________________________ 6. Dave loves Susan. ___________________________________________________ 7. 7. Nothing happened. _____________________________________ 8. They’re going to Venice by train. __________________________________________ 9. It took them 30 years to build the bridge. __________________________________________ 10. 10. Stephen King has written over 40 novels. __________________________________ 1. 2. 3.


He lives in a house. They work in an office. They’re eating at the moment. Shakespeare wrote novels.

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

5. Anne has got three dogs. 6. We’ve been to Africa. 7. He can play the piano very well. 8. The train left at six. 9. I found the books I wanted. 10. He’s going to buy a new car. 11. They were cleaning the windows yesterday afternoon.

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

1.4 POSITION OF ADJECTIVES IN A SENTENCE Adjectives generally precede the nouns they modify: She bought a green dress. I caught an early train. When more than one adjective precedes the noun, there is usually a precise order: opinion


a magnificent 18th-century


colour origin



brown French mahogany table


It is unusual, however, to find so many adjectives in the same sentence. (See Unit 6 for more about adjectives). Write the adjectives in the following sentences in the correct order. 1. 2. 3. 4.

brown / a pair of / leather / shoes / dirty _________________________________________________ yellow / some / long / curtains / cotton _________________________________________________ shirt / white / a / Italian / beautiful / silk _________________________________________________ antique / an / teapot / silver _________________________________________________ 5. authentic / typewriter / an / Victorian _________________________________________________

2. VERB TENSES (REVISION) IDENTIFY THE VERB TENSES: PRESENT, PAST OR FUTURE - we will go to Madrid - she is staying in my house - we visited Barcelona - did you arrive early? - what are you going to do? - he was learning a new martial art.

2.1 Choose the correct form and pay attention to the time expression. 1. What (are you doing/do you do) under the table? What’s the matter? 2. Where (is he going / does he go) every day with that suitcase? 3. I (am reading / read) a fascinating book in this period. 4. They (aren’t working / do not work) at the moment. 5. (Is it raining / does it rain) hard? – I need to go out.

2.2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. stay is thinking


doesn’t think

are taking

do you have


is having

is speaking

is staying

1. She _____________________ about buying a car. 2. We ______________________ 2 exams next week. 3. We always __________________ in a hotel when we are on holiday. 4. ________________________ a computer in your office? 5. She ____________________ at the conference next week. 6. He __________________________ with his friends during the holidays. 7. She _________________________ it’s a good idea. 8. I __________________________ the bus every day. 9. He _________________________ a bath at the moment. 10. She _________________ French and German fluently. WHILE/WHEN Exercise 26 Match the sentences and insert while or when. 1. I was driving … a. we saw the strange man. 2. He was cooking … b. they were listening to Jazz. 3. They were having a drink… c. I had an accident. 4. We were leaving the theatre… d. he cut himself. 5. She fell asleep… e. she was watching the film.

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

PAST PROGRESSIVE / PAST SIMPLE Exercise 27 Write the verbs in the past progressive or past simple form. 1. When I last ___________ (see) him, he ___________ (run) along the street. 2. Jane _________ (wait) for me when I ___________ (arrive) late last night. 3. Mike __________ (not / believe) me when I __________ (tell) him the news. 4. While I __________ (tidy) up my room, I _________ (find) some old letters. 5. What _________ (you / do) when I ___________ (phone) you this morning






EXPRESSING FUTURE WILL / ´ll ---------------------- futuro lejano ( next year, in the future, in 2018, …) Decisiones espontaneas

BE GOING TO ------------------- futuro intermedio (intención de hacer algo) ( next month, next summer, …) PRESENT CONTINUOUS ------ futuro inmediato (planes) (tonight, this evening , this weekend, tomorrow, …)

a) FUTURE WITH will 1. I ____________________________ (not be) with my family. 2. ________________________ (she/ meet) my friends? 3. We ____________________________ (play) football on the beach. 4. I _______________________________(not swim). 5. We __________________________________ (have) a great time!

B) Be going to 1. __________ __________________________(you / go) to school on Friday? 2. Next week you __________________________ use the computer. 3. You ______________________________(not) use the internet. 4. _____________________________________(We/ finish)at three o´clock. 5. Chris ________________________________ design websites.

C) Complete the following sentences with will or going to. 1. I can’t lift this box. OK. I ………………………. help you. (will / am going to) 2. I don’t think that she ………………………….. recognize me. (will / is going to) 3. Careful! You ……………………….. fall. (will / are going to) 4. She …………………………….. graduate next year. (will / is going to) 5. The flight ………………………….. at 9 pm. (departs / will depart)



My sister is two years __________ than me. a) young

b) so young

c) younger

d) the youngest

2. Do you know what __________ animal in the world is? a) slow

b) slow as

c) slower

d) the slowest

3. I think spring is _________ season of the year. a) beautiful

b) very beautiful

c) more beautiful

d) the most beautiful

4. Maths is _____________ to me than biology. a) important

b) so important

c) more important

d) the most important

5. Helen is __________ ballet dancer in our city. a) good

b) good as

c) better

d) the best

6. That test was ___________ than the previous one last week. a) difficult

b) so difficult

c) more difficult d) the most difficult

7. Tom has got __________ message from his parents. a) long

b) long as

c) longer

d) the longest

8. English is ____________ for me than Chinese. a) easy

b) very easy

c) easier

d) the easiest

9. My phone is ___________ than my sister’s phone. a) expensive

b) so expensive

c) more expensive d) the most expensive

10. Last winter was ___________ winter in our country. a) cold

b) cold as

c ) colder

d) the coldest

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets: 1. Brad is by far _________________________ (attractive) boy in town. 2. My friends arrived _______________________ (early) we expected. 3. My dad is _________________________(hard-working) person that I know. 4.. Who is ______________________ (rich) man in the world? 5.Travelling by plane is _______________ (fast) and _______________safe) travelling by train. 6. Jennifer Aniston is ________________________ (good-looking) Angelina Jolie. 7. His mother is much _______________________ (old) I thought. 8. Ben is ______________________ (bad) golfer in the world. 9. Tom is __________________ (short) and __________________(fat) his brother. 10. His new novel is __________________________ (exciting) his previous one.

CONFUSING VERBS A) big, great, high, large or tall – Choose the correct answer. 1 There is a nice_____________ house with a garden. 2. Albert Eintsein was a_______________ physicist. 3 She is a very_______________ child for her age. 4 A _________________ rate of inflation makes exports uncompetitive. 5 My mother is six feet__________________ . 6 He is making a____________________ mistake. 7 Can you see the _________________ trees behind the lake? 8 The city has a ________________ level of pollution. 9 This pullover isn't ___________________ enough. 10 My grandfather lived to a ________________ age.

borrow or lend? – Choose the correct word. 1 Could you_________________me some money, please? 2 Some pupils can ______________________ books from their school. 3 Will you_____________________ me your umbrella till tomorrow? 4 Should I ____________________him my football? 5 You may___________________ my bike, but be careful. 6 Could I ____________________ your cup? 7 You can____________________ your book to Steve. 8 Why do students _______________________ so much money from their parents? 9 Peter won't __________________ his car to anyone. 10 Will your mother_____________________ you some money? Fill in the words bring or take in their right forms into the gaps. 1 ______________________ this book to the library, please. 2 Could you ________________ me some water, please? 3 He often _________________ his sister to her aunt. 4 When you come to my party, don't forget to ________________ something to drink. 5 Is Peter _________________ Steve to my party? 6 He is ________________ out the rubbish now. 7 Can you ____________________ the CD to your uncle, please?

8 My husband often _____________________ flowers when he comes home. 9 Would you ________________ this to the shop for me? 10 Can you ________________ the car to the garage on Wednesday?

do, go or play? – Choose the correct words. ____________ swimming

______________ table-tennis

________________ athletics

____________ jogging

________________ hiking

________________ handball

____________ judo

_________________ surfing

_________________ a crossword

______________ a game

do, have, make or take – Choose the correct word. Please ___________ your homework this afternoon. Hey Mark! You've _______________ a mistake. Do you_______________ sugar in your coffee? Did you _______________ a good trip? We ________________ turns in throwing the dice. Would you ________________ the shopping for me? My sister Lisa is __________________ much progress with her French. Did Alice __________________ this photo? Has your brother _________________the washing-up yet? You'll _________________ a lot of fun in New York

much, many – a little, a few 1 __________________stars are there in the sky? 2 __________________ people live on islands? 3 __________________ birds are there? 4 ___________________ water is in the ocean? 5 ___________________ money is in a bank? 6 ___________________ countries are there in the world? 7 ___________________ bread is eaten per day? 8 ___________________ bones are there in the human body? 9 ___________________ sand is in the deserts? 10 __________________information is on the internet?

it's or its? – Choose the correct word. 1. What's the time? _____________ ten past twelve.

2 Put the CD in ______________ place, please. 3 My hometown is famous for ________________ old buildings. 4 I can't find my budgie, I think ________________ flown away. 5 Peter, ________________never too late to learn how to play the piano. 6 The wolf made ______________ way close to our house. 7 __________________ been raining for five hours. 8 I'm interested in Denmark and_______________ people. 9 I think _______________nice to have a dog. 10 Look at the horse! ________________ hurt hoof.

life, live or lives? – Choose the correct answer. 1 Do you believe in ______________ after death? 2 Three ______________ were lost in the fire. 3 Do you like to_______________ in the North? 4 Have you bought the DVD with the __________________ recording of the U2 concert? 5 Where do you_____________________ ? 6 Peter still____________________ with his parents. 7 Have you ever seen a real ______________ scorpion? 8 My father's words have lived with me all my ______________________ 9 Who _________________________ in the city centre? 10 My great-grandfather lost his _______________________ in World War II

look, see or watch? – Choose the correct word. 1 You can't_______________ far in this fog. 2 Denny and Phil ___________________ good tonight. 3 Did you __________________ Coronation Street yesterday evening? 4 _________________ out for pickpockets. 5 Can you __________________the blue car on the left? 6 _____________________ you tomorrow, if nothing comes in between. 7 It _________________ like rain, doesn't it? 8 Oh yes, I _____________________what you mean.

9 Hey, what's wrong? You_____________________ really unhappy. 10 I'm afraid, Linda has to__________________ the doctor.

make or do? – Choose the correct answer. to________________ a journey

to___________________ the shopping

to________________ the beds

to___________________ fun of someone

to________________ an exercise

to____________________ one's best

to _______________ a speech

to____________________ a good job

to________________ a mistake

to ___________________ the homework

to _______________ someone a favor

to ___________________ a bargain

to _______________ an examination

to ___________________ a complaint

to ________________ progress

to ___________________ the washing up

to __________________ money

to ___________________a reservation

to __________________ harm to someone

to ___________________ a decision

say or tell? – Choose the correct answer. 1.Can you______________ me the way to the station, please? 2.He didn't___________________ a word. 3.She ___________________ her name was Sue. 4.Let me__________________ you something about my hobbies. 5.Forget everything I________________ just_________________ . 6.Why didn't you__________________ him that before? 7l.Why didn't you _________________ that before? 8.They __________________ nothing to me. 9.You don't need to ____________________ us that. 10 What did Eric _________________ when he saw the new bike?

since or for – Choose the correct answer. _____________Easter

______________two weeks

_____________ last summer ______________ 1999 _______________a few minutes _______________ 6 o'clock

_____________ my birthday ____________ ten days

_______________1st April ______________ a long time __________________as long as I can remember

______________three days

_______________my childhood

______________ ten years

_____________ I was Young

_______________ New Year's Eve


there, their or they're 1 Where are your parents? _______________ out. 2 The children did ______________ homework yesterday afternoon. 3 _________________ is a cat in the garden. 4 The boys are playing football with ______________ball. 5 Where are the CDs? ___________________ in the box. 6 _________________ brother is a car mechanic. 7 Have you seen my book? - Yes, it's over __________________ 8 .Mandy and Tom are waiting for __________________ mother. 9 We went to London and stayed _________________ for two weeks. 10 They have forgotten to brush ____________________ teeth.

Choose this, that, these or those. 1.Look at________________ newspaper here. 2 _________________ are my grandparents, and ___________people over there are my friend's grandparents. 3 _______________ building over there is the Chrysler Building. 4 _____________ is my mobile phone and _______________is your mobile phone on the shelf over there. 5 _______________ photos here are much better tan_________________ photos on the book. 6__________________ was a great evening. 7 Are ______________ your pencils here? 8 _____________ bottle over there is empty. 9 ____________ bricks over there are for your chimney. 10 John, take_______________ folder and put it on the desk over there.

to, too or two? – Choose the correct words. 1 This is my first visit __________ Australia. 2 The second hamburger was ___________ much for me. 3 I usually go______________ school at 10 8. 4 May I borrow this book for a week or ____________ ? 5 We have been ____________Rome and Milan, . 6 This pizza is ____________ hot eat.

7 My mum has lost the keys of our house________. 8 It's late __________ play computer games now. 9 The score at the end of the match was ____________ one. 10 I'm going_______________ a party tonight. Would you like ____________ come ?

were, where, we're or wear? 1 ______________ have you been? 2 They often __________________ blue jeans. 3 I don't know ________________ John is from. 4 The children ________________ playing computer games from seven to nine. 5 _______________ having toast for breakfast. 6 The hotel __________________ we stayed was near the beach. 7 What you _________________doing before you came here? 8 Jeff asked me _________________ he should put his essay. 9 You should _____________ a tuxedo for this formal dinner. 10 She asked ______________ Jane and Sue_______________ .

Decide whether What or Which is correct? 1 ______________colour is your pencil case? 2 ______________ picture did Henry paint, the left one or the right one? 3 ______________ language does Mr Miller teach, French or Italian? 4 ______________ hobbies does your friend have? 5 ______________ subject do you like better, Art or Music? 6 _______________car is faster, the red one or the blue one? 7 _______________ time do you usually get up on Sundays? 8 _______________ juice do you prefer, orange juice or apple juice? 9 _______________ page are we on? 10_______________ subject do you not like?

Choose while or during 1.The accident happened _____________ I was out. 2 The accident happened_______________ my holidays. 3 It was raining ________________the whole night. 4 We were sleeping in our tents ______________ it was raining.

5 I can't use my phone __________________ the lessons. 6 She was surfing the internet ________________ her friend was driving. 7 She was surfing the internet __________________the break. 8 Ian entered the room _________________ I was doing my homework. 9 _________________ the summer he worked as a lifeguard. 10_________________ they were watching a video, the phone rang.

Decide whether who's or whose is used. Choose from the dropdown menu. 1 _________________not here today? 2 _________________ book is this? 3 _________________ broken the window? 4 _________________ taken my pen? 5 _________________ bag has been stolen? 6 _________________ in the office? 7 _________________ dad is Irish? 8 _________________She's the woman going to be our new manager. 9 Do you know _____________ van that is?

Put in your or you're into the gaps. 1 This is ___________book. 2 He's from Chester and _____________ from Bristol. 3 Are these __________________ pencils? 4 Did you see______________ sister yesterday evening? 5 ______________ a student. 6 _____________teacher is ill. 7 _____________walking home now. 8 ______________ the winner. 9 ______________ a star. 10 What do you think about ______________ future?

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