November Children Ministry Newsletter

  • June 2020
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T e a c h i n g Ki d s t o D e li g h t i n G o d ’ s W o r d .

Teaching kids to delight in God's Word. MARANATHA CHAPEL CHILDREN'S MINISTRY

Planted by the Rivers Where are you firmly planted?

Issue 1, November

Asking that question implies that you are firmly planted, and of course we know many of those around us are not planted at all let alone firmly planted. The first of the 150 Psalms in the Bible gives a very clear picture of the choices and associations a Godly man or women should make. The Godly are firmly planted by the rivers of water, but the ungodly are not so. They are like the chaff which the wind blows away. Get yourself planted firmly or get blown away.

Are your roots planted deep enough to survive this?

Trade secrets

I spent 16 years in the construction industry as a carpenter. Though I worked with many different companies and on different crews through those years, I spent most of the time with a company called Bowers Construction. It may seem odd to move around a lot as we often did in the construction industry, but it was and is the nature of that business that at the end of each job you were once again on the lookout for another job. It actually was a tool the Lord used in helping me build faith and trust that something else would come along. Let‟s remember to pray for the many who are in that position now as they wait on the Lord in difficult times to see when their next pay-check will come in.

Surviving the Storms

“A wise man built his house upon a rock, and the storms beat upon that house but it did not fall.” Matt 7:24 Why didn‟t the house fall? Because it was well founded on the rock; and that rock is Jesus.

Fruit that remains

Jesus told his disciples: I am the vine, you are the branches. He that abides in me, and I in him the same will bring forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing. John 15:5

The children of Israel went into the promised land and carried out large clusters of grapes. As we enter into Heaven we should carry with us large clusters of lasting fruit. Jesus desired that we would produce fruit that would remain. John 15:16

As Christians we understand the meaning of that verse and we know clearly that we need the Lord‟s help in all that we do, but it still strikes a cord with those of us who can handle things pretty well on our own. It is certainly natural for some or perhaps many of us to say „I got this one‟ But it is part of our maturing process the Lord is taking us through to know we must be as closely tied to the Lord and so constantly in need of his direct intervention that we become like the picture in the verse. The Father is the gardener; Jesus is the vine and we are directly attached to that vine. To produce much fruit that will remain we must stay in touch...stay connected to the Word—that‟s Jesus.

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