Nuclear Energy; a solution to global warming
Sami Mohammed Al-Menhali H00026268 CTC
Content Greenhouse gases Coal Nuclear Energy My Opinion
Greenhouse gases Water vapor
+ Carbon dioxide
+ Methane
+ Nitrous = Greenhouse gases
Greenhouse gases Global warming (melting ice, high sea levels and change in climate) Greenhouse gases (Carbon dioxide)
Burning of fossil fuels (coal ,oil and natural gas)
Coal Coal releases more CO2 then oil and gases. The largest coal production countries Have the largest carbon footprint Example: China, United States, Canada
Nuclear Energy
Atoms are split and energy is produced, the energy is transformed into electricity Advantages
It produces energy more that fossil fuel burning.
Nuclear weapons more available
Does not release greenhouse gases.
Radiation Hazards
My Opinion Balancing the advantages and disadvantages Nuclear Energy is a great worldwide solution to global warming as it releases no or very little greenhouse gases and produces more energy.
Reference Britannica,Encyclopaedia. "Global warming"16 May 2009.Encyclopædia Britannica Online 27 May 2009 . Kini. "Global warming: Causes, effects, solution and outcome." Citizen Journalism Latest News: Business, Politics, Entertainment, Sports, Lifestyle, Interviews News & Photos. 28 May 2009 .
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