, November 24 2014: Monday

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  • Words: 2,339
  • Pages: 53
Monday , November 24th 2014

Supervisor : dr. Sabar P Siregar Sp.KJ

• • • • • • • •

Name Age Gender Address Occupation Marriage Status Religion Last Education

: Mr. Qoimun : 34 years old : Male : Delok Kidul 2/5 Munglid Magelang : Seller : unmarried : Islam : Elemantary School

Guardian • Name • Age • Relation

: Mr. Haryanto : 50 years old : Uncle

Patient is brought to the hospital by her uncle due to his nephew was try to suicide three times.

He always keep his feeling to woman and he never tell her about his feeling  The patient’s father had died and his mother worked as a housekeeper, and the patient had stopped working as a trader sandals 

May 2014 (6 months before admission)

August 2014 (3 months before admission)

• The patient felt sad, guilty, and often daydream. Patient had been banging his head repeatedly against the wall. The patient began to have difficulty sleeping.

• The patient had attempted suicide by jumping from the second floor but was stopped by neighbors. Patient committed suicide because he feels worseless living his live and always feel guilty. Patient also seeing himself is a demon in the form of “genderuwo”. Patient also heard the voice repeated in his ear that is not heard by others. Patient smell the faeces but there is no faeces in the surrounding.

5 days before admission

On the day of admission

• Patient want to kill himself twice to jump into the river and with a knife. Patient feel his stomach entered the hospital and the car so that stomach ache.

• The Symptoms are worsen • The family is concerned about the patient’s condition.

Psyciatry History Medication Trauma Patient had been banging his head repeatedly against the wall Drugs and alcohol abuse history and smoking history - Alcohol consumption (-) - Tobacco consumption (-) - Drug use (-)


Prenatal and Perinatal History


Early childhood phase


Intermediate childhood


Late childhood



Her uncle did not know about any medical condition during pre and perinatal (no valid data).

Developmental History (Gross Motoric) Ability


Normal range

Elevating the head


0-3 months

Moving to supine position on its own


3-6 months



6-9 months



9-12 months



12-24 months

Climbing up the ladder


24-36 bulan

Standing 1 foot / jump


36-48 bulan

Developmental History (Fine Motoric) Ability


Normal range

Holding a pencil


3-6 months

Holding 2 objects at the same time


6-9 months

Piling 2 cubes


9-12 months

Inserting objects into container


12-18 months

Rolling a ball


18-24 months



24-36 months

Wearing shirt


36-48 months



Normal range



0-3 months

Turning toward the sound


3-5 months

High-pitched sound


3-6 months

Voice without meaning (mamama, Bababa)


6-9 months

Calling 2-3 syllables without meaning


9-12 months

Calling 3-6 words that have meaning


18-24 months

Talking at least with two words


24-36 months

Mentioning name, age, and place


36-48 months

Developmental History (Social & Personal)



Normal range

Know their mother


0-3 months

Reach out


3-6 months



6-9 months

Playing peek a boo


6-9 months

Know their family


9-12 months

Appoint what he wants without crying or whining


12-18 months

Tidy up toys


24-36 months

Playing with friends, follow the rules of the game


36-48 months


(NO VALID DATA) No valid data on when patient first time climbing the tree or play hide and seek games, and if patient ever involved in any kind of sports. Psychosocial (NO VALID DATA) There were no valid data on patient’s gender identification, interaction with his surrounding There were no data on when patient first entered primary school, how well patient handle separation from parents, how well he plays with new friendson first day of school Communication

(NO VALID DATA) There were no valid data regarding patient’s ability to make friends in school, and how many friends patient have during his schooling period. Emotion (NO VALID DATA) No valid data on patient adaptation under stress Cognitive (NO VALID DATA) No valid data on patient’s grades in school


Development Sign and Activity (NO VALID DATA) No data on when patient experience wet dream, growth hair on armpits, growth pubic hair, etc. Psychomotor (NO VALID DATA) No data if patient had any favourite hobbies or games, if patient involved in any kind of sports. Psychosocial ( NO VALID DATA) No valid data on when and how patient’s relationship with different gender, if patient ever had any relationship with opposite gender. Communication

(NO VALID DATA) No valid data on how well the relathionship between patient with parents and other family. Emotion (NO VALID DATA) No data if patient ever told friend or family regarding any problems No data if patient attempted to break the rules (truant school subject, fight with friends, bullying, ect) and consuming alcohol, smoke and drugs

Physical Physically active Rule of three: 3 yrs, 3 ft, 33 lbs.

Weight gain : 4-5 lbs per year Growth : 3-4 inches per year

Physically active, can’t sit still for long Clumsy throwing balls

Cognitive Ego-centric, illogical, magical thinking


Play : • Cooperative, Imaginative, may involve Explosion of vocabulary ; fantasy and imaginary learning syntax, grammar friends, takes turn in ; understood by 75 % of games people by age 3 •Develops gross and fine Poor understanding of motor skills ; social time, value, sequence of skills; experiment with events social roles ; reduces fears Vivid imaginations ; some difficulty Wants to please adults separating fantasy from reality Accurate memory, but more suggestible than

Refines complex skills : hopping, jumping, climbing, running, ride “big wheels” and tricycles Improving fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination: cut with scissors, draw shapes 3 – 3 ½ yr : most toilet trained

Primitive drawing, can’t represent themselves in drawing till age 4 Don’t realize others have different perspective Leave out important facts May misinterpret visual cues of emotions Receptive language better than expressive till age 4

Development of conscience; incorporates parental prohibitions; feels guilty when disobedient; simplistic idea of “good and bad” behavior Curious about his and other’s bodies, may masturbate

No sense of privacy Primitive, stereotypic understanding of gender roles


Possible effects of maltreatment

Self- esteem based on what others tell him or her

Poor muscle tone, motor coordination

Increasing ability to control emotions; less emotional outbursts

Cognitive delay : inability to concentrate

Increased frustation tolerance Better delay gratification

Rudimentary sense of self Understands concepts of right and wrong Self-esteem reflects opinions of significant others

Poor pronunciation, incomplete sentences

Cannot play cooperative : lack curiosity, absent imaginative and fantasy play Social Immaturity; unable to share or negotiate with peers; overly bossy, aggressive, competitive Attachment problems : overly clingy, superficial attachments, show little distress or over-react when separated from caregiver Underweight from malnourishment : small stature Excessively fearful, anxious, night terrors Reminders of traumatic experience may trigger severe anxiety, aggression, preoccupation


Lack impulse control, little ability to delay gratification

Self-directed in many

Exaggerated response (tantrums, aggression) to even mild

Educational History

Elementary School 

Marriage Status

Live with his mother 

unmarried 

Social Activity Normal interaction

Occupational History Seller

Current Situation

Religious History Moslem

Criminal History No criminal history

Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Stage

Basic Conflict

Important Events

Infancy (birth to 18 months)

Trust vs mistrust


Early childhood (2-3 years)

Autonomy vs shame and doubt

Toilet training

Preschool (3-5 years)

Initiative vs guilt


School age (6-11 years)

Industry vs inferiority


Adolescence (12-18 years)

Identity vs role confusion

Social relationships

Young Adulthood (19-40 years)

Intimacy vs isolation


Middle adulthood (40-65 years)

Generativity vs stagnation

Work and parenthood

Maturity (65- death)

Ego integrity vs despair

Reflection on life

Conclusion: no clear data

Family history • He is the 1st son from 2 siblings

• His father was dead in 2013, and he live with his mother because his daughter was married

Psychosexual History • Patient psychosexual history is appropriate to his gender. He realizes that He is male and behaves according to his gender.

Socio-Economic History • Economic Scale : Poor. The patient’s father had died and his mother worked as a housekeeper, and the patient had stopped working as a trader sandals

Validity • Alloanamnesis • Autoanamnesis

: Valid Data : Valid Data


May 2014

Role of Function

Nov 2014


A Male, appropiate to his age, wear complete clothes, poor self grooming. State

of Consciousness

Clear Speech

- Quantity - Quality

: Decrease : Decrease

BEHAVIOUR Hypoactive Hyperactive Echopraxia Catatonia Active negativism Cataplexy Stereotypy

Mannerism Automatism Bizarre Command automatism Mutism Acathysia

Tic Somnabulism

Psychomotor agitation Compulsive Ataxia Mimicry Aggresive Impulsive Abulia

ATTITUDE Cooperative Non-cooperative









Passive negativism

Catalepsy Cerea flexibility Excitement

Emotion Mood • • • • • •

Dysphoric Elevated Euphoria Expansive Irritable Can’t be assesed

Affect • • • • • •

Appropriate Inappropriate Restrictive Blunted Flat Labile

Disturbance of Perception Hallucination • Auditory (+) heard the voice

repeated in his ear • Visual (+) seeing himself is a demon in the form of “genderuwo” • Olfactory (+) smell the faeces but there is no faeces in the surrounding

• • • •

Gustatory (-) Tactile (-) Somatic (-) Undeferrentiated (-)

Depersonalisation (-)

Illusion • • • • • • •

Auditory (-) Visual (-) Olfactory (-) Gustatory (-) Tactile (-) Somatic (-) Undeferrentiated (-)

Derealisation (-)

Thought Progression Quantity • • • • •

Logorrhea Blocking Remming Mutisme Talkative

Quality • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Irrelevan answer Incoherence Flight of idea Confabulation Poverty of speech Slow speech Loosening of association Neologisme Circumtansiality Tangential Verbigrasi Perseverasi Sound association Word salad Echolalia

Content of thought 

Idea of Reference

 Delusion of Grandiose


 Delusion of Control


 Delusion of Influence


 Delusion of Passivity

Delusion of Persecution

 Delusion of Perception

Delusion of Reference

 Thought of Echo

Delusion of Envious

 Thought Insertion

Delusion of Hipochondry

 Thought of withdrawal

Delusion of magic-mystic

 Thought Broadcasting


 Can’t be assesed

Form of Thought • Realistic • Non Realistic • Dereistic • Autistic

Sensorium and Cognition      

Level of education : Low General knowledge : Low Orientation of time/ place/people/situation : Good/good/good/good Working/short/long memory: Poor/good/good Writing and reading skills : good Ability to self care : poor

Impulse Control When Examined • Self control : Average. • Patient response to examiners question: Poor.

Insight • Impaired insight (patient do not know he is mentally ill) • Intelectual Insight • True Insight

Physical examination  Conciousness  Vital

: composmentis


- Blood pressure - Pulse rate - Temperature - RR

: 140/100 mmHg : 84 x/min : 36,2 : 20 x/min

•Skin •Head • Eye • Nose • Ear • Mouth •Neck •Lungs

: rash(-), petechiae (-)

: conjunctival pallor (-), yellowish sclera (-) : discharge(-), nasal flare (-) : discharge(-) : within normal limit : lymphnodes within normal limit : symmetrical, retraction(-), vesicular (+/+), abnormal lung sounds (-/-) •Heart : S1, S2 regular, murmur(-), cardiomegaly (-) •Abdomen : Supple, tympany (+), Distention (-), Hepatomegaly (-), Splenomeogaly (-)

Motorik : Normotonus, good coordination of movement

Meningeal sign : negative

Physiologic reflex : +/+

Patologic reflex : -/-

: 6 months ago

Onset Symptoms

The patient felt sad, guilty, and often daydream. Patient had been banging his head repeatedly against the wall. The patient had attempted suicide 3 times because he feels worseless living his live and always feel guilty

Mental status Mood: dysphoric Affect: appropriate, Disturbance of perception: hallucination of auditory(+), visual (+), olfactory (+) Tought progression: - Quality: Poverty of speech, slow speech - Quantity: Remming Content of tought : Delusion of hypocondric, delusion of magic-mystic Form of tought: Non realistic


•Rarely to take a bath •Lazy to work •Limited social interaction •Tentamen suicide

• F32.3 Psychotic features associated with severe

depression • F25.1 Schizoaffective Depression Type

Axis I : F32.3 Psychotic features associated with severe depression

Axis II : Z.03.2 none Axis III : none Axis IV : He always keep his feeling to woman and he never tell her

about his feeling, The patient’s father had died and his mother worked as a housekeeper, and the patient had stopped working as a trader sandals Axis V : GAF admission 20 – 11

1. Problem about patient’s life (social) He always keep his feeling to woman and he never tell her about his feeling, Economy : poor, The patient’s father had died and his mother worked as a housekeeper, and the patient had stopped working as a trader sandals 2. Problem about patient’s biological state (biology) There were abnormality imbalance neurotransmitter, hyperactivity of serotonin and dopamine. 3. Problem about patient’s mental state (psychology) Auditory , Visual, Olfactory hallucination , Dellusion of Magic-Mystic

INPATIENT (HOSPITALIZATION) • Tentamen Suicide • Auditory , Visual, Olfactory hallucination • Waham magic-mystic

Emergency department

Inj. Diazepam 1 ampule IV Inj. Haloperidol 1 ampule IM

Target therapy : 50% decrease of symptoms Maintenance Amitriptylin tab 3 x 25 mg/ day Inj. Haloperidol 1 ampule IM

Target therapy : - 100% remission of symptom Inpatient management - Continue the pharmacotherapy: Amitriptylin tab 150 mg/day Inj. Haloperidol 1 ampule IM - Improving the patient quality of life : Teach patient about her social & environment (interact with her family, socialize with her neighbor or friends, find a hobby to do on her spare time) Outpatient management - Pharmacotherapy

Continue the medication, control to psychiatric Rehabilitation : - Help patient to interact normally with her family, friends, and neighbor - Do some activities that can keep patient occupied - Family education

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