November 17, 2009

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  • Words: 328
  • Pages: 10
November 17, 2009 Recently one student shot another on a Philadelphia School District bus. Is it time for metal detectors on busses? Is the school district responsible? Is this a fluke or is this something to worry about?

Note We are going to start using the textbook It will save paper and it will save time Put the book under your desk when you are done Textbook work is always group work

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Homework: In many ways the American Revolution was over finances Would you go to war over strictly financial issues? Argue yes or no and tell me why When you think money think jobs

The French and Indian war Part of a larger war between France and Britain Called the Seven Years War in Europe Many Native Americans fought for the French

Relations with Britain Before the Seven Years War, the colonies had been left alone Britain had not directly ruled the colonies for a long time They got used to ruling themselves

The British win the war With the help of colonial militias, say the Americans We bailed out the colonials, say the British There are a lot of bills left to pay Who will pay them?

The British try to rule the colonies again They do not see the Americans as British like themselves The Americans feel very disrespected

The Proclamation line of 1763 Runs (more or less) along the Appalachian Trail Americans are not allowed to cross it It is designed to protect Native Americans from Colonials

The Proclamation line of 1763 Colonials HATE IT Poorer people want land and need to be able to move over the mountains Rich people own land on the other side of the line A lot of money at stake

Class work: Was the American revolution inevitable? Argue yes or no and say why Textbook: In groups read p. 95 to 102 and answer the reading check questions

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