Nov1 All Saints Day

  • June 2020
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[This is for reference only. Please do not read it at Mass] This year the Feast of All Saints replaces the liturgy of the 31st Sunday of the Year. The Church calls us today to look towards heaven: to God and our eternal reward. As we ascend the ‘mountain of the Lord’, we must trust in God and not in the things of this world. This is the essence of the Beatitudes. The saints, all that multitude who have reached heaven, encourage us by their example and prayers. A story about two children climbing a magical mountain will help the children understand the concept of heaven and the communion of saints. NB. It would be appropriate to put aside the usual lessons and celebrate this feast. The children could select a saint and look for stories and facts about them, (the net has a wealth of information). They then share their findings by making posters or putting up a skit or PowerPoint presentation for the rest of the students.

INTRODUCTION: Celebrant: Children, did you know that today is a big celebration for us Christians? Today is the feast of All Saints. On this day the Church tells us, “Look up to heaven! There are many holy and happy people there.” Do you know why they are so happy? Because they are with God! • Do you know the names of any saints who are in heaven? [Repeat aloud any suggestions the children make] There are also thousands of other saints whose names we do not know. They are all the holy men, women and children who are in heaven. Do you want to join them there? Let’s find out how we can reach there. LITURGY OF THE WORD: Commentator: God gave Saint John a vision of heaven. This reading tells us what he saw. First Reading: Revelation 7:9-10. Commentator: In this psalm there is a question asked. It is: ‘Who will climb the mountain of the Lord?’ Listen to the answer. Psalm: 24: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6. Commentator: Jesus also tells us how we can reach heaven. That is because he wants us all to get there. Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12.


Celebrant: Today, I will start by telling you a story. Once upon a time there lived a boy called Peter. He and his little sister Mary lived all alone, because their father and mother had died some years ago. They were very poor and often had nothing to eat. One night Peter had a very clear dream. It seemed very real. He dreamed that his father was calling out his name over and over again. “Peter, Peter!” Peter got up and ran to the front door. There, instead of the usual muddy street, he saw a shining path with flowers growing on both sides. The path seemed to be leading to a high mountain far away. Again Peter heard his father’s voice, “Peter, wake your sister up and follow the path!” So Peter rushed into the house and woke his sister up. They quickly got dressed and started hurrying down the path. Soon they reached the foot of the mountain. Peter looked up. He could see the path here and there on the mountain side, but he couldn’t see the top. The mountain seemed very, very high. Mary asked, “Does Daddy want us to climb all the way to the top?” “I think so” answered her brother. “I think there is something very wonderful waiting for us at the top. Let’s try!” So the two children began to climb up the mountain, following the little path. They walked and walked until their legs were aching. Worse still, their stomachs began to feel very empty and their mouths were dry with thirst. And the top of the mountain seemed to be as far as before. Mary sat down on a rock and began to cry. “I’m hungry and tired. I don’t think we’ll ever reach the top.” Just then Peter heard his mother’s soft voice, “Look there, under that tree.” Looking up, Peter saw a tree. It was a mango tree, full of delicious-looking mangoes. The children ran to it and began to eat hungrily. Just next to the tree, there was a little spring of clean water. After eating and drinking their fill, the children lay down and slept on the soft green grass under the tree. Soon they were ready to continue their journey. The children climbed and climbed for many days. Whenever they got hungry they would find something to eat. As they went higher and higher, the slope became steeper. It was more and more difficult to climb. On the fifth day, Mary began to cry. “I want to go home. I’m tired of climbing. My legs are paining and my shoes are in holes!” Peter too was feeling tired and down-hearted. “Am I being foolish to drag my little sister up the mountain?” he thought. “Should we turn round and go home again?” Suddenly he heard a whisper “Look up!” He looked and his eyes opened wide. There, up on the top of the mountain, he could see a shining palace…And from every window and door, and even from the roof there were people waving and cheering them on. “Well done Peter! Well done Mary! Keep going. You have almost reached!” The children forgot their tiredness and their aches and pains. They began to run up the steep slope. They ran and ran and at last came to the end of the road. There they saw a wonderful sight: In front of the palace were hundreds of happy, loving people, smiling and clapping and waving their hands. They saw their father and mother also in the crowd. And at the entrance of the palace they saw a king standing, waiting for them… What a grand, kind, handsome, loving king he looked! His arms were opened wide. “Welcome home, my son! Welcome home, my daughter!” The two children ran into his arms and he hugged them tenderly. Peter said to Mary “Now I know why Daddy called us up the mountain. This is our real home, not the little hut down there!” • Dear children, this is a made-up story, but it reminds us of something absolutely true. Heaven is like a wonderful palace on top of a high mountain. God is the great king who welcomes each of us to our real home. Many people have reached the top and are happy with God. • But it is difficult to climb this mountain. Sometimes we feel like giving up. We don’t want to follow God any more. But if we remember who is waiting for us, we will not give up. Today God is encouraging us to look up to heaven. All the saints are there, cheering us on. Let’s remember them and keep climbing .[Refer to poster] APPROPRIATE HYMNS ENTRANCE: Lets Go up to Zion • OFFERTORY: On This Day of Joy FIRSTHe READING: AHis reading from COMMUNION: Brought Me To Banqueting Tablethe RECESSIONAL: We are On Our Way

PREPARATION REQUIRED: Practice the readings. • Make poster and put up.

book of Revelation:

I, John, saw a large crowd with more people than could be counted. They were from every race, tribe, nation and language, and they stood before the throne and before the Lamb. They wore white robes and held palm branches in their hands, as they shouted, “Our God, who sits upon the throne, has the power to save his people,

PSALM: Response: Such are the people who seek your face, O Lord. Who shall climb the They will receive The earth and mountain of the Lord? blessings from the everything on it belong Who shall stand in his holy Lord and reward to the Lord. from the God who The world and its people place? The one with clean hands and a pure heart saves them. belong to him. Who does not want Such are the people It is God who set it on worthless things. who seek your face, the seas On the water he made it ALLELUIA: done away with death

Alleluia, alleluia. Our Saviour Jesus Christ has and brought us life through the gospel. Alleluia.

GOSPEL: Matthew.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to St.

When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on the side of a mountain and sat down. Jesus’ disciples gathered around him and he taught them: “God blesses those people who depend only on him. They belong to the kingdom of heaven. God blesses those people who grieve. They will find comfort! God blesses those people who are humble. The earth will belong to them! God blesses those people who want to obey him more than to eat or drink. They will be given what they want! God blesses those people who are merciful. They will be treated with mercy! God blesses those people whose hearts are pure. They will see him! God blesses those people who make peace. They will be called his children! NB. All Readings are taken from the ‘Lectionary for Masses with Children’

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