November 2008 - Claverley Parish Magazine

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Newsletter For the parishes of Claverley and Tuck Hill

November 2008 Rev. Simon Cawdell, The Vicarage, Lodge Park, Claverley, Wolverhampton, WV5 7DP. Tel 01746 710268

From The Vicarage As I write I am looking forward to leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, including a number of members of the parish, and Bridgnorth Deanery It will be the second time I have been there, and I have little doubt that the visit will be profound. I remember how on my last visit I found it so comforting and inspiring to see the places where the events described in the Bible took place, the places where Jesus would have stood, and the sites, where for almost two thousand years worshippers have recognised the events of Jesus’ life taking place. I also understood far more much of the imagery that is used in the Bible, and the way in which Jesus used the scenery, landscape, and issues of everyday life to shape his parables and teachings. He drew on customs and certainties that his hearers would have found familiar, perhaps even comforting, before often turning them around to demonstrate some new truth about the Kingdom of God that he wished them to understand. At the moment there is much that seems uncertain that we have been used to for the last decade, the nation has been relatively prosperous, and many have benefited from the easy credit markets, and rising house prices. Over the last two months these apparent certainties have been swept away, possibly not to return for some time, and there will be numbers of people who fear for their livelihoods, and the security of their homes, even in our parishes. Older members of the parish will remember what recession is like, whether of the early nineties, or the mid seventies or earlier in the century, and we will need to remember that there will be many, indeed any who are still at school, or even university at present who have no idea what it means. They do not have the experience of having lived through the belt tightening worries over employment, or the possibility that pensions or wages will not keep pace with inflation. In uncertain times people often return to old ‘certainties’ in which they may find comfort. Some are more real than others. Here is where faith comes into its own, for in the midst of the present tribulation is a truth often overlooked in a God who loves us all, and who loves us so much that He was prepared to risk the life of His Son to enable us to know Him. That is the truth that I will be constantly reminded of in Israel and Palestine next week. And this is where the value of the visit comes, for it will be a reminder that this faith I own is no fairy story, built upon false tales and illusion, but faith based upon real happening and history. But more than that, it is a faith I understand and know through a living relationship I have with God who loves me, and whose love, tentatively, imperfectly I try to return in worship, and in daily life. And as I know Him more, and understand more the certainty that is that love He gives. Simon Cawdell

November 2008 Letter from the Bishop of Ludlow It may seem strange to be making an appeal in Advent especially since recently there has been such turbulence in the world’s financial markets. The ‘credit crunch’ means that we shall all suffer. However the poorest in the world will suffer most and this is a time when we can reach out to them with generosity. Those of us who have visited our link Dioceses know the wonderful hospitality which is given to us and how people out of very little give their all. . There is a tremendous spirit of generosity in our Diocese through the links which have been established and after consultation with the Tanzanian Bishops we want to put forward 3 projects, one in each link Diocese for our Advent appeal. There may be people who are not involved in overseas links who would like to respond to this appeal and there may be others who have already given who would like to think about it. A Food Security Programme in the Masasi Diocese which is in a very poor area in the south of Tanzania. Most of the people in the Diocese are subsistence farmers heavily dependent on climatic conditions. In some years the rains fail and crops are seen to wither and die in the ground; in other years the rains are too heavy and wash seeds and plants out of the ground. In some years there is famine in parts of the Diocese. One of the projects in the Tanga Diocese is a Vocational Training Centre for HIV/Aids orphans and unemployed young people. Many leave the area and end up as street children in places like Dar es Salaam. Bishop Philip Baji wants to expand and develop the Centre to accommodate many more young people so that they can learn practical skills and be given hope for the future. “Education for Liberation” is the motto of the new Church Secondary School in Dar es Salaam which opened in 2004 but which needs a lot of money for new buildings, facilities, books and educational materials. Archbishop Valentino Mokiwa wants to see the school offer the best possible education to young people so that they may in turn provide Christian leadership in their country and play an important part in reducing poverty in this, the 7th poorest country in the world. As we look forward to celebrating the birth of Christ we shall remember the outpouring of God’s generosity by coming in Jesus and the giving of himself. We shall want to identify with God’s generosity by reaching out to others especially our friends in Tanzania. The Appeal will be launched during the first week of November when the Archbishop of Tanzania will be visiting the Diocese. Cheques should be made payable to the Hereford Diocesan Board of Finance and sent to Gordon Powell at the Diocesan Office, The Palace, Hereford HR4 9BL with a note saying it is for Tanzanian Advent Appeal


ARE COMING TO CLAVERLEY VILLAGE HALL SATURDAY 29TH NOVEMBER 8.30pm TILL MIDNIGHT Tickets £10 Include Light Supper. Licenced Bar Tickets Available From Carolyn Cook 01746 710098 Claverley Post Office and Rudge Heath Stores Proceeds to Shropshire junior cricket tour. South Africa 2009

Claverley Tennis Club Black Country Night Starring Tommy Mundon, Maggie O’Hara and Ken Wood At Claverley Village Hall on Saturday 22nd November 7.30pm for 8pm Tickets £12.50 (includes fish and chip supper)

Licensed Bar

Tickets Available From Claverley Post Office, Rudge Heath Stores Or Any Tennis Club Committee Member

All Saints Christmas Barn Dance On Friday 5th December we will be holding a family Barn Dance, at which the Grand Christmas Raffle will be drawn, and Father Christmas may be persuaded to put in a guest appearance. We are sure this will be a lively occasion for everyone with food, music and dancing for all! Christmas Lights and Advent Service We are looking forward to the grand switch on of the Christmas lights in Claverley at 6.15pm on Sunday 30th November. Mince Pies and Mulled Wine will accompany the Advent service which follows, and all are welcome.

CLAVERLEY VILLAGE HALL Dates for your diary:10th Nov. Monday dress show. More details next month 20th Nov. Thursday ‘Edge of Love’. Flicks in the Sticks film changed from last month. Keira Knightley, Mathew Rhys and Sienna Miller 4th Dec. Thursday. Flicks in the Sticks extra film ‘Mama Mia’ 12th Dec. Friday Carol Supper. Hot supper. Tickets £8.00. 17th Jan. Saturday. Tettenhall Singers. Tickets £9.00 The next meeting of the Village Hall Committee will be 6th November. Betty Pearson-Fenn

PARISH COUNCIL NEWS Items from the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th October 2008

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday, 10th November. Please check the notice boards for the venue as there is a possibility the meeting will be held in the School Hall but at the time of writing this has not been confirmed. The public session will commence at 7.15 p.m. so please come along and tell us about any matters you wish to raise. We are hoping Inspector James Dunn will be present to discuss the levels of policing and other matters relating to the police. Two members of the public attended the October meeting to raise concerns about overgrown public rights of way. These concerns will be taken up with the County Council. Claverley Parish Plan Councillor Mrs. Dawes reported that work on the Security and Safety Pack was nearly completed. An approach to security firms will be made to seek sponsorship. Wolverhampton Airport Councillor Collings reported that efforts were continuing to reconstitute the Airport’s Consultative Committee. Claverley in Bloom Claverley in Bloom and all those who helped were congratulated on achieving a Silver award in the Heart of Britain In Bloom competition. Planning for next year’s competition has started and feedback from the judges will be of great benefit. Free Trees Councillor Pickerill, the Tree Warden, informed the meeting that small native trees (approx. 2 ft.) were available to landowners. Anyone interested in obtaining some of these free trees should contact Paul by telephoning 01746 710037 or by email to paul.pickerill@ Applications should be made before the end of November. Christmas Lights Contrary to some rumours, the Parish Council is intending to have the lights this year and they will be switched on prior to the evening Advent service on Sunday, 30th November. We hope to see you in the Bull Ring. Rubbish Collection A letter of complaint has been sent to Shropshire Waste Partnership concerning the change in arrangements for the collection of household rubbish. This led to considerable confusion and some households had to wait 3 weeks for their black bins to be emptied. Other parishes have also been affected. Gill Price Clerk to the Council (tel. 710394)

Claverley Memories Following our recent successful trip to Bantock House we are now organising a guided tour of Shrewsbury Castle and Shropshire Regimental Museum for the evening of Tuesday 25th November. This is open to non members and anyone interested in joining us for what should be a very interesting and enjoyable visit should contact John Burns. ******************************************************************************* An Idea for Christmas !! Thinking of Christmas presents yet? Our Guide to Claverley Church and Village was first printed in 1906. We painstakingly and faithfully reproduced this professionally in its original form from parts of two original copies using modern scanning and printing techniques. It gives a fascinating insight to the village as it was then and it is surprising how little has changed! At £2 each this would be an inexpensive little stocking filler. Buy a dozen and send them out to friends, relatives and business associates to show them what a lovely old village we have (please). Next Meeting is our trip to Shrewsbury (see above). New members welcome. Please come along and find out what we are about. For Queries contact Sue Burns 710154 or Patricia Lee 710239

Coffee Morning Thanks The coffee morning for MacMillan Cancer Support held in Hopstone on 23rd September raised £140.00. Grateful thanks to members of Monday Craft, Rev. Simon Cawdell and Sarah also to neighbours for their donations.

We would like to say many thanks to all our friends and neighbours who sent and expressed congratulations and good wishes to us on the occasion of our Diamond Wedding Anniversary. Thank you Simon for the prayers and ringing the bell. Love to all Sandy and Margaret.

TUCK HILL NEWS Thanks Mr Harold Smith sends his grateful thanks to Simon Cawdell, friends and neighbours for their prayers and the cards he has received during his recent illness. He is glad to say he is starting to feel a little better. Willing Neighbours Please try and come to Bridgnorth Charity Fair on Saturday 29th November at the Castle Hall between 10 am and 1 pm, when Willing Neighbours will have a stall to raise funds for the running costs. We will be grateful for cakes and preserves or anything which could be sold. We are also seeking donations or contributions of items to go into a Christmas hamper which will be raffled at this event. Contact Nos: Gloria Swash 710528 or Pearl Bryan 780394 Whist Drive The next Tuck Hill whist drive will be on Thursday 13th November at 8 pm

Claverley Indoor Bowls If anyone would like to join Claverley Indoor Bowls Club they would be very welcome to attend the 5 00pm Session every Wednesday. Please contact Chris Nock 710371 or John Cotham 710340


Saturday 22nd November 2008 Claverley Village Hall 10am – 3.30pm TO INCLUDE Tea / Coffee, Cake & Biscuits (Morning & Afternoon) Flower Demonstration 2 Course Luncheon Including Wine 2 Flower Arrangements To Take Home Inclusive Of All Costs £30 Per Person To obtain tickets or for further information please contact Sally on 01746 710259 or Sandra 01902 374802 or Jane 01746 710403. Please book early to avoid disappointment as places are limited. . CONTRIBUTIONS DEADLINE All material for publication in the December Newsletter should be submitted to The Vicarage or Broad Lanes Farm, Six Ashes (contact Pearl Bryan) by Saturday 16th November. Thank you

What, you ask, is 'Butt dust?' Read on and learn.... These have to be original and genuine. No adult is this creative!! MELANIE (age 5) asked her Granny how old she was. Granny replied she was so old she didn't remember any more. Melanie said, 'If you don't remember you must look in the back of your panties. Mine say five to six.' BRITTANY (age 4) had an earache and wanted a pain killer. She tried in vain to take the lid off the bottle. Seeing her frustration, her Mom explained it was a child-proof cap and she'd have to open it for her. Eyes wide with wonder, the little girl asked: 'How does it know it's me?' DJ (age 4) stepped onto the bathroom scale and asked: 'How much do I cost?' CLINTON (age 5) was in his bedroom looking worried. When his Mom asked what was troubling him, he replied, 'I don't know what'll happen with this bed when I get married. How will my wife fit in?' JAMES (age 4) was listening to a Bible story. His dad read: 'The man named Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city but his wife looked back and was turned to salt.' Concerned, James asked: 'What happened to the flea?' The Sermon I think this Mom will never forget....'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust...' He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'

CLAVERLEY PENSIONERS 2008 It was with regret that the committee had to cancel the ‘Skittles Evening’ planned for 10th October due to lack of support. On previous occasions it has been well supported and it is hoped that we may be able to re-instate the event at some future date. We shall hopefull be arranging our annual supper in 2009, in the meantime we wish everyone a warm and healthy winter. The Committee for the Pensioners. Mrs Eileen Jones Mrs Yvonne Evans Mrs Anne Simmonds Mrs Elsie Spiller Mrs Lee Chancellor

CLAVERLEY LADIES LUNCHEON CLUB Janet Brittain welcomed members and guestst o our October meeting. Betty Pearson Fenn said that the coach outing on January 6th will be to Chester leaving the Plough at 9.15am and returning at about 6.00pm. Anyone wishing to go please contact Betty on 710468. Our speaker Mr Ryan Davies told us of his “Adventures in Veterinary Medicine” from a school boy who spent his holidays helping on farms, and then getting GCSE A grades went on to veterinary school in Glasgow for 5 years and now practices general surgery and medicine with Hollybush Veterinary Services in Bridgnorth. The vote of thanks was given by Yvonne Evans. Our next meeting on November 6th, speaker Mr P Suddock “Chief Executive of Dudley Zoo”. Elaine Blower

A Stranger for Christmas Visits from strangers at Christmas began with shepherds turning up at a Bethlehem stable, and continued with the arrival of wise men from a foreign land. You could carry on this tradition, by inviting an international student to spend Christmas in your home. HOST is a well-established charity, backed by the Foreign Office and many universities, which links adults studying in the UK with hospitable volunteers throughout Britain. Guests come from all over the world, including many from China. They speak English, are keen to share their own culture, while longing to know more about our way of life. Welcoming a student who might otherwise spend Christmas on a deserted campus, fosters international understanding, and will make Christmas special. See or call 0207 254 3039, for more information. HOST arranges visits throughout the year, so if your 'inn' is full this Christmas, you can still offer an invitation at another time.

Derek, Darren and Caroline King would like to thank everyone that attended and sent their condolences at Betty’s funeral. The sum raised for our chosen charity, ‘The County Air Ambulance’ was £1265.00. God bless you all.

ALL SAINT’S CHURCH CLAVERLEY SUNDAY ROTAS Sunday 2 November (All Saints Sunday) 10am Family Service Sidesman James Cawdell Coffee Jane Mottram 6.30pm First Reading Peter Davis Second Reading Norah Glass Sidesman George Spibey

Isaiah 65:17-end Hebrews 11:32-12:2

Sunday 9 November (Remembrance Sunday) 10.50am Remembrance Sunday Reading Royal British Legion Intercessions Royal British Legion Sidesmen Royal British Legion

Matthew 25:1-13

6.30pm First Reading Second Reading Sidesman

Judges 7:2–22 John 15:9–17

Eileen Brown Dennis Loat Rosemary Gannon

Sunday 16 November (2nd Sunday Before Advent) 10am First Reading Gloria Swash Gospel Reading Ken Swash Intercessions Francis Palmer Assistant Mary Palmer Coffee Ian Fallon Sidesman Gordon Drury 6.30pm First Reading David Raby Second Reading Peggy White Sidesman Geoff Wenlock Sunday 23 November (Sunday Before Advent) 10am First Reading Mary Palmer Gospel Reading Val Smith Intercessions Eileen Jones Assistant Colin Bailey Coffee Margot Stevens Sidesman Jim Holland 6.30pm First Reading Denis Loat Second Reading Eileen Brown Sidesman Kathleen White Sunday 30 November (Advent Sunday) 10am At Tuck Hill 6.30pm Sidesman John & Janet Cotham

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14–30

1 Kings 1:15-40 Revelation 1:4–18

Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 Matthew 25:31–46

2 Samuel 23:1–7 Matthew 28:16–20

Advent Service

A reminder to all organizations in the parishes, please submit your dates to go in the diary separately, or they may be missed. The diary section is co-ordinated by Stephanie Perks Details as for the ads section, Many Thanks.









11th 13th 17th

Tuesday Thursday Monday









27th 29th

Thursday Saturday

10.30 am 2.00 pm 1.00 pm

Toddlers Craft Club Ladies’ Luncheon Club

Village Hall Village Hall Worfield Golf Club

7.45 pm 8.00 pm

Book Club Village Hall Committee Meeting Claverley School PTA Bonfire & Fireworks Display Toddlers Craft Club Church Home Group Supper Club Toddlers Craft Club Flicks in the Sticks

The Old Vicarage Village Hall

Claverley Flower Guild Christmas Workshop Black Country Night

Village Hall

Toddlers Craft Club Claverley Memories Church Home Group Ladies’ Fellowship “The Hype” 70s Band & Light Supper

Village Hall Village Hall King’s Arms The Vicarage Village Hall Village Hall

6.00 pm – 8.00 pm 10.30 am 2.00 pm 8.00pm 7.45 pm 10.30 am 2.00 pm 7.30 pm for 8.00 pm 10.00 am – 3.30 pm 7.30 pm for 8.00 pm 10.30 am 2.00 pm 8.00 pm 8.00pm 7.30 pm 8.30 pm – midnight

School Field Village Hall Village Hall The Vicarage King’s Arms Village Hall Village Hall Village Hall

Village Hall



Family Barn Dance

Village Hall

Church Services Church Services 2nd November 9th November Remembrance Sunday 16th November 23rd November

Claverley 8.00am Holy Communion 10am Family Service 6.30pm Evensong 8am Holy Communion 10.50am Remembrance service 10am Holy Communion 6.30 Evensong 8am Holy Communion 10am Holy Communion 6.30 Evensong 8am Holy Communion 10am Family Service 6.30pm Evensong

30th November

Tuck Hill 11.00 am Matins

8am Holy Communion

11am Family Service

11am Holy Communion 11am Holy Communion

6.30pm Advent Service followed by mince pies and mulled wine

Holy Communion is celebrated every Wednesday, 9am at Claverley. Sunday School - For children from two and a half years to eleven. Sunday at 10.00 am during term time (Claverley). For details contact The Vicarage on 710268

Parish Registers Funerals 9th October Brian Ewart Elcock, 78, of Pound Street, Claverley. Service and burial at Claverley.

Claverley Church Sidesmen's Rota

Full rotas for services are now contained inside the magazine

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