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Bringing Light to the Darkness of Human Trafficking


Ingrained with Hope Kacie Campbell


Never Going Back


They Can’t Wait Any Longer Paul Huse

Joyce Meyer

Is “Twitter” for the birds? Let’s talk about social media. See page 29.


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DEAR FRIENDS, There’s a quote I like that goes something like this: “Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words.” Using words is a big part of my life as a preacher, but it’s even more important to me to use my hands to help someone. I love talking to people...but really ministering to them means so much more than that. I heard someone else say, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” I often say I want to help as many people as I possibly can in my lifetime. I want to do something for someone that they can’t do for themselves every day. That is the heart of the worldwide outreach work

we do at Joyce Meyer Ministries— to help as many people and relieve as much human suffering as we can, using all the abilities and resources God has blessed us with. As we celebrate our Thanksgiving holiday, I believe helping someone in need is a great way to express our gratitude for God’s many blessings. It’s something anyone can do anytime. All that’s needed is a willing heart to reach out to someone in need...and help. That’s how we show them that God loves them. Ask Him to show you specifically what you can do. Oh yes...and when necessary... use words! | november 2 0 0 9 | 3

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Publisher Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Executive Editors Dan Meyer Ginger Stache


Art Director Maria Flores Managing Editor Demian Farnworth Staff Writers Kacie Campbell Matthew Loomis Anne Timmerman Graphic Designers Megan Riordan Anna Monette Greg Holtzmann Amanda O’Rourke Amy Roff Jessica Romo Production Supervisor George Dill Production Artists Jeri Icenesse Jeff Douglas Stacy Williams Robert Houston Editorial Proofreaders Carolyn Coley Dar Wood Susan Hutchison Production Coordinators Bill Schlick Monica Johnson Andrea Carpio Jessica Turnbeaugh Photographers Kevin Kelly Dario Acosta Mike Leavitt Sherri Buzby David Dobson Kacie Campbell All Bible references are from The Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted. In Canada: Publications Mail Agreement No. 40030597 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Joyce Meyer Ministries Canada P.O. Box 7700 wwwwVancouver, BC V6B 4E2 [email protected] Canada (800) 868-1002 Enjoying Everyday Life® is published by Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.®, a nonprofit corporation, Fenton, MO USA © 2009 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Publications Agreement No. 40030597. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Enjoying Everyday Life has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). Because all Enjoying Everyday Life issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to order, call locally (636) 349-0303 or toll-free (800) 727-9673. Internet address: Resource prices are in U.S. Funds unless otherwise noted. Enjoying Everyday Life is a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. [J] is also a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. At Joyce Meyer Ministries, financial accountability is very important. We want you to be confident that your investment is being used wisely to build God’s kingdom. That’s why we are so pleased to be accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability—one of the most widely respected nonprofit accrediting agencies worldwide.


pag e 12



12 BriNgiNg LighT TO ThE DarkNESS Of humaN TraffiCkiNg


Money Management


Leader’s Edge

26 A Closer Look


Is your daughter safe? Could she, or your son, become a slave— in this day and age? You can help rescue someone’s child who is. See how you can take a stand against human trafficking!

27 America At Its Best 29 Media Watch 30 Across America 31 Conference Tour


32 Live, Laugh, Love

Can a simple grain make the difference between life and death? It does for some Rwanda rice farmers, as well as the many children and families nourished by this basic, yet extremely nutritious staple.

33 TV Broadcast Schedule 34 Real Life Perspectives

21 NEvEr gOiNg BaCk Would you commit a crime and hope to get caught? Here’s the story of a man who did—and why.

24 ThEy CaN’T waiT aNy LONgEr BY PAUL HUSE

Adequate—and long awaited—health care is now available at the new Hand of Hope Health Center in Pursat, Cambodia. The wait is over.


Need a little extra help getting through today or need some extra advice? Everyday Answers provides wisdom from God’s Word to help you deal with life’s difficult issues. Watch a video from Joyce, read related articles, send a prayer request, and more. | NOVEMBER 2 0 0 9 | 5


COUNTING SHEEP 2 Simple Tools to Fix Your Finances



Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds (Proverbs 27:23 NIV). Did you know that this proverb is not a suggestion but a command from the Lord? Five thousand years ago, people lived in an agrarian society where wealth was measured by land, crops, flocks and herds. Today we talk about houses, savings, stocks and bonds as our wealth. Even though the objects of wealth have changed, the command hasn’t. What kind of shape are your flocks in? Want to find out? You can use two simple tools that identify, analyze and develop a solution for any financial problem and turn your debt into wealth.

1. The balance sheet Write down everything you own (assets) and everything you owe (liabilities). Think of the balance sheet as someone snapping a picture of your personal financial situation in one moment of time, such as the end of the month. Write them down in two columns. Your assets minus your liabilities equals your net worth. Obviously, you want to have more assets than liabilities.

2. The income statement The income statement is a summary of all your income and expenses during a designated period of time, for instance, during a month. Make sure that your income always exceeds your expenses, creating an excess, which is used to increase assets or decrease liabilities, thereby, increasing your net worth.

What really happened to the sheep? Once a balance sheet and income statement have been prepared, it is easy to analyze them and identify problem areas. Three common ones are:

A—I have too much debt. If more than 35 percent of your gross income is being used to pay off debt, your debt load is excessive. Develop a budget that increases income and decreases expenses in order for you to generate excess cash to pay off your debts.

B—I don’t have an emergency fund. Determine which expenses are absolutely necessary to continue paying if you were to lose your job. One year of “essential expenses” should be set aside as an emergency fund.

C—I don’t have any retirement savings. Does your balance sheet reveal that you have enough to retire? Need help saving for retirement? These websites, or, can help you determine how much you will have to save. But saving adequate funds can only be accomplished by the proper stewardship of your income statement over the long term.

Protect your sheep. In Matthew 7:24,25, Jesus tells us that His Word is like a rock, and

“Even though the objects of wealth have changed, the command hasn’t.” we would be wise to build our lives upon it. This includes our finances. Build your financial house on the rock of a Bible-based balance sheet and income statement and your flocks and herds will flourish. That’s a promise.

B O B K AT Z has worked as a CPA and registered investment advisor for over thirty years. His book “Money Came by the House the Other Day” was birthed out of a desire to offer Bible-based wisdom on financial planning and stewardship. Bob is a frequent guest on Christian television shows and often speaks at churches around the country. 6 | ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE


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The Truth About Growing to Your Full Potential



Have you ever known someone who should’ve risen to the top…but didn’t? They had all the talent they should ever need, but they still didn’t succeed. Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson must have known people like that too, because he said, “Talent for talent’s sake is a bauble and a show. Talent working with joy in the cause of universal truth lifts the possessor to a new power as a benefactor.” So is talent ever enough? No. In the beginning, talent separates you from the rest of the pack. But the advantage it gives lasts only a short time. Songwriter Irving Berlin understood this truth when he said, “The toughest thing about success is that you’ve got to keep on being a success. Talent is only a starting point in business. You’ve got to keep working that talent.”

JOHN C. MAXWELL, DM is a dynamic speaker, bestselling author and founder of several leadership organizations, including INJOY Stewardship Services and EQUIP. He communicates his principles to Fortune 500 companies, international marketing organizations, professional sports groups and church leaders worldwide. | NOVEMBER 2 0 0 9 | 9

LEADER’S EDGE Why talent isn’t enough

Do You Have What It Takes?

13 Key Truths to Maximize Your Talent

Too many talented people who start with an advantage over others lose that advantage because they rest on their talent instead of raising it. They assume that talent alone will keep them out front. But it takes more than just talent to succeed. Here’s what you should do if you want to succeed:

I’ve discovered thirteen key truths that can help anyone maximize their talent: 1. Belief lifts your talent. 2. Passion energizes your talent. 3. Initiative activates your talent. 4. Focus directs your talent. 5. Preparation positions your talent. 6. Practice sharpens your talent. 7. Perseverance sustains your talent. 8. Courage tests your talent. 9. Teachability expands your talent. 10. Character protects your talent. 11. Relationships influence your talent. 12. Responsibility strengthens your talent. 13. Teamwork multiplies your talent.

1. Find Your “Strength Zone” People have equal value, but not equal talents. Some people seem to be blessed with a multitude of talents. Most of us have fewer. But know this: All of us have something that we can do well. In their book Now, Discover Your Strengths, Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton state that every person is capable of doing something better than the next ten thousand people. They call this area the strength zone. And they encourage everyone to find it and make the most of it. It doesn’t matter how aware you are of your abilities, how you feel about yourself, or whether you previously have achieved success. You have talent, and you can develop that talent.

2. Develop the Talent You Have, Not the One You Want If I asked you who would be more successful, the person who relies on his talent alone or the person who realizes his talent and develops it, the answer would be obvious. Then I’ll ask you this question: Why do most people spend the majority of their time focused on strengthening their weaknesses? One thing I teach people at my conferences is to stop working on their weaknesses and start working on their strengths. And it’s been my observation that people can increase their ability in an area by almost 2 points on a scale of 1 to 10. So if you find a place where you are a 7, you have the potential to become a 9, maybe even a 10. This brings me to my next point:

3. Make Choices That Will Add Value to Talent So, what creates the effectiveness that is necessary for converting talent into long lasting results? It comes from the choices you make. The key choices you make—apart from the natural talent you already have—will set you apart from others who have talent alone. Orator, attorney, and political leader William Jennings Bryan said, “Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”

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“Why do most people spend the majority of their time focused on strengthening their weaknesses?” Make these choices and you can become a talent-plus person, someone who doesn’t just rely on their inborn talent, but makes choices in life that develop their talent to its fullest potential. Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make, makes you. And one of the most important choices you will make is who you will become! Take an inventory of your God-given talents. Then, start making the right choices that will empower you to become the person God created you to be. And like Joyce says, “Don’t forget to enjoy the journey along the way!”

Listen to my cry, for i am in desperate need; rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me.

PSALM 142:6


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There are more slaves today than at any other time in history. It may go by another name—human trafficking—but sadly, it’s still very real. People are being sold, transported and used for profit. They are forced to beg, work in sweatshops or as child soldiers…and even as prostitutes. Something has changed, however, over the course of history—the price of a human. Based on inflation, a slave in 1850 would cost roughly $30,000 to $40,000. But today, a nine-year-old girl in Haiti can be purchased as a sexual and domestic slave for a mere $50.1 These children were created by God, and people are treating them as a worthless commodity. There’s something depressing and extremely lonely about feeling like there’s nothing you can do to get out of this situation, so we need to help them more than ever.

The Brothels of Mumbai When I went to the red-light district in Mumbai, India, I was introduced to a new level of degradation. Not only was the entire area filthy beyond description, it was also filled with brothels. I was taken into one that consisted of three small rooms with three beds in each room. The girls or women serviced men in these small rooms, hoping to make enough money to be able to eat and feed their children if they had any, and many of them did.

And where were their children while they worked? They either played in the hallway or they were given alcohol to put them to sleep so they could not bother their mothers. I wonder if some of them may have even hid under the beds just to keep from witnessing what was happening in their homes. These women don’t live like this because they want to; they have no other choice. They are uneducated and have grown up in the midst of poverty that most of us would not even begin to understand. Some of them are actually owned by pimps who keep them as prisoners and beat them if they don’t make enough money.

Rescue in Mumbai I am happy to say that we have initiated a program to help rescue them. While working in this area for the last three years, the number of commercial sex workers has dropped considerably. Our partners have also built a Transformation Center two and a half hours outside of Mumbai that can house up to fifty families who will receive a second chance at life. It was so heartwarming for me to listen to the little girls and especially the teenagers giggle out loud when I showed them the shower and toilet facilities they would have at the home. You see, they had never taken a bath in any way other than pouring a bucket of water over themselves behind a building somewhere. To be able to be part of putting smiles on their faces and giving them hope is an amazing feeling.

into the darkness of human trafficking | november 2 0 0 9 | 13

th e s e c h i ldre n w e r e c re ated by

and people are treati ng them as a worthless commo d it y.

Eled’s Story Eled’s mother was everything to her. She didn’t see her father much, but her mother always took care of her, especially when she went off to the University in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. But tragically, Eled’s mother passed away, forcing her to quit school and live with friends. But she had no money, and they wouldn’t feed her. Alone, and without any other options, she was reduced to a life of prostitution. “There is absolutely nothing good about that lifestyle. Sleeping with many men is morally degrading. They had different requests, and I had to fulfill all of them,” she shares. Many of the men would beat her— and steal their money back. Eled says that the worst thing though, was that many men refused to wear protection. If she refused because of this, they would just beat her more. In order to make it day-to-day, Eled became addicted to crack and chewed on chat, a mild stimulant. 14 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D A Y L I F E


Unfortunately, many girls in this lifestyle often succumb to the same fate. “I used to not think about the future. I just wanted to survive that day,” says Eled. There are women, young girls and even boys who are trapped in sexual prisons and forced to work. Many choose this lifestyle, like Eled, because they have no other option, but there are also those who are kidnapped and robbed of their identities and their dignity. Roughly 2 to 4 million people are trafficked in and across borders every year.2

My Own Prison I’m forty years older than Eled, but I can relate in more ways than anyone could imagine. For years I was tormented by fear. When I would hear my dad insert his key into the lock at night, I could feel that fear grip me. He repeatedly sexually abused me, and the most horrible thing about it all was that I was supposed to pretend I liked it. This was my life day in, day out. There was no escaping it.

But at nine years old, I snuck off to church. As I prayed with the preacher to ask Jesus to save me, it was like someone was pouring buckets and buckets of water through me. I had felt so dirty up until that point, but now I could feel Jesus washing me clean. That’s why I have such a huge passion to help rescue these girls who are trapped in prostitution. I want them to experience that same washing from Jesus.

Rescue in Addis Ababa My attempts at reaching for help as a child all failed. No one believed me; no one cared. I have been there, I understand, and I want to help. That’s why, we have teamed up with International Crisis Aid to help rescue women in Ethiopia from a life of prostitution. “For as long as I can remember, I wasn’t happy. There were even days that I hated myself,” shares Genet about her days working as a prostitute on the streets. But now she is safe and living in one of the Ethiopia Women’s Homes. “God has brought me out from a life of

Opposite Page Left: Genet says that she had never known happiness. But since coming to this home she’s found peace and has learned to find joy in a relationship with Christ.

Below: Joyce visits with several of the women living in the Ethiopia Women’s Home. The 27 women—some have children with them—have been rescued from the commercial sex industry.

Above: After her mother died Eled ended up working as a prostitute just to survive. Thankfully, she is now living in the Ethiopia Women’s Home.

darkness into the light. All I want to do is serve the Lord for the rest of my life.” Eled lives in this home too, along with more than thirty other girls—some as young as twelve. Some even have babies with them. When they are rescued off the streets, the first thing they are allowed to do is sleep as long as they want. After that, they begin studying God’s Word, participating

in worship, learning a trade and receiving the counseling they truly need—the love of Jesus Christ.

Somebody Needs to Do Something You know, my mother was deeply afraid of my father, so she was unable to rescue me from the various kinds of abuse he perpetrated against me. I felt very alone, forgotten and abandoned in my nightmare.

I finally decided that nobody was going to help me, so I proceeded to “survive” my circumstances until I could escape them. I have come to understand that multitudes of people that we encounter daily are just trying to survive until someone rescues them—and that someone could be you or me. (1) “Author Struggles to Stay Removed from Slave Trade,” php?storyId=88102060, accessed June 26, 2009. (2)“The A21 Campaign,” index.php/en/home/the-reason, accessed June 26, 2009.

a life Please consider doing everything you can. Your support will help us in this ongoing effort of saving lives and restoring people to the heart of God…through the message of the Gospel and practical, life-changing acts of love and service. These offers expire February 28, 2010.

For a limited time, when you send a donation of any amount to missions, we’ll send you the Hand of Hope necklace.

And when you give $1,000 or more, you’ll also receive the Everyday Life Bible in two brand-new colors…one to keep and one to give away.


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Death d n a e f een Li w t e B e c if feren D e h t e ams Ar r g o r P eding BY KACIE CAMPBELL How Fe He wakes early in the morning to check on the field. It’s been months since he first planted the seeds, and the rivers have flooded into the land. It’s time for harvest. The rice is cut and gathered in. There’s something simple, yet extraordinary, about a tiny, single grain of rice. Waiting for a few months partially submerged under water, the rice seed holds on to the plant, absorbing all the nutrients it can.

This has been a good year. He might even get another crop. He’s heard that some rice farmers can produce three, even four crops in a year. Some of this one will go into the family storehouse, but most of it will be bought and sold many times and may even travel across oceans—some even to a school in Rwanda.

Hope in Rwanda With a deep grin and bright eyes, she waits in line to be served today’s meal of rice and beans. Her little belly rumbles with hunger, but she knows that today she’ll be fed and

taught. At the Kingdom Education Center in Kigali, Rwanda, 688 children are receiving an education—and a nutritious meal five days a week. When our team first came to this school in 2006, the children could barely stay awake at their desks. They had the opportunity to learn, but their hunger was too great to stay awake. Our number one priority was to give them a good meal so they would be ready to learn and play. | november 2 0 0 9 | 17

Today, you’ll see joyous children running about, giggling with their friends and participating in math, writing and Bible lessons, while women are busy preparing large metal vats of rice and beans. And at lunchtime, you can’t miss their huge grins as they receive their bright colored bowls filled with a healthy meal.

Rice as a Staple More than half of the world’s population considers rice a staple in their diet. Some people, such as farmers in India and Bangladesh, eat nothing but rice.1 With a great number of people depending solely on this product, rice production can mean life or death for many. Rice, which has more than 40,000 different varieties,2 provides a long-term supply of energy to the muscles, so it keeps people alert and full of energy. It’s also a good source of numerous vitamins and nutrients that benefit the eyes, skin and central nervous system, and can also prevent anemia. It doesn’t contain any “bad” cholesterol, gluten (which many people are allergic to) or extrinsic sugar. Extrinsic sugar is what causes teeth to decay. Rice also provides an important part of our daily starch and protein intake.3 Throughout our over 300 feeding programs, rice is a staple that we use to fill the hungry bellies of more than 53,000 children throughout 25 countries. Thanks to our partners, we are able to purchase the rice and other food supplies needed to feed these kids and support the farmers who are growing these products.

Feeding Programs Our feeding programs consist of feeding centers and distribution sites.

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Feeding sites/centers are designated spots for children to eat a nutritious meal and receive a Bible lesson. We often have volunteers who prepare the food for the children. In most cases, this is the child’s only meal he will receive for the day. At some of our feeding sites, the children also receive math, reading and other school lessons. Many children around the world have no opportunity to attend school because they are working to help provide food for their families, or it’s because their families cannot afford to send them to school. By providing a basic education along with meals, these children can experience a future beyond the poverty they live in now. Distribution sites are set up to supply food for an entire family. A family of five to seven people receives a two-week to three-month supply of food. Usually, the families are checked on periodically to make sure they are receiving enough food and nutrition.

The Meals But the meals don’t consist only of rice. In some places the children also receive a meat or other protein, vegetables, fruit or bread. It really depends on the area and the

Picture a dark room. On a busy street. Humidity is so thick you can’t wipe it away fast enough. There is a single cot. A flickering bulb. A paying customer. And a young girl.

That’s someone’s child.

a life For a limited time, we’ll send you a special gift for your donation to missions. See page 15 for details.

nutritional needs of the children. In Asia, we serve rice or noodles, with a stew of vegetables or meat. If meat isn’t available, the children receive an egg for protein.

Working with International Crisis Aid, we provide wheat grain for the whole family and plumpy nut for extremely malnourished children in Ethiopia. In order to be considered severely malnourished by United Nations and World Health standards, the measurement of the middle upper arm must be 12 centimeters or smaller in diameter. One child in Ethiopia measured only 9.6 centimeters. It was children like this who we knew wouldn’t last very long without God’s intervention. We know that God can handle this situation and take care of His people any 20 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D A Y L I F E


In Haiti, the people resort to eating mud cookies—nothing more than dried yellow dirt—just to avoid the cruelty of hunger pains. And then there are the children who are abandoned, pushed aside or neglected around the world. Children as young as three and five years old are roaming the streets, with no guarantee of their next meal. It’s an unbearable thing to witness. And it’s happening all around the world. In fact, more than 1 billion people—not only children—are currently malnourished. That’s nearly one in seven people.

There’s Hope But just when things look hopeless, there’s that tiny little grain of rice. From the farmer, to the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries, to the volunteers preparing the meals, to the hungry bellies that take a sigh of relief with each bite, this simple and resilient grain is bringing hope to so many. While hunger is running rampant and trying to steal lives, a grain of hope is bringing life back to the people of the world.

measurement of the middle upper arm must be 12 cm or smaller in diameter.

We saw mothers nursing, but they themselves lacked the nutrients their babies needed. People were eating leaves completely void of any nutrient, so while their bellies were full, they were still starving to death. It was horrific.

It is tragic, but true, that millions of children die every year due to poor nutrition. Their families cannot provide them with the basic necessities of survival.

12 CE NTI M E TE R S — To be considered severely malnourished...the

In Angacha, Ethiopia, we saw some of the most extreme cases of malnutrition. The babies bones were visible underneath their wrinkly, weathered skin. Parents’ eyes were filled with complete and utter desperation as they could do nothing but watch their children starve to death.

The Reality – Eating Dirt 9. 6 CE NTI M E TER S — One child in Ethiopia measured only 9.6 cm.

In Malawi, the children receive a rice product that comes from an organization called Feed My Starving Children. This food mixture utilizes the latest in food technology to meet the needs of the most severely malnourished children around the world. Each meal combines the following nutrients with rice: vitamins A, B6, B12, C and D; zinc; essential fats; magnesium; iron; copper; niacin; calcium; biotin; and soy. All of these working together prevent various diseases and restore the health of the children.4

way that He wants, but he has allowed the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries to be a part of His work, and that is such a great opportunity.

(1) “Fighting hunger with flood-tolerant rice,” http://www. index.html, accessed June 23, 2009. (2) “Rice: Types, Varieties and Forms of Rice,” http://www.foodreference. com/html/art-rice-varieties.html, accessed June 23, 2009. (3) Owen, Sri. “The Rice Book.” St. Martin’s Press; New York. 1993. pp 12-14. (4) “Our Food,” http://www.fmsc. org/Page.aspx?pid=265, accessed June 23, 2009.

a vicTim of child hunger Did you know that it only takes $6 a month to feed a child? This is your opportunity to make a profound, life-saving difference in the lives of so many children. See page 15 for details.

never going A Second Chance at Life Through the Genesis Men’s Home

Would you commit a crime, hoping to get caught? Paul Kirksey would…and did. He traveled across state lines, from Missouri into Illinois, and stole a laptop—just to get arrested. Like Paul, if you knew it might be your only opportunity to join the Genesis Men’s Home, a ministry of the St. Louis Dream Center, just to receive the help you need…you might do it too.

Faded Memory Addicted to crack cocaine for the last six years, Paul has trouble even recalling most of those days. It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk about it…it’s simply a blur in his memory. To him, the crack addiction, smoking pot for the last eight years and enduring a bout with alcoholism seems like someone else’s story. “It seems like a crazy dream that never happened,” shares Paul. Not staying in one place for very long and working day in, day out just to support his habit, Paul ended up burning bridges with his family. Not only had the drugs taken over, he turned to stealing…mostly to support his habit. It was a habitual cycle, and Paul was trapped.

Wasted Opportunities His grandparents gave him as many opportunities as they could. They gave him a trailer to live in completely rent free. All he had to do was cover the utilities. But at this point, Paul was lighting up every day, and eventually his electricity and water were shut off because of failure to pay. That money, after all, was feeding his addictions. He lived like this for six months—no water or electricity in a hot trailer, stealing peanut butter, using a blow torch to heat up metal cans of food. So no one would know he couldn’t cook inside because he didn’t have electricity, he would pretend he was grilling, but he was actually stealing water from his neighbor’s spigot and cooking a pot of noodles on the grill.

Drinking His Paycheck Away But his grandparents gave him another chance, and he moved back in with them. By now, a new habit was getting out of hand—alcohol. After work, he was frequenting bars on his way home. “I’d throw down a $20 bill and ask them to make me the strongest drink they could and to keep the change. I was throwing my money away for one drink,” shares Paul as he shakes his head in disbelief. Not only was he drinking, he was still stealing. In order to drive back and forth to work, he was stealing scrap metal and selling it for gas money. His paycheck, after all, had gone to the bar.

Locked Up Again This arrest in Illinois wasn’t his first. He’d been through it before. He knew he’d get arrested when he went to Illinois to steal the laptop, because he was on probation for the six months he had served in Missouri. He knew it was time to get help.

You Can’t Go There He’d tried outpatient therapy and a few psychiatrists, but they all wanted too much money. He didn’t have any. His mom heard about the Genesis Men’s Home on the radio, and after touring it, Paul knew he needed to be there, and it was more than the fact that it would be free or that is was run by a church. “It wasn’t about God for me, but I could just feel that I needed to be here.” He talked with his probation officer, but after numerous tries, was told that it was not an approved program.

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If he went there, he would be in violation of his Missouri probation and would be arrested. But maybe an Illinois judge would make it a possibility…

A Second Chance So off he went to Illinois. Paul knew that his only opportunity to get the help he needed was to get arrested and plead with the judge to let him serve his time at the Genesis Men’s Home. “God gave me a second chance through that judge. Four months ago, I entered this home so excited I couldn’t even sleep the first night.” Now completely sober and a healthy thirty-five pounds heavier, Paul has found the God he wasn’t interested in when he came here. A week after arriving at Genesis, the men were watching a message by T.D. Jakes. Paul didn’t want to hear the message, but his heart melted when he heard the words, “Your prayers are answered.” See, Paul asked Christ into his heart when he was sixteen, but had since filled his heart with drugs and alcohol instead. Yet, when he was twenty-two, he asked God where he would be at twenty-five years old. He knew his life was supposed to be about something more than just smoking crack, but he couldn’t see an end in sight. His prayer was answered. Paul is now twenty-five, and he’s receiving a fresh start in life. For the first time in years, he’s enjoying good moments with the family he’d lost contact with and is ready for what God has in store next.

Never Going Back Paul says that this home is different than other programs because they aren’t always talking about the addictions. They keep you busy serving others and in the Word. The men exercise, have Bible studies, participate in the street ministry and Adopt-A-Block programs, serve food to the homeless, work around the Dream Center campus and attend church every week. Hoping to find a job as a heavy equipment operator, or even a position at the Dream Center, Paul’s ready to live life the way God intended. In two months he’ll be released from the program and will have that opportunity. When you look into Paul’s eyes, you can tell that the life he once lived—the same one he can’t remember—is no longer a part of who he is. And he’s determined to never go back.

Paul has found the God he wasn’t interested in when he came to the Genesis Men’s Home. He didn’t want to hear the message, but his heart melted when he heard the words, “Your prayers

are answered.”

a victim of drug addiction You can help ministries like the Joyce Meyer Ministries Genesis Men’s Home continue to provide a free home and counseling to even more men through your support of our missions outreaches. Help them find lasting freedom from their addictions. See page 15 for details.


THEY WAIT ANY LONGER Years of Inadequate Health Care Has Left Cambodia Crippled

middle of shanty homes and extreme poverty, it represents a service that many have gone years without—health care.

A Simple Problem Gone Bad B Y PA U L H U S E

It’s hard to tell how many people were already waiting outside the gates of the new hospital when we arrived. And they kept coming all morning by bus, car, motorcycle, bike, and other transportation. We even saw an old man crawl off the back of a tiny scooter. He was too sick to walk. Every day is like this. People arrive early…and then they wait. Most have family with them, hoping to get a number so they can be seen by one of the two doctors on staff at the Joyce Meyer Ministries Hand of Hope Health Center in Pursat, Cambodia, which opened in March. Surrounded on three sides by rice paddies and on the front by one of few roads that run through this province of Cambodia sits this bright yellow, three-story hospital. Parked in the 24 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D A Y L I F E


A woman is brought into the hospital by her son. She stepped on something in the field that punctured the skin on the heel of her foot. It was a simple wound, but now, it’s been months and that tiny problem has become a massive infection. She can’t walk or work. Thankfully, now that the hospital is open and has a fully functioning pharmacy, many more will be able to forego the same fate. Receiving medical care and prescription medication completely free at a facility close to where they live will help so many.

A Missing Generation Even as these patients are seen, many more continue to wait. But there’s something strange about this waiting room. Somebody is missing. There are children, some patients are even close to middle age…and then those who are very elderly.

This 100-bed hospital , which opened in ma rch, is an answer to a long-anticipate d need—adequate health care.

What happened to the rest of them? In the 1970s, a massive genocide erased a generation in Cambodia. Targeting the educated, most of the doctors were killed, thereby collapsing the medical system. For decades, many Cambodians have suffered and died from ailments that could have easily been treated by trained physicians with proper equipment and medicine. And that’s why it’s so amazing that our medical team is alive today. Our doctors, who survived the genocide, are well trained and experienced to treat the approximate sixtyseven patients who come to the hospital each day.

No More Waiting The Hand of Hope Health Center in Pursat is offering care that many have gone without for so long and need so badly.

a victim of untreated diseases Our medical teams strive to be in areas where the needs are the greatest, and where they can have the most impact. Millions of people are suffering from illnesses that are easily treatable, but they need your help to receive the care and medicine they require! See page 15 for details.

Day by day, this 100-bed capacity hospital is growing and learning to accommodate the needs of the people near Pursat, Cambodia. Our goal has always been to go into the areas where care is needed the most…and where we can make the most impact. Living in a country with one of the worst medical systems, Cambodians can’t wait any longer for the healing they’ve desperately needed. And thankfully, they no longer have to. | NOvEmbER 2 0 0 9 | 25

A CLOSER LOOK: missions

Do You Have A vision for missions?


gives to the poor

will lack nothing,

but those

who close

their eyes to poverty

will be cursed.

2. Do you have a vision for missions? Maybe it’s in your heart to travel to a foreign country as a missionary. But maybe that’s not your calling. Did you know that you can be a missionary right in your own neighborhood? Maybe God is calling you to “travel” around your school, your workplace or your city? On the lines below, write down ways you can share the Gospel. jump page Ex: Start a home Bible study and invite neighbors ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

—Proverbs 28:27 NLT

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


1. Is there a widow/widower, orphan or anyone in extreme need in your life? Maybe a coworker, a neighbor or someone at church? Use the lines below to write down the names of those you know who are widowed and next to each name, jot down something special that you can do for them.

that God our Father accepts as pure and

faultless is this:

Ex: Mrs. Johnson: fix her gutter ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

look aFter



orphans and widows


in their distress....

When you’re finished, cut these lists out and place them where you will see them often.


—JAMes 1:27 NIv

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PROCLAim it What American Leaders of the Past Said About Thanksgiving Day B Y D AV E M E Y E R


Thanksgiving Day is coming up soon. It’s a holiday that happens to be one of the best reflections of America’s Christian heritage. How so? Let’s look at why the holiday was created in the first place. Thanksgiving Day is meant to be a special time of giving thanks to the Christian God of the Bible. We know this by looking back at the historical records of many of the earliest settlers of America who came from Europe. Groups like the Pilgrims had a strong desire to obey God’s Word. And it is His words about giving thanks that prompted the Pilgrims to begin the tradition of Thanksgiving Day. Two examples include: • Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever (1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV) • Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV)

D AV E M E Y E R is the Vice President of Joyce Meyer Ministries and has been married to Joyce for over forty years. He passionately shares the truth about our rich Christian heritage in conferences nationwide, encouraging people to get educated, pray and take action. | NOVEMBER 2 0 0 9 | 27

AmERiCA At itS BESt proclaim it Throughout American history, we can find many examples of our nation’s leaders calling for a day of thanksgiving to God. Their words remind us of our country’s rich Christian heritage. For example, on November 1, 1777, the Continental Congress sent out a Thanksgiving Day proclamation that said: “It is therefore recommended to the legislative or executive powers of these United States, to set apart Thursday, the 18th day of December next, for solemn thanksgiving and praise; that with one heart and one voice the good people may express the grateful feelings of their hearts, and consecrate themselves to the service of their divine benefactor…that it may please God, through the merits of Jesus Christ.…”1 George Washington was the first president to issue a Thanksgiving Proclamation in 1789. His text included these words: “WHEREAS it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor…recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God.…” 2

With the right book, history is fun. Written like a novel, this book brings history to life by revealing god’s plan for america, from the days of Christopher Columbus to the last days of george Washington’s presidency.

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Years later, FDR said: “I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, President of the United States of America, do set aside and appoint Thursday, the thirtieth day of November 1933, to be a Day of Thanksgiving for all our people. May we on that day in our churches and in our homes give humble thanks for the blessings bestowed upon us during the year past by Almighty God.” 3

“Theirwordsremindusofour country’srichChristianheritage.” And in 1964, President Lyndon Johnson declared: “[I]t is our desire to observe, in the custom and tradition of our forebears, a special day dedicated to giving thanks to God--a day on which to lay aside our daily tasks and cares and pay joyous homage to Him. We are impelled to raise our voices in His praise and to proclaim our heartfelt gratitude.” 4 It’s amazing to read how our former leaders were very open with their proclamations. The language used is clearly from a Christian point of view and represents a common belief in Christianity among the people. You can find additional information on the history of Thanksgiving Day and our nation’s Christian heritage at (1.)“Proclamation – Thanksgiving Day – 1777,” , accessed June 11, 2009.w (2.)“Proclamation - Thanksgiving Day – 1789,” , accessed June 11, 2009. (3.) Proclamation – Thanksgiving Day – 1933,” , accessed June 15, 2009. (4.)“Strong Families Strong Societies,” , accessed June 15, 2009.


iS “tWittER” FOR tHE BiRDS? Why Social Media Matters and How to Start



Just when you thought you had mastered the Internet, a new phenomenon takes the online world by storm. It’s called Social Media. If you’ve never heard of Facebook, Myspace, or Twitter, you’ve probably been on another planet, because for the next generation, social media is pretty much as important as, say, breathing. Facebook and MySpace, for instance, have more than 330 million users, and few people under age forty today don’t have a personal page on either—or both—sites. These vast social platforms offer people new, simple ways to mingle and exchange information. Amazing things can be accomplished through online networking. I have a friend who runs his entire business using Facebook. One church began a simple online conversation about opening a new site, and 400 people showed up at their first event. Simply put, technology is changing the way we socialize and get things done. Take Twitter, for example.

The Power of the “Tweet” Online applications like Twitter are changing the way people text message through their mobile phones. You can now send multiple people a short “tweet” of up to 140 characters about what you’re doing, where to meet— anything at all. While many people Twitter about creative ideas, principles for living, or business, for most, it’s about personal messages like “I’m at the mall” or “Did you see Joyce Meyer’s program today?”

Before you decide that tweeting is the stupidest idea in the world, you should know that Twitter has become so popular that resumés of the future may be 140 characters or less. Companies are now using Twitter to inform customers about new products, and you and I can use it to share the Gospel with the online world. In fact, many pastors have asked their congregations to Twitter about their messages—during church.

Facebook, for Starters For first-timers, I recommend starting a Facebook account. It’s free, and easy to set up at You simply start by searching for your friends. And when you’re ready for Twitter, feel free to jump into my “stream.” Sooner or later, you may have to start Twittering just to keep in touch with your kids.

“Twitterhasbecomeso popular thatresumésofthefuturemaybe 140charactersorless.” After a recent lecture at Yale University, a young student asked me, “How in the world did you meet friends in college without Facebook?” She was serious. Social media is growing more popular by the minute, and it’s an easy place to start conversations and get the Gospel flowing into people’s lives. So I hope you’ll join the social media bandwagon. You never know what might happen.

PHIL COOKE provides a guide to the media revolution in his latest book “The Last TV Evangelist,” and he blogs on faith, media and culture at You can follow him on Twitter at

FollowJoyce&HandofHopeonTwitter! JoyceMeyer | NOVEMBER 2 0 0 9 | 29

ACROSS AMERICA I had doubts about whether I’d be able to relate to the inmates. And I wasn’t sure I could offer them any real hope. Now I know it was God’s plan to show me that He could.

“Psalm34:18says,‘TheLORDis closetothebrokenhearted.’Hewas righttherewiththosemen.” In January 2009 I spent two weeks in Oklahoma with the Joyce Meyer Ministries prison ministry team. We visited twenty-six state institutions and shared the Gospel with hundreds of men who desperately needed to hear it. I have never had another life experience where I learned so much in so little time.

People Just Like You and Me One of the main things God imparted to me during the trip was the fact that these men—even though they’re behind bars and basically condemned by society—are just human beings who have made mistakes and were caught for it. I think a lot of us can recall doing something in our lifetime that, if we were caught, would have gotten us into a lot of trouble. God was showing me that these men didn’t need our condemnation—they needed His love. Over the course of the two weeks, I was able to talk with a lot of prisoners and was surprised how well I could relate to them. I found out they’re people just like you and me.


Just Love Them Like Jesus

What I Learned from Two Weeks of Prison Ministry by James strahsberg


I’ve had the opportunity to talk about God at church, but speaking to groups of prisoners was different. These men were completely honest and open. They weren’t putting on a front, they just knew they needed God, and they wanted to see themselves the way He does. Before the outreach, I never gave any thought to people who are in prison. It wasn’t that I didn’t care. I just wasn’t aware. But these men are so desperate and hungry and they’re in a position to receive God’s love. They just need people to share it with them.

“Get your backpack. You’re going on a prison outreach.” I was in my first year at the St. Louis Dream Center Ministry Academy, and growing up in a Christian home, I had led a pretty sheltered life. So when I heard those words I was a little bit nervous.

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I’ll never forget the letter our team received from the inmates at one of the prisons. One man’s comment has stayed with me. He said, “Thank you for not condemning us as the rest of the world does. Thank you for loving us with the love of Christ.”

Upcoming Conferences November 5-7 houston, tx Worship with Darlene

thursday Friday saturday


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Lakewood Church |

February 18-20 phoenix, az Worship with Phil

thursday Friday saturday


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phoenix First assembly |

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Living The Love Revolution

KNOW? More than 1,000 meals are served daily in Malawi thanks to the support of our partners, and missionaries Jamie and Lea Peters, who head up the feeding program in Lilongwe. In addition to a nutritious meal, local children receive a Bible lesson and classes in math and writing. Thanks, partners, for all you’re doing!

New Toolbar Keeps You Connected to JMM News

Do What Scares You Katie J. of Roscoe, Illinois, felt God was leading her to do a women’s Bible study in her home.

Around the World Joyce in Malawi, Africa November 14-22, Joyce Meyer Ministries will be in Lilongwe, Malawi, providing free medical care and holding a three-day Festival of Life in Blantyre. Read all about it at www.

Joyce Joins All-Puppet Cast Stay connected to ministry news with our official computer toolbar. Download it free for instant access to Joyce’s TV and radio broadcasts, podcasts, Hand of Hope and Conference Tour updates, and a Yahoo!powered search tool. To download the free toolbar, visit www. downloads.

“I was fearful about doing it because public speaking terrified me,” she said. “At one point I thought I’d just play a CD and let Joyce do the teaching. But God gave me all the encouragement I needed to lead the group myself. “Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to love on these women, listen to their struggles, pray with them, encourage them, help them with the needs of their children, and just be there for them,” she said. “God has blessed my life in ways I never dreamed possible, just by walking in love.” Are you living The Love Revolution? Do you know someone who is? Share your story online at www.

Joyce is the voice of Lioness Ruby in the new children’s adventure DVD Pahappahooey Island: What About Me!? This is the first time Joyce has worked with puppets and she’s secretly hoping the cast will ask her back. The DVD is great for kids ages 3 to 6 and are available at Christian bookstores and

T V broADCAST SCHeDULe DAILY TELECAST Programs air daily, Monday-Friday. NOVEMBER

nov 2 - 6 Give Hope* Get your passport ready! on monday, you’ll see how $6 a month can change a child’s life through our feeding programs, and how the new floor at the Los Angeles Dream Center is rescuing women from human trafficking. on Tuesday, we’ll travel to India, Wednesday, to a medical outreach in Haiti and Thursday, to ethiopia. on Friday, we’ll share a little more about the LA Dream Center, as well as vital prison and medical outreaches.

nov 9 - 13 Your Relationship with God Do you spend time with God regularly? monday through Wednesday, learn how to strengthen your relationship with God. Joyce welcomes Nick Gumbel on monday and Tuesday. And you don’t want to miss Thursday and Friday’s* special programs with guest Gary Skinner, founder of Watoto, to hear about the exciting things happening in Uganda.

nov 16 - 20 Intimacy What does it mean to fear the Lord? on monday and Tuesday, Joyce welcomes John Bevere to discuss the importance of obedience and how this is the one time fear is a good thing. on Wednesday through Friday, Joyce shares about the closeness and intimacy we can share with the Lord—free of rules and regulations.

nov 30 - DeC 4 God Is Not Mad at You Do you feel like God is mad at you? on monday, Joyce and Paul Scanlon share how we can stop beating ourselves up about everything we do. on Tuesday, Joyce will answer the question everyone wants to know: Why do bad things happen to good people? And Wednesday through Friday, Joyce shares how to remain peaceful even when situations in your life go awry.

WEEKLY TELECAST Programs air one day a week.

oCT 25 - nov 7 What Is It Going to Take to Change Me? Is there even one thing in your life that could be improved? If so, make sure to tune in to discover how you can still be unique, even with a few minor tweaks.

nov 8 - 21 Living with Excellence and Integrity Want to know how to live a successful life? Tune in to hear the three principles God showed Joyce to live by.

nov 22 - DeC 5 What’s Been on Your Mind Lately? What would it look like if your mind became a picture for everyone to see? Would it reveal Christ? Discover how to develop a godly thought life.

nov 23 - 27 Staying Amazed Tune in monday* for a special look at the new hospital in Cambodia. Tuesday and Wednesday, Joyce shares a message from Australia on the importance of staying amazed at Who God is! on Thursday** we’re giving thanks to God with guest John Maxwell. And on Friday, tune in to discover the most important decision you could ever make.

a life

Want even more missions stories than you saw Nov 2 – 6? www.joycemeyer. org/hope


PODCASTS • enjoying everyday Life daily video podcast • enjoying everyday Life daily radio podcast • everyday moments 90-second audio podcast

Gary Skinner joins Joyce in the studio nov. 12 & 13. *TBN will receive alternate programming. **Countries outside the United States will receive alternate programming. Schedules are subject to change. For stations and program times in your area, check your TV listing or visit Watch the Enjoying Everyday Life broadcast anytime you like at | november 2 0 0 9 | 33

ReAL LiFe PERSPECTIVES We don’t take our partnerships for granted and we don’t take them lightly.

Trust + Integrity = Good Partnership For example, we don’t team up with just anybody, because we want to make sure the money you give to us is being used responsibly and wisely. Trust is a huge factor on both sides, and mutual trust can only be built through a relationship. Occasionally, trust can come through a credible reference or an organization’s track record of success. But mostly, these relationships take time. A good partnership also requires integrity—do they keep their word. So when a potential partner tells us that they can carry out a project, and our ministry funds that project, we are able to create a lasting relationship when we see the project completed effectively. We understand that sometimes in the mission field things simply don’t always go the way you hope. That’s why we are out there constantly checking on the projects we fund. God always helps us to know the difference between a lack of integrity and a need to be flexible.

GettinG the Job Done

Why Partnerships are Important to Hand of Hope B Y D AV I D L . M E Y E R

A Team Effort in the Middle East One of the best examples of partnership is what we have been a part of in the launching of the all Arabic speaking station Al-Hayat. Joyce’s program is dubbed in Arabic and airs on this network 8 times a day throughout the Middle East. We knew from the beginning this outreach could never be done by just one organization. So we have a certain group doing the web work, another doing the satellite up linking, another answering the correspondence, another organization working on the program development and so on. This has turned out to be one of most effective outreaches to the Islamic world.

We Can’t Do It All Alone

Have you ever asked somebody for help? For most of us, our answer would be yes. In reality, everyone has asked for help at some point in their life, even if it’s something as simple as asking for directions. Let’s face it—we can’t always do everything alone. Sometimes we need help to get the job done.

Partnerships make all the difference when it comes to saving lives and changing lives around the globe. Whether it’s our vital partner organizations or our individual partners, this ministry is able to reach so many more people than we would if we tried to do it all alone.

Hand of Hope has a vision to help hurting people, and without our partnerships, we would only be doing a fraction of what we’re doing now.

Feeding children…sending the gospel out to the Islamic world…whatever God places in our path—together, we can “get the job done.”

D AV I D L . M E Y E R is CEO of Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions. David oversees 15 foreign offices, coordinates humanitarian and disaster relief efforts, plans international crusades, and oversees foreign broadcasts of Enjoying Everyday Life. His passion to help people and reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ has taken him to more than 110 nations. David, his wife, Shelly, and their two children reside in St. Louis, Missouri. 34 | E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D A Y L I F E


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Unwind with Joyce! Curl up with the New Day, New You devotional or unwind with Joyce’s CD series Healthy Living – Spirit, Soul and Body, while the kids watch Pahappahooey Island on DVD. Our eStore is filled with resources to help you relax you this holiday season, along with gifts to encourage your friends and family throughout the coming year. Enjoy special holiday pricing on a variety of new and classic resources—our Christmas gift to you!

We’ve got the peace you need. For the person who has everything, give a donation that will bring hope to someone in need. Visit to learn more about unconventional gift options from Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions. | NOVEMBER 2 0 0 9 | 35

GI VI N G IN IT S M O ST RM . BE AU TI FUa giftL inFO honor of someone This Christmas give e for many you love—a gift that will restore hop around the world.

AS CATALOG THE HAND OF HOPE CHRISTM d you a beautiful And with each donation, we’ll sen pass along as a Christmas ornament and card to as—give hope! reminder of each gift. This Christm send your card Order by December 5, and we’ll as. istm Chr for and ornament in time

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