November Newsletter

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E-KNIGHTWRITER Fallen Brother Don Deaett Sr.

Council eIssue #2 This represents the issue #2 of Council #9590’s eNewsletter. Not only will this allow for more colorful reporting, but it will significantly decrease Council postage costs, which will aid in the Council meeting the most important goal of every Knight: Charity.

GRAND KNIGHT FRED SCHOLZ’ REPORT: Worthy Brothers and Friends; I hope everyone has received their invitations to the annual Christmas Party on the 20th. I used the listing that I had, so if you’ve been missed, I’m sorry; please email or call me. Let’s have a nice time! Bill Lyons and his crew have done a nice job with recruitment; they’ve got 14 names of potential candidates to bring in.! I think the “24 hour Knight” is helping. Good job so far; let’s see if we can bring them in. At the Parish Council meeting on Nov 17th we received permission to have our


Thanks to all who helped at the breakfast on the 22nd. Joe, Richard, Carl, Rod, Rich, Skip, Mark, Dan, Sal and Steve all helped make a nice time of it. Thanks to all who are helping Mark, Al and Skip with the Christmas card and magnet sales. Those “Keep Christ in Christmas” magnets and stickers look good and get to the point! Thanks to Bob for pitching in for me on the 24th, to Al for the donut sales on the 6th, and to Don and Laura for their continued help and support; I’m very grateful.

If you know of a brother that has either not confirmed his email address, please ask him to do so immediately. If someone doesn’t have email, please direct them to the many free resources on the web,

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #9590 NOVEMBER 2009 We need help from the Fourth Degree members for the Lady Christmas card sales went really of Guadalupe Mass on good the first time was selling. We Saturday Dec 12th of Dec at made enough to pay the account, 2pm. Color Corps, we call on which was $375.54 for two cases. you! Speaking of We also are selling the car magnets the Fourth Degree, the 2010 and window decals, which read KEEP Exemplification will be held on CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS. If you are February 5th and 6th at the interested in these, better get with it, Doubletree Hotel in Ontario, they are really selling well. $5.00 CA. If someone wishes to for the magnets and $3.00 for the decals. become a fourth degree member, I will share the details We also got the check from with you. Peace and Love to all Columbian Charities for our Tootsie Roll drive to give to our designated who get this message, recipient in the amount of $1045.88 GK Fred Scholz KNIGHTS BIRTHDAYS PS: We all struggle. God has 01-James Kerns given us the precious gift of 04-Skip Chilton 06-Christopher Velovich Financial Secretary’s Report: 09-Richard Gunst It has pleased Almighty God 09-Roger Boyette to take one from our midst. 10-Michael Sherman 10-Greg Taylor Don Deaett Sr. passed away th 11-Malcolm Carmine on November 14 . He was in 11-Renato Munda a wheel chair and was a 14-Fred Chekov Knight with us for 5 years. 16-Marshal Stegall He was refused membership 26-Alan Nicklas by another council here in 29-Leonard Strausbaugh San Diego because of his 31-Joe Tupta disabilities. They told him LADIES BIRTHDAYS that they didn't need a 02-Veronica Fredenberg 02disabled person in their Lorna Chekov 02ranks how sad to deny Eva Graves 09anyone in good standing Lupita Jewell 11with the church a Cheryl Kerns 19membership in the Knights. Mary Durante Le Leu 21He will be missed. He and Olivia O'Brien 23his wife Evelyn were married Maureen Wallace 26for 63 years and 7 months. DUES, Elena Champlin 28DUES, DUES. Dues statements are Anne O'Leary being prepared and will be sent out by he 15th of the month. Please do not procrastinate and pay them when you receive the statement.


ANNIVERSARIES 14Kathy & Richard Markey------40 17Virginia & (Gene) Komegay-60 17-Teresita & Eduardo Urbano---16 26-Bonita & Michael Sherman---22 ON THE LIGHTER SIDE There was an explosion at a local senior citizens center and 50 of the group died and went to Heaven. St Peter was overwhelmed and apologized that Heaven was full, and that they would have to go to Hell temporarily until space opened up for them. After a month, Lucifer sent one of his dark angels to St Peter and said 'We'd better do something about getting those seniors back up to Heaven." "Why? "St Peter asked. "Because," the angel said, "They’ve. Held a lot of bake sales and have raised enough money to buy several air conditioners." OVERHEARD ON A PARK BENCH FRED-I can tell exactly how old you right down to the month and year. JACK-Get out’ta here FRED-I’11 bet you five bucks JACKOkay FRED-Stand on one leg, raise both arms, open your mouth wide, and cackle like a chicken. JACK-What? FRED-Do it. I can tell from that. JACK-I feel stupid FRED-You were 83 last March. JACK -That's right! That's amazing! How could you tell I was 83 last March? FRED-You told me yesterday.


Deacon Richard Melrose My Brothers and Friends; I would strongly encourage you to contact your Senator(s), as I have done with the letter below, based on information I received from the Catholic Legislative Network. "Senator; I am writing to encourage you to strongly consider endorsing and supporting the Hatch-Nelson Amendment. Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Ben Nelson (D-NE) have submitted an amendment to the health care reform bill that -- like the Stupak amendment in the House -prevents the Senate version of reform from mandating abortion coverage or providing federal funds for coverage that includes elective abortions. Those wishing to purchase abortion coverage may continue to do so with their own private funds, but not in the government-run health care plan ("community health insurance option") or with the help of federal subsidies. I personally and morally am opposed to anyone being allowed to murder an innocent child, but for my tax dollars to assist them in that criminal activity, cleverly disguised as "choice" is repugnant and reprehensible. The US Bishops are strongly urging the Senate to incorporate essential



In a November 20 letter to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. bishops urged essential changes in the Senate bill: to retain federal policy on abortion funding and conscience protection; to protect access to health care for immigrants; and to provide for adequate affordability and coverage standards. The bishops said: "Sadly, the legislative proposal recently unveiled in the Senate does not meet these moral criteria." I am prayerfully hopeful that you will review, support and Council Goes Digital endorse the Hatch-Nelson Amendment." In this age of digital media, instant messaging, and web Very Respectfully, interaction, no group can move forward without first Deacon Richard Melrose logging on and joining in. To see the latest information on Pumpkin Carving. the Council and access minutes, newsletters, and other files, join us on Face book

( and Twitter




 Christmas cards and magnets are here; please COUNCIL #9590 contact T. Frizzell for more OFFICERS’ MEETING details. MINUTES  Recorder Vanderbilt is NOVEMBER 10, 2009 stepping down from the The Council was called to recorder position as of this Order at 19:04 by GK Fred Scholz, meeting; a new volunteer for preceded by the Rosary, and this followed by a Position will be necessary as blessing by the GK, the Lord’s soon as possible. Please contact Prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance GK if you have a Warden vouched that all present recommendation or would carried a valid membership card. Like to volunteer for this position. The roll of officers was  Please discuss any called and noted as follows (Present, Excused, Absent): improvements to the Council Chaplain Fr. Michael Cunnane (E) with GK Scholz Financial Secretary Al Gentz (P)  Santee Santa’s Foundation is Inside Guard Michael Green (P) requesting assistance, including Grand Knight Fred Scholz (P) volunteers, for delivery holiday Treasurer Mark Frizzell (P) meals and Outside Guards Jeremy Sosh (A) Children’s toys to local families, Deputy Grand Knight Bob Stark as well as flowers and gifts to (P) Lecturer Sal Morales (P) seniors in our community. For Trustee (3rd Yr.) Jim Conrad (P) more Chancellor Richard Markey (P) Advocate William Lyons (P) Information, please go to Trustee (2nd Yr.) Richard Seymour (A)  The Juvenile Diabetes Recorder Matthew Vanderbilt (P) Research Foundation requested Warden Alan Beretta (P) Trustee assistance for the annual walk (1st Yr.) Ron Kwiat (P) to cure diabetes; Total Members Present: 23 This is a budgeted item that will The Grand Knight read applications for membership be donated as planned. approved by the Admissions  GK receives a regular DVD on vocations; it is available, if you Committee as follows: are interested in viewing it  No new applications for  Please support the First membership were received. Degree Ceremonies, especially The Grand Knight Reported when there may be an initiate as Follows: joining our Council  Special thanks to those  A reminder to all brothers: members for supporting the the Officers’ Meetings are for all Tootsie Roll Drive, as well as members, not simply the those supporting the Pumpkin Carving, it was a great officers. They are Generally briefer and less success. formal than the Business  Thanks to those that Meetings. attended the rosary service for Br. Patrick McGowan’s father, as  Br. McGowan sent a thank you card for support of his well as those family through the prayers and Supporting the first degrees Rosary service ceremony.  Calendar of Events:  Please support Br. Bill with o November 20th - Chapter the membership drive being meeting at St. Pius held this weekend


o November 21st to 22nd - Breast Cancer Three-Day Walk o November 22nd - Council to host Parish breakfast, chaired by Br. Zuniga o December 6th - Council to host Parish breakfast or donuts o December 8th - Council Business Meeting o December 20th - Council Christmas Party at 14:00 The Trustees report as follows:  T1 Kwiat - At the last First Degree Ceremony, it was decided that one would not be held in January 2010. Happy Veteran’s Day to all the fellow veterans.  T2 Seymour - Brothers will be called that currently receive printed newsletter in order to see if they may be converted to the eNewsletter. Send any additions to the eNewsletter to T2 Seymour; the eNewsletter is not restricted as to contact as the printed version is by stamps.  T3 Conrad - No Report The Chancellor reported as follows:  GK was thanked for his support at the past blood drive; Chancellor Markey was out-ofservice that Morning to to an injury. The blood drive was very successful, with 46 individuals coming in to donate And 41 units being received.  The next blood drive will be in March 2010.  The Council has Get Well / Best Wishes cards available to send to individuals and brothers that need Support. Requests for names will be asked prior to reading the Good of the Order at each meeting. The Deputy Grand Knight reported as follows:  DGK thanked everyone for their support of the Pumpkin

EORUM CLARITATEM VESTIG ATIONES Carving; it went very well and next year is Expected to be even better. The Membership director reported as follows:  The bulletin from last Sunday contained a note about the membership drive being held this Sunday. It Is imperative that four Knights are available to assist outside of each Mass. The organization needs New lifeblood to continue.  The note that will be published on volunteering with the Knights was read to the Council; a volunteer to read this after Mass is needed.  The plan for meeting with Parish members interested in joining the Knights was outlined.  Discussions ensued regarding signing up new members, and it was decided that after an interested Individual’s name is received, Fr. Mike is asked about the potential member prior to discussing membership further with the individual. The District Deputy reported as follows:  No Report The Treasurer reported as follows:  Beginning Balance as of September 22, 2009:  Ending Balance as of November 10, 2009: The Financial secretary's report:  Correspondence was received and provided to the GK  Help will be needed for coming Sundays to support T. Frizzell with the sales  The electronic newsletter appears successful; please make sure to contact FS Gentz or T2 Seymour to sign up for the non-print version



 Stoles are available for purchase at $150; it’s recommended that the council consider purchasing one for Deacon Melrose  50 Knights of Columbus decals are available for purchase, as well as several magnets. The following unfinished business was discussed:  No unfinished business was discussed The following new business was brought up:  Further discussion regarding donating to the Santee Santa’s ensued. W. Beretta, who provides some support to the Santa’s on behalf of the school district, spoke on their behalf. FS Gentz made a motion to give the Santee Santa’s $50, which was seconded and unanimously approved.  Br. Vanderbilt reported that many Council’s and Knights of Columbus brothers from around the country have begun following the Council #9590 Twitter. Very little is being done with our Twitter currently, but it is a very useful tool to that we should consider updating more often. Any time a brief note is (128 characters or less) may be issued, please contact Br. Vanderbilt at [email protected] or send a text message to 760-822-7376 (responses are significantly faster than via voice mails).  Br. Skip Chilton is the Knight of the Month; The Stark Family was the Family of the Month. The Fourth Degrees reported as follows:  The Fourth Degree Team at Our Lady of Guadalupe will be meeting on November 13th at OLPH;

please contact T3 Conrad for more information. Dinner will be $12 and is catered by Cupid. Unfinished business was taken up and disposed of as follows:  No unfinished business Recorder’s Note: It is with a heavy heart that I must resign my position as Recorder for Council #9590; I apologize to my fellow brothers for this decision. I do intend to continue supporting the Council Facebook and Twitter sites, as well as host the Council Website (, whenever anyone has an update they would like to see on there. Good of the Order: Closing Prayers: The Meeting was closed at 20:25 with a prayer by the GK and the Hail Mary Recorder: Mathew C. Vanderbilt Matthew C. Vanderbilt

Shannon Vanderbilt Baby Vanderbilt Brian Clark, U.S. Army Taylor Hay Dale Mielke, RIP Iona Mielke, RIP Landers Family Judy Pecoraro Debbie Rossi Wallace LeLeu Mary LeLeu Jenny Durante Mickey Randles Father Michael Cunnane Haydee Kwiat Victims of Ft. Hood Attack Corrie Moss All Veterans, Past & Present Barbara McClaran Peg Gentz, RIP Don Deaett & Family Evelyn Deaett Gene Kornegay

EORUM CLARITATEM VESTIG ATIONES Virginia Kornegay Martin McGowan, RIP Linda Kanuha Barbara Chilton Markey Family Todd Childs Betty Lawler Ray Olvera Dan Plein Plein Family


DECEMBER 8, 2009


Council Officers, 2009 - 2010 Position Phone Grand Knight (619) 448-3752 Chaplain (619) 448-1213 Deputy Grand Knight (619) 258-9333 Financial Secretary 1282 Treasurer 3317 Recorder (619) 328-0867 Warden (619) 448-0972 Trustees 1st Year 2857 2nd Year 5889 3rd Year


E-Mail Fred Scholz

[email protected]

Fr. Michael Cunnane

[email protected]

Robert Stark

[email protected]

Al Gentz, PGK/PFN Mark Frizzell

(619) [email protected]

Matthew C. Vanderbilt

(619) 596-

[email protected]

Alan Beretta Ron Kwiat, PGK/PFN/FDD [email protected]

(619) 561-

Richard Seymour, Sr, PGK [email protected]

(619) 562-

James Conrad, PGK

[email protected]


St. Michael the Archangel Council #9590 9310 Dalehurst Road Santee, CA 92071

Worthy Council Brothers

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