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Demographics of Chandigarh –



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Serious Software, Friendly Company. Software is our craft and our passion. At Zoho, we create beautiful software to solve business problems. We believe that software is the ultimate product of the mind and the hands. But as much as we love building beautiful software, we think our people and company culture are our most important assets. Our engineers spend years mastering their craft, bringing together decades of engineering expertise to produce a real work of art. When you choose Zoho, you get more than just a single product or a tightly integrated suite. You get our commitment to continuous refinement and to improving your experience. And you get our relentless devotion to your satisfaction. A focus on what matters. Zoho is committed to spending your money wisely. We invest more in product development and customer support than in sales and marketing. It always struck us as paradoxical to charge the customer extra for the privilege of marketing back to them. By keeping our cost of attracting customers low, we keep our prices affordable and pass the savings onto our users.

We’re gentle in our sales approach, so we don't push our people to push you. You won’t find us trying to endlessly upsell you, or buying your loyalty through multi-year contracts. And with growth that regularly outstrips our competitors, we know that this model works. A private company with a public vision. We’ve stayed private and we’ve never taken other people’s money. Neither will change. This keeps us independent and beholden to only the customer, permitting a long term view to naturally unfold. We are private, but far from small. With nearly 5,000 employees across the globe, our style of unconventional thinking seems to have paid off. Our investment in people is a vital part of our R&D edge. We have a comprehensive program to hire high school students and train them - a program we call Zoho University. Over 15% of our engineers come from this program. Not only is the program good for our company, it is also good for the communities we live in. A product to meet every need. Over the years, we've crafted dozens of products with equal fervor. Now they are even available under one single integrated suite, Zoho One, that can put a business completely on the cloud.Unlike our competitors, who periodically wake up to discover gaping product holes that they must now fill urgently with acquisitions to reassure their shareholders, we craft our portfolio with patience and anticipation. Our strategy is born from the realization that the vast majority of acquisitions fail, and it’s the customer that pays the price. Many of our products were developed to meet our own needs—for Zoho itself runs entirely on Zoho. This means our software often must fail us, before it can fail you.

Situation Analysis –

The primary objective for this research is to find out how organisations select the right outsourcing provider. Secondary Data – Choosing an outsourcing vendor from arab business review The main issues raised in the article. Our learning –

Does ValuerHR follow these values?

2nd Article – Choosing outsourcing partner by igniteoutsourcing Choose an Established Partner At the same time, there is an onus on the partner to maintain a high standard of quality. Choosing an outsourcing vendor is a large investment in time and resources. Spending weeks or months bringing a development house up to speed, only to find that they don’t have the skills to deliver, represents a huge blow to productivity.

Even worse is an outsourced team that is too new or too unstable to last. Finding a partner that completely “gets” your company philosophy and design process means little if the partner is gone without a trace within a year.

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Therefore, choose a provider that can provide concrete case studies and real client references. Check those references, and don’t be afraid to ask the “hard questions.” Contracting with an outsourcing company should be the start of a

long, productive business relationship. Don’t shoot the relationship in the foot by picking the wrong team.

Pick the Right Size Team Many companies overlook this consideration when they’re first exploring outsourcing options, but it’s one of the most important factors in a successful partnership.

Although it’s tempting to find the largest outsourcing provider possible and jump right into a contract with them, that can be counterproductive.

A large vendor is unlikely to give each and every client their full attention. Instead, smaller clients will often be assigned to the “B-Team”, less experienced developers, or be treated as a less-important side project. At the same time, the vendor will still feel justified in charging higher rates than smaller teams, banking on their good record and the power of their brand.

This means that a large outsourcing partner makes sense for a large client that can command their attention, but can be detrimental for smaller firms.

On the other hand, a smaller partner will be more flexible, generally charge lower rates, and usually put in greater effort. The attention of senior management can make all the difference in the world for many projects, and that’s not an option at large vendors where senior management might be responsible for hundreds of clients.

Simply put, it’s better to be the big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big one.

Understand the Contract As with any contractor, it’s a good practice to obtain legal advice when signing on an outsourcing provider. Particularly with software development, it is crucial to clearly define the intellectual property ownership of any work done.

Generally, when contracting for the creation of new software, the client (you) should retain full IP ownership. If the outsourcing provider will provide general IT support, customer service, or other “commoditized work” that is not unique to your business, then they may retain ownership of any software tools or processes that they utilize.

Any outsourcing arrangement should also include a strong non-disclosure agreement, particularly if the vendor will have access to customer data or other sensitive information. Any reputable vendor with good references is unlikely to be the cause of a security breach, but there is no substitute for an airtight contract.

Ensure Good Communication The day-to-day matters, too, and logistics are a large consideration in choosing the right outsourcing partner. A talented team is of little use if your local management is unable to communicate with them. This is especially important when considering an offshore or nearshore solution.

The modern workplace is built on collaboration and communication, as evidenced by the vast selection of messaging and file-sharing software suites like Slack and G Suite. No software can truly overcome a language barrier, though. And the inconvenience of a team that is asleep during the home office’s business hours can quickly outweigh any benefits gained through their expertise.

Therefore, consider the reality of working with a nearshore team. Certifications, case studies, and other “paper qualifications” are important, but not as important as your unique situation.

For Israeli clients, as an example, Ukrainian outsourcing providers are often a great fit. The two nations share a time zone, several commonly spoken languages, and compatible business cultures. The process to bring a Ukrainian team into the fold is nearly as smooth as hiring local contractors, and the time saved is priceless.

Recap – How to Choose an Outsource Provider?

Outsourcing is a surefire way to boost productivity and efficiency, if done correctly. Invest time up front learning how to choose the right outsourcing partner, and you can ensure that the decision produces real, measurable results.

Know your clear, specific goals going in. Why do you need to outsource? Choose an outsourcing partner that is well-established in their industry. But stay away from the true giants in the field, unless you are one yourself. Negotiate and carefully review the contract before signing, to avoid productivity-killing misunderstandings. Select a partner that is easy to work with on a day-to-day basis. Language and time zone matter! 3rd article Outsourcing Step 1 – Identify Your Business Requirements. The first step to outsourcing starts by answering the question: “Why are you outsourcing?” Given its multitude of benefits, there could be more than one reason for this:

Reduce Cost – As discussed, the primary reason for outsourcing. Perhaps you should start small and get your feet wet by outsourcing non-essential tasks such as administrative work. Increase Productivity – In addition to non- essential tasks, you may want to outsource back office work such as Human Resources, IT and Accounting. This way you can re-align your resources only to the core functions of your business. Improve Work Quality – You could also outsource highly specialized tasks which require their own time and attention to become more effective. These highly specialized tasks include customer support, digital marketing and telemarketing. Once you have identified the tasks you want to outsource, then it becomes easier to find the right outsourcing services vendor.

Step 2 – Research on the Right Outsourcing Vendor.

The Philippines and India are the consensus top 2 destinations for outsourcing services providers. The Philippines is widely reputed for customer support and telemarketing while India is known for world- class IT services and back office support.

But these countries have a large pool of outsourcing vendors. It would be difficult to pinpoint the right vendor. The exercise would be analogous to trying to find a needle in a haystack.

The best approach would be to conduct research. Here are some tips on finding the right outsourcing vendor:

Contact the local regulating agency and ask for recommendations or referrals. In the Philippines, the regulating agencies are the Business Process Association of the Philippines (BPAP) and Contact Center Association of the Philippines (CCAP). These agencies have many outsourcing centers as members. Sign up and join focus groups in social media and ask for recommendations. There are a number of outsourcing focus groups in LinkedIn. You can join and engage with members to find out more about their experiences with outsourcing. They may also give you referrals to reputable vendors. Ask for recommendations from friends and associates. Given the popularity of outsourcing, for sure a few of your friends and associates know someone directly involved in outsourcing. Conduct due diligence. Once you’ve received some recommendations, always conduct due diligence work. A simple Google search may yield valuable results. Step 3 – Send a Request.

Come up with a short list of at least 3 qualified outsourcing services providers. Then communicate and ask them to submit a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Quotation (RFQ).

Before the service provider can comply, they may send you an RFI form or Request for Information. This is a highly detailed form which will require you to answer both general and specific questions on outsourced projects. The RFI will be used as the reference guide for making the RFP or RFQ.

Step 4 – Initiate the Qualifying Process.

Once you have received all of the RFP’s do not eliminate the service providers based on its contents or pricing. Remember, everything is negotiable. As the service provider gets more details on your business needs, the quotation can be fine- tuned.

You should schedule an audio- video interview between your outsourcing team and theirs. Prepare a list of questions the answers of which your team has fully researched beforehand and discussed. The questions should cover the following topics:

Time- lines Hiring Process Data Security and Integrity Systems; Processes and Frameworks Existing Technological Profile Organizational Culture Grading and Performance Evaluation Processes Current Training and Orientation Programs Current Career and Succession Planning Programs Social and Cultural Nuances Disaster Recovery Planning Step 5 – Contract Negotiations

Rank the Service Providers in order of preference. Prioritize negotiations with the first outsourcing vendor and initiate contract negotiations. You should submit the following contracts to the outsourcing vendor:

Service Level Agreement (SLA) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Confidentiality Agreement (CA) Scope of Work Schedule of Payments

General Publics Opinion –

Criteria For Selecting An Outsourcing software company:

Company Culture Business Continuity Communication Plan Average Duration of the Team Technical Certifications Innovation and Thought Leadership Sales Process Point Solutions Finding the Right Size Organization Consistent Delivery Outsourcing software company is a software development hub with an efficient development lab and team. Our goal is to ensure that enterprises maintain and grow their knowledge base through cost-effective data capture, storage and management services. To serve the best Web App Development Company chooses the members like a wine maker chooses grapes to make the best wine.


Content Management Systems E-commerce Solution Search Engine Optimization Mobile App Development Website Designing Web Application Development We take immense pleasure to introduce ourselves as your most reliable B2B IT solutions partner. We are a renowned IT solutions provider based in Singapore & the provision of end-to-end business solutions in the ITES field is our forte. We possess an impeccable reputation as IT consultants & play a major role within the marketplace to enhance the growth of your business rather than merely ordinary web service providers.

2nd opinion – How they work. The good outsourcing company should not only write you a good quality code but also understand your business needs. You should probably look for the companies which understand lean approach - it will help you build the MVP effectively making time-to-market as short as possible. How you work with them. It is important to check the framework for managing product development of the company you plan to work with. You need to find out whether you will have an insight into the whole process of building and development of your product and how big will be your impact on it. Key-words to remember: Agile and SCRUM. What product you will get. Starting your startup with the help of an outsourcing company doesn’t mean that you will always want to work with them. At some point, you may decide that it’s better to hire your own team. It will be important for them to get the clear and good quality code that will be easy to understand and to develop further. Check their portfolio and ask for some code samples. The final cost. The range of prices for a man-hour is huge. It depends on the location, experience, the methodology of work, technology stack and many other factors. When you calculate the final cost of hiring a remote team of

developers, you need to consider both: price for the man-hour and estimated time-to-market. Business transparency. It is hardly visible at first glance, but crucial to building a stable and trusted relationship. Here you can find some advice on how to verify it before signing an agreement: The best customer experience you can get during the acquisition process The overal experience. What is the communication like? You should have an impression that every meeting (through call or in person) should be planned meticulously. They should verify beforehand what the leitmotif of the conversation with you would be – would it be more technical, or rather organisational? If it’s technical, the tech people should be invited for a call too. Once you choose the company to work with:

Prepare the SLA. Work on your Service Level Agreement and set your requirements, time of the meetings, reports or SCRUM sprints, choose a contact person, define the Request For Changes (RFC) procedure. Doing it at the beginning will provide you with the clear plan to follow. Set KPI and enforce it. Use them when evaluating the stage of realization of specific works made by your contractor. This will help you assure the high level of the provided services. Protect your data! One of the crucial risk parameters that you need to assure is the security of your company’s data. Having the control over the access to the complete information and tools during the whole process of production is the key to the effective cooperation. Make sure what data you are sharing at which phase. Focus on your core business. Since you agree on how your cooperation will look like, you need to prepare the requirements referring to the project itself. You need to be very specific at that point to avoid any misunderstanding. Your main responsibility there is to set your business requirements: who is the product addressed to, what needs should it meet, what values should it carry, what modules will be charged etc. Let the contractor speak. When you choose the company to work with, you paid attention to their experience on the similar projects. You want to make sure they are the right people to be trusted with developing your product. Don’t forget that once you start working with them! Trust their experience and let them speak. Satisfaction guarantee. When outsourcing any project to be developed by the external company, you need to be sure that the final product will meet your

expectations. In Neoteric, we give this guarantee, so in an unlikely event of our team underperformance we change it or we don’t charge it. This assures our clients about the quality of the product they get.

BY Price-oriented. The most common among first-time founders. Without the relevant experience, it’s good to focus on something we are familiar with, and price is probably the easiest thing to compare between companies. If one company is cheaper than the other, it is clearly their advantage. Experience-oriented. Right after the blog posts, Portfolio is the first most visited page on our website. When planning to work with a software development company, startup founders pay attention to their previous work. Due to different approaches, I distinguished 3 sub-orientations here: Design-oriented. Focused mainly on the UX and design of the previous works. Very important for those who want to outsource front-end development of their apps. Sector-oriented. Focused mainly on the experience in some particular sectors. It’s always good to work with people with the most relevant experience who understand the needs of a particular business. Yet, it can be a bit misleading. The more experience you have, the more likely you are to use analogies and to be able to understand the needs of other sectors. Tech-oriented. Focused mainly on the technologies used. Most common among technical founders or those who are already developing their app and need an outsourcing team to support them. Management-oriented. Focused mainly on issues related to project management. How does the company collect the requirements? How do they run their projects? How do they react to the requests for changes? How do they handle communication with clients? What will be your role in the development process? With the stable position of Agile methodologies, I could actually call it Agile-oriented approach. Communication-oriented. The Second Law of Outsourcing: the more projects you’ve done, the more attention you pay to communication issues. Once you’ve experienced some bad communication (mistrust, dishonesty), you understand the value of good communication. It’s important that your service provider and you have a clear understanding. You need to be able to ask each other questions and explain things so there’s no room for misunderstandings, but, at the same time, it’s crucial that nobody sweeps anything under the carpet if a problem occurs. Though at first communication doesn’t seem to be

one of the key elements of software development, it actually is and it’s worth to pay attention to.

BY startupsPay attention to how they work A good outsourcing company should not only write good quality code, but also understand your business needs. In order to deliver software that brings profit, they should provide you with unique talents, a plan how to spend your money effectively, without needless expenses, and deliver the product on time. A good example of the right approach is the lean approach. Its most important rule is that you improve on your value proposition and not on the way you build your final product. This means that instead of committing time, money, and effort to creating a complex product based on your vision, you create the minimum viable product (MVP) and develop it according to the needs and suggestions of its users. To learn more about the lean approach for startup development, read Lean Startups by example by Mateusz Kurleto.

It’s very important because the sooner you get the tracking, the sooner you get positive cash flow. If the IT outsourcing company understands this approach, it will help you build the MVP effectively, making time-to-market as short as possible. If the company is proud of its experience in startup development, let them display their approach and see if this is the thing you are looking for.

2. … and how you work with them It is also important to check the framework for managing product development of the company you plan to work with. Keywords to remember: Agile and SCRUM. The methodology of work in the IT outsourcing company should combine the flexibility of the project with the best habits of software engineering. You need to find out whether you will have insight into the whole process of building and developing your product and how big your impact will be. When the company subsumes you under the process of software development by assigning you to a role of a Product Owner and defining your responsibilities in this role, you are a member of the team. This gives you all the control that you need: you can see progress and intervene if something isn’t going as planned. It is also important to ask how soon you can expect to see progress – if the company is

working in sprints (or iterations), you should expect to see a new working version of a product after each one and the changes implemented in one sprint must be functional, clear and visible for the users.

3. Consider the product you will get The advantage of a good outsourcing company over the bad one is the quality of the delivered product. They achieve it through the whole development process, including choosing the right tools, using continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), automated testing, setting high code quality requirements – and so on. And it is probably the most important thing to check when choosing an IT outsourcing company. Let me explain why. Starting your startup with the help of an outsourcing company doesn’t mean that you will always want to work with them. At some point, you may decide that it’s better to hire your own team. It will be important for them to get a clear and good quality code that will be easy to understand and to develop further. If it’s of bad quality, the new team will spend a lot of time to get into it and may not be successful – in the worst scenario, the team may have to rewrite the code from the very beginning! It is a good idea to ask a few outsourcing companies that you are considering to give you some code samples so that you can check if the quality is satisfying.

4. Calculate the final cost Company A sets $30 for a man-hour while company B sets $80. It is almost three times as much as company A! Which company do you choose? If you started your research on IT outsourcing companies, you’ve probably noticed that the range of their prices for a man-hour is huge. It depends on the location (some regions are cheaper than the others), experience, the methodology of work, technology stack and many other factors. Is that possible that company B is, in fact, cheaper than company A? It surely is, because when you calculate the final cost of hiring a remote team of developers, you need to consider both: price for the man-hour and estimated time-to-market. Let’s look closer on our two companies: company A estimates time-to-market for your product for 8 months while company B works Agile and claims to use some special tools to speed up time-to-market which is estimated for 3 months. This means that the final cost of building the product that is ready to go on the market is $38.400 for company A and… exactly the same for company B. The “expensive” company does not cost you more than the

“cheap” one and it saves you 5 months of time-to-market. After 3 months you start to sell your application and get positive cash flow. As they say: time is money! COmibnation of push and pull

$1 per month per user- $10 per month per user. Does the company focuses on creating a brand? BRAND LOYALTY

Place mei company uses direct channels. IS pricing competitive? Zoho $100 per month per user mei zyada features deti hai? Yes It is.

Majority of the market share is owned by? How? Kyu hai uske pass? Promotions Strategy? Any adverts? Any discounts? Personal selling to organisations. How do you plan to develop the product?

Why open offices in these locations? What decisions went into Locations where ValeurHR is placed – Chandigarh Gurgaon Ahmedabad Mumbai- Head office Us office Singapore Industry Information Technology and Services Company size

501-1,000 employees Headquarters Mumbai – 400076, Maharashtra Type Privately Held Founded 2006 Specialties Business Process Management, Contract Staffing, HR Consulting, Product development, Software Development, IT staffing, Executive Search, SAP, HR Tech Tools, and SuccessFactors

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